Today, we're going to overview the significant astrological events for April, setting the stage for an engaging month ahead. Next Monday, Alex and I will dive into detailed horoscopes, offering insights tailored to each sign. I'm grateful for the talented individuals who've stepped in during my absence, enriching our community with their expertise. Their contributions reflect the depth and diversity within the field of astrology, and I look forward to continuing to showcase such talent.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from nightlight astrology. Today, we are going to take a look at all of the major astrological transits for the month of April. On Monday of next week, we'll be doing horoscopes with Alex, and I will be coming back from a little vacation time. I've had some people filling in for me as I've been gone. And I'm really happy that you guys have enjoyed and appreciated their work so much. Certainly, it's been. Yeah, it's just it's a real, it's a real honor to have so many talented people that have come through nightlight who, you know, I hope that giving them a little space to share their work is helping give back to the greater astrological community and, and I hope to do more of that in the future. Anyway, a big thanks to everyone who's been so kind and welcoming to our guests over the past couple of weeks of programming. I really appreciate it.
Anyway, today is the major astrological transit of April, and before we get into it, as always, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share your comments and reflections. If you'd like, there is a transcript of all of my daily talks on the website There are two things that I am in the midst of promoting right now. As we are rounding the corner into spring enrollment season, I want to point you over to the Nightlight website for a few things that are going on. Of course, if you go to the Live Events page and the live talks tab, you can see that the talk Uranus in Love is on April 18. That's coming up. If you miss the March and February talks on Pluto and Neptune in love, you can pick those up. But you might want to register now for the Uranus love talk on April 18. And if you can't make it live, you can always receive the recording link afterward. Then, the other thing is to go to the first-year course, and you will see that the new program, our first-year program, ancient Astrology for the modern mystic, begins on June 16.
So, we are now officially in the spring enrollment program. The early bird payment plan is in effect; you can use a 12-month payment plan or tuition assistance. So apply now that's all open for enrollment. And if you need any help with the program at all, remember we do have need-based tuition; you can apply for that. We'd like to make sure that nobody is priced out of studying astrology. I'll be talking more about the program in the weeks to come.
The other thing that I'm in the midst of promoting, of course, is Ashley's program, which starts at the end of April. And that you can find on her website, which is skyhouse If you click on the Courses page, go to the herbal foundation's apprenticeship, scroll down, and you can learn more about it. It starts on April 24. She also has need-based tuition; you want to study herbal medicine from an energetic spiritual point of view but also get a strong background in science and things like phytochemistry and all that good stuff. She has a really good blend of both paradigms.
So anyway, I think you guys will like that. And if you stick around at the end of today's program, you know that I have been sharing an interview with Ashley about her programs. So, after today's content is finished, stick around if you want to learn more about Ashley and her work and the upcoming program; you can also find her on YouTube @skyhouseherbs if you want to follow her weekly herbal medicine content. So, I've been really happy to help support her programs. She's always supported mine over the years. We've been working together as partners; we owned a yoga studio for a long time, and we've been teaching herbs and astrology together for about 14 years.
So yeah, it's cool to see how that work has been evolving, and it's great to see your program back in action. Okay, so on that note, we have a ton of transits in the month ahead to get after, and I'm gonna go ahead and put them up one at a time while I also put up the real-time clock and walk you through all of them.
Let's start on April 1. We're going to walk through the transits of the month, and I do not give an in-depth analysis. I do sort of brief coverage because what I'm really doing in this video is setting us up and giving us a sneak preview of what we're going to be speaking about throughout the month ahead. So these are the transits we will be covering in one way or another throughout the month of April on my regular content.
Let's start on April 1 with Mercury stationing and turning retrograde in Aries. If you guys missed it, Alex Amorosi was a guest and gave a great talk on Mercury's upcoming retrograde through Aries. He actually spent some time talking about the presence of Chiron in the midst of Mercury's retrograde, which is a really interesting angle. Suppose you go back and listen to that talk. I think you'll really enjoy it. But certainly, Mercury turning retrograde in Aries is an interesting signature because we have the Solar Eclipse coming up this month in Aries, which really presses the gas pedal. It's an accelerant. It's like saying, let's let's throw a very fast, hot, burning fuel onto a fire.
So Aries exceptional likes to start things Mercury Retrograde is a bit revisionary, so I wonder if there's a bit of a process of revision or rethinking of something, as we're in the process of also launching it or pushing something forward, or almost like, you know, as you're in the process of launching a business isn't always happened that there's quite a few, like unexpected revisions you have to make to the website or, you know, launching new things and having a Mercury Retrograde present at the same time suggests that we should very least expect that we might have to be patient and do a little bit of revising and careful maneuvering as we are also sort of slamming on the gas pedal, that's the way that I would put it. We're going to be looking at that, of course.
Now, on April 3, just a couple of days later, we see Venus conjoining Neptune, and you will have content from me on that next week. The Venus-Neptune contact is very romantic. It's otherworldly; it's sensual. Of course, anytime Venus exalted Venus and Neptune get together, you have the potential for this sort of idealistic, dissociated romanticism. But you know, sometimes that's exactly what we need. We need to just leave the world for a minute. But I like this as artistic, imaginative, and sensual, elevating Goddess into the sort of ethereal, otherworldly realm of Neptune. So that's April 3, we're gonna be talking about that when next week.
Right after that, on April 4, Venus will then enter Aries; I'm going to push it forward one more day. So Venus entering Aries is interesting because this follows suit in terms of there being this huge sort of conflagration of fiery energy in Aries that's coming forth, including the upcoming solar Eclipse, which we'll talk about in a minute. Venus is technically in her exile in the sign of Aries because Venus is in a Mars-ruled sign. So she is dealing with or working with the tension of the Venus-Mars opposition that is natural throughout the Zodiac from Taurus to Scorpio and Libra to Aries.
This doesn't make for a bad Venus, but it makes for a Venus that's a little bit more assertive or aggressive. I think of this as the warrior goddess placement for Venus. And so you know, jealousy competition, that kind of competitive style of Venus might be on display for better or worse, but also the, the empowerment of the feminine qualities of Venus, which can be really nice, a way of becoming bolder, and more empowered in relationships more direct and assertive while not tipping the scales so badly that we lose diplomatic kind of diplomatic sensibility.
These are interesting things to watch as Venus enters Aries on April 6, and just a day later, Venus will make a sextile with Pluto in Aquarius. And that's interesting, especially because now we have just this little. It's a very spicy entrance, like right as Venus gets into Aries, which is pretty spicy. She's entering her exile; it's a fire sign. She immediately sextiles Pluto, but the sextiles to Pluto. I feel like this is pretty constructive. So maybe a spicy Venus will start her entrance into Aries.
But nothing that, you know, to me looks like Oh, watch out. This is really going to be tough for, you know, Venusian significations like love or sex or relationships or beauty art, women's friends, and all of the Venusian subjects. They may get some kind of bump. My thoughts are that this might be putting a spotlight on Pluto, which might be a little intense, but I think it is constructive and harmonious with Pluto there. Now, we go forward to April 8. This is one of the two major events of the month of April, which is the solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8 and the North Node solar eclipse in the sign of Aries. I mean, come on.
This is all about starting things. The Aries energy is really about the moment in the solar story, the symbolic solar story. This does not have to do with where you literally live or which hemisphere. But it's about the symbolic story of the moment when light takes over from darkness. And, of course, we have the sun exalted in the sign of Aries. And this is the home sign of Mars, the conquering hero, right?
So one of the things that happen is we get momentum, or we get the strength to overcome something or to be heroic or to stand up or assert ourselves or to individuate in some strong way or to stake our claim or have some kind of greater freedom. These are all Aries themes that could be amplified by this Eclipse, but also the theme of inceptions of starting something spring is the beginning of the light half of the year. And so the dawning or birthing of something new and a north node Eclipse likes to push into uncharted territory and likes to do new things that haven't been done before.
So there's a strong emphasis on a new bold area and push. It is interesting that at the exact same time, on April 10, let's move it forward by just two days. The ruler of the Eclipse, Mars, will be conjoining Saturn in Pisces. This makes me feel like because the ruler is in a double-bodied water sign that's feminine, that exalts Venus, and that Venus is in Mars's sign.
Although the Aries Eclipse feels very masculine and fiery, Mars, like there's a real, there's actually a kind of exchange between Mars and Venus as exultation. And Venus and Mars's sign, and also the kind of maturity and depth and wisdom of Saturn at its best, that are coming together here to say, look if you're going too fast, and this is sort of a macho, you know, in overly individualistic, egotistical drive to do something new, you're going to have some problems, you're going to face some complexities, or some challenges or obstacles or frustrations that will maybe thwart your will, especially if you're not being sensitive enough if you're not being intuitive and emotionally intelligent, Mars and Saturn and Pisces are a little bit of a check saying like, whatever direction you want to move forward with, you can do so.
But there's, yeah, there's some way in which we're being asked to, you know, just become wiser, more mature, not leave behind the feminine or the emotional sensitivities or the relational diplomacy. And that's not always easy for Aries or Mars in general. But here Mars is with Saturn, looking at a kind of most emotional maturity and emotionally centered use of the will that is focused and wise, not so impulsive, and that might come about because we have to deal with frustrations that are sort of getting in the way of this Cardinal push that we're feeling. That's April 10.
April 11. Mercury is cazimi in Aries. I think this is interesting because following on the same theme of wisdom, Mercury's cazimi at the heart of the sun, right ruled by Mars, who's just separating from Saturn, feels like a moment of growing wiser, not working harder, working smarter. Have you guys ever heard that before? You could add to that by not working harder but faster or stronger but working with more emotional tact. That would be a good one for this Mercury cazimi that is ruled by the Mars-Saturn conjunction that's just separating, but it's a moment of refining the power and sort of electricity of the Aries energy with greater emotional subtlety, depth, relational nuance, feminine care.
Anyway, we move on a little bit later in the month. Now we have a little bit of a lull, and then we get to the 19th, and Mercury Retrograde will conjoin Venus in Aries. And they'll both do so right around Chiron and the north node, which Alex covered in his talk. I thought that was fascinating. If you want to hear more about that piece of it, go back and listen to the video that he did on Mercury and Chiron. But here, we have a nice conjunction between Mercury and Venus, right around the north node. This feels harmonizing to me. And, of course, we are just about at the time of Jupiter's conjunction with Uranus, which is in Venus's sign and is serving as this very electric breakthrough.
So I like the idea that whatever Aries is initiating, it might be that we have to press the brake pedal a little bit or that we have to do some refining, revising, and reconsidering with tact and emotional sensitivity as needed. But then, on April 19, the Venus-Mercury conjunction through the retrograde around the North Node feels to me like progress. It feels to me like finding some kind of middle path, a temperance or an artful, careful bol,d, and assertive quality of mind and will, an emotion that can carry us in the direction we want to go. But there's just something about this Aries energy. As much as it wants to blast off, it is being forced to refine, mature, and be careful and thoughtful with others around it, so to speak.
Okay, um, on the 19th, Mars in Pisces will sextile Jupiter in Taurus. To me, this is like another sign that we are moving into a moment of tremendous synthesis because Mars is adding heat and intensity, but it's doing so from a very sensitive, subtle place, a feminine place, and its sextile which is harmonious aspect to Jupiter and Uranus who are about to conjoin and create the blast off of 2024 and that's what's next on the 20th then we get Jupiter and Uranus conjoining in the sign of Taurus.
We'll be talking about this at length throughout the month. Several videos that I've got planned for this one, but yeah, this is everything that we have been excited about this year. We really, the whole first half of the year, in some ways, has been about the story of Venus, and Venus being so empowered behind so many different dynamics in the sky all moving toward this moment of, you know, great expansion revolution and breakthroughs that Jupiter Uranus bring about. And it's always unexpected, exactly the way that they play out, too.
So we're going to talk a lot about, you know, how you deal with a transit whose nature is sort of expected the unexpected. You know, that's the thing that we don't talk about enough with Uranus. So we'll come around to that as the month goes on. On the 21st, just after, as if that transit isn't strong enough, the sun in Taurus will square, Pluto and Aquarius. And to me, this suggests that there is just a very powerful surge of creative energy that's kind of welling up from the unconscious. And it's very exciting. I mean, this is like, you know, to me, this is about a bold, powerful eruption of unconscious energy that is moving us in a new direction.
So very exciting, and again, a lot of it is like garden planning. It's like, I keep thinking of the image of Aquarius as the Platonic realm of the forms, the archetypes, the thoughts in the mind of God does that lofty Olympian feeling, and Taurus is right in the garden of Earth, like the nine of pentacles in the tarot. So I think of those two together, along with Jupiter Uranus, which bears some similar, similar combination of qualities. And I think that is like, Yeah, this is where we are really concerned with breakthroughs and development that have a very earthy impact that is connected to the realm of beauty, desire, and the body. That's it, but then on April 23, this is really interesting.
So then, on April 23, we get a Full Moon in Scorpio. And this is really, really important because that full moon in Scorpio will be T square, and it comes right off from the sun square Pluto, right? So it's a major Full Moon event in the sense that it's just very, very electric. Yeah, and it's close enough to the node where, you know, it's like, in some instances, you'll see that proximity the node creating even a tiny partial bit of an eclipse, but it almost is reminiscent of last year's spring Scorpio lunar eclipse if you guys remember that from 2023. A little bit of an echo of that.
Regardless, we are seeing just this powerful force: the Scorpio Full Moon here will sort of check and make us look at any shadows that the Torian and Aquarian idealism contains. It will make us look at stuff that's lurking beneath the surface if we need to and may act as a moment of tremendous catharsis. And then on April 25, Mercury turns direct in Aries, so we're kind of finishing up a process there. So we have that, and then on the 28th, I like this one a lot. Mars Neptune conjunctions. You guys have heard me talk about them at length in previous videos over the years, but Mars Neptune is kind of the Crusader, the missionary, the Joan of Arc quality.
I think it's tremendous that this idealistic fervor, such an emotional, theatrical, romantic, sort of crusading quality, is coming in the right on the heels of Jupiter and Uranus right on the heels of Sun-Pluto and the Full Moon in Scorpio. It's like, yeah, there's something that we're going to be feeling. This is a transit where you can see there's something we're going to be feeling really emotionally driven by or toward something that we feel is of great transcendental value. It has a kind of holy war feeling behind it.
Anyway, we'll talk more about that as well. April 29. Venus enters Taurus, where she is in her own home sign again, very dignified and under the beams of the sun but protected in her own chariot. And now Venus, the host of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, is in our home sign. The next new moon will be a New Moon in Taurus. It's a very powerful new moon. If you move this forward just a little bit, it's in May. But here we have that kind of right between the seventh and the eighth of May. This is, you know, a power-packed Taurus New Moon chart. Anyway, we'll do more on that later. But it's interesting just to see that Venus is getting back into her own dignity.
So Venus has been sort of spicy; you'll see her enter into a kind of earthly stable Taurus and change her mood a little bit around April 29. April 30, Mars enters Aries as if to say not so not so fast. You want peace, and I'm here to press the gas pedal down a little harder. And that's cool. We've got Mars in Aries dynamics, which is a very powerful placement for Aries. We're going to be starting to enact a lot of the themes of the Solar Eclipse; you'll find that as soon as Mars enters, we're off to the races. Mercury is now direct. We're not revising, editing, or becoming wiser or more mature before taking off. Now it's sort of take off, and it's pretty common that you don't see the blast off right on the day of an eclipse. Sometimes it takes a little doing.
This is, you know, three, four weeks out from the Eclipse on April 8. But then we see that, by that time, Mercury was direct again. Mars has entered Aries, Venus is in a more stable place, and Jupiter and Uranus are still separating within three degrees; I think you're gonna find that there's a little bit of a delayed blast off with the Aries Eclipse, and it wouldn't surprise me if it happened when Mars enters Aries at the end of the month. Alright, so, and then finally, on April 30, at the end of the month, it's also pretty spicy with Venus even though she's in Taurus. She's more stable. The first thing she does is square Pluto.
So yeah, there's this real. I mean, Venus again in Taurus square, Pluto. And Aquarius, to me, is a very idealistic combination. And there's a gathering of Venetian architects or something. And, but there are maybe some shadows that we have to look at some material from the unconscious that's coming up with Venus, square Pluto, and then again, at the exact same time, Mars is entering Aries. And so there's a little bit of an intense moment right at the end of the month with those two transits. And we'll be looking at those things together as well at the end of the month.
All right. Well, we have gotten through a little preview of all of the major transits of the month. I hope you found this useful. Stick around after I sign off. There's an interview that I did with Ashley about her plant spirit medicine program, which is about a year long and starts at the end of April. We have need-based tuition available for that program. Like we do all of our programs, and you can learn more about it after I sign off.
I hope you guys are having a good day. You'll have a great weekend, and we will see you for horoscopes on Monday with Alex Amorosi. Alright, take it easy, everyone. Bye.
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