Today I’ve posted my Astrology of the month for July 2021. I’d also love to know how the month of June has been for you – feel free to leave a comment below!
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at the Astrology of July 2021. So there are a number of very powerful transits this month, most of them I have already covered through my series that I concluded yesterday on the T square between Mars, Saturn and Uranus. So that's going to take up a good portion of the first week of the month. And really, those are probably the most powerful transits of July. So the first thing I have to say today is, if you haven't watched that three part series that I just did on the Saturn, Mars, Uranus dynamic, make sure you watch that because in some ways that should probably shape and tone the entire month of July for all of us. But there's other transits, too, that we need to make sure that we touch on. So I'm going to pull up the real time clock and walk you through what I see as the biggest, most important transits of July. All right, so let's begin with the obvious. At the very beginning of July, you're going to see Mars on the first of July, opposing Saturn. So our month starts off with the Mars Saturn opposition. Now just generally speaking, kind of a general summary of that transit, you're going to see, for example, the battle of wills, discipline, rigour, you're going to look at, you know, kind of, are you white knuckling things too much? Are you persevering or working through a high pressure situation? are you dealing with questions of authority and ego? Are you trying to bend other people to your will, you know, like, what, what's the what's the mark? How is Mars Saturn showing up in your life, hopefully, it's constructive. I find that Mars Saturn is a great transit for persevering and working through limitations in constructive ways. But it can also be a sure sign that you're going to push too hard, get too rigid about things, too principled get into battle of wills, things like that. So just be careful of that.
Now, if we move forward just a couple of days. On July 3, we're going to see Mars go through the square to Uranus, between the third and the fourth. Now, one thing that, you know, again, I've talked about this in this three part series, so check it out, I did a whole long video on Mars, Uranus, really. But one thing about this transit is that breakthroughs are possible. Where there have been limitations or constraints with Mars, opposite Saturn, suddenly, there's this feeling of kind of breakthrough and liberation. And that can be a fantastic experience. It can be an experience, it's very invigorating Mars, the god of war with Uranus, the God of electric electric revolution, so can be a very vigour, invigorating, action oriented transit. On the other hand, similar sudden acts of destruction, or violence, a kind of violent release of, you know, macho energy or something like that. Also, just saying, it's my way or the highway, or insisting that something be done right now and pushing through and patiently but again, also a transit that can lead to breakthroughs of all kinds. So that transit comes between the first and the third. Again, I'm saying that's probably your biggest transit of the month honestly. Now, it's it happens right away, but then there's another transit A couple of days later on the sixth.
We're going to see Mercury one last time squaring Neptune. We saw that a bunch in the month of June, prepping for it in May and we were talking about it into June. Mercury went retrograde through the sign of Gemini is going to come back through one last square to Neptune. Now this can be one of the most romantic fluid transits, singer songwriters, poets, smooth, eloquent beautiful speech. So the combination of Mercury and Neptune when it comes to, you know, the fluidity of mind altered states of consciousness. It can be a very mystical and magical transit where also non ordinary experiences and insights are just kind of, they're there, they just kind of flow through suddenly. Also, deception, unclear communication, dealing with technology issues, watch for weird idiosyncrasies, unconscious slips of the tongue, this kind of thing. Mercury's square with Neptune can also relate to gossip, or disinformation or warped perceptions, unclear thinking so it'd be a little bit careful of the the Neptunian effect on Mercury, but it can be a very, the effect can be very positive as well as I just outlined, so.
Alright, let's go forward from here. Another thing that's happening on the sixth and into the seventh, Venus is also going to be opposite Saturn. And then by the eighth, it will square it will square Uranus. So, Venus is going to go through the exact same dynamic that Mars just went through now Venus Saturn, as an opposition can mean that there are you know with with Uranus in the mix can suggest very serious crossroads in love, in relationships around you know, around friendships and things like that. On the other hand, you can see deepening of commitments, getting real getting serious maturing in relationships and having breakthroughs in relationships can also sometimes see that you know, Venus Uranus is going to be a very electric sort of what do I want to say an awakening of the you know, erotic nature of relationships like if your love life is a little stagnant Venus Uranus will wake it up. Venus opposite Saturn will be about you know serious blockages in relationships followed by significant breakthroughs so I like the the gauntlet that Venus is going to run with Saturn and Uranus in terms of looking at things very seriously. And then freeing yourselves from things that don't work or moving through limitations or blockages in relationships or anything Venusian, which could include health of the body or an aesthetic or, you know, a creative project so that passage from Venus between the sixth and the eighth of July is pretty action packed.
Now, isn't it interesting that the first eight days or so of July includes so much between Saturn and Uranus. So it's you know, the the first week of July is just super powerful in that regard. Now, if we move forward just a little bit more, we go to the 13th. On the 13th, we're rewarded for all of the hard work we've done because Venus and Mars will conjoin in the sign of Leo. And that conjunction in the sign of Leo really is a marriage of things that have maybe been trying to work towards synthesis for a while. Why do I say that because Venus and Mars both back to back go through the opposition to Saturn in the square to Uranus at the beginning of the month, then they come together by the 13th. In terms of like harmonising things that have been wounded or broken. This transits really good at mending broken things Venus Mars coming together Venus, the harmonizer of Mars, the separator let's fix something, let's take something apart or put it back together because it's been taken apart for the sake of greater harmony. So Venus Mars coming together is also good for romantic relationships is kind of more of a romantic transits very happy. It has the feeling when these two planets come together, there's often a way in which the opposites of all kinds just seem to get along a little bit better. So tensions, dualities, those hard spots, you might just find them harmonising nicely by the middle of the month. I think this is probably the subjectively like the most positive looking transit of the month of July.
Okay, so if we go forward from there, the Sun opposite Pluto is a very dynamic transit that will come. Let's see here, it's going to be on the 17th. Just a day after my own birthday, I'm on the 16th. So anyway, now sun opposite Pluto, really great for moments of kind of releasing major potential. At a moment where there's kind of an upswell or an upsurge of pent up sort of subterranean energy that comes pouring out and it can come through insights, the sun often represents clarity and wisdom seeing something clearly. So kind of something bubbling up from the underground and suddenly you see clearly, it can also be an indication of, you know, death and rebirth scenarios around your sense of life purpose or life direction, or major turning points that are happening somewhere. For example, if someone was going to break ground on a building project, Sun opposite Pluto, they're that sense of something that an action that's launching, but that requires some kind of subterranean, you know, breaking of ground going deep within and turning over the soil and things like that. Death and rebirth around father figures are leaders, empowerment, themes of empowerment and disempowerment. We're going to talk about that as the transit comes around in the middle of the month, but watch for that around July 17.
Then we go to the 21st. Now on the 21st Venus is going to enter its fall. And that means we're moving into the sign of Virgo. So you're you're taking Venus all the way. Here it goes switches into Libra around August 15th 16th, right around there. So when we think about Venus in the sign of virgo for that long, we're typically thinking about a time where Venusian things become more Mercurial and that's not always easy because you're sort of taking the rational mental qualities and you're trying to pair them with the aesthetic sensual qualities and sometimes the mental and the sensual conflict. So you could see some conflict between sort of mental rational and and sensual between late July and about mid August it just tough time for Venus things overall, just a more challenging time for the new ocean. You know, the Venusian stories in our in our life. So that's relationships are our love life, something creative, something aesthetic, something involving, our bodies and their appearance, whether it's our wardrobe, or whatever new products that people are buying, or something like that. So I'm always careful, like when Venus is debilitated, like Be careful with the tattoos that you get, or you know, just kind of like what you're doing to beautify something, just be careful that you're not overthinking it. With Venus in Virgo, it can also be a sign of things that are going to become very technical and artistic, people who are like master craftsman, but they're very technical in their craft. So you know, technical forms of art or things like that. So we'll visit Venus in Virgo when it comes around as well. Just give you a sense of what to prepare for. That's about the 21st.
Now the 22nd Sun will shift over into Leo. So you'll get the Sun in its most powerful sign of the year, in terms of the dignity of the sun, that you can make a case for Aries as well as its exaltation. But the sun in Leo is pretty steady. And oftentimes, you know, I think you'll find that your sense of dignity, purpose, a sense of calling, you're revisiting those kinds of things like why am I here? What makes me unique? What am what am I called to do? Maybe some review of that kind of those kinds of questions when the sun enters Leo around the 22nd.
On the 28th of the month, Jupiter is going to back into Aquarius we have a little visitation of Jupiter in Pisces from about mid May through the end of July, it backs into Aquarius and we get a reprise of Jupiter in the sign of the water pour in the in the fixed air sign of Aquarius. So we'll also make sure we revisit Jupiter through all the houses later in the month and tell you what that's going to look like. Jupiter back into Aquarius will mean that Jupiter becomes a little bit more Saturn like again, not exactly its happiest place. So we may feel that shift somewhat in the negative at first. But, you know, in time we'll get used to it and back into what Saturn wants us to be doing and how we're expanding according to Saturn's plan, you might say so, watch for that kind of energy shifting back in towards the end of July. You'll find that you often realise exactly what a planet is all about either when it ingresses into a new sign or if it's going to temporarily regress retrograde out of that sign, suddenly you'll go Oh, yeah, okay, because the back and forth really helps you differentiate between two signs. So I find that that's a really good time for students of astrology to get to know the difference between Jupiter in Pisces and Jupiter in Aquarius, so I'm going to be talking about that in the video later in July. Alright, so finally, on July 22, my last major transit of the month is did I did I go I went I skipped over it on accident. It's July 22.
On July 22, prior to Jupiter retrograding into Aquarius Venus will oppose Jupiter. And the Venus Jupiter opposition's I find can be very opulent, like you have to be careful not to go spend a bunch of money or do things that are too extravagant or kind of lose yourself in something that's sort of superficial that those tend to be like the very basic shadows, but also this idea of opulence and growth and beauty and, you know, building or making something that's really beautiful, it's meant to like last and look nice. So, you know, for example, you know, Venus in Virgos, I think, a wonderful planetary placement for landscape design or landscaping. So because it's an earth sign Venus in an earth sign, and you're putting it along with Jupiter. So you think about like big yard projects or something like that. Lots of things, though, that can that were the beauty and design of something can increase or expand or become more technical or something like that or more efficient. And then also just like windfalls or good luck or meeting the right people are having good association, things like that. So at any rate, those are as I see it, the major transits of the month, and yeah, I look forward to breaking all of these down with you guys, you know, transit by transit as the month goes on. Either tomorrow or Thursday, I'll be doing a live stream of the horoscopes for the month for your rising sign. I recommend if you subscribe to my channel and click the notifications icon, then you'll get a notification when I go live. And I usually I go live probably around 10:30 or 11am, probably about 10:30 11am something like that central time. So hopefully I'll see some of you there. We'll be breaking down the horoscopes this week for July as well. And lots of other good stuff to come shortly. Once we get into July to starting to unpack lots of these transits a bit more. As always, I'd love to hear your stories love to hear what you're looking forward to what you're a little bit more maybe, you know freaked out about I always love to hear where people are at with the upcoming transit so feel free to leave your comments and stories in the chat box and we'll see you again soon. Bye.
Scorpio Ascendant, Taurus Sun, Cancer Moon june ended rough. Broke up with my mate a few days ago. Things seem to have been improving this month until this last week. Other than that this month has been easier than past months. Had an ex try to come back as well after years of separation. That was strange. Hope July comes in and acts pleasant. I need it.