Today I’ve posted my Astrology of the month for March 2021. I’d also love to know how the month of February has been for you – feel free to leave a comment below!
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Wednesday everybody. Today we're gonna take a look at the astrology of March. We're a little early, usually I release it closer to the end of the month. But since the end of the month is taking place over the weekend, and I also have horoscopes to get out, I thought I would do it today. So there's a lot to look forward to in the month of March, I'm gonna put the real time clock up so we can take a look. As always, I look at all of the transits happening and then narrowed down to the ones that I feel are most significant. And so what I've got for us today is kind of a condensed version of the month of March. But I think really the the story of this month is going to be a new moon that's happening in Pisces that we're going to talk about. There's a few other big things as well. But let's start off towards the beginning of the month. So when we start off the month of March, just a couple of days into the month, you're going to see Mars moving into the sign of Gemini.
So you can see that right here, I'm going to highlight it for you. And this is one of the bigger ingresses of the of the year because Mars moves signs very slowly. So you know, you're not going to have a huge amount of Mars signs in a year unlike say, you know, Mercury or Venus or the Moon and Sun, Mars is is going to spend a long time in the sign of Gemini, so it enters Gemini on March 3, and then watch how long it spends in in the sign of Gemini, we'll just advance this a little while you're talking about it's not moving out of Gemini, all the way until about April 23. So almost two full months that we'll see Mars now in the sign of Gemini. Alright, so that's the first big transit of the month. Now one of the reasons that this is really significant is because you're now getting at this moment, you're getting some reception between Mars and Mercury, Mars is moving into mercury sign at the exact same moment, like like literally on the same day, basically the third into the fourth, as Mars moves into Mercury's air sign of Gemini, Mercury will conjoin Jupiter.
So this is a very powerful moment for these three planets. In ancient astrology when planets come into configuration, by whole sign, they immediately have reciprocation with one another, even if they're not connecting by a degree based aspect. So, you know, are they connecting by degree? No, but by sign it still matters. They're now seeing one another by a trine and you have a very powerful Mercury Jupiter conjunction connecting with Mars. So let's put that all together break it down and give it some some definition here.
Mercury and Jupiter coming together, let's just put this up on the screen, Mercury and Jupiter are going to represent bold declarations or proclamations. And this is coming also off from the fact that Mercury is now a morning star. So it's in that announcing phase of its cycle, it has a real yang kick to it. And it's with Jupiter, who is also a morning star. So you have this idea of the announcement of a new business or the rollout of a new product. Mercury is often related to business and money and contracts and things like that. So this is good news, you could say good news, we'll put that on. You could also say that the combination represents knowledge, wisdom, and brilliance, meaning a high level of intelligence, but also possible intellectual arrogance. So something that's like too puffed up or proud or big or something like that. At the same time, this would be a great time for people to go, I want to go back to school, I want to study something I've found my teacher, I've found my guru, I've found a mentor, or possibly taking on that role yourself I'm going to be teaching in a classroom or I'm taking on some student says as mentors or I'm going to be a mentor for some students. So anything involving education, learning knowledge, wisdom, brilliance, also potentially the hubris of the intellect with Mercury, Jupiter.
Also the idea of, again, anything that's commerce or business related that has the the seal of approval, like I remember when we were opening our yoga studio we had to get there were all of these zoning regulations, I guess zoning rules, zoning laws codes, that we had to make sure that we were in alignment with so that our yoga studio could open. This would be the day that you get the letter that says, good, you're approved, you're open for business or something like that. So the idea also of articulating a new orde. Even if you're a teacher, like I was, I was a teacher in grad school for three years. And so I taught College Composition and creative writing and stuff like that. And, you know, this is the, this is the time where you start maybe revising, or completely re-vamping your curriculum, if you're a teacher, you come up with a whole new order or way of doing things organizationally. So it's a really nice energy between Mercury and Jupiter. And then at the same time, it's getting this boost from Mars. And that's going to add the moxie, the confidence, the will the action, the assertiveness to make something happen. So suddenly, you're in the air, you're getting this kind of a kind of cooperative dynamic between Mars and Jupiter, and Mercury, that should allow for things to start moving very smoothly or cleanly. And also, the idea of finding allies or just finding help from people, like you can't do this alone in an air sign, you're going to need the help or cooperation of others, they tend to be very social signs. So I like this for a step forward or for the launching or announcing of something new and important.
Okay, so that's, that's what I've got for this first dynamic of the year on the third and the fourth. It's a big one. And I would love if you're watching this for people to come back and leave comments as to what your experience, like, during this time, because I learned a lot from hearing people tell me about that. But don't email me. I say that, and then sometimes I get 100 emails. But leave your comment in the chat section so I can read it. Okay, let's see. Now, if we go forward from here, I'm jumping a little bit because there's not a lot of action until the 13th. And to me, this is maybe the biggest moment of the month. And I'll try to show you why here. I'm just gonna back this up a little bit.
Okay, so here is what I'm calling the transit of the month. It's a New Moon in Pisces. Wow, is it a new moon in Pisces, you have the New Moon conjoined with Neptune, who is also conjoining with Venus. Venus is in her chariot, protected from the beams of the sun and exalted and conjoining with Neptune. So this is about as romantic and intoxicating. And, you know, like, I just want to say on the positive side of things first, because there's there's lots of potential red flags. But let's just start off with saying, this is that moment of dreams come true. The wish is granted, the sense of hope and faith is restored the sense of revitalization or moving forward after a period of doubt or confusion. So it has that kind of miraculous sense of Oh, thank God. It can be a very relieving very healing and and restorative kind of energy. It also can just be very romantic and imaginative, emotionally uplifting. So I love this New Moon. I think that this new moon is one of the most magical astrological configurations of the year. I'm that high on it. There are some warnings I think definitely like, as always, when you have an exalted Venus with Neptune in Pisces that we've seen this a bunch now since Neptune has been in Pisces, you always have to watch for almost things getting a little Shakespearean. And it's like, isn't that serious? You know, is it that tragic? So the romantic sort of imaginative sensibilities of, of Pisces have to be kept in check by the rational and the grounded qualities of the mind. And, you know, that's not always easy, especially given that Mercury is also about to join the party. I'll see that very shortly after this New Moon, you're going to see Mercury, let me just push it forward. So you can see mercury enters on what the 15th or 16th right in about there on it's going to be late 15th into the 16th probably, and then Mercury's in its fall in detriment. And so there is the potential for this New Moon to point toward.
I'll tell you a story. This has happened to me a few times, and maybe you guys can relate. I've travelled abroad before in my life. And you know, I've been to Peru and in India, in particular for some pretty deep spiritual retreats and experiences pilgrimage. And so for drinking ayahuasca in South America, you get down there and you have such a mind bending, otherworldly experience and you go, maybe I'll just live here. Maybe I'll just move here. Maybe I'll just live in an ashram and walk around India barefoot. I've seen other people because I've been multiple times to both countries. And, you know, you're with other people, and it's their first time and you're like, dude, I'm gonna go back and I'm just gonna find a place out in the woods, I'm gonna get a small trailer. And you know, I'm just going to commune with the fairies or whatever. And you're like, you can't you can't blame people for feeling that way. Because once in a while you have such a healing and mystical experience, or there's such communion with something bigger than yourself. It reminds you that I'm really not from this place like I am and I'm here and I don't hate it. I'm not trying to condemn anyone or anything. But like, I'm just, I'm born to swim in the Milky Way. You know what I mean? And the problem with this New Moon is the potential to get lost and swept away by that kind of longing that I've been talking about with the sign of Pisces over the past few videos I've made. So that would be the beware always intoxication, illusion, fantasy, lack of discernment, lack of rationality, this transit could pull on your heartstrings and get you involved with, you know, some kind of Don Juan singing with a guitar outside of your window who does not have a job? You know what I mean? I'm thinking of Say Anything. Do you guys remember that? Was it john Cusack with the boombox? So I literally had a client one time who met someone who was like this absolutely fantastic dancer. And they had this big Neptune Venus transits going on? And she was like, I'm just so in love. And I was like, Okay, I'm here to help you. Does he have a job? She's like, Well, no. I was like, this is one of the most memorable Neptune Venus conversations I can think of with the client. You know, she was so in love. So magical, so much, so much dancing. And if I remember correctly, it was salsa guy was a really good salsa dancer, you know, but no job, no ambition, showed up late to everything, and eventually, because this is a returned client of mine that I worked with a few times, they broke up because the relationship was not substantial. But just for to give credit to these connections, because they're not always like that. Sometimes they can be very substantive. But to this woman's credit, she had been single for a long time. So she met him when she was I think it was in her 60s. And it stirred something awake in her. So in that sense, I think she won't regret it. But you have to be careful because the things that come up during this time, it's kind of also like this is a transit where I would this this New Moon is, first of all, it's not just one day, right? This is going to plant a seed that lasts for the entire month ahead into April. So in the weeks ahead, starting with this New Moon, I'm just saying you're gonna get swept along by something and it's okay to get swept along by something. We don't need to be skeptics all the time, we don't need to be rationally grounded all the time. But at the same time, this is the kind of transit that you know a person may start drinking under or they may you know, they may get lost in an escapist fantasy of some kind.
For people who are grounded, I believe, though, that this is inspiring. It gives this this combination of Neptune and Venus and the New Moon plants a seed of future growth and development, excitement, a whole new chapter. That's beginning with a feeling of upliftment or arrival or communion with something bigger. So I really like it for that reason. Okay, so then like I said Mercury is going to enter into Pisces a few days later. That's going to be right about March 15, into the 16th. And at that point, Mercury is debilitated for a while. And we could go through Mercury and Pisces same kinds of be wares with Mercury and Pisces adding to the theme themes that we've already mentioned.
So we go forward to the 20th. The next big moment is the Aries ingress, and you're going to see the Sun moving into Aries on March 20. Now, this is a regardless of where you live, because this is not literal, this is a symbolic language. Remember, this moment like all cardinal moments in the Zodiac, it jumpstarts something. And when the in the in the light and dark exchange of the solar year that the Zodiac is based on this moment is symbolically representative of the light taking over. And that usually means that there's a big momentum shift in your life psychically energetically, I'm going to be looking at that in monthly horoscopes. So we can break that down a little bit more personally. But this Aries ingress is also coming at a time when Venus is just about to conjoin the Sun and be reborn. And that's interesting to me, you can see this happening by March 22, just two days later. And it takes place between the 22nd, the 23rd, the 24th and 25th. So it's finally basically finished by like the 27th. So between the 22nd and the 27th, you get about a five day stretch there where Venus is essentially at the heart of the sun. And there's this is important because this is toning the zodiacal year ahead that beginning of the zodiacal year starts with the rebirth of Venus. The rebirth of Venus means almost like a new way of defining ourselves socially, romantically, sometimes, aesthetically, or there's going to be almost like what can you call it? The rebirth or renewal of our relationships or of our friendships or of different social bonds. And there's it's not entirely easy to do this because we're also looking at Venus in Aries being in Mars' sign where it is her detriment. Her exile. So we're we're talking about almost defining or or pivotal decisions where we have to assert something or make a stand or define or the phrase that keeps coming up to me is to make it to make a some kind of statement. And because the assertiveness of Venus in Aries is usually like, here's where I stand, here's what I desire, here's what I like or value or don't like, here's what I find repulsive or repugnant and the Aries sun with at with Venus at the centre is saying this is a bigger moment of redefining my values or what I want or what I desire or what I like or am willing to harmonise with. And that's taking place between say the 22nd and the 27th. Now, interestingly, just as this comes up, as if you need any more, you know, evidence that with Venus cazimi and so forth, but here's another piece of evidence that this is exactly what's going to be happening.
You can see that on the 28th, we're then going to get a full moon in Libra, Venus' sign while Venus is at the heart of the sun, you can see it right there on the same degree, it's some people will measure cazimi a little bit differently, I use within the same degree basically. So what would this mean? Well, this again, if you have the Aries Libra axis, you're almost always talking about the need to assert something individually versus the need to cooperate with others, just as a basic psychological duality. And here we have Venus being reborn at the heart of the Sun. And remember this is going to be Venus now moving into the evening star position. So coming it's a it's a social change that's happening the evening star is going to be related to Venus in the world, in relationships Venus. In the morning star position is typically more about Venus standing alone or apart, which sounds a little contradictory because Venus is by nature relational. But there's ways that Venus is relational according to how Venus defines or separates itself from others by what I like and don't like, you get a lot more of that during the morning star phase. During the evening star phase, Venus's commingling and learning to commune and cooperate and is is reintegrating itself socially, you might say. That's happening as the full moon is also coming through in Libra. And again, with Venus at the heart of the Sun, but in a Mars ruled sign, we're defining ourselves probably by taking some stands. So that could be a big deal. Or it could be, you know, relatively minor, it's going to depend on each birth chart. I don't think that this has to be like a burn bridges kind of transit. But it could be, it could be the kind of thing where you really have to leave someone or something behind that really no longer reflects or accurately represents your values. So that becomes maybe a little bit of attention. I think that that's probably another one of the biggest transits of the month and it evolves.
You know, what's so amazing about this is if you think about that new moon in Pisces, where it's so inspiring, yeah, okay, but then immediately you're dealing with Venus in Aries, which is saying, hey, whatever is inspiring us on that new moon on the 13th. By the full moon, we're having to make some important choices, and maybe clarify who or what we like and don't like. And probably that's because we've been so inspired, or we've received some inspiration or vision about the future that we're trying to follow from that big new moon stellium in Pisces with Neptune. So don't be surprised if the dream costs you something or if there are important or social ramifications that come off from the inspiration of the new moon.
So here's another thing that's happening on March 28. Mars in the north node are conjoining. Now what does the north node do? it amplifies things in ancient astrology the north node is like a bit like Jupiter in the sense that it makes things bigger. And so Mars with the north node is going to amplify the good or the bad of something. And in this case, Mars with the north node. As the dispositor look of this Venus Sun cazimi is going to amplify Mars like energies. And at the same time, what's interesting about this is that while Mars is being greatly amplified, here in Mercury's sign, Mercury's coming into a conjunction with Neptune, I know it's a little hard to follow. So just stick with me on the 29th Mercury will then can join with Neptune. And the way to understand this, as far as I can tell, is to go back to the baseline. If Venus is trying to redefine itself socially, according to some inspiration that has been received earlier in the cycle, or coming off from the inspiration that was received at the New Moon, but now it has to make like bold kind of statements or it has to cut off things that don't work it has to make crossroad choices about values and relationships. We have then a reiteration of the mind, Mercury being focused on this dream and this ideal, Neptune with Mars being amplified in mercury sign. Okay, so what is the worst case scenario? The worst case scenario is that someone has drunk the kool aid of a total delusion, right? And they're going to start making bad choices and probably cutting off relationships or possibly making decisions or making proclamations or statements that get them into trouble socially or that have really big ramifications. And they won't be thinking clearly about it, but they'll feel hell bent on doing it and driving towards something, they're miscalculating the social ramifications for a relationship for their job for their family, whatever the case might be. Now, the most beneficial thing that I can think of is that this would represent a moment again, where I'm following a dream. I'm listening to my intuition and I'm having to follow it and make difficult choices that people may not understand. People may not understand it, it may appear irrational to other people, but I'm listening to something that's coming through, internal guidance of a spiritual GPS, not a material or rational one. And but that it's going to be driving me to act and think, and so forth. And there could also be some really amazing sort of mental and emotional breakthroughs right around this time, toward the very end of March. So it's a really interesting month, I feel like this month is a little Shakespearean. It's very theatrical, imaginative, dramatic. And I'm really looking forward to breaking down these transits one by one and looking at them with all of you guys.
In the meantime, remember that I will take a look at horoscopes and look at some of the not gonna look at all of them. But I'll look at some of these transits especially the new moon. I will be looking at those sign by sign around your chart so you can see okay, where is this big new moon energy coming from on the 13th. So stay tuned for my horoscopes. I think they'll probably be out on Friday. I might do a live cast for them on Friday as well. Typically, it'll be probably around like 1030 or 11 in the morning, something like that. That's central time. So that's what I've got, please leave your comments in the comment section and tell me how your month of March is going. If you're listening to this later in the month, please tell me how things are going. If you're listening to it right now, before marches even hit. I'd love to hear how you're already seeing this play out in your life or how you're starting to anticipate it. That would be interesting to read as well. All right, you guys have a great day and we'll look forward to more soon. Bye, everyone.
I’ve got Mercury/Mars/Jupiter natally which adds to the resonance. This month I’m waiting for a couple of things to resolve: a sore shoulder/arm which is preventing my home hatha practice to allow it to heal (as little movement as possible now); and getting the vaccinations (my bracket is up and just waiting for notification to make appointment). So that I can go back to my favorite yoga studio (since before covid) and make a pitch to my friend, the owner, about sharing a curriculum. Will update.