Today I’ve posted my Astrology of the month for February 2021. I’d also love to know how the month of January has been for you – be sure to leave a comment below!
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at the astrology of February. So I have a short list of transits this month because things are pretty concentrated, and I'm also trying to pare it down a little bit to make it manageable. I'm still in the midst of finishing up Kickstarter recordings. And so what I've done is tried to shrink it just a little bit to make it just a little bit more manageable for me to talk about. Happy Friday, everybody. By the way, I hope that you're having a nice week, and that the full moon treated you well yesterday.
One of the big events of this month comes toward the very beginning when Venus enters the sign of Aquarius. Now, just as Venus does this, Venus is coming under the beams of the Sun. That happens when Venus starts to move within about 15 degrees of the Sun. That's the average space within which a planet disappears from view in the sky because the Sun's light is such that it will drown it out if it's that close in zodiacal longitude. So you get that Venus within about 15 degrees and it disappears. This means that Venus is entering back into transformative phase and will be eventually emerging again as the evening star after having been the morning star for quite a while. Now, as this is happening, we are going to see Venus immediately engage in something that could technically be called a translation of light. Which means that Venus is going to move and get into a conjunction with Saturn, and then move straight into the square with Uranus. Now the problem is that Uranus is really not visible to the naked eye. So I'm kind of torn as to whether or not you consider this a real translation of light or not, I don't think it matters too much. The concept is what's important. And that is that Venus will hit Saturn and then go right to Uranus. Let's look at when this happens because this is the event of the early part of the month that I have my eye on. So you're gonna see as this is happening, of course Venus is getting closer to the Sun. Now when that happens, Venus is losing its power. Venus is in a sense dying. And going through a rebirth of course, when Venus will emerge again as the as the evening star. The Goddess goes through these different phases, and they're all beautiful, they all have something to share with us. As this is happening, Venus will go through the conjunction with Saturn. So here you can see the conjunction to Saturn, forming between the fifth you can see right here on February 5 that Venus gets into the conjunction with Saturn to go forward a day into the sixth that will have passed over and immediately on the sixth is now going into the square with Uranus and Taurus at six degrees. Now Uranus is in Venus's sign. So if you use the classical logic This means that there is reception between the two planets and my phone is buzzing so I'm going to turn this thing off. Alright so because Uranus is in Taurus, Venus the sign there's some connection here that is not there's some there's some What do you want to say you can you can consider it to be a beneficial condition when Uranus in Taurus or any planet in Taurus is connecting with Venus because that's the host of that temple of the bowl. So it's not like this is the absolute worst thing in the world because there is reception between Venus and Aquarius and the planets in Taurus right now. But at any rate, that's the big moment at the beginning of the month. So what does it mean that Venus will conjoin Saturn and square Uranus? Well, part of it is a preview for what's coming later in the month around the 17th, which we'll be talking about in a minute when Saturn squares Uranus. So that's why it's called a translation of light because Venus is essentially bringing the energy of Saturn, together with the energy of Uranus and tying them together in a kind of Venusian way, but a square of course, doing it through a square which is of the nature of Mars means that Venus is going to try to soothe and harmonise some of the rougher edges of this Saturn Uranus dynamic and it is it can be a very volatile dynamic.
So early in the month, what are some of the things that I see I'm just going to write down before I break Get up. But what kind of kind of chop it up into individual little parts. I want to talk about the general things that you can see Venus between, let's say, the sixth and seventh or religious make it a little broad and let's say February 5 to seventh we'll try to harmonise the tension between the conservative element of Saturn and the revolutionary element of Uranus. So that's the simplest way of understanding Saturn and Uranus, Saturn is a bit more of the is a bit more of the planet that is going to be limiting, confining, restricting, grounding, restraining, it's more serious and mature, focused and disciplined. It does a little bit better with structure and tradition not that Saturn can't. Saturn is a planet associated with outsiders, outcasts, things that are falling apart, degenerating decay, liminal spaces, even mystical spaces. But Saturn can also be the kind of curmudgeonly, you know, defiant resistant to change type of planet. So Venus is going to try to bring Saturn together with revolutionary, rebellious, innovative, sudden disruptive eccentric Uranus. So watch for some attempt to harmonise conservative versus a kind of revolutionary impulse. That's at play, and those two impulses are conflicting with one another. But Venus is sort of trying to bring them together. I would think about it like this. And you could just use this as like an analogy. Let's say that one of your kids, of course, my kids always come to mind, you know, let's say your kids are like, hey, I've got this great idea. And you listen to it, and you're like, hey, that's a really good idea. Like, the other night, my daughter, we got this little puppet show thing for Christmas. So it's like a pup, it's like a little theatre, fake stage thing, there's a little curtain, and you can duck behind it, and then hold up these, you know, little puppets and make your own puppet show. And, you know, my daughter got this great idea, you know, 10 minutes before bedtime, that we have the that we have like an Academy Award production downstairs. And she had all these ideas. And I was like, that is so great. And it's bed time there. Saturn, right, so Uranus is like, I've got this groundbreaking, you know, exciting thing that we should do and Saturn's like, I'm sorry. We've already started your bathwater, forget about it. And then you know, of course, you know, it's likely that the bathtime is going to turn into a total terrorist attack children holding parents hostage making demands ransoms being offered. So like, that's kind of the dynamic in general going on between Saturn and Uranus this month. And Venus is trying to sort it out. You know, and I can just hear my wife being like, Well, okay, wait, we still have 15 minutes before we're really supposed to start bath time. So maybe we could go down and just play for a minute. And I'm over here like Saturn like, No, no, no. Because when we go down there, if we start, and then we try to stop it, they will kill us. They will mutiny and they will kill us. So we can't we're, you're feeding into them. It's a trap, you know. So, at any rate, Venus will be trying to smooth things over between Saturn and Uranus between the more conservative, confining, defining restrictive, mature, serious, sober dimension, and between the revolutionary impulse that's more impatient, but also more original, and likes to likes freedom, not constraint. How is Venus going to work that out? Well, Venus is the agent of harmonisation. So you can just think about it broadly that you're trying to harmonise these elements in the early part of the month. And that could be in terms of your work, the duties and obligations and responsibilities versus the innovations and new ideas. You could be looking at this in relationships. Oh, we've always done it this way before, can't we do something new? Yeah, but that might be risky, you know, so that those kinds of voices back and forth. Now that's again, that's just sort of the general level. Now let's break it down a little bit more individually.
What does what Venus and Saturn bring together? When they get together just alone. Let's just kind of put them in a vacuum. Well, you have beauty and time. I always like to use the example of a bottle of wine that can't be what it is without, you know, 100 years under its belt of ageing, the late life beauty, the love that you find later in life. You know, when there's not unfortunately, maybe sometimes not a lot of time left to enjoy it. So there's a bitter sweetness to Venus and Saturn. There's melancholic beauty. There is a bit like Venus and Pluto in that regard where there's kind of an subterranean darker, more sombre reverie, state with Venus and Saturn. I'm always like that when I see Venus and Saturn, always think of like, you know, black and white photography, you often see Librans embodying the Venusian Saturn because that's where Venus rules and where Saturn is exalted. So you think about librans and the kind of dark balanced symmetrical quality that sometimes you'll see in the beauty of librans. So Venus and Saturn brings that kind of energy. But Venus and Saturn can also mean heartache, hard lessons, sobering, painful, heaviness around love and relationships. So there can also be sometimes a need for relations or for diplomacy, to deepen and existing a commitment or agreement Venus, Saturn can be like the vows of marriage, it's a vow, you know, that Saturn, but it's for love, that's Venus. So you think of the vow or the commitment that deepens, that restrains as it deepens, there's something one of the things that we don't always appreciate. You know, I talked to so many people over the years, and there's, there's a lot of, you know, there's so much divorce, it's like, everyone goes through divorce, every client I talked to, has had at least, you know, two marriages or something, it's so common, right? And we're, I mean, I'm not and I'm not at all looking down on it, you know, because, you know, my wife and I talk about all the time, you know, you have to you're working on your marriage is like, you know, daily work, you know, and you just got to stick with it and hope you can both, you know, ride it out together. And we've been doing okay, so far, but you never know. So I'm not looking down my nose at it at all. But there's a lot of divorce. And part of what I've observed about it, in myself and in my clients over the years is that we have a hard time imagining the constraint and limitation, and the confinement and the heaviness and the boredom and the mundane qualities of commitment. That we have a hard time imagining that if you stick with them, and if you try to relish the the pain involved in love and loving someone, whether it's a marriage partner or anyone for a long period of time, that something starts to grow through the concrete, you know, and it does, there's there's flowers that come up through the concrete, Saturn and Venus are partners in the sign of Libra. Don't forget that the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere enters into the underworld of the year. So there is there is a beauty that can only come through the hardness of Saturn and it takes a certain kind of fortitude to see that and appreciate it. And I think we can all relate with that same kind of thing that you get when you really really really love something. Like I think you know what, you know what song lyric really embodies it. Remember the song Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams. And he said I got my first real sixth string. I played it till my fingers bled. Right there it is. So you love something so much. But it breaks you down, you know? And it breaks you down it builds you up. That's how calluses work when you play guitar. I've been playing guitar since I was 14. I'm not any good at it, but I love it. And there's calluses in life that build up and we on the outside they could look at as hard and ugly. But if you've been the one building those calluses through time and pain and commitment, you you know what deep appreciation there is. All right, what deep appreciation there is for the grooves of love, you know on the record tracks of our hearts. So that's Venus Saturn. That's the positive of Venus, Saturn, but of course it goes with it the heartache and sometimes the termination of different kinds of relationships.
So we're also looking at things regarding women. Venus, Saturn can be the death of women, the death of famous women. You can see that with Venus, Pluto, we've seen some instances of that there was someone that died just yesterday and people were mentioning and I don't I didn't know who she was but she passed and that was just As Venus was separating from Pluto, Venus Saturn can bring that too now. Venus Uranus. Venus Uranus, on the other hand is do you guys did you guys ever see The Rocky Horror Picture Show? You guys know that movie. It's crazy. It's a crazy First of all, I had no idea when I remember I was in grad school and there was a watching party that someone was having. And it was like a coordinated flash mob. You know, he knows things where people just suddenly show up in the mall and there's like, 30 of them and then all of a sudden, you know, just dancing like mad to a Michael Jackson song. And I'm always like, that's First of all, that's just really cool. That's amazing way to disrupt the commons with a blast of beauty. You know? I think that's cool. But this Rocky Horror Picture Show was like kind of like that before I even knew what flash mobs were. First of all, I was lost. And I was like, I think you guys are all cuckoo. I kept going to the bathroom and hiding out because I was like, these guys are all nuts. I was like so and I mean, it was kind of like fun. But I also just didn't feel like I knew what was going on. And they were all saying things and I mean it was it was crazy. So some of you guys know what I'm talking about if you know the Rocky Horror Picture Show, but at any rate, that's the Rocky Horror Picture Show is very Venus Uranus. It's eccentric beauty. It's perverse, but it's beautiful. It's kind of twisted and weird, but zany and fun and attractive and like that right? So you get Venus and Uranus together and it's like get your freak on. You know what I mean? Get your Rocky Horror Picture Show on just it's flamboyant sparkly, bizarre beauty. That's one dimension of Venus, Uranus. Now the other thing with Venus Uranus is of course going to be experimentation, experimentation in love. Sorry, I was thinking, you know, I always have clients. I've had so many of these that I have to just laugh because it truly is like, it's a stereotype that I don't mean. I don't mean to pick on but it's true. Okay, so like late August, early September, just after Burning Man is done. You know, a couple of clients will just show up and they'll be there'll be deeply confused because they had some kind of polyamorous desert adventure at Burning Man. And, and they're wondering very seriously, whether this can be maintained or not. And I'm always like, it's really hard for me because I'm sitting there being like, that's crazy. What are you guys doing? Put your pants on, put the crazy costumes away. You know, my like Saturn, you know, my Saturn and Capricorn Moon is like you silly pantses you just stop doing that crazy stuff. But I realised that's a bit that's kind of judgy conservative, like overly conservative. So I just I'm like, I'm really trying hard not to be like, no, you're polyamorous relationship is not gonna work, you know? It's just gonna lead to fun times and eventually pain. But okay, so I try to set that aside and really listen, and what I've understood over time that really, to really deeply validate what's going on with that need to sexually experiment outside of any kind of normal monogamous situation, right, is that sometimes there is only a way that you can discover aspects of yourself your character in life, sort of psychological exploration, that can only happen when you sort of get to move freely within different kinds of intimacy and different kinds of physical or sexual or energetic exchanges. It's not for me, like I'm just not so into that. And I again, I'm making light of this today, and I hope you all understand it's in good spirit. That that's often what's at work behind Venus, Uranus dynamics. So the Venus-Uranus images in my head that have no business being there. So Venus-Uranus dynamics are like that, where there's this need to be the trickster, the experimenter, the rebel in relation to sex, love, art, beauty, eroticism. And again, even though maybe that archetype is not very active in my life. I honour and respect that we're all here to learn about different things and so I truly hope that my humor is taken in the right way.
Now, the Venus Uranus dynamic can also be about the way that relationships need to be rekindled with the spark of love or passion. I'm bored, right? I'm bored. Have you felt that way in a relationship of any kind, it could be sexual. It could be a friendship. It's like, the relationship needs something new. I remember moments like this when I was, you know, in high school, it seemed like they were happening every other day you'd find yourself least I would sitting in my basement with my friend being like, the heck should we do? You feel like, we've done all the things, man, we've watched the movies, we've gone for bike rides, we've played basketball outside, we like whatever, we've done all the stuff. And then there would be like, some crackpot idea, and especially when I was like, a lot younger, it'd be like, what if we went pooped on old man with her stones doorstep or something totally inappropriate. Totally profane. You know what I mean? Like, what if we did something that was out of bounds? Maybe even desecrating something holy? What if we broke into the school man and just stole a bunch of erasers or something like that, you know, how could we sort of do something that's fun and joyful and probably harmless, but maybe desecrating of something sacred or beautiful? You get that kind of trickster rebellious energy. I've gone off the rails today guys, I'm sorry, Venus Uranus dynamic can be like that. And Venus Uranus is also like, you'll see relationships that just need that stimulation that reconnection that reawakening of passion and that often happens under a Venus Uranus dynamic. I remember we had a Venus Uranus dynamic earlier in the fall. And I was I was talking to my wife and I were having a long conversation about whether or not to have a third child and we basically already had decided not to, but it kind of came back up again. And then we were talking about how like know our freedom and the need for us to like make sure that our relationship is connected that kind of overrode the idea of having a third kid and I know for some people it's like it's a totally different choice for every every different couple and so forth. But that happened under a Venus Uranus dynamics. So questions about freedom and individuality in love and relationships, sexuality, things like that will come up now when you compare the Venus Saturn with the Venus Uranus that's why you have such a weird and profound dynamic toward the beginning of the month because both of those impulses the more conservative long suffering love me little bit love me long says Venus Saturn, whereas you know Venus Uranus is like Yeah, but can we go to the Rocky Horror Show party and just you know, get all crazy while Acyuta has to hide in the bathroom. So anyway.
Alright, so that's that's the dynamic the beginning of the month that I wanted to talk about. The next thing in the month that comes is this really incredible. New Moon in Aquarius energy. Look at Aquarius just going for it this month. You've got 6 planets on the new moon. This is happening on the 11th February 11 we have a new moon while Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius while Venus and Jupiter are conjoined in Aquarius and while Saturn is in Aquarius and all of them are in the whole sign square with Mars and Uranus in Taurus. So what to say about this, frankly, I think that you're going to get more out of listening to my monthly horoscopes when it comes to this particular transit because this one is like a bomb going off in whatever hole sign House of Aquarius lands in in your birth chart. So it's going to be easier in some ways to sort of interpret this new moon because it's so much Aquarius energy by virtue of looking at where is the seed being planted the start of a new cycle, the start of a new cycle the fruits will manifest in time but as seed is being planted and it's landing somewhere in your birth chart look at the whole sign House of Aquarius.
This is an auspicious New Moon with Venus conjoined Jupiter the two benefics exactly together means that you know, yeah, there's a labouring quality there's a progressive future in quality. There's the hard work of Saturn, you know, in the background, this is all happening and Saturn sign of Aquarius, we're gonna build something it's gonna take a long time. You got that Jupiter Saturn conjunction on the winter solstice of 2020. Now you've got this massive new moon, but the benefics conjoined at that exact same time. That's huge. There's some really like auspicious connections that are going to be made in that house, wherever it lands in your birth chart. Bet beneficial influences coming in with this new moon planting a new seed. There's also a revisionary impulse. It's not just something new, it's something new, but something you're changing. And for me, that's, that's landing in my career house. During this time we will be working on and probably announcing, my new my new course, which will be starting in the fall of 2021, it'll be adding a fourth to my series of courses, I've always had this dream of having four years worth of astrological study that someone could do as if you're going to a college right, you get a four year degree. So I've finally created the fourth programme of my training programmes, and will be producing it probably launching it sometime during this period, well, that's landing in my 10th House of career, right. So it syncs up very proud. And I'm not I'm not timing this, any of this out deliberately, it just so happens. But that's the kind of thing that you're going to build something but there might be a revision to existing things happening simultaneously. And you're also seeing this really beneficial support coming in from Venus and Jupiter. Now again, there's going to be this push pull between Saturn and Uranus happening, which is part of the story and that could provide for, you know, there's a little bit of grit to grind up against here, but I'll talk about that next. Okay. So finally, the last transit of the month that I see is really pivotal for this month, later, February to me is not that exciting compared to everything up to this point, which is why I'm labouring it so much. So then on the 17th, you're going to see Saturn, square to Uranus. Now that Saturn Uranus square is the first of our Saturn Uranus squares, you're going to get another one in June that we're going to talk about and then another one at the end of the year. So what do you get with Saturn, Uranus? Well much more than the the dynamics in January, which were really intense, by the way, weren't they? Wow, right? storming of the capital transition of power, the big stock market change that happened with the Reddit, whatever, people and that was all that was all very, very all of that, by the way is very Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter, Uranus too, by the way. But the Saturn Uranus dynamic of rebellious challenges to existing structures, or trying to break the rules or limitations, or even that idea of existing structures, and Uranus being the one that suddenly breaks them up and removes and says, I want freedom or I want, you know, very sudden dynamic, rapid change. When those two press together, that's when you get things like earthquakes, that's when you get energy like sudden kind of whirlwind releases of energy that threaten or challenge established structures that can be in nature, or it can be in civilization, or it can be within the psyche, or it can be at work or in your relationships. But you've got a real grudge match in February between Saturn and Uranus. Now they can work together in interesting ways to, for example, Saturn's insistence upon the grounded, sober, confining discipline, and Uranus the need for rebellion can give you principled, unrelenting, rebellious activities. There can be a lot of I don't care energy in the air in February, I just don't care what you think. Right? Why? Because there's principled, rigid energy with Saturn. And there's this kind of avant garde, maverick, rebellious and innovative energy with Uranus. So watch how those two come together. You're also going to see just you could say that there's sort of principled rebellious energy, or you could say that there's rebellion versus more conservative or traditional qualities. And please, let's be really real here. We love to glorify the rebellious energies. Like, no one's telling me what to do. I don't answer to anybody. I'm the sovereign one. I have all the power, it's my rights. It's my will. It's my choices. It's my reality. I create the future. The emphasis that we place on that, understandably, some of that comes from not wanting to be governed by systems of thought that are restrictive or oppressive. And so we can sympathise with that, but then on the other hand, there's nothing in some ways there's nothing worse than someone who doesn't realise that unconsciously they are just as rigid about being a nonconformist, as the traditionalist is about being traditional. There's an irony there that we always have to be just be aware of within ourselves. There's a season for all things. There's a season for tradition, there's a season for rebellion. There's a season for commitment, and there's a season for liberation from constraints. These two energies are mixing it up this month. So that's what we're going to be looking at. I will be breaking this down in individual horoscopes on Monday, this transit is perfecting over the month. So you could feel this energy now, all the way through the end of February, and all this year, but peak periods in February, June and then at the end of the year, in December. So we will be watching what happens and breaking it down together, giving advice for how to deal with it maybe a few times to contemplate the deeper spiritual tension that that these two energies represent on a philosophical level because they're a lot to explore there spiritually when we look at how these energies can help or hinder our growth as spiritual beings. We'll be doing that in the month of February as well. So that's where we're heading.
I hope that this was a helpful video for you guys today. gives you some things to look forward to for the month of February. I would love to hear from you guys in terms of if you were born with Venus, Saturn or Venus, Uranus or any connections between Venus, Saturn and Uranus. How have you dealt with those paradoxical energies? How else would you describe Venus Uranus or Venus, Saturn? What kinds of lessons have you learned about those things I love always love reading what you guys have to write about your own experiences with those energies. Anything that I missed that you feel like is important to add about these energies. It's always nice to hear people's commentaries in the chat box to like what else is there to know or learn about Venus Uranus or being a Saturn or Saturn Uranus? So feel free to create a little conversation in the chat box. All right, that's what I've got for you guys. I hope that you have a great weekend and a great month of February horoscopes will be out over the weekend or on Monday. All right, take it easy, everyone. Bye.
loved your Feb video you just did today – so funny, had me laughing often. I am Aquarius, and I can tell you, as a trader, it has been wild! I literally woke up at 2:30 am and thought “wait, what is Bitcoin doing ???” and I checked on my phone and Elon had tweeted “BITCOIN!” so it was running up! Not sure how I “felt” it in my sleep but I did, and am now finally going back to bed after another wild day trading the market! so fun! lol. Thanks for your foresight and sermons! love it, Valorie
Thank you for your insights into January’s astrology. I was able to stay centered and prayed up. I have been aboard a small ship in a hurricane, January felt very similar but I knew which direction the winds were blowing, I knew where the rocks were and was able to steer a safe course and helped friends who were calling May Day, May Day, May Day. We have all arrived safely at harbors. Now what about this new moon in Aquarius and a stellium? What house, what sign, what?
Peace & Blessings,