Today I’ve posted my Astrology of the month for May 2021. I’d also love to know how the month of April has been for you – feel free to leave a comment below!
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at the astrology of May 2021. So as always, what I do at the beginning of every month is I put out my sun and rising sign horoscopes for all 12 signs. And I also look at the major events of the month ahead, all of which I end up breaking down in individual videos over the month ahead. So this is sort of a preview of the biggest transits that I think are going to be toning the month of May. It's not every transit, but these are what I consider to be the big ones. So we'll go through these today and give you a little preview, I'm going to put the real time clock up on the screen so that we can take a look at this.
And first of all, the major event that I have at the very beginning of the month is going to be the sun's square to Saturn, you can see that the sun in Taurus is moving into a square with Saturn as of the first of the month that's within that three degree range. And you're going to see that transit play out by about May 3, as it's playing out, there's going to be a last quarter moon. So I look at this as a moment of serious reckoning, perhaps meeting with certain kinds of obstacles having to overcome them, it's a more serious crossroads. It's also about letting go of something and coming to a sobering reality about something that you have to let go over that you're not going to use in the way you thought you might or, again, meeting with some kind of limitation or constraint but having to work through it. So I see that as the first couple of days of the month, good character building transit, though a lot of maturity, experienced discipline, results for hard work, those are some of the positives of that transit. On the third of the month. The other major thing that's happening is we're going to see in the third into the fourth, you're going to see Mercury change signs into Gemini. Now this is very significant, because in the month of June on, later in May, you're going to see mercury turn retrograde in Gemini, sorry, I was thinking it was. And then in June, we have a solar eclipse in Gemini on the 10th. So everything Gemini in your chart, when I'll be going through this in horoscopes this month, is going to be majorly affected. So you really want to look at the whole sign House of Gemini in your birth chart. Mercury's in its own sign, which means real positive and strong. But there are big changes coming into the area of Gemini and your birth chart. The reason for that is that Mercury Retrograde plus a solar eclipse in Gemini through like mid June. So there's a long, big sequence to come. And I'll actually just take you through it. So here's Mercury coming along through Gemini. And you're going to see the Sun entering Gemini as well. By late May. And then it's at this point, the 29th of may Mercury is stationing you can see the little s right below mercury right there. So mercury stationing to turn retrograde, then by June 10, you're going to see the solar eclipse in Gemini happening right here. So a lot of emphasis on the whole sign House of Gemini in this month's horoscopes which again I'll be going through separately. But it's a good moment to just be already be cueing into what's happening around Gemini stuff.
Now Mercury in general can rule things like technology, communication, media, information learning, communication style, or habits, markets and money, details and organisation, things like that. So you're looking at a real period of Mercurial change. I know, for example, that I'm going to be going and getting my driver's licence here in Minnesota and you know, doing a bunch of I'm getting, I have to probably have to change my cell phone and just like a whole bunch of that, and also going to be reorganising my data. This is all the kinds of things that you anticipate on a more mundane level from Mercury. But also, don't be surprised if your thinking or your way of communicating or the mental environment of your life is going to go through a significant change between now and about mid June. So that starts on May 3.
Now if we go forward a little bit, the good news is that by the eighth, Venus is also going to enter Gemini eighth into the ninth, Venus enters Gemini, which is nice because then you're bringing the goddess of good fortune of pleasant or pleasurable desirable things harmony entering that same sign so this is good because it adds a buffer to the coming retrograde. There's really truly there's like very fortunate things I feel like coming in through the Gemini transit of May. And Venus Mercury is often pleasing or pleasant speech, of a period of good deals are ease with negotiation or if you sell things again in a marketplace, Venus, Mercury being a day where you sell out of all of your goods. So there's a lot of positivity, ease and smoothness around transactions communication, writing, reading, learning, teaching technology, and it's starting to come in really strongly once Venus enters Gemini around May 8-9th.
Then we're going to see on the 11th we're going to see a new moon in Taurus. Now that is Venus ruled, so we're re emphasising the Venus mercury positivity of the transit. Now remember, at the very end of the month, by the end of the closer to the end of the lunar cycle, we are seeing that mercury turning retrograde so there is a process here that's going to play out but overall, I just want to emphasise how positive it should be. Overall, you've got an exalted New Moon in Taurus and Venus's sign well Venus is co present with its host Mercury in Gemini. So I feel like is anything that you're reorganising, restrategizing revisioning and stabilising things that should go really well. The other thing here is any purchases that you need to make or any way in which you need to invest in something, especially things related to technology or learning, it could be a good time to invest in that Rosetta Stone programme and start learning a language or, you know, buy some media equipment for your YouTube channel, which is something that I'm actually planning on doing during this period. So anyway, that's around the eight.
If you go to the 12th. And one of the nice things I like about this is here is mercury training Saturn. This is a sneaky positive transit because Mercury can be so all over the place and it's going to get a little positive grounding, mature support from Saturn, I would see this as a really good time for compromise negotiation. Finding forms of support, especially from people who are older or more experienced than than yourself, perhaps or offering it to someone else like mentoring. And yeah, I really like that transit as a form of support coming in in May. Then on the 13th one of the bigger pieces of news this month, which we'll be talking a lot about, will be on the 13th into the 14th Jupiter crossing into Pisces, and we're going to walk that through we're doing a lot on that so I don't want to say too much in this video. And I'm also as you guys know, this week my videos are shorter because I'm in the process of moving but Jupiter in Pisces is a big shift. We're going to get a taste of this from mid May all the way through July. And previewing what that Jupiter transiting Pisces will be like next year when it comes back and spends a lot of time in Pisces. So look at the whole sign area of your birth chart that Pisces occupies and note that here's a very powerful Jupiter after two years really of hanging out in Saturn signs. We're seeing Jupiter move into its own sign a very fertile water sign. A lot of things are going to grow and be birthing around this time especially with the the very busy and fruitful Venus and Mercury in Gemini then pairing that from with an overcoming square from a very fertile in sort of prolific Jupiter in Pisces. So a lot of growth and development of things, things being born things blossoming things moving. And this is a very positive form of support from Jupiter coming in right away. Now, more to say about that later in the month.
If we go forward now to the 16th through the 29th. This is kind of a big chunk of time here but the Sun will go through the last degrees of Taurus and those last degrees of Taurus can be a little bit brutal because of the fixed stars that are at the end of Taurus. So it might be a little bit choppy during this period 16th through the 29th followed by Mercury going retrograde at the very end of the month, as it's going retrograde, notice that it's retrogradation is going to happen in a square to Neptune. So potential for overwhelm, misinformation, deception, confusion, things being revealed that have been hidden. There's but there's definitely like a potential for some of that Mercurial Neptunian overwhelm or mystification to take place. Also potentially really inspiring forms of communication or learning. You think with Venus very close to Mercury at that same time and about to hit the conjunction to mercury if we're going into the month of June. The reason that that's so significant is because we're we're getting the potential for very pleasing kind of romantic energy from Mercury and Venus with Neptune in the mix, but also the potential to be be misled or to buy into illusions. And so the questions about what's real and what's not also with all the positive energy from Jupiter, are we going overboard somehow are we taking on more than we can actually handle? We'll be talking about some of those things around appetite and desire later in the month. And we can lose our heads a little bit in that same period while Sun is going across Algol and late Taurus and the the fixed stars at the end of late Taurus. So it's going to be questions about the desire body coming in towards the end of the month.
Then, if you look at the 24th of the month, another big moment for us is Saturn turning retrograde. Here's Saturn on the 23rd. You can see there's the little s for stationing turns retrograde on the 24th that retrogradation we're going to talk about what that means, but it's the first major retrograde of of Saturn and Aquarius if you're not looking at last year's little dip into Aquarius, so want to talk about that and how far back Saturn will go what degrees it will cover through its retrograde. And the nice thing about a malefic retrograde is that if things have been difficult, you've been moving forward slowly and through all sorts of difficulties, the retrograde can mean a sudden reversal or pullback of the difficulties. So, you know, retrograde malefics often will take back some of the damage that they've dished out, and help us go through actually a recovery phase before they start plotting forward again, it's a bit like in a workout where you get an exercise or two that lets your heart rate come down. Malefics can be like that when they turn retrograde, which is an interesting thing. Anyway. And then finally, probably the biggest news of the month is the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius at the very end of the month. So you can see opposite the Sun in Gemini, very close to the south node of the moon with a square to Jupiter in Pisces, who is the ruler of the Moon and South node. This is going to be about faith, other worldliness spirituality, there might be some a sense of being resigned to that which is inevitable, but finding faith in it like in the way that you know if a grandparent passes away, or there's a loss or a sense of mourning or grief or a disappointment of some kind, but we rally behind it and actually strengthens our faith, I get the feeling of that behind this eclipse because the South node is often like that. So but this is a faith building Eclipse and an eclipse that has a lot to do with the budding or some things that are growing and appearing. And also, in the wake of newness coming through, there's wisdom about what has to be let go of, we'll be talking about that a lot when we get to the eclipse, and watch for the Sagittarius area of your chart, of course, as well. And I'll be covering all of that in horoscopes this month.
So not as long as I usually have to give to the astrology of the month. I apologise I'm in the process of moving this week. So I'm banging out videos in order a little bit more quickly in order to make sure that I've got content for everybody for the week. And then most of my days are being spent doing a million other things. So I have to kind of turn them out a little bit more quickly this week. things should be settling down for me later in the month of May. So yeah, I hope that you guys have a fantastic month of may please leave your comments in the chat box. Tell me what you're anticipating. Tell me how you see some of these transits perhaps already playing out in different areas of your chart. And as the month goes on, come back and listen to this refresh. And remember, we'll be breaking down all of these transits one at a time as the month goes on. Alright, that's what I've got for you guys. Have a great day. Bye.
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