Today, we're exploring Mars in Pisces, revisiting a key episode from our "Planets in Profile" series. Discover Mars's distinctive impact when it traverses through the intuitive waters of Pisces. This throwback will enhance your understanding of Mars's influence in Pisces and introduce you to our comprehensive series on planetary influences across all zodiac signs.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we're going to take a look at the deeper meaning of Mars in the sign of Pisces. This is going to be a rewind episode in which we look back at one of the planets in profile episodes that I did some years ago on Mars' meaning when in the sign of Pisces.
So I hope you will enjoy this and that it will also turn you on to those Planets in Profile episodes that I've done in the past. We've taken Mercury, Mars, and Venus through all 12 signs. You can find those in the archives playlists on my channel. We are going to be doing the moon. We are currently doing the moon through the signs, and we'll be doing the next in that series next week on the moon in Cancer. So that's coming up shortly, and I know you guys will enjoy that with Kaylee coming back with Moon poetry on Cancer; that ought to be great.
Anyway, before we get into it, as always, don't forget to like and subscribe, share your comments and reflections, and tell us a story. If you have Mars in Pisces or you have something unique to add to the conversation about Mars in Pisces, it would be cool to hear from you. You can find a transcript of any of my daily talks on the website
Right now, we are promoting two things. The first is our speaker series talks, which are coming up this weekend, and I'm trying to make people aware of them in case you aren't; a lot of people are new to the channel and may not be aware of the fact that we have a quarterly speaker series that is totally free and open to the public thanks to the success of our annual Kickstarter campaign.
So when you scroll down in March under the March speaker series, you'll see that this weekend, Dan Waites is giving a talk on Pluto and Aquarius, and next weekend, Joli Knott is giving a talk on the lot of fortune. You can check those talks out, register, and attend for free on the Events page. Click on the live talks you'll see on April 18. My next webinar on the outer planets in love, sex, and relationships is happening. Uranus in Love right before Jupiter and Uranus conjoined. We're going to take a look at Uranus as meaning in love and relationships and how to work with that planet and understand it better.
Also, on the Courses page, the first-year course starts again in June. I'm going to be going into promo mood mode for that soon. If you scroll down, you'll see that it starts on June 16. The very bottom enrollments are open, so need-based tuition assistance payment plan early bird payments are all available now if you want to start checking out that course.
The other course that I'm promoting is Ashley's herbal apprenticeship program. You can learn more about her work on our YouTube channel, skyhouse Herbs, where she publishes weekly on plant spirit medicine, or follow her on Instagram @skyhouseherbs when you're on the website. You can look at the Courses page to see the herbal foundations apprenticeship. It starts on April 24. And at the end of today's video, if you stick around afterward, you'll hear me interview Ashley about the program.
So, on that note, I hope that you guys have had a nice week, that you'll have a great weekend, and that you will enjoy this deeper exploration of the meaning of Mars in Pisces. Bye, everyone.
Hi, everybody, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. It is November 16, 2018. And I'm sitting down right now to do another episode of Planets in Profile. In today's episode, we're going to take a look at Mars in the sign of Pisces. Mars has just recently been engrossed in the sign of Pisces. And so, as Mars and Venus this year and into 2019 are moving through the signs, I'm going to be continually doing episodes on the different planets in the different signs. We'll start with Mars and Venus, and then gradually, I'll move on maybe a little bit later next year to start to cover other planets like Mercury and the moon and things like that. But sort of starting with Mars and Venus.
So, in this episode, we're looking at Mars in the sign of Pisces. Let's go ahead and switch over so we can see this cool view. Alright, so is our recent entry of Mars into the sign of Pisces? I get a lot of emails from readers and viewers always asking, so can you talk about what it means if I have this planet in my birth chart? Or can you tell me what this planet's characteristics are like when it's in this new sign? So that's really, again, the intention of this series.
So, in looking at Mars in the sign of Pisces, there are a few guidelines that, if you understand and you can kind of integrate into your understanding of the language of astrology, you will be able to have a pretty wide range of descriptives or adjectives to describe Mars and Pisces with your understanding will be more intuitive and more flexible. So Mars in Pisces is the double-bodied feminine water sign, which is the sign of the fishes, and it is the domicile or feminine home of Jupiter.
Mars has no essential dignity in Pisces, which means basically that this is not a place where Mars is either greatly harmed or greatly helped. This is not a place where Mars has some kind of amazing strength or great affinity with the planetary host. And nor is it one where he has any kind of affliction or hard time with the planetary hosts. So it's a pretty neutral space for Mars; it can go in either direction, depending always on where the host is at. So this is an important kind of teaching for really understanding planets.
A planet is never to be interpreted in a vacuum; you can't just interpret Mars and Pisces. In any chart, Mars and Pisces will always depend, never on their own, and always will depend on where Jupiter is located and what Jupiter is doing. Just like in the same way, if you can understand this analogy, if I come to your house as a guest, I don't have the strict sense of etiquette that was especially that was followed in the ancient world when people came into your home and were guests in your home. And not just your home, but your family or your tribe or your nation or your land or something like that.
The rules about how you would treat a stranger or a visitor were very specific and much more formal in some regards than they are today. In our sort of modern world, things are a little bit more casual. But if you have a more traditional family, for example, you know that when guests come in, there's a very specific protocol. And with us taking their coats, making sure you offer them something to eat and drink, giving them someplace to sit that's comfortable, you try to meet their needs.
So similarly, the whole concept of rulership is actually, in some ways, very misguided because there's not really, in the ancient Greek tradition, the word oligo, Despotate. I've heard it pronounced in different ways. It was more like the steward or the host of a house. And a house was not just, you know, your house, but the house of, you know, like I've said this before, Game of Thrones reference, a house that belongs to a lot of people, a whole family, extended family. So, when a planet is in a, in any sign, it is in the home, or the house of another planet, and whatever, whenever it's in that sign, it will want whatever it wants by nature of what it is as a planet.
So Mars, for example, wants action, violence, war, blood, and cutting- all heavy Mars, the god of war, kinds of stuff. Mars wants severing and division, and Mars wants to penetrate and divide. Mars wants to cut and conquer. Mars wants confrontation, competition, hostility, muscle, and Mars-like strength. But Mars is also courageous and valorous and brave, Guardian ship advocacy, the warrior sort of noble, shrivel, you know, sort of chivalrous, Mars qualities. Those are the things that Mars is always in need of because that's who Mars is. And we always treat someone when they're in our home. We give them what they need based on who they are and what their unique needs are.
Those are the things that Mars needs; generally speaking, Mars wants or desires to express those qualities. So when it's in a sign that is not its own sign, it relies on the generosity of the host. And if it's in a debilitated place or a more powerful place, it will rely on the host to provide for it either in that host will provide for it either more or less easily or in a more or less friendly manner, or with more or less difficulty, or just with more or less resonance.
So, for example, if I'm in your house, and you know, your family is very, very strict or stern, or you know, all the ducks in a row, and I'm kind of like I'm much more laid back, put the feet up, relax, laugh, take it easy, don't follow the rules so much make them up as you go. If that's my attitude, how easy will it be for me to feel as though I'm getting what I need when I'm in that person's home, right? Do you get what I'm saying? Or vice versa.
So you have to always take that into consideration. So Mars in Pisces is in Jupiter's home. Jupiter is a toast Jupiter is going to provide for, and what it means when we say that it has no essential dignity in Pisces is that there's no real conflict. And there's no real great immediate resonance with this particular home. So it's pretty neutral. It's like, you know, it could kind of go either way, but it's better than being afflicted for sure. Right? So it's not like there's some kind of real beef with the host. That's what you're trying to key in on when you understand a planet in the sign.
So what we need to understand is what kinds of things Jupiter gives to Mars based on the kinds of things that Mars desires. So, Mars, you could say, is also going to be a simpler way of thinking about it as Mars is going to express himself through the lens of Jupiter. You're kind of learning to blend the two significations together a little bit. But I find this analogy about what Jupiter provides for a guest in Pisces as a really easy way to organize your thoughts and create a meaningful interpretation. So what are those gifts or qualities that Jupiter gives to Mars when Mars is in Jupiter's home? Being like, Hey, I'm hungry.
Okay, so we already said Mars wants violence, cutting aggression, hostility, and courage. It wants guardianship advocacy, protection, and War battles. Okay, so all of these light and dark sides of Mars, what does Jupiter have to get? Jupiter has benefits, just generally speaking, is the planet that gives benefits, good fortune, good luck, and grace; it gives that sort of disproportionate sense of having gained something that's bigger, maybe necessarily than what one feels one deserves. That can go in either negative or positive directions; it makes things bigger.
Jupiter is a planet of faith, wisdom, and hope. Jupiter is a planet that is very usually associated with fertility and the growth or proliferation of things. So what does that mean? Well, and then you have to qualify this by saying, Well, what kind of, you know, what kind of Jupiter do we have when we're in the feminine home of Jupiter? It's more emotional, it's more feminine, it's more relational. You could say it's a bit more changeable. So Mars, in this sign, receives emotional courage, right? So you get that kind of thing. Emotional courage and grandness are the qualities of emotional bigness and courage.
So your Jupiter is granting Mars what it wants, but adding, you know, sort of says like, well, if you want, like, courage, and a fight will all give you faith, and hope, and bigness. And that's where you get almost this. That's why I have St. Michael pictured here; you get this feeling of, like, the holy war, or the holy battle, or the going to battle over beliefs, the emotional feeling of needing to defend or protect or guard against something. The emotional sense of vigor and competition is also connected with a wise or sage quality. So that's how they ended up blending like that because Jupiter is providing for Mars.
So again, Mars says, I'd like you to know, I would like to, I'd like to fight someone. And Jupiter says, how about I give you some optimism and emotional enthusiasm and grandiosity? Okay? So if you have a good, noble fight, that could be a really great thing, boy. You have some real charisma, and the wind is at your back. And there's a sense of faith in what you're doing. And that's a good thing to bring into a fight. You know what I mean? If you have to fight for something, having a sense of being confirmed in your vision and being supported in your beliefs that fuel the fight or the competition, you know, to believe in something matters. So that might be a really beneficial thing.
If you have any kind of action in the world to take, Mars is generally associated with action. Any kind of action can be fueled by optimism, hope, faith, and emotional excitement. However, on the flip side, you can also go into territory that's sort of, you know, emotionally grandiose and maybe overly dramatic. Sometimes, people get a little bit of a martyr or a savior complex with Mars in Pisces, which kind of blows things out of proportion and makes them too big. You know, I'm on a crusade, and you're like, really, you're just you're all you're trying to do is get your breakfast, you know what I mean?
Someone's on this emotionally impassioned, you know, tirade about, you know, how beautiful their morning muffin is going to be or something it can really be like that where it's just something that's so seemingly trivial that someone is it's just having a lot of bravado about it. So, you do want to be careful of the emotional machismo and bravado, which can be very Shakespearean and changeable with the double-bodied or mutable quality of Pisces.
But generally speaking, it's also like that feeling of riding high is a card in the tarot; I believe it's the six of wands, and it shows a man sort of riding on top of a horse and the Rider Waite anyway. And he's got a staff, and there are people in the background like, Oh, he's coming victorious, or he's going off to war. He's coming; he has a wreath around his staff. So, I think he's probably coming back from something victorious. That is very, like Jupiter, Mars in Pisces.
Okay, so this gives you some ideas of the kinds of qualities that can come through this. For example, sometimes, Mars is also related to science and even to mathematics. It's about division, cutting into things, dividing, and analyzing things, which requires a kind of surgical dissection. So, Mars is related to surgery and dissection. Sometimes, you'll have an auspicious moment for surgery if Mars has to cut something out, remove something, and make something Whole Again. Sometimes, that's kind of a good sign for trying to restore health, but through some kind of more invasive procedure, Mars, being a little bit more invasive, doesn't have to be intensely invasive; it could just be minorly invasive, but still a good outcome.
You can also think about any kind of analysis that you have to do, leading to greater comprehension of a problem or leadership degree, leading to greater comprehension, wisdom, or knowledge. So, analysis and greater encompassing wisdom.
So, it's a great time to have a deeper comprehension of something that's more scientific. Whereas sometimes it may just feel like, you know, science is sometimes you're breaking things up, you're breaking things up. And that analytical, mind it, sometimes it doesn't know when to stop. And Jupiter, on the other hand, is a planet that wants to build greater holes and greater unity. And so when it comes together with Mars, sometimes through Mars wants analysis and cutting, Jupiter is like, well, I've got unity for you, you know, all that work. And actually, something really nice can come out of that.
On the other hand, again, sometimes when you put that kind of cutting and dividing and analyzing quality with the greater sort of bigness of Jupiter, you can also have people getting really puffed up about their ideologies, their faith, their beliefs, people that get that believe that they're getting inspired by something that's coming from on high, and they don't realize in some ways that they're just being co-opted by the grandiosity of Jupiter and Mars, which are really like, in some ways, like, you know, demigods that can sort of possess and pull us around, like on puppet strings.
So, on the other hand, sometimes big initiatives, big ideas, that are a little risky, or that kind of sound, the trumpet or whatever. So you know, sometimes they're, they're needed, and they get things done. So you have to think about the combination. And remember the analogy. Mars is a houseguest in Jupiter's realm; how does Jupiter get a host and meet the needs or desires of Mars and things like that? It really, really helps to create interpretations. So, we have this in your birth chart.
Hopefully, this has also given you some sense. Right now, in the sky in 2018. Mars is going right into a square with its host, Jupiter, which I've already written about; you can go check that out on my website at nightlight If you like this kind of stuff, by the way, I teach a class called Ancient Astrology for Modern Mystic. We are starting a new one-year program. It's 30 Courses Plus 12 guest lectures.
So, for 42 classes in the year, only 30 of them are the ones that I teach and are required. But it's a brilliant, awesome, friendly, warm group class that I teach online through Zoom meetings, just like the one I'm recording right now. We start from the ground up and try to reteach people's basic astrological concepts from the ancient perspective, which really allows people to become much more organized and concise in the way that they delineate shards and people who are starting from scratch. It's really good for people who have studied a lot but don't necessarily know the ancient roots. Also very helpful.
All right. Well, thanks, everybody, so much, and I hope that you're having a great day and that you enjoy this sojourn of Mars in the sign of Pisces. All right. Take care. Bye.
i have mars in aries in the 12th house ( and Neptune on desc conjunct jupiter and north nodes) and i have so many close friends, work colleagues and exes with mars in pisces it is ridiculous… I love how you mention the drama.. the sense of occasion and theatre that i have noticed in my mars in pisces loved ones.. mine is much more direct of course.. but i seem to get somehow mysteriously neptunianly caught up in their dramas…also the invasion side of mars.. with pisces.. a kind of internal invasion… just a few thoughts…
Mars in Pisces is linked to the Ten of Cups in Tarot 🙂