Today I’ve posted my Astrology of the month for August 2021. I’d also love to know how the month of July has been for you – feel free to leave a comment below!
Hey everyone this is Acyuta-bhava from nightlight astrology. Today we're going to take a look at the astrology of August and break down all the transits one at a time. So here's the real time clock on the screen. And we're going to start at the beginning of the month and work our way through and tomorrow I will be doing Sun and rising sign horoscopes as well. So let's begin by looking at Mercury and the very first of the month Mercury is going to be cazimi. This is a good this is a very empowering moment for mercury generally speaking, when Mercury is cazimi, it's as though Mercury is seated on the throne and given the seal, or power of the king. Especially because the Sun is very well dignified. And Leo, I would look at this as a potential for empowered thought and powered speech. Getting a favour or you could think of anyone who's in power or authority granting you some kind of special privilege. If you needed someone to give you the approval for something, yes, you can build here or something like that really like this transit as a seal of approval, or someone with more authority granting you some kind of special privilege or something like that. It could be a moment where you know, we get a little high on our own, our ego gets a little high on itself. Maybe there's some sense of taking credit for something that's not our own. You have to be a little bit careful of those things. But mercury cazimi at the beginning of the month, really nice transit.
Now, as the month unfolds, one of the things that's going to be happening almost immediately is the Sun is going to oppose Saturn. Now, one of the reasons that this Mercury cazimi ends up being so interesting is because when the Sun is about to go through this very intense opposition with Saturn, you're also looking at the potential challenges to authority, or to the ego or to our pride. When Saturn comes up, it brings limitations it brings constraints or it brings some kind of outside perspective that may check the ego somehow. I also like this as a moment of creative contraction, as a moment where there's a deep feeling of, you know, evaluating, what am I doing with my life? What am I doing with my creative energy? What kind of pushback or feedback Am I getting from the universe that's causing me to grow or reflect upon my actions? So it's a moment of like, feeling tested, or challenged a moment of creative contraction. Also, certain kinds of prohibitions or blocks that come up and tell us No, you can't do this or, and how does our ego respond to that. Those are all good questions for the Sun, opposite Saturn, which comes through on the second of the month. Now as we go forward to the sixth of the month. And on the sixth of the month, the next thing that's going to happen for the sun as it will then square Uranus. So that square to Uranus after we've met the challenge of Saturn, then we have the breakthrough, the Epiphany, the realisation the feeling of liberation, or the feeling of break through that comes with the sun hitting Uranus, a moment of individuation, so we're being tested and then there's a spurt or a breakthrough, a like a growth spurt and a kind of breakthrough that follows it. So watch for those two to come back to back we'll be doing several videos on those as they unfold in the beginning of August, so sun opposite Saturn and sun square Uranus between the second and the sixth of the month.
If we go forward from there, we're going to go to the eighth of the month. And then we get a New Moon in Leo. And one of the things that I like about this New Moon is that it's riding the wave of that square to Uranus you can see the New Moon is happening right in a tight square with Uranus after having gone through the opposition to Saturn. So I like this next month - it's not gonna come right away because these are fixed signs, which means they're slower to develop generally speaking, the more steady and how they express themselves but, but deep, long lasting breakthroughs start to happen gradually for you this month, from the New Moon in Leo square Uranus onward. You could take this into you know, early September, you're going to be feeling you're going to be kind of riding a tide of accelerated growth. I like this coming on the heels of some of the feelings of limitation constraint contraction that we've gone through earlier in August and late July with the opposing the opposition excuse me from the sun. So I feel like that this might be the transit of the month in a way because it's really just telling us look, August is about breakthroughs and the kinds of breakthrough as well. The sun and moon in a new moon, in the sign of Leo, usually are going to point to, you know, your sense of dignity, pride purpose, what makes you special? What, where? Where should you be focusing your actions in order to actualize something that's completely unique to you. And also questions about pride and ego. Those are all being addressed this month, but they're getting that, that that kind of uranian lightning strike the electrical charge of Uranus saying grow, evolve, change breakthrough individuated. So I think this this moon cycle itself looks pretty nice. Now, when we go forward a little bit more to the ninth, Venus is going through some harder times. Some some harder times, because Venus is in its Venus's enter fall right now in Virgo. And also is going to go through an opposition to Neptune. Okay, for example, about four or five years ago, I lost my retainers, I had braces when I was a kid, I lost my retainers. And I was like, I need to go into an orthodontist and get a new retainers, like, my teeth are shifting again. And I didn't. So finally I go in. And I think I'm gonna get just new retainer, and I end up having to have some braces again for about six months. And that's kind of like paying the Piper for so if my speech sounds a little different, because I have these kind of like invisible braces on for six months. So I just got those, right. And that's as Venus entered her fall in Virgo that I went in and they were like, you know, you need these things. It's really, it's pretty easy, we can do it for you, you can see how your teeth are shifted, you know. So in the meantime. And it's interesting because at the exact same time, we started having some yard work done helping start the process of building my wife's herbal garden, we have a large community herbal medicine garden at our last house we're starting to build that in a barrier yard is like totally torn up. So Venus in Virgo can bring about these kind of this kind of deconstructive element for things and like for example, your smile or your your face, or your yard and its appearance or it can it can redo something, but it can sort of tear it apart as it's doing it.
For example, if someone comes into your home, and does an analysis of like what needs to be remodelled and how it can be made more beautiful, but you know you've got to tear it apart in the process like a remodel project is someone who's going to help you analyse the best solution to making your home look nicer, very Venus in Virgo. So being the reason I'm saying this is because Venus in Virgo this month in August is going to go through this complete transformation as well. Venus is going to oppose Neptune one of the main things that tends to happen when Venus opposes Neptune, especially in the you know, since Neptune has been in Pisces every time Venus does. So it's in Virgo, right. So whenever it does that, you're often going through a process of developing or cultivating a new vision or a new ideal, but it's one that's going to cause you to have to break things down and almost start over again or there. It's like, here's the dream. Here's the vision of love, bliss, happiness, romance in a relationship, for example, Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune, and you become completely aware with your partner of what the main issue is, that's been, you know, giving you problems. Okay, it's great to be aware of the issue. But now there's this overwhelming feeling like oh, like we have a lot of work to do to you know, make the relationship better or change a habit or pattern. Similarly, you could be looking, if you're an artist, you could be, you know, in the midst of a project, and you could get the vision for where you want to go. But all of a sudden, you realise I've got to overhaul the whole draft the whole manuscript. So Venus is going through a critical revision, a break down to build back up. The vision might be received around August 9, when Venus opposes Neptune, but it could also be could create some chaos along the way. Now, on the other hand, if you've been working with a vision, and it's just, it's not working, it's not going to work. It can't it's for some reason it can't work. This could be a moment of disillusionment. Oh, my vision is impossible. Oh, my vision can't happen. Oh, the thing that I thought would bring me joy isn't bringing me joy. Okay, so, for example, this is really funny. Around this time in August, I'm getting one of my old tattoos removed. And the really funny thing is the place that I scheduled it at - I know some people who recommended and it's, you know, comes highly recommended or whatever, but I was like, You got to be kidding me: The place is called fallen ink, fallen ink. So removing something that didn't work out you didn't like or that's no longer, you know, it's no longer attractive or something like that. And it's kind of disillusionment or dissolving of something that you found beautiful in the past, but that you've got to clean or you know, it'd be like, if you're, if your kids drew with markers on your wall, and you had to get some kind of special cleaner sort of Venus Neptune. On the other hand, Venus, Neptune can be very romantic and inspiring. Like I said, it can provide with some new vision, but usually with Venus in Virgo, there's going to be a list of things that have to happen, that might not be easy, or that might sort of, you know, it's a buzzkill that it's going to take work to get where you want to go, basically. So at any rate, I mean, it's so funny, I totally feel that way about my face in my mouth right now. Because I feel like I'm going back to seventh grade, like the last time that I had braces. And I keep I keep telling myself, okay, it's only six months. But yeah, it definitely feels that way. And the funny thing is with Venus in Virgo is usually there's a whole history of how you got to that place. How did it get this way? You know and what was neglected or what unconsciousness led to the place where you felt like, for example, for me, it was that I lost my retainers, and knew very well years ago that I should have gone into get them get them back. So there's always a backstory with this with planets in their fall that led to it and also trying to understand learn the lesson, how did it get to this place? How do I repair things? How do I move forward? Good things for for Venus right now this month.
Alright, so we're gonna go forward a day, Mercury will be opposite Jupiter on the 10th this could be a moment of sort of, you'd be a little bit careful of like the bombastic speech or like inflated mental or it can be kind of a grand dicing, for mental stuff or for communication. So be a little bit careful of like proud speech or proud proclamations or something like that. But it can also be just a really good a good transit for. Again, almost like I said earlier with the cazimi at the start of the month, this feeling of being empowered, or you know, kind of feeling bold and, and strong, saying things that come from the heart. Also, the difference between what your ego wants to say or think or what's on your mind that's important to you and your own personal sense of pride, Jupiter and Aquarius, maybe making you aware of some bigger picture. So the need to synthesise personal ego and pride with a larger set of values kind of Jupiter and Aquarius, watch for some of those tensions to come through around August 10. Now, I also I could see people purchasing like having to purchase things like technology computers, Mercury opposite Jupiter will often result in big victories or big announcements or big moves in the sporting world, because Mercury is a god that's associated with sports. And so Mercury opposite Jupiter can be scandals in sports, big deals in sports record breaking in sports. So watch for that right around the 10th. Or you go a little bit further, Venus will pick up dignity on the 16th moving into Libra. So at that point, you're going to see significantly improved conditions for Venus in its own sign as the evening star. Really feeling good around mid August for Venus of feeling like there's a big corner that has been turned for the Venusian stuff, maybe harder lessons early in the month with Venus stuff, or challenges or changes that Venus is dealing with that aren't necessarily easy. Then Venus goes into Libra things start to harmonise things start to feel a little bit better for Venus again.
We go forward to the 18th you're going to see at this point one of my favourite conjunctions of the whole year, which is a Mercury Mars conjunction in Virgo with mercury in its own domiciled and exalted really nice place for Mercury and Mars in terms of analysis, problem solving. You know, any anything where there's just a I would almost call it a Like if I'm, if I was, you know, in a science classroom, this would be the moment where I understand And something that's really complicated, a sophisticated algorithm and in no in a math class or something like that, or research, science, analytics, technical things, mental and intellectual breakthroughs can be a little sharp and critical this energy, but in terms of like problem solutions, problem solutions. Problem Solving, I should say, and in terms of our being able to articulate things, learn and develop new skills, mental and intellectual breakthroughs. I love this transit, I feel like it's one of the more constructive transits of the year, it's a get things done, transit, I'm understanding something, I'm forming an action plan. So just a really productive, earthy, practical, solution oriented transit, that I think again, one of my favourite conjunctions of the whole year when I was writing out my astrology of 2021. So that's the mercury Mars conjunction in Virgo, then on the 19th, you're going to have the sun opposite Jupiter, that can be quite like a heroic transit, but can also bring up issues again about personal pride and ego versus larger concerns, communities, larger visions, who or what is being marginalised at the cost of our own ego. On the other hand, sun Jupiter can be about authority, it can be about fame, it can be about success, it can be about breakthroughs, accomplishments, acknowledging something that we've earned or done. Sometimes, it's also going to be about challenges around fathers or authority figures and the virtuous versus, you know, potentially, you know, maybe virtue virtuous use of power and authority versus, you know, corruption of power and authority. So we'll look at those potential issues around the 19th. Now on the 22nd, we have a full moon that will also be coming through conjoined with Jupiter. So if I back this up just a little bit.
So here's the full moon, and you can see this full moon hits Jupiter, right is it you know, as opposing the sun. So I like this as a kind of an emphasis on Aquarian dynamics. Here's one thing that I am a little bit concerned about with Jupiter retrograding back into Aquarius, but the sun you know, opposing Saturn, and and at the beginning of the month, and kind of that opposition a couple of opposition's with Jupiter, I also wonder about what's going to happen in the collective. Right now, what kinds of challenges may come up. And, essentially, you know, how those challenges may act as tests to the personal will or ego For example, let's say mask mandates come back, whether you're a fan of all this or not, is not the point. I'm not arguing for anything in particular here, but I could see this full moon with Jupiter retrograding back into Aquarius, being indicative of, you know, the some kind of collective agenda. It's Jupiter and Saturn sign collective laws, mandates, rules, regulations, things like that. But they're also, you know, opposing the sun and Leo, which has to do with Well, the, the rights of the individual. So the rights or the freedoms of the individual versus the needs or mandates of the collective, I could see that being a big deal around late August, as the full moon comes through. We'll be talking about that later in the month as well. So anyway, I'm not trying to get political here, just calling it like I see it so and then finally, Mercury will be opposite Neptune on the 24th of August. So again, we're just previewing these we'll be breaking these down as the month goes on. Lots of good content to create for you guys in August, Mercury opposite Neptune. I like mercury opposite Neptune transits because they often if there's something that you're trying to work through, there's this other worldly solution that comes about from Neptune, whereas Mercury tends to be a little bit more rational, technical mental, Neptune will provide some kind of otherworldly insight or way of approaching something. On the other hand, the irrational the supernatural, the mystical versus the rational, earthy and practical. You might see those kinds of energies in more of a tense dialogue with one another in late August, for example. You know, the questions about whether or not fear and this is going going back to what's happening potentially in the collective by late August. Oh, is are you just going to live in fear? Are you going to are you going to Have some degree of faith? Are you going to trust science? Or you know, and I'm not, I'm not necessarily saying the two are opposed to one another. But those kinds of dialogues about, for example, you know, I've This is just what I've heard from clients what I see on social media, I'm not getting vaccinated, I trust my health, oh, you're not getting vaccinated? You don't trust science? Oh, you're, you know, like, these kinds of back and forth right now. Could be between where you place your faith, what's reasonable and what's not? What's rational? What's irrational? What, you know, where does intuition play a role? What is alternative or, you know, a more natural approach to mind body health or healing versus something scientific? Or what's the potential synthesis between these two areas, you're gonna see the potential for real conflict around those things, you know, essentially, right, as we are, you know, coming towards the end of August, right as Mercury goes through the opposition with Neptune, so that's like, August 24. That'll be by the way right after the full moon. Which, let me just back this up just a bit. You can see this you're gonna see that full moon at late Leo. And you can see right after the full moon comes through late Aquarius, excuse me and opposes the sun at late Leo, then it moves into Pisces and goes right into that opposition. You know, the, the moon goes right along into the opposition with mercury, and Neptune. So I think that full moon has the potential to bring up conversations about, you know, reason and science versus faith, something holistic versus something. You know, what is it called Allah like allopathic medicine versus something non tradition, I just think you're going to see the tension between all those kinds of things coming up in late August, though, quite a bit. Okay. Anyway, so those are my that's my two cents for the month. Spoken like a seventh grader with braces on my teeth again.
So anyway, I hope you guys have a really good month of August and look forward to doing breaking down horoscopes for you guys tomorrow. So stay tuned for that. And then we'll be diving into these transits right away next week. I also hope that you guys took a moment to watch the video I made yesterday on the three misconceptions about areas. I'll be doing those three misconceptions for all 12 signs basically. So that'll be really fun as well. Alright, hope you're doing well. Take it easy, everyone. Bye.
i have read what you wrote honestly so so so TRUE my husband has been very rude and changed the past week he is tauraus and i am a leo our anniversiary and my birthday was last week and anniversary on august 8th and the past week he changed his hair cut’ and been very rude and mean to me, also avoiding me and sleeping and lol takes his phone to bed with him and i dreamed about a snake bititng me this week lol i read the signs of the 8th house thats his zodiac sign for the new moon and i am a leo the 1st house of the new moon you are so correct and its absouloutley crazy i never beileved in this before at all very christian women but yet what u say is so true thank you so much now please help me understand it because i am about to give up and dont understand why. i am a leo lol we are love, peace.,, patient, kind but then can easily not take anymore at all what do i do please respond and u can publish my message because everything u said and talked about is so true i am a witness to that