Today, we're going to take another look at the Sun square Neptune. We'll explore some of the major themes that arise with Sun-Neptune dynamics and highlight things you might notice manifesting in your life right now.
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Hey, everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we're going to take a look at Sun square to Neptune again. Yesterday, we looked at it from the standpoint of some of the shadows of solar dynamics and the kind of karmic entanglements that we need to watch out for, especially since the Sun right now is the ruler of the Mars Retrograde, Sun squaring Neptune.
From that standpoint, we gave some warnings and instructions about what traps to avoid karmically. I think that was a fun episode. Today, we're going to look at it from a slightly different point of view. We’re going to focus on some of the major themes that come up around Sun-Neptune dynamics, which are also things to watch for right now and might manifest in your life.
I like to do this sometimes—reflecting on a transit in a deep, philosophical, or spiritual way, and then stepping back to reflect in a more mundane way, like “Here’s what to watch for.” So, we’ll do that today.
Before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe, share your comments and reflections. I love to hear from you guys. Click the notification bell for updates if you want to know when we’re doing a live stream. We’ve got another one coming up this Friday morning at 10am Central Time, 11am Eastern. Hope to see some of you there!
You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on the website, I'm going to take you over there right now to show you two events we have coming up this week.
Thursday night, I’m doing my webinar on the Sixth House. You can sign up to register under the Events page. Go to Live Talks, and you’ll see a register button for the Sixth House webinar. It’s from 7 to 9pm Eastern on Thursday night. We’re going to look at the Sixth House, why it’s a difficult house, and how to get the most out of it. This is great if you have a loaded Sixth House, or if you’re a practitioner or student. I think you’ll really enjoy this talk.
You can also get the recording if you can’t attend the live webinar, so don’t worry about that. If you can’t make it live, also check out the Events page and click on In-Person Events. This Saturday, we’re having a Winter Solstice gathering here in Minneapolis at the Grapevine Collective, the New City Center. It’s from 6 to 8:30pm. It’s free to attend, just RSVP so we know you're coming. We appreciate that, and we hope to see you there!
It’ll be a fun night with a little movement, some meditation, and ritualizing the solstice.
And, of course, right now, I’m in promotion for the annual Kickstarter campaign. Our goal is to get to 19,137 backers by January 1. We still need about 1,400 backers to get there by then, and as of the time I’m making this intro, we have just under two weeks left to reach that goal. We need a big push here at the end. We’re doing well so far, so thank you to everyone who has already pitched in and donated to support the channel and all the free content in 2025. Much appreciated.
And of course, there are lots of great rewards available. I’ll tell you about those rewards, including major discounts on all of our online courses and programs, our Year 1, 2, 3, and Horary programs—four years worth of programming that can give you our kind of master’s certificate, so to speak, in counseling astrology. These sales only happen this time of year. There’s also a lot of other great stuff you can pick up as a reward. But any donation helps—$5 helps, $10 helps. I’ll tell you more about those rewards at the end and take you over to the Kickstarter campaign.
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Also, you can scroll down and see all the rewards we offer in the tiers, like the Astrology of 25 video, my book being released in audiobook form and text before being in print. You can get your year-ahead horoscopes—about eight hours of content, with 30 to 45-minute year-ahead horoscopes for all 12 signs. You get all of them when you donate at the $100 level. That’s a great deal. All of our courses are listed there as well.
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Nightlight is about building the success of other astrologers and students studying astrology, and making sure that doesn’t just mean that people who have a certain amount of money can take our programs. They’re really good programs, and I believe deeply in them. We want to make sure they’re accessible for people.
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So if you value that, please consider donating and supporting our channel. We need a lot of help before we get to the New Year, so pitch in if you haven’t yet. We really appreciate it.
On that note, let’s dive into our content for the day.
All right, let's go ahead and get into it. We're going to continue looking at the Sun square to Neptune today. I'm going to go ahead and put it up on the chart, and I've got five things that you can watch for as this aspect is perfecting today. Of course, we are talking about Wednesday, December 18.
So let me get this up on the... where’s my epic pen? Here's my epic pen. All right, let’s pull this over here. I don’t know where it was. It hides. All right, so you can see the Sun at 27 Sagittarius, squaring Neptune at 27 Pisces. They're both in Jupiter-ruled signs, and this makes for a very fiery, charismatic, emotional combination of the Sun and Neptune. I’ll say a little bit more about that as we go.
But this list that I’ve come up with is focused on the combination of the Sun and Neptune, which would be consistent for any Sun-Neptune forecast, but also with the Jupiter-specific signs in mind—Pisces and Sagittarius. Excuse me.
So this aspect was starting to perfect yesterday, within a degree. We took a look at this yesterday from the standpoint of some of the shadows and potential karmic entanglements that can come up, especially as the Sun is also the ruler of Mars Retrograde right now. And so we sort of looked at the potential for grandiosity, entanglements of the ego, and the ways to stay aware of those things and work around them.
Hopefully, today, we’re going to look at it from a slightly different standpoint—five things to watch for that you may notice or observe as manifestations of the symbolism in your life. Most of these are more constructive, because we really did look at some of the shadows yesterday. But there are maybe a few little notes here about how this can show up to also be careful of.
But anyhow, let’s get into it. The first one I have on my list is inspiration. When the Sun and Neptune are squaring one another in any sign, one of the things that happens is there is a sense of romantic idealization that can permeate our consciousness. Suddenly, we are seized by images of things that are very beautiful.
There's a word that goes along with this—“sublime.” Something sublime. Something big and beautiful and vast, like looking out from the top of a cliff or mountain landscape and just seeing the entire vast scenery and thinking, "Wow, this is sublime. This is so big, so beautiful."
So, there’s a sense of things reaching some kind of full and very beautiful, almost otherworldly romantic state. That’s very common to feel inspired by under a Sun-Neptune transit—the sense of romantic, spiritual, otherworldly, imaginative inflation. And it doesn’t have to be unreal. Inflation is maybe expansion is another word, right?
Especially with these Jupiter-ruled signs, Sagittarius and Pisces, we think about the Sun-Neptune combination with a sense of otherworldly, hopeful, buoyant, upbeat energy. There’s a sense of things being true, grand, beautiful, and fulfilling.
When the Sun and Neptune come together, there’s often a sense that the universe is conspiring somehow to remind you that you’re in a good place. You’re in a sacred place. You are in a holy place. And that has the sense of being inspiring.
Now, let’s look at the etymology of the word "inspire." Here it is... sorry, I had to pull it up on my screen. From Latin inspirare, meaning to "fill the mind or heart with grace," to "prompt or induce" something. It also means "to blow into" or "to breathe upon," to inspire, to excite, to inflame, and also has links to the idea of the breath.
Now, that makes sense too. You can feel that inspiration has a connection to a breath of life that comes through us somehow—the breath of life, the spirit of life, the indwelling Spirit that inspires. These are images that are totally appropriate for not only the use of the word inspire but for the connection to the Sun-Neptune transit.
That sense that life is dull and monotonous, routine-filled with predictable people, situations, and realities—like suffering, impermanence, change, the worst or most base qualities among us—often rearing their ugly heads over and over again.
You know, in our day-to-day lives, or in our workplaces or relationships, feeling like, "God, here we are dealing with this again." And then, we get a transit—often Jupiterian, or Neptunian, or Solar—that at their best can remind us, "No, no, there’s a bigger purpose. There is beauty. There is hope. There is faith. There is redemption. There is healing. There’s a reason for being here. There is meaning. There is purpose."
All of those give us the feeling like the Flame of Life is coming alive within us again and connecting us to some larger, redemptive sense of reality. That is very Sun-Neptune, and it can be very minute.
Don’t underestimate this transit’s ability to show up in the cracks and crags of your life, in some small moments that happen. I’ve noticed, for example, that Hilda—she’s asleep in her bed right over there—but Hilda is someone who changed something about my heart. She’s a rescue, and I can’t explain it, but there was a Neptune transit in my life connecting through the Sixth House, and some other things related to animals.
Anyway, the point is that even your relationship with something like a dog or a cat, going through a little period of time where, you know, animals have a way of even reminding us that life is sacred and beautiful. Hilda has definitely done that for me.
I use that as a small example, because sometimes we think that it has to do with finding our purpose in the biggest, grandest sense, or that inspiration is only available to us through huge epic storylines that are very public, or that make us into something famous.
In the ancient sense, the connection to something like inspiration—the Sun—would be as simple as... I mean, have you ever just walked out in the morning, taken a walk first thing in the morning, and maybe there was something lingering, some bad feeling, some heaviness?
And you go outside and take a deep breath, catch a glimpse of the sun coming up, and there’s just that intangible feeling of, "It’s all good. It is, it is well with my soul."
That feeling—that’s a Sun-Neptune feeling, and it could come through anything. It could come through your child. It could come through some small moment of mercy, grace, compassion, empathy, peace, or acceptance.
It can come through connection to something, and it just has the effect of feeling like... like a water that’s cleansing. Just like a spring shower. So, watch for that light, healing, purifying, cleansing watery light. Like baptism.
It’s a great Sun-Neptune image—baptism. Take the best of that idea, that concept, that ritual, and think to yourself, "How does the cosmos baptize me today? How does it cleanse me with water that’s not just water, but is also the presence of some kind of healing spirit?"
So, watch for that. It’s a beautiful part of a Sun-Neptune transit that’s often available for us.
Number two: faith and hope. There is a general way in which we walk through life knowing that there’s... like, a tentative way we walk through life. "I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m anxious about what’s going to happen. I think, I hope it happens like this, but I don’t know. I’m really worried it’ll go like that."
I mean, half of at least half of the astrology clients I’ve seen in my practice come in with anxiety about an outcome, about some area of their life. It’s very normal to walk through life with uncertainty, and there’s a certain extent to which I think doubt and uncertainty, and that tentative, reverent, careful way of walking—without false confidence, pride, or arrogance—is very important.
On the other hand, isn’t it true that we... I mean, you know what it’s like when you have a day where you’re just singing. You’re singing your way through the day. That’s not false confidence. That’s not pride, not ego, not false certainty about how things will go. That’s faith and hope just carrying us.
And the song you sing on a day like that is usually one that gets stuck in your head. You know, it’s like a song that, hopefully, doesn’t drive you crazy, but one that gets stuck in your head that you love. It’s uplifting. And you just... your shoulders and your hips are just moving, throughout the day. They’re carrying you.
That faith and hope is very Sun-Neptune, and there’s no need for a reason. There’s no reason that it needs to be there. That’s the most beautiful thing about grace and love—it shows up on its own sweet timing.
And the most beautiful thing we can say about it is, "I didn’t do anything to deserve this." You know? Nobody needs to do anything to deserve this. It’s just sweetness coming through, like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. It’s that simple.
There’s a feeling of, "Let myself just be in it." And it carries us. So watch for that song to come through right now. It’s a beautiful part of a Sun-Neptune transit, especially when they’re both in Jupiter-ruled
signs, which grants us that sense of the universe conspiring for the good, for order, for meaning, for balance, for justice, for truth, for beauty.
Zeus, at its best, has that idea of unity and coherence behind it. Zeus, Jupiter being the ruler of both of these signs, obviously confusion and clarity.
The other thing that can happen with the Sun-Neptune is that because they’re square to one another, there can be a sense of having lost our way. Like you’re at sea, and the clouds are covering the stars, and you can’t navigate.
However, these interludes in our life where there is some feeling of being lost or confused and unclear—that we’re missing the Sun somehow—are usually... like Gandalf says, "All those who wander are not lost."
So there’s wandering that happens with the Sun-Neptune, but if we can just allow for those kinds of interludes to exist, just allow, just say, "Oh, I’m in a space of wandering or confusion or lack of clarity."
"Ah, this... it’s cloudy. You know, in my psychic field, there’s cloudiness. Okay, I’ll trust that the clouds will break, and the stars will reappear." And then they often do. It’s very typical for a Sun-Neptune transit to result in confusion alternating with clarity, and also for confusion to give way to clarity.
It’s like all of a sudden, I’m feeling clear, where I realized for a while I’ve been feeling cloudy. And then all of a sudden, that clarity appears, and you go, "Oh my God, there’s the Sun again. There’s the stars again. I can navigate my ship."
So watch for that juxtaposition.
Number four: projection, deception, and illusion. The potential for the Sun, which is associated with ancient astrologers as a higher intelligence of the mind. There’s the rational, discriminating intelligence—like street smarts.
And then there’s some sense of higher intelligence by means of which we perceive or apprehend things of a higher nature, like archetypes, metaphysics, philosophy. There’s a sort of higher, more abstract form of knowledge.
We think about the allegory of the cave from Plato’s Republic. The philosopher makes their way out of the cave and into the light of the real world, where the light of the real Sun is shining, illuminating the true forms. That’s the kind of higher intelligence associated with things like enlightenment.
By the way, the sun and enlightenment and this process of coming to understand higher truths is all associated with the ninth house where the sun rejoiced. So of course, along the way, when the sun comes in contact with Neptune, the shadow, if clarity and higher truth and illuminating understanding of higher or otherworldly realities is a sun-Neptune thing, then so too is the potential for projection, deception, illusion, intoxication—much of which we talked about yesterday, with the traps of the ego that come up with the sun square Neptune. And remember, the Sun is hosting Mars Retrograde right now.
Finally, overwhelm. Overwhelm is a very sun. Any kind of Neptune experience can be overwhelming. By overwhelming, it means that we lack the power to cope with or control or deal with a flood of events, emotions, changing circumstances, feelings, and it just becomes like a flood—like the literal waters that are often going to be associated with Neptune transits. But the sense is usually that of flooding, overwhelming, spreading, or streaming.
And so the potential for something to spread, flood, overwhelm, or become very all-pervading is there with this Sun-Neptune aspect. We have to be careful that when overwhelming situations arise, we are patient with them. There's a hexagram in the I Ching, hexagram 59, called Dispersion, and it talks about the tendency for things to disperse. The hexagram is also about how to keep things holding together when there is a tendency for dispersal.
When we get overwhelmed, it's easy for us to disperse. For example, when we get overwhelmed, we often begin a pattern of emotional eating, not sleeping, not hydrating well, dropping our exercise routines, not going for a walk, not communicating, or dropping healthy habits. It’s understandable—we reach for things that we think, “Oh, this will fix that. I’m just feeling very overwhelmed. I need something right now to help me feel stable.”
One of the most important things we can do in spaces of overwhelm is to tell ourselves that it’s okay that we are feeling overwhelmed. We need to slow down and gently turn to things that offer actual nourishment and self-care. This is healing, not self-care that is punitive, strict, or rigid. We have to reach for things that will gently nourish but keep us from dispersal.
So, that’s something to consider too: the dispersion of energy, as opposed to holding a gentle center when things get overwhelming. That’s a very Sun-Neptune dynamic—something I see at play in the lives of people who have Neptune transiting their natal Sun frequently. Periods of overwhelm. How do I get through it? There’s the potential for people to fall into things like drinking, or any kind of dependency that helps us deal with overwhelm.
It’s very understandable that we would need things when we're overwhelmed, especially when there’s trauma. But this is a transit that is much better when it comes to reaching for gentle, compassionate, easy, and sensitive ways of dealing with overwhelm, as opposed to quick fixes or intoxication that come as a kind of shadow medication for the overwhelm. You know what I mean? So, be careful of that.
Otherwise, the overwhelm can also be about a flood of epiphanies, bliss, insight, imagination, or romance. It could feel like a fugue state creatively that comes through. Watch for that kind of creative overwhelm—it can be just really lovely.
So we’ll leave it there. Five things to watch for—five simple things to watch for on this day of Sun squaring Neptune. I hope this was useful for you, and that you’ll get something good out of it. Stick around after I sign off, and you’ll learn more about the rewards that are available when you support the channel. Of course, we have a webinar coming up this week, on Thursday night. I talked about it, so be sure to check that out.
We have a long way to go to get to our backer total, so anything and everything you can do is super helpful. All donations of any amount help, and of course, you can learn more about the rewards next that we offer, which are pretty cool too.
All right, take it easy. Bye.
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