Everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology, and this is your overview for the month of October 2020. We're going to take a look at all the biggest astrological transits happening this upcoming month. And, boy, it's a big one, especially if you live here in the United States, of course, we're ramping up for the election. And a lot of these transits I'm sure will have a big role to play in the collective drama that's about to unfold here in the next month. And I laugh at this point, because it's just like, well, you know, can you really be shocked anymore at all of the incredibly intense events of 2020, and really anywhere in the world.
At any rate, as always, I like to tell people that if you are looking for a more personalised forecast, be sure to check out my monthly Sun and Rising horoscopes which will be out on the 1st of October. And then also remember that in every astrologer is going to pay attention to slightly different things. So the way that I the particular transits that I select are based on, you know, kind of sitting with the transits of October and going "Hmm, which ones really stand out?" "Which ones seemed like they pack the most punch?" or "Which subtle energies seem like they're very pervasive throughout the month?"
But as always, if you have something unique to add, please feel free to chime in to the chat box, I'd love to hear what you guys are looking at in the month of October. And you know what, you have your eye on as well. So, alright, let's go ahead and dive in. I'm going to put the real time clock up, we are going to advance this clock to October 1 and begin. So you know, the first of the month of October is a big deal because on the first of the month, we have a full moon right away in the sign of Aries.
Now remember, if you're looking at this and you're kind of new to astrology, the house positions do not matter when we're doing a mundane approach to you know, say the month ahead or a transit of the week: those will plug into your birth charts differently depending on how your chart is configured. So we don't pay attention in an overview like this, the house positions just to the aspects that are being made between the planets and signs. Alright, anyway, so you've got a full moon in Aries at the start the month and that really emphasises this theme of Mars that's in the air right now. And remember that this month, Mars is going right from a late September square to Saturn, right into a square with Pluto, eventually a square with Jupiter. This is the big lineup. I mean, if you you know, kind of circled on your calendar for 2020, some of the biggest transits of the year, hands down Mars retrograde in Aries, squaring Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter in October would be at the top of your list, you know, as a research astrologer looking into 2020 maybe along with say, Saturn Pluto in, you know, the early part of the year and that big Capricorn stellium. that's been happening all year. This is one of the most powerful transits of the year, arguably second to maybe the you know, the transits in the beginning of the year when the pandemic first kind of exploded. So that doesn't mean that anything monumentally new will will happen. I mean, a lot of it could be amplification of some of the same themes, because in a way we are, we are talking about a planet that is basically just going through and energising and amplifying that stellium in Capricorn while it's still around, still has a few months with us until Jupiter and Saturn move into Aquarius in the beginning of or mid December, right around the solstice they actually can join in Aquarius.
So it could be that really what we're seeing is sort of the grand finale of this very turbulent 2020 in the month of October and who knows what that means exactly, but I'll show you the exact dates and give you some sense of what I think is going to happen as we go. Pay attention to the full moon on the first of the month as an amplification moment for Mars related themes conflict, contention, courage, action, especially those themes of the frustration of the will, which is something I talked about earlier this week. If you watched my channel and you saw me do a video on Mars retrograde square to Saturn rewatch that video, because this full moon on October 1 will really amplify the very same themes will all sink also adding in a layer of more explosive dynamism as Mars is now starting to get into the engagement range with Pluto which tends to detonate a lot deeper, more primal eruptions of force power, you know, sometimes controversy or scandal, sometimes violence or contentiousness but also the need to, you know, expose something or face something or accept a challenge that's coming in and sort of find those inner hidden reservoirs of strength in order to face it. So that that energy is going to start to amp up right at the beginning of the month, with the moon full in the sign of Mars in the sign of Mars retrograde.
If we go forward just a bit into the second of the month, you're going to see Venus take a dive in her dignity into Virgo. So Venus goes into Virgo, and that is coming from Leo into Virgo. First Venus is now moving into its fall, which means that all things Venetian are going to be on the rocks for a little bit. I mentioned this last month when I talked about the lunar cycle to come this October. The saving grace of this is that if Venus is falling on hard times - and that typically means that things like friends, allies, the topic of women, children, mothers - I can tell you right now, if they're going to push the Supreme Court Justice through that by October 2 as Venus enters Virgo, you are going to see a whole month dedicated to talking about women's rights, woman on the Supreme Court, Roe v Wade... I mean it's prime Venus in her fall territory in terms of the the difficulty of the the subjects that are more difficult or stressful surrounding the feminine and the Goddess. And, you know, and again, I'm not suggesting which perspective that the planets are sitting here taking a political position. But what I am saying is that, the the stress and turbulence surrounding the Venusian topics are going to be a major concern in October starting on the second when Venus takes this kind of dive into Virgo.
Now there's there are many upsides to Venus in Virgo, like for example, the the guy who did my wife's hair for her wedding. I asked him if he would if he would help out for our wedding because he was a student of mine at the time, but he's like a, you know, in trade for astrological tutoring basically, because he's not someone that we could ever afford. He's that good. He'd been like Vogue's top stylist of the year or something like that, at one point in his career. I met him in New York City anyway, he has Venus in Virgo, and um, you know, fantastic artistic mind like so you can have Venus in Virgo oftentimes shows up in people who have extraordinary detail oriented technical craftsmanship like abilities when it comes to art, beauty, sensuality, you know, they're just technicians of beauty. I think Martha Stewart has Venus in Virgo. Another example of sort of that craftswoman vibe. So you don't want to be like "Venus in Virgo, oh, it's so bad." But from the dignity standpoint, when you're talking about the analysis of fate and fortune in ancient astrology, when Venus hits the sign of mercury or putting Venus in the sign of one of its natural planetary contraries, which is is Mercury, you know, where the rational increases the sensual decreases and where the sensual increases, the rational decreases. That's kind of an archetypal truth about Mercury and Venus. Now, of course, there's going to be exceptions to that where the two can certainly blend with one another, for example, people who are deeply attracted to intelligence or people who are articulate, or who find something erotic that is more, let's say, rational or intellectual or something like that. So certainly not the case that Venus and Mercury can't meet and get along either. And in fact, right now, they are and they will be because Mercury is in Scorpio, which is a sextile from Venus in, in Virgo. So you will get some nice Venus mercury combinations in the month ahead. But you are also going to get that contentious level of hostility debate, you know, and potential for real stress and drama because let's not forget, Mercury is going to turn retrograde.
Mercury's in a Mars ruled sign. Mercury is the host of Venus in Virgo and Mars is into all sorts of trouble this month. Right? So there is harmony between these two; I would imagine that this could be a great month for alphabetizing your record collection. Or careful, crafty, aesthetic, you know, tasteful design oriented decisions, strategic decisions rooted in beauty and eloquence. The intellect and beauty could get along this month nicely, and that's one feature. But there is going to be a lot of contention around Venus issues. Peace, love, marriage agreement, coming to agreement or negotiating and finding agreement on the topic of women. women's rights, women's body, the care or concern for, women and children, the life of children, all this kind of stuff. So watch for that. And I highlighted this one because, you know when when any planet, when its dignity changes dramatically, you always want to pay attention to that, because that'll really step up the Venus themes and in particular this month
So if we go forward a little bit into the month, we're going to go next to October 7. On October 7, you're going to see one of the more dynamic transits of the month because it's actually going to repeat once Mercury goes retrograde, and that is Mercury's opposition to Uranus. Now, Mercury's opposition to Uranus happens again, October 7, it's building a little bit, you could even say by the 5th of the month, you're gonna be able to feel it maybe even a little like you could go to the fourth, I would think about three degrees off is where I feel comfortable with it so that at any rate, on the 7th Mercury opposes Uranus, this is a moment of great dynamism for mercury. So you're thinking about original thoughts and ideas, striking or controversial news opinions, information or gossip, sudden dramatic announcements, the unexpected message that you get in the mail or that pops into your life, the unexpected messenger. You're also looking at something very interesting happening around technology and communication. There are going to be some big reveals, I think this month because of Mercury going retrograde in Scorpio, a sign that it was called mute traditionally. Mute signs, water signs, they point to secretiveness, water signs tend to have a slightly more subtle or secretive nature. Scorpio in particular is a Mars ruled sign often rules, controversial secret matters, like spies and, you know, detective novel type of things. And here's the things that Mercury is going to oppose, erratic, rebellious, sudden, unexpected, eccentric Uranus, and what's happening at the same time, Mercury's dispositor Mars course, Mercury's in Scorpio. So we got to look at Mars, what's Mars doing retrograde and moving into the square with Pluto. So this is explosive electric information, moments of Aha, the epiphanies that you have, the breakthroughs that you have, the sudden change that's on it, you know, kind of comes unexpectedly that the the change that you know, can kind of kick the door in a little bit like that is. That's what we're looking at here. Of course, again, moments of genius moments of really grasping something, they say, in the eaching. Basically, it's one of the things that I really love about the I Ching is that, things that you want to move in your life or that you want to change, you would like to see change in a certain area, that a lot of the times the reason that something can't change is because we haven't taken a long enough time to grasp the essence of the situation, which is a way of saying, that the transcendental truth of the matter, which sometimes includes a few truths at once. But you kind of have to get deeply into the Zen like essence of the thing that you want to see change, and then all of a sudden, you grasp it, and then boom, things start moving. You can't do that unless you're spending some time meditating deliberately. So I would really recommend this month taking time to be very intentional about reflecting upon things, especially subtle things. And especially any intuitions or hunches, you're getting about something that's happening a little below the surface within yourself within your relationship at work with your kids, whatever. Pay attention to those hunches you're getting because the likelihood that you will start to comprehend something that's a little bit invisible or unseen, is potent this month, and very likely that things are of course going to be revealed politically, because it's you know, right before the election, of course, you could predict that regardless if you were an astrologer or not, but Mercury and Scorpio about to turn retrograde, opposing Uranus be aware of the shock and awe campaign that you'll see in terms of things that pop up in the news to really shocking, unexpected twists and turns.
Now, if we go forward a little bit, to October 9, the breakthrough the moment of explosive catharsis, you know, really dynamic and powerful Mars Pluto transit happening on the 9th. Now that's the kind of you know, that's where that that has a little bit of a nuclear feeling to it. And if you go back, you can see for example, let's just trace this back a little bit in time. We're going to go back to the last time that Mars squared Pluto so you get a feel for it. It was just after that massive explosion and where was it Tunisia? I don't remember where it was. It was just it was just after that, it was right within the orbit of it. Between August 12–13. So look back then at the powerful level of change and transformation that was happening and what was taking place and, and what was being unearthed. For example, in my own life, that was the day where I was moving out of my house, and it was an emotional day. And it was a really hard exhausting day as well. There's the total transformation when you're moving, especially if you're a Cancer Sun like myself. It's like, you're removing the nest. They say that moving is up there with some of the more stressful events of life and it certainly felt that way. Although I'm staying grateful, staying blessed.
Alright, so, let's see going to October 11. So just putting a bow around that, the Mars retrograde square Pluto on October 9, watch for it to be a very explosive moment and be careful about reactionary thinking. And just be careful of conflict because it can escalate really quickly on that day.
On October 11, we have Jupiter moving into a sextile with Neptune. This is really interesting because of course, Jupiter is in its fall right now. So a lot of this has 2020 a lot of it has had to do with delusional beliefs, conspiracy theories, questioning the truth questioning what's real, our faith in something, feeling like your sense of hope is being challenged or even broken open in some way, a sense of divine doubt, it's like a dark night of the soul kind of doubt where you feel like it's deeply existential, you're wondering what's true, what's real. So this Jupiter in its fall trying sextile Neptune can be very positive in terms of, because remember, Jupiter's now direct and on a straight path to leaving its fall and going into Aquarius, and about to go through the gauntlet with Jupiter or with Pluto again. So I would say that we're on the brink of a restoration of faith, but there is going to be our faith is going to be tested our basic faith or trust that the universe is a good place, that things will look up that things can be better. That is going to be deeply in question this month, as it has the feeling of a meaningful interlude of doubt and concern about the inherent integrity of the cosmos or of larger structures that we trust and also people intentionally trying to cast out on things as well as the potential for there to be a real amplification of conspiracy theories and all that kind of stuff. So be careful also of what kind of Kool Aid you're drinking this month. Alright, so and remember Jupiter-Neptune also has to do with false or grandiose displays of strength or ego, so be careful of those don't get seduced by them.
Now, if we go forward to October 13, the Sun is going to be opposite Mars. This is a showdown that happens in the middle of every Mars retrograde as Mars is retrograding it moves into an opposition with the Sun and this is like the Full Moon of Mars is synodic cycle with the Sun in a sense. Here we have a question about the Sun is in its fall in Libra, right now in this month, going into October, and that's the sign of the scales, the balance, judgement. And of course, Mars in Aries is much more independent, individualistic, assertive, and aggressive, aiming toward victory and domination or winning, being on top. The Sun in Libra is going to be more about diplomacy, balance, fairness, equality, harmony. And these two are opposing one another right now in a big way. The ego can be challenged this month, if you want to think about it like that, to ask the question, what is an appropriate expression of power will strength ego individuality in the world and what isn't? What is healthy? And you can ask this question about leaders, kings, queens, CEOs, fathers or even heads of the family, whether that's a mother or father, anyone that represents the authority, or even our own internal sense of you know, I've got this. I've got a stable ego that thinks it's running the show, you know, and sometimes, in a functional sense, we have an ego. And that's what sort of what it does. So there's going to be challenges to those figures. And it may not be fair at all. You've got Mars with a square to Pluto, the Sun going through a square to Pluto simultaneously around the 13th to the 15th. And then Saturn, the Sun in Libra looks like The Statesman facing a Machiavellian gauntlet of some kind. What does it take to win? What does it mean to be fair? What are what is worth compromising on or sacrificing? It could be a question of, which is the two which is the lesser of two evils. But it is a kind of Devil's bargain moment during the month, I'd say this is probably one of the most intense moments of the month. Where that sense of are we fighting fair? Or is it always right? To fight fair? It's a simple example but if someone tried to hurt someone that you loved, you wouldn't probably wait until they were facing you to put up their fists and have like a nice, fair, equally refereed fistfight. So there are situations in life where I think we have to call into question, not only what it means to be fair, but when is the right time to be fair, because the very fact that there are situations that exist that don't, that aren't always fair means that things can't always be fair in this material world. And so if we're in a struggle with someone or something else, and, you know, we're dealing with someone who isn't playing fairly, what do we cling to? And do we do we cling to our integrity and choose to fight with someone who won't honour it? And then sacrifice ourselves or too much of ourselves? Or do we fight dirty? Or do we find a creative solution? Like, what do you do? And I think that's going to be a question this month. I think that the there are echoes of these themes that are going to be a part of the election, obviously, here in the United States. But I would say that these themes are going to be deeply personal for us as well. What am I trying to accomplish? How am I trying to do it? Am I cutting corners? Am I being ethical? Is there some way in which I'm being asked to accept the results even if they don't appear fair? And can I do that? Can I have the integrity to simply accept things that I don't like? Because that's another big part of this moment will be challenges that we face that are a result of our karma. And we don't always know or understand how that karma came about. And on the surface and on a certain level, it can be very unfair. But there's somehow this need to have equanimity in the moment.
The the wise approach to dealing with unresolvable or immovable obstacles or people or situations will probably carry the day in the end, the Sun is overcoming Saturn, Saturn is overcoming Mars. After this opposition, the Sun definitely starts going into being in the superior position over Mars as well. But there will be a challenge from Mars to the integrity of something or someone. And that will come up right around the middle of the month of October.
All right, so now if we go forward a bit more, of course, on the 14th we're going to see Mercury turn retrograde in Scorpio. It is the moment where I think Mars things are going to start to come undone a little bit more because now you've got Mercury Retrograde in Mars' sign and Mars is also retrograde. So I think you're going to start to see the death of Mars. And I'll tell you more about what I mean in a second. So Mercury turns retrograde in Scorpio. Now watch what follows, regarding the death of Mars that I just mentioned: The new moon in Libra comes in on October 16. Remember who is the host of this New Moon cycle? It's Venus. Who is the host of the last New Moon cycle? Mars. Now Mercury is retrograde in Mars' sign, Mars is retrograde and about to hit a square to Jupiter.
Okay, so what's going to happen is if you go forward just a little bit from here to the 18th. On the 18th one of the things that's happening is Mars retrograde is getting into a square with Jupiter. This is like Mars on steroids. It's very explosive Mars energy again, not very different from the Mars Pluto energy. So another really big Mars like spike, that's going to come. Again you think assertiveness, aggressiveness, take action, conflict, questions of domination, the ruthless, impulsive qualities of Mars. Also the courageous qualities of Mars and the need to do something, make a stand. Okay, so Mars is going to do that with Jupiter in this big kind of exaggerated moment. And that following right after that on October 19, Mercury hits the opposition to Uranus again. So if you look at it from the standpoint of maybe about Mars retrograde, squaring Pluto on October 9, and stretch it out to the 19th you've got 10 days of just super packed Mars drama. And this, you could reflect back on what I already said about Mercury and Uranus earlier that this is another big moment of dynamism and of information. I'd say that this is a battle of words, a battle of ideas, a battle of secrets and exposing things of fair fighting versus domineering kinds of ways of grappling with things. The bully versus the knight, the these kinds of images that are going to be up there and it's swirling around our experiences this month.
Right after Mars squares, Jupiter, Mercury squares opposes Uranus again. Then we go into a little bit of a lull. Things start to cool down a little bit by bit which kind of like then we're in the wake of that energy. But here's what I love: right towards the end of the month, about October 28, then we see the ruler of this New Moon cycle in that was in Libra, we see it going into Libra, which is where Venus picks up a whole bunch of dignity. Remember, the previous lunar cycle was in Virgo, which meant that it was Mercury ruled. And we saw Mercury go from Libra into Scorpio in the month of October where then turned retrograde it gets really Marsy. And then the next New Moon cycle. Remember, this is October 16, the New Moon in Libra began then its planetary ruler Venus takes over the next cycle and Venus was in Virgo its fall, but then suddenly goes into the sign of the balance of justice and fairness and picks up a whole tonne of dignity by the end of the month. So, in my opinion, this is why I said it's the death of Mars happening right now. But Mars has a real punch that it's going to try to throw this month. I mean, it's going to be a very, very Marsy month. And then what happens is, you know, you pick up the New Moon about the middle of the month as right as all these very explosive Mars like transits are happening that New Moon is in Venus's sign. And then by right around the 28th Venus picks up a tonne of dignity by moving into Libra and start setting the tone for everything. And I really I think that this is going to be a very significant turning point you're going to be able to feel it that if you've been grappling with more contentious energies, limitation, constraint frustration of will contentious qualities and other people. And if that's been a theme for a while now with Mars retrograde, you're going to see the tide really start to turn by the end of October.
Then we have more evidence of this because on October 30, you're going to see the Sun oppose Uranus, which is a moment usually of clarification, like the light breaking through the clouds or lightning strike illuminating the dark and striking down old structures and liberating energy, a very, very liberating quality that starts coming in. And then on the 31st we have a Full Moon conjoined Uranus in the sign of Taurus, which is the exaltation of the moon and the sign of Venus. So you get this really emboldened Venus energy by the end of the month, that also has its signature, breakthrough freedom, clarification harmony, so you should really feel almost like if it's a drought, this is the rain. If it's the humidity, this is the cloudbreak that breaks the humidity and clears up that feeling of heaviness in the air. You're going to see that by the end of the month.
Interestingly, I'll just mention this as a little tease for November and election. Mercury will be stationing on election day. In doing so, as Mercury is also getting into a square with Saturn. I find that very interesting when considering all the different things that could come up with the vote. And that is something to keep your eye on. And we'll be previewing at the toward the end of the month, with some other like election astrology content. So that's a very interesting transit to analyse. And it's very interesting to me that Mercury is turning direct just as the election is coming to a conclusion. In the sign of the scales, no less so balance, harmony, truth, karmic balancing, and so forth.
Now, I want to go back and talk about one transit that I forgot to include. And that is on October 17 into the 18th. One other transits to watch for is Venus opposing Neptune. And this is something that's building all month long. And remember, I said it's a big month for Venus, like Venusian themes related to the Goddess? Well, Venus is opposition to Neptune toward the very just after the new moon, or just after the new moon middle of the month. That's another really interesting moment for Venus this month. Venus opposite Neptune is like going to a spa for the whole day. Or it's going on a scenic drive near the ocean, or it's going, you know, it's going swimming with some mermaids or something. But also Venus opposite Neptune could be the moment where you find out that someone's been unfaithful, where there's been some level of deception, or the subject of intoxication illusion and fantasy are, could be a big part of this transit as well. And this could be the moment where you, you also it would be easy to like, spend too much or eat too much or kind of become decadent in some way. This could also be a time where issues around women and faith women and religion arise, because Neptune has that quality and sometimes will bring planets into the sphere of conversations about religion. And so the feminine and the mystical could be a really big and very interesting theme about 16th and 17th as well. It's just a little energy that comes in for probably about a week. And most people by the way, if you are ever like "I have trouble feeling these things," remember that most of us aren't attuned to feel the karmic weather unless something really big happens. Like most people will notice Mars Pluto, or maybe when Mercury stationing to turn retrograde. If you follow astrology regularly and you're saying to yourself, "I know these things happen, I just wish I was more aware of them," first of all, congratulations. Because not everyone gets the inkling to be a student of karmic weather. In general, a lot of people think it's bogus, you know. But the easiest way to be able to track what's happening, and therefore be able to respond and participate a little bit more intelligently, which is really the goal of astrology. You should really keep a journal, like when you come back to this video, like at once a week, throughout the month and track those transits in your own chart if you know how to or journal around those transit dates that I've given. Because when you do that, along with taking this kind of content in three, four times a month, the language of astrology will start to develop like an inner GPS programme and you'll be able to feel transits before you know, you know that before you've seen them on the screen.
For example, Saturn, you know, last night was stationing to turn direct. And as something was happening in my life, that was a perfect representation of Saturn's stationing. Especially because in my own chart right now, it's in Capricorn. My Sun is in Cancer, so it's opposing my Sun and I went, "Oh, wow. Yeah, there's that shift, there's that turning direct." And it was so powerful, to be able to step back and feel what I was going through from that transcendental heavenly perspective. It made me excited to participate rather than feeling like I just had some kind of problem to solve or react to, rather than feeling like well, you know, this puts a kink in my plan. I just went "Oh, that's interesting." That simple shift in perspective often makes us understand that we are we are midwives of our own experiences are not just the victims of our experiences or the benefactors of our experiences. Because sometimes that's what it's like, you look at the astrology and you're like, "all right, where's the bad stuff? Where's the good stuff? Yay!" But really the the beauty comes when you start being able to feel like you're a cosmic citizen with an awareness of these energies that are changing, and you have to track it, you have to, you can't just listen to it once. You have to spend time with it. And usually, I think journaling is one of the not everyone's into journaling. But it's one of the best ways I think, to develop this fluency in the language or awareness of the changes that are happening. The I Ching always says, "The change is happening, ask what does this change require of me? What does this season of life ask of me?" And to be reflecting upon that actively, you can't just look at the transits. You have to pay attention to them in a reflective manner, maybe even just once a week where you tune back into the overview of what's happening that week or whatever, which hopefully these videos also help you do.
So on that note, that's what I've got for October. I hope you guys have a great month of October. Don't forget that in November on the 14th, my new class Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic starts. You can sign up now my website, there's need based tuition if you need it. It's a one year programme. It's fantastic. I recently did a video with a couple of students of mine, talking about their experience in the programme. They just graduated. So check that out if you want to know more. There's an early bird payment right now, which is $500 off. And if you have any questions feel free to email us All right. Take it easy, everyone. Bye.
I’m still going back and forth if I should go back to school or continue in my same job. I withdrew last month but am having regrets. The reason for the withdrawal was because my husband said the school was to disruptive to our home life because I was studying all the time. Now I am at a loss and a crossroad…. that’s how September is ending for me.