Today I’ve posted my Astrology of the month for January 2021, the first of a new year. I’d also love to know how the month of December has been for you – be sure to leave a comment below!
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody and happy holidays if you were celebrating Christmas, Merry Christmas. Happy New Year coming up here pretty soon. Today we're going to take a look at the astrology of January 2021. So the first month of a new year, I'm excited to take a look. There's a bunch of videos that I'm going to be doing this week. Just to give you a little bit of a heads up as to what's to come. I'm going to be taking a look at some of the biggest like macro transits of 2021 this week. We'll be doing our monthly horoscopes for the month of January and this overview video for the month of January. If you are interested in a deep dive into the astrology of 2021, month by month, and also if you're interested in sun or rising sign horoscopes for the entirety of 2021 they are those videos are available as rewards when you donate and support my work in 2021 through my annual Kickstarter, as of right now, we are just about 23 backers away from our stretch goal of 1000 backers with just four days left to go. You can find the link to donate in the comments section of this video in the description of this video. When you pitch in, you can select a bunch of awards, including either of those videos and a bunch of other videos I have available exclusively through the Kickstarter. Also, you can pick up half off to all of my online training programmes in 2021. My ancient astrology for the modern mystic one year programme, my year to programme and my horary class are all on sale and they get cheaper when you bundle them together as well. They're 50% off the normal price. So it's a really good deal. I hope to see some of you in classes soon hope you can take advantage of that. I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who's already contributed, it's gone. I it's we completely smashed last year's funding record already and back are total as well. It's just It's surreal. I'm so thankful. And it's possible that we could stretch far enough in the last four days that we could actually get really close to having that donation based reading clinic set up in 2022. A little over a year from now. And I was thinking at first it might take two to three years to get that in place. But we're doing really well. So anything's possible at this point. Let's see what we can do in the last four days. Thanks so much. Okay, so let's take a look at the astrology of January.
Okay, so the month of January is really marked by the movement of Mars. Mars is like a trigger for a lot of really intense dynamics in January, I have this circled as one of if not the most powerful month of the year. It's a lot like 2020 - don't worry - in the sense that some of the most potent astrology of 2020 came early in the in the year with the Saturn Pluto conjunction. This is similar in that we have a lot of the biggest transits of the year happening right away in January. They repeat throughout the year. That's something I'm going to cover later this week, when I talk about the Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus dynamic in the year ahead, we're going to be doing a series on that. So you get a little bit of that today too. But in this month of January, that Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus dynamic is being brought to you courtesy of Mars, who is changing signs and leaving Aries for the first time since late June 2020. Now, you want to be a little bit careful around the days of January 4th, 5th, and into the 6th, those little couple of days Mars is at what is called the analytic degree, which is the final sort of critical degree of the sign of Aries. It's a culminating degree it's kind of putting a bow on everything we've been doing and learning about Mars since last June. And those last critical degreesare anaretic, which means a killing degree. That's a drastic term, right, a killing degree. But the way that I think about Mars in that final degree right now is that the kind of final lessons or final integrating moments and experiences that we've been having since late June, especially in the whole sign House of Aries in your birth chart, will be coming to a head. So I just think you know, when Mars is critical like that, it's best to not put yourself in situations where Mars energy could run amok, whatever that might mean you're thinking of accidents, or you're thinking of hostility, aggression, reactivity. You know, don't put yourself into a position where you're going to get into a throw down with someone.
Now, that energy changes right away into the sixth when Mars goes into the sign of Taurus. This is kind of going to be an awkward shift for Mars Mars is going into the sign of its exile where, you know, Mars likes to do Marsy things like fight and act and show muscle like speed and strength and power and assertive, assertiveness and domination and courage and victory. And Mars is going into Venus the sign in Taurus and earthy sensual sign that likes comfort, controls security and peace. I always joke that Mars and Taurus can be a great manager, because if you need someone to be in charge of operations, make sure everything runs and runs smoothly, feels good, looks nice. But underneath there's a there's a killer driving the ship. That's Mars in Taurus. In fact, my grandfather had Mars in Taurus. And he was like a foreman. And he had that personality, but he was very charming. And he had a way of getting the most out of people, like a coach that will, you know, be really, really hard on the players. And sometimes that really doesn't work. But Mars and Taurus can get things done and somehow do it in a way that's likeable, or pleasing or harmonious. That's its upside. Its downside is how much it can struggle with that dichotomy between willpower and strength and harmony pleasantness control stability. So watch for that tension to step up.
The good news is that by January 8th, we always want to see Venus in relation to a Mars in Taurus, and what kind of relationship Venus has to Mars. Now, if you look at January 6th and 7th, a couple of days there, Venus is in an aversion in the sign of Sagittarius. So no help from Mars from its host. So that could make the 6th–8th feel a little bit like I'm out of control, I'm trying to do things, but I can't please everyone. Or I'm trying to, you know, I'm trying to get things done. But I'm trying, and I'm trying to do so in a pleasant way, but it's just awkward and chaotic. But then the good news is that, once you hit January 8, boom, Venus enters Capricorn, and is in a superior trine to Mars and that so for the rest of the month, this is the saving grace for Mars this month, Mars is going to be trying to assert itself in very powerful ways, thanks to its square to Saturn square to Jupiter conjunction with Uranus. And the least it could do would be to you know, is the least we could look for would be some help from Venus. And Venus, in fact, has this really nice superior square to Mars all month long. So, you're going to see a little bit of support from Venus this month. But remember, that's the tension of the month, I want to get things done, but I might have to disturb the peace to do so. Venus says well, I can help you out. And you know, make sure that it's a little bit smoother.
But still, you're going to see this tension in terms of the disruption of the peace. And sometimes we're going to look at that and say, Yeah, but it's necessary. And other times we're going to look at that and say, really, this is very selfish. And the disruption is causing chaos and we need to keep the peace. So is Mars going to be sort of checked by Venus constantly? Or is Mars going to be supported by Venus? There are different ways of looking at it, depending on, you know, where this is falling in your chart and what we're seeing, but that's the kind of two ways that I'm looking at it like Mars this month. Again, it's like, I have to get things done. And there's a huge amount of pressure and excitement and enthusiasm and kind of explosiveness around Mars, but has to do so in a way that doesn't disturb the peace, or does it have to get things done and it doesn't care if it disturbs the peace. Either way, the support from Venus is helpful.
Alright, so when we get into this a little bit further, on January 13, Mars is going to square Saturn in Aquarius. Now this is kind of like a pressure cooker moment for the month. This is the first moment where you're going to see this extraordinary energy that January brings fourth, and then it just it hits the rest of the month. From this moment forward. The rest of the month is like a series of you know, very dynamic transits for Mars. Mars hits Saturn and it's a pretty quick transit, but it's going to be building from the sixth. So as soon as Mars ingresses into Taurus, you're going to start feeling what I'm about to describe, but then it peaks when it perfects on the 13th. Mars Saturn is that slow, disciplined effort. It's that persevering quality of work and action. I want to get something done. I'm trying to do so in a way that doesn't disturb the peace or maybe if it's inevitable that I will disturb the peace on some level. I'm trying to be controlled but strong and assertive. I'm trying to be peaceful and harmonising and pleasant yet I have to get something done. It's hard work, there's an ideal, a standard that I'm trying to meet, that's the square to Saturn. And Saturn is also saying, I'm going to I need to shape and mould my will or I'm using my will to mould or shape something into existence. This is a great transit for building or making things for taking raw materials and somehow turning them into something substantive and useful or functional. And this is not just anything Saturn in Aquarius has some pretty high ideals or visions that it that it wants to, it's sort of co-opting Mars for this is because Saturn is in what's called the superior square to Mars. So Mars, Saturn is sort of saying, look, Mars, earthy, practical, Mars and Taurus, I need your help to build this particular thing, or I'm working on something in it, and I need your help. And it's going to be more slow and methodical, again, I think the phrase pressure cooker is a really, really good one. Now, along with this could come the frustration of our will, the slow down that frustrates Mars, or the sense of limitation and being blocked or confined that Mars really doesn't like.
This doesn't last long, because Mars is going to break contain. And when we get to the 17th, then Mars is going to be just about ready to get into with Jupiter, and Uranus. And this energy is so so expansive, and sort of bright and liberating. But Mars is going to qualify it. So first of all, on the 17th, Jupiter squares Uranus, and then Mars is going to get into the mix of these two planets. But let's just talk about Jupiter Uranus for a moment to give some context. If Jupiter is the God that likes unity, order, law, togetherness, it's that karmic or cosmic sense of higher order. And it's also a bestower of abundance and life and blessings, it's sort of the cosmic thumbs up. So Jupiter's hitting Uranus, who is rebellious, original, inventive and disruptive. I think of the word enthusiasm. You know, the root entheos, like the God within. You're thinking of a very inspired revolutionary quality to this transit. Jupiter Uranus dynamics, for example, were present when my wife and I built and expanded our yoga studio at different times.
That feeling of the sky is the limit, break through previous norms or conventions or habits and start something new. It's a raining or a pouring of blessings. And it has that feeling of a milestone, World Records being set or phenomenal. And unbelievable performances, whether it's, you know, in music or arts or athletics, it's that transcendent quality, that breaking previously known boundaries, it has a lot of that sense of what I'd like to transcend, I want to expand, it should be original and inventive, maybe sort of eccentric. Now, the downside of this transit is, of course, the revolutionary impulse of this transit, alone, even without Mars in the mix, which we're going to add in a second. But the revolutionary impulse of this transit alone can have so much bravado and bluster that it's it is actually it can be a description of hubris, which is the pride that comes before a great fall. So you want to be careful that you're stretching and following the wave of enthusiasm that's going to come in later in January, especially after the earlier part of the month, which much more of a pressure cooker then all of a sudden, it's like, you know, confetti bombs going off. But you you, you want to be careful not to get high on it. Because this transit alone can be the kind of transit where people bite off more than they can chew. Or they burn bridges in the name of revolution. And they get so idealistic and caught up in revolutionary fervour, that people can kind of lose their heads. And that's part of enthusiasm, that enthusiasm can become manic. And I don't mean that clinically, I just mean it sort of generically, but it can become sort of manic and obsessive and nothing could hold me back. And that's going to be checked. And I'm saying this now even though we're not going into the astrology of February, that impulse this year is going to keep coming through that kind of explosive enthusiastic breakthrough, the glass ceiling is broken, it's shattered, whatever. But then There's going to be these checks these hard, like, two steps forward. And then one big step back because Saturn is going to hit the square with Uranus. And that dynamic means that in order for things to move forward so rapidly, it says though, there's a check throughout all of 2021 that says, and in order to do that, there's going to be some rubble or ruin that you have to take care of, or dismantling carefully, not destructively of previously existing forms. So Saturn has this huge qualifying check on the bigness and brightness of Jupiter Uranus throughout the year. So I'm just warning everybody right now, you're going to feel this this surge of enthusiastic kind of revolutionary expansive energy later in January, but it does get checked in February and it's a back and forth like that all of 2021 this is something I talked about in my 2021 deep dive.
Okay, now, but when you add Mars into it, that's when it gets pretty crazy, to be frank. So let's go to the 20th. When we get to the 20th. First of all, we're going to get a first quarter moon, which is a tense moment in the lunar cycle, but it is also accenting or highlighting the Mars Uranus conjunction. So a Mars Uranus conjunction is going to be like the bloodbath that accompanies the revolution. It has that feeling potentially of militaristic, or very aggressive and assertive forms of resistance, defiance, rebellion, originality, creativity. This is it can be explosively inventive, or it's like the maverick and the rebel and the militant kind of combined. I can't help but notice that this is inauguration day here in the United States. Who knows what that means exactly. But when I look at that, next to the fact that three days later on the 23rd, Mars is then translating the light from Jupiter to your from Uranus to Jupiter, sort of hitting both at once and just borrowing the horary phrase.
That's when things get really interesting because Mars Jupiter combinations. I mean, I've done so many charts where Mars Jupiter combinations show up in the charts of people who are tremendous athletes, entrepreneurs, military families, you know, fighter pilots. You could you could think of Mars on steroids with Jupiter, right? So there's leadership and there's also challenges. It will you have like a lot of like, like prosecuting attorneys, Jupiter is the law and Mars is prosecution. You have also people who execute the law or who keep it like sheriffs with badges, military, police. So you get a lot of that. That kind of militaristic, forceful relationship with the with law and order. And then you're adding into it this planet of chaos, rebellion, unpredictability and erratic, destabilising qualities of Uranus. So that's what I'm saying that January's nuts. This this energy that starts coming in. It really starts on the 13th, when Mars squares Saturn, and then there's this cluster of the 17th, to the 23rd, where things just go completely bonkers.
Now, some things that I would compare this to. In every movie, there's, you know, where you have like a rebellion, I'm thinking like Star Wars, for example, there's a sense in which resistance and defiance in the face of a tyrannical authority or leader, or like the Imperial Empire, that there's that sense of having to fight for something in order to be free. You know, you think of the even the declaration of independence in the Revolutionary War. This is Jupiter, Uranus, Mars kind of themes, the French Revolution, it's very bloody revolutions, the byproduct of revolution is often you know, burning bridges. And this kind of potential for extremism, we're going to feel that as a disturbing factor. These qualities on their own are already you could say kind of disturbing, they can be very exciting and very positive. I mean, any revolution in our life requires that we put our back into it and that we really have to work and take action and strike while the iron is hot and while that quality could be very explosive and in a creatively satisfying way, like in a good way, you also have to remember that Mars in Taurus is going to bring about more of that sense of conflict between peace and chaos. Between a harmony and strife and and that tension around this moment of revolution is going to be peaking later in January and not entirely easy to deal with. Now again, to me the silver lining is that Venus in Capricorn does offer this kind of stabilising presence throughout the month by virtue of supporting Mars in a superior trine. So, I think peace and harmony and balance in order sort of will be maintained. But there's going to be challenges to that and the potential for us to get a little manic, obsessive, overly willful and confident. And potentially burning some bridges or, or trying to get things done in a way that we may not be proud of later on, if we're not very careful about things.
Now, on the 28th of the month, the same exact energies are highlighted through the full moon, the full moon is in Leo, it's square to Mars, and Uranus in Taurus, and it's creating a giant t square the big stellium in Aquarius, so this is the the t-square that sort of ends the month. Now, I can't and you'll see that the Sun by the 31st, the Sun is also going to square Mars right there. So you have a lot of different energies coming together around the full moon at the end of January. All of the same themes that I've been talking about nothing new to add, it's just to say that these get these this explosiveness of Mars, Jupiter and Uranus starts on the 17th. But it it really is peaking by the end of the month, because the full moon will actually re-amplify and engage all of it. So from the 17th through the end of the month, it's just a conflagration of, of this kind of revolutionary expansive quality with a lot of that intense Mars energy behind it. One thing to watch for in all of this is, throughout 2021 is also going to be the sometimes catastrophic effect of change, natural disasters, earthquakes, Uranus, Saturn in the mix all year with each other Jupiter, Uranus. Expansion often comes with structures really buckling and, and collapsing sometimes. On the whole, I'm really thinking of 2021 as a year where challenges to conventions and traditions and existing structures will be very powerful. And one of the questions is how to accomplish change in ways that are peaceful. Also, the expansive qualities are going to be constantly checked by a kind of conservative backlash. And I'm not talking about politics, I'm just talking about energy. Expansion and contraction are obviously natural forces. January has a whole lot of very expansive energies, but it also has that driving, aggressive quality of Mars, and it's a little bit of a conflicted Mars. So that's why it could be so volatile. But then you get into February, and Saturn is then going to get into it with Uranus. And there's this this sort of contractive quality that comes in. And when that contractive expansive goes back and forth, back and forth, it's like a tension that over time, you're going to see through things like you know, eruptions of forces in nature that can potentially also devastate existing structures and again, my feeling is that 2021 is going to have at least a few global natural disasters of great significance. And by this disaster, I don't mean you know, this is just nature, stars eventually die and black holes are created and but you get this this feeling was Saturn Uranus of plates, deep structures moving around and perhaps causing some things to fall apart. So that's always going to be kind of the and or the but that follows the expansive quality of Jupiter and Uranus this year. So that's what I've got for this month.
I'm going to be doing breakdowns of the horoscopes for each sign and how this will be impacting you for January. So stay tuned for those. I'd love to hear your thoughts. What are how are you noticing these energies already at work? You should be already starting to feel the Jupiter Saturn and Uranus dynamic in your chart. Where are they by whole sign in your chart and what have you noticed already? I'd love to hear some stories from all of you. I'd also love to hear just any of your predictions or your your, your kind of, you know, what are what are you seeing as potentials for the year ahead. I'd love to hear some of your reflections in the comments section as well. Last reminder, we have four days left in our Kickstarter, there are 23 backers left to meet our stretch goal of 1000 backers by the New Year Remember, you can pick up 50% off tuition and all sorts of other rewards and recordings including my deep dive into 2021 and my son and rising sign horoscopes for all of 2021. Well, thank you guys so much. Hope you guys have a fantastic new year. We'll be back later this week with lots more cool content. So stay tuned, everybody. All right. Take it easy. Bye.
Hello Acyuta, Pauline here from Sydney Australia. Though I’m an astrologer / numerologist / tarot consult myself I just LOVE your posts, I feel you are part of a soul tribe, so good to connect with someone with same values especially on trying to establish a fees by donation system. I have been thinking of doing this for a few months now but I get discouraged with family & friends saying it can’t work. But my intuition tells me otherwise especially with our structures crumbling. So am planning to do so next year. I can afford to take the financial risk as I’m retired & financely comfortable, not rolling in money but gets our needs met. And I feel it’s all about trusting the universe that we will be supported. So feeling pretty excited for next year, Have a few health challenges to overcome but feel/ know a good outcome – can’t check out yet have too much to do! FYI I’m a Cancer sun (9th hse) Libra rising & Aries moon (6th hse). Thx again Acyuta keep up your good work!