Today I'll be sharing my thoughts on what we can expect from the astrology of March 2022.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday everybody. Today we're going to take a look at some of the astrology of March, take a look at some of the highlights of the month ahead. There are 22 transits on my list for this month. So it's a very busy month astrologically. Tomorrow we'll be doing sun and rising sign horoscopes getting back into the swing of it with those. I know some of you have missed them. January February, I did not I just did overviews for the month so I'll be returning to to that. Let's go ahead and put the real time clock up. And I want to show you guys that I'm going to try to just give you a feeling for the month rather than going through all 22 transits. I just want to start by showing you what I think this month is all about.
So let's begin by just looking at the signature of the new moon, which kicks off the month on March 2, you have a new moon that is just a really I just think it's such a really positive signature. Now, positive is a subjective thing, right? In this relative world, positive events can be negative and negative events can be positive in the astrology is really so different for each individual. But when I get a feel for the mood of this opening signature of the moon cycle, I feel really good about it. You've got the new moon opening and a conjunction with Jupiter who's getting reset through its synodic cycle with the sun and a conjunction early in the month. It's protected in its own share it from the combustion. So this is a I would think a more positive expression of Sun's conjunction with Jupiter. They're both in a sextile with Uranus. It feels heroic and redemptive. The sextile with Uranus at the opening of a moon cycle feels like the cycle has this redeeming liberating breakthrough progressive kind of quality behind it. A momentum that's positive and optimistic. That's how I feel when I look at it and when I've been sitting with it.
On the other hand, Mars and Venus are going through a roller coaster this month. At the beginning of the month at the exact same time, you're going to see Mars conjoined Pluto. I started talking about that last week talked about that in relation to the warfare that's happening right now in the Ukraine. And then you've got Venus going through a conjunction with Pluto. Right afterwards. This is all early in the cycle. And then the two planets get together in Aquarius. Now I feel pretty hopeful about this Venus surpassing Mars than both being in an Air sign where Mercury and Saturn are present could cooler heads prevail, could this be the kind of energy where if there's volatility in relationships, you're working things out, you're coming to some sense of harmony and understanding. In other words, like Venus and Mars couldn't get more cathartic and sort of volatile looking going through the conjunction with Pluto, but then they can join again with Venus surpassing Mars, and both in Aquarius and Air sign. Where mercury and Saturn are co present right now which just feels like okay, let's be objective here. You know, like let's because the Venus Mars with Pluto can be very passionate and can lose themselves in the intensity. So that looks good.
But then right after Venus passes over Mars, then we have Venus in what's called a malefic enclosure. Now this malefic enclosure lasts depending on how you measure an enclosure if you use the outer planets or not. At the very worst, without the outer planets it lasts or what's to say if you use the outer planets it lasts until about March 19th. When Venus squares Uranus at that point if Venus is hemmed in, then the potential for liberation or some kind of breakthrough for Venus feeling hemmed in by the malefics could take place so that would be an early you know an optimistic early termination of the enclosure a breakup. But Venus is sort of caught between a rock and a hard place that the point is from about March 6 Onward. If you don't use the outer planets, different people will measure enclosures differently, then you have to wait all the way until excuse me about March 28.
At which point Venus conjoined Saturn and then as it passes over the conjunction with Saturn it is no longer in the enclosure. At which point we're about to start a new moon cycle. And the the next new moon cycle that takes place in March to me feels pretty hopeful because it carries on the same hopeful themes of the previous moon cycle. Now you're getting a new moon in Aries. Very dynamic action oriented. Mars and Saturn are coming together in Aquarius, they're no longer sort of beating up Venus. And then Venus changes signs. Venus goes into her exaltation in Pisces, and Jupiter is about to conjoin Neptune. You know, I think this is one of the more exciting transits of the year. You know, I feel this is a very hopeful, faithful redemptive signature and exalted Venus, Jupiter and Neptune coming together. So it's almost like when you look at the the moon cycle at the beginning of March, it's almost like this should be what the cycle is pointing toward. But for some reason, it's like, no, you're not really going to get that hopeful redemptive signature until early April, the early part of next new moon cycle, this moon cycle starts off hopeful, but then it's as though it's all prohibited or held in check temporarily or sort of temporarily restrained or delayed or something while Venus has to slog through this long enclosure. I you know, another reason to think that this is the case is that the moon cycle of this coming month of March is in Pisces, right? So when you're putting that new moon cycle in Pisces, this is the sign in which Venus is exalted. So it's as though this moon cycle wants to do all of the great Venusian things, the Nooshin breakthrough Jupiter upliftment, there's Uranus and Venus's sign. But Venus is going to be just dealing with a lot, there's a lot to try to reconcile that, it's going to be kind of like feeling like you're caught between a rock and a hard place.
Again, I think one of the most promising points of March that could break that feeling apart a little bit or, you know, almost like lift the feeling of restrictiveness. It's like trying to negotiate with someone, you know, it's like you're trying to negotiate with someone who has to be convinced that the thing that they're negotiating is actually in their best interest. It's like, Oh, my God, come on, this is actually better for you, if you would, you know, just think about it or something like that. I'm not applying that to world events. Right now. I'm thinking more about interpersonal relationships and how intractable someone or some somebody might be, right, you could just feel that that like, I'm not gonna budge, it's like, no, it's actually really good for you, this is something that will benefit you. But it could be that there people are really set in their ways or really unwilling to bend or yield or compromise or something like that. So here's Venus squaring Uranus right around March 19. And to me, I think that's a critical turning point in terms of the intractable feeling that we have around the moon cycle that really should be about like uplifting themes. So make of that what you will I'm going to be finding out what it's about just like all of you will.
22 transits on the month I mean, we've got some of the highlights also for this month include the Sun conjoining Neptune around the 13th of March, that's interesting Full Moon in Virgo on the 18th, Venus squaring Uranus like I said the Sun ingressing into Aries. That's the spring equinox or the Aries ingress that's a big moment. Mars squaring Uranus Mercury conjoining Neptune, Venus conjoining Saturn toward the end of the month so I'll tell you what, tune in this month man because this month is going to be packed with good astrology to learn from. I look forward to month like months like these I don't sit here having a sack clear sense of exactly what's going to happen. But I get the mood and the feeling of the cycle. The New Moon is a little bit like fool's gold to me this month, it's a little bit like that the real gold is a little further down the line. It's a but this early part of this month could almost make you feel like you're further ahead than you are. And then there might be a strong pullback as Venus is hemmed in between the malefics for a good portion of the month. And then I would say again, like let's see how that changes right around March 19.
As always, though, I am learning and growing just like all of you with my understanding of these transits. So I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions as well please leave your comments in the comment section. I'll be doing sun and rising sign horoscopes tomorrow. And then we will just start diving in right away unpacking a lot of these transits. We have a big week, Mars, Pluto coming up Venus, Pluto coming up. So I look forward to seeing seeing it alongside of all of you. Alright, that's what I've got for today. And I hope you guys are having a good day today. Good start to your week a good and a good week overall. ahead so we'll talk to you again soon. Bye.
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