What to watch for:
* The opening sextile of each lunar cycle is about the early harmonization of the lights that begins building the positive momentum of the cycle.
* Sextiles are of the nature of Venus, which means that the lights are harmonizing.
* The harmonization of the lights can be thought of like the combining of different raw materials in order to make something useful.
* The opening sextile brings unlike things together.
* The early harmony between the lights builds and begins to construct or develop a plot line or story.
* The current Moon cycle features the Sun in Sagittarius while the Moon is in Aquarius. This brings an underlying Jupiter/Saturn dynamic into play right now.
* It’s a good time to do things that are expansive or that build progressively toward a broader future while also conserving, narrowing, focusing, tightening, or becoming more disciplined.
* For example, it is a great time to begin a process of recovery, of making something older new again, or of bringing something from the past up to speed. Think of the image of an old house being restored or updated, for example, or think of the feeling of needing to clean, organize, or eliminate in order to sort of clean the slate and start fresh on a new project.
* Before starting, tidying, or before starting, tying up loose ends.
* There is both a quality of jovial, upbeat, optimism in the air right now, along with the need for practical measures, broad but serious-mindedness, and intelligent, focused action.
Meanwhile, I am 6 backers away from the 200 backer mark with 19 days left to go. Last year we raised the support of 360 backers, and that’s the number we’re still trying to beat this year. If you value these horoscopes, please consider being one of my backers. This is how I earn most of my living, year round, and it is totally dependent on those of you who have come to love this work pitching in and supporting it. That’s what makes this whole thing go! In addition to heart and enthusiasm! š Pick a gift reading when you donate!
Prayer: Give us the encouragement to make a serious effort. Help us to focus and refine the space around us so that we might be cleaner and clearer vessels of your radiant love.
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