Meanwhile, here’s what to watch for with the Sun/Uranus square:
* Flashes of brilliance
* An “aha” moment
* The desire to be free, single, or independent
* The urge to individuate
* Challenges to authority, convention, or the status-quo
* Defiance, rebellion, and innovation
* The need to assert oneself, to follow one’s unique call or pattern
* A sudden or unexpected event, perhaps coupled with a rush of excitement, enthusiasm, or illumination
* The egotistical Avante Garde
* The urge to assert one’s uniqueness in the face of limitations, authority, rules, or structure
* The call to create
* Capturing or channeling lightning
* Heart attacks/heart awakenings/surges of electrical impulses
* The sudden breakup of structures or traditions
* The impulse to change, transform or rapidly mutate
Given that Mars retrograde is also closely involved by t-square, the amount of “yang” energy symbolized in the sky right now is pretty intense. As a culture that is often obsessed with the notion of progress, even spiritually, it may be tempting to fall into the trap of thinking that willfulness and aggression are justified right now in order to advance our sense of righteousness. On the other hand, how many times have we regularly cowered in fear and allowed for our own ignorance or personal shortcomings or limitations to dictate the course of our lives? Is today the day for a personal and spiritual breakthrough?
Prayer: Awaken us. Illuminate the path before us. Help us to see the truth and to remove, with great joy and great kindness, all that stands before us and pure devotion to you.
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