Today we're going to look at the New Moon in Gemini. We'll cover five things that stand out about this new moon, including maybe the biggest thing: it's square with Neptune in Pisces.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology, and today we are going to preview some of the unique features of our upcoming New Moon in Gemini. I don't always take time out to look at new moons or full moons; I tend to do so; however, when there are features of the newer full moon that really stand out, of course, I always cover eclipses.
But you know, newer full moons there they can be hit or miss in terms of how powerful the exact day will be, as opposed to, say, the themes of the entire cycle that are implicated by the major transits happening during the cycle, which is what I tend to focus on my channel. At any rate, this new moon over the coming over weekend has some really unique features that I thought would make for a good video today. So that's what we're going to do.
We're going to take a look at the New Moon in Gemini and five things that stand out about this new moon in my opinion, including maybe the biggest thing, which is that this new moon is happening in a square with Neptune in Pisces, we're going to take a look at the Sun Neptune combination archetypally tomorrow, so we'll do a lot more a much deeper dive into the sun Neptune archetypal combination tomorrow. Today we're going to look a little bit more at what this cycle is likely to feature over the next month, given some of the big signatures, which will include Sun-Neptune but will not be limited to it. So we've kind of covered that one more specifically tomorrow.
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Okay, let's take a look at the real-time clock and I want to just point out some of the features of this new moon. So here we go. So here is the new moon coming through in Gemini. Saturday evening, June 17. So it's coming in over the weekend, like I said, tomorrow we'll look at the fact that the sun will be squaring Neptune over the weekend on Father's Day, no less. So that should be like, again, more of a deep dive into the sun Neptune.
But today, what we want to look at is this New Moon in Gemini coming through on Saturday evening and what to expect from it. So there are basically five features that I think are really important. By the way, technically speaking, depending on which timezone you are in, this new moon may come through on the 18th, like on the East Coast, for example and the West Coast may get in on the 17th. So I have June 18 New Moon in Gemini, but it's 17th or 18th, depending on the timezone.
All right. So there are five special features of this new Moon in Gemini that I want to talk about and I'm actually going to keep the chart up so that I can point them out. So the first thing that I think is really interesting about this is that this new moon is in Gemini and featured by Mercury, who has just appeared as the Morningstar. So let's take a look at what that actually looks like. In order to do that, I'm going to eliminate everything from our point of view except for the Sun, Mercury, and the moon here.
So what we mean when we say this is that you can see here, for example, on the eastern horizon, let's just say this is the eastern horizon cutting through the first house somewhere, which is usually what we call our ascending degree, or the ascendant. Mercury is going to be coming up prior to the sun. When you get that, rising prior to the sun and about 15 degrees of separation from the sun, approximately, that's when Mercury emerges from underneath the light of the sun, of the beams of the sun and makes its appearance. So this morning star appearance is considered to be a very auspicious and powerful omen and it puts Mercury into a very strong position. Mercury becomes very solar or masculine or yang like Mercury is also in its own domicile in the sign of Gemini.
If you look at the number of degrees separating, you'll see that it is you're looking at about 15 degrees, so You have about, I think it's about 14 here that's separating. So within very close proximity. So if we go forward just a little bit more, you can see how close that is and actually, it's like right about here that had happened. So it's a little, it's almost like just having appeared as the morning star a little bit earlier this week, I believe, actually. But it's right there. It's happening at the exact same time, right around the same time that this new moon is coming through. That's the basic point. So what does that mean and why is that important? And I'm going to plug everything back in so that I have it ready to go when we look at the chart again.
The main reason that this is so important is that when you have the host of a new moon in its own domicile, just appearing as the morning star like Mercury is, you have a moon cycle that is toned by an incredibly powerful, airy Mercury. So that gives you a feel for what the fruits of the cycle are likely to be; you're going to have a very airy, mercurial, and sort of mental, rational, philosophical, technological cycle. It's a great cycle.
When you see something like that, you know that wherever that whole sign house of Gemini is in your birth chart, for starters, is going to be speaking pretty loudly in the month ahead. So if you have that in your career, house, things are going to be pretty busy in that area, or the financial house or the relationship house or the house of home and family or the house of body health and identity first house, you know, so you kind of get a feel for where Gemini is located by whole sign in your chart to know like this is going to be a very busy and vocal cycle when Mercury or Venus appears as the morning star for ancient astrologers.
One of the words that sometimes used to describe a planet moving into that position is that it becomes loud, it becomes vocal, it's like it has a megaphone. And not only that but then when you put a planet in its own domicile, it amplifies that effect of the planet being sort of strong and its voice being loud in the unfolding of fate or destiny in the cycle ahead.
So it's a very airy cycle. It's a very mercurial cycle. It's a strong Mercury, and it's a morningstar Mercury. Morningstar Mercurys tends to appear with sort of brilliant, dazzling, youthful enthusiasm, new ideas, and new initiatives and incentives. This kind of Mercury can solve problems, implement new ideas, work with technology, handle a variety of, you know, juggle a bunch of balls in the air at the same time. Mercury is good at multitasking. Mercury's conversational and communicative it can be cooking a lot of things on a lot of different burners simultaneously and it's going to do so pretty effectively while being in its own sign and being a morning star.
So maybe one of the most interesting features of the cycle is the fact that this is a Gemini Moon new moon cycle, ruled by Mercury, who is in its own sign at the start of the cycle, and just having appeared as the morning star giving a lot of oomph. So for that reason, you got all of these mercurial, airy things being really dominant for the cycle ahead and you can get a feel for that, again, if you look at the starting point of the topics of the whole sign house of Gemini and your birth chart.
Anyway, number two, and this I find, you know, maybe equally as fascinating though, I didn't put these in order in terms of the things that I think are sort of most fascinating. Usually, I don't put things in order of most importance; I just sort of list them randomly. But this one is an order of importance; I think that's probably the most important feature of the cycle. But this one, to me, is sort of it's like 1-A, it's part of the story because context is everything in astrology and the context of this cycle, lets actually move this one day ahead. So we get that new moon in the actual picture here. Now we've got the picture of the new moon pretty nicely situated. And here's what I also find fascinating.
Mercury in the context of appearing as the morning star, Mercury has also just passed through a square to Saturn. So in, just passing through a square to Saturn, Saturn is also stationing to see a little s above Saturn. So that means Saturn is turning retrograde. That tends to happen, by the way; just as soon as the sun comes into a trine with Saturn that it will station to turn retrograde or station to turn direct.
So, in this case, the sun is moving into the trine with Saturn, and Saturn is in the here, the sun is about to move into Cancer, the water sign where it will make the trine to Saturn and notice what's happening right as its about to do so. So you can see that the sun is coming into that trine, and it's happening just as Saturn turns retrograde, so the retrogradation, the station happens and then Saturn is retrograde, and then very shortly after, the sun goes into cancer and makes the whole sign and the degree-based trine to Saturn. So that connection of the sun to Saturn in a trine is always what happens right around the time that sadness isn't either stationing to turn direct or retrograde.
So interesting is that Mercury as the Morningstar has just passed through a square to Saturn, and Saturn is now turning retrograde. So there has been an encounter in almost like the backdrop of the cycle features and encounter between airy Mercury and watery Saturn, which is fascinating because the sun and moon, and this is point number three, which I'll bring up in a second, are also in an Air sign squaring Neptune in a water sign.
So there is a really interesting way in which the Mercury-Saturn square passing over represents something of Mercury coming to, I would say, figure something out that has maybe been something of a block or a limitation, especially on the level of mental and emotional processing.
So we think of that because Mercury will represent mental and cognitive and intellectual, and communicative dimensions of our lives. Whereas Saturn in Pisces, when you combine it with Mercury, will add that emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimension and the heaviness or weight or frustrations or blocks or limitations that we feel, mentally and emotionally, are represented by the square between Mercury and Saturn.
So this cycle has that in the backdrop, but Mercury is having passed over that square now. So there's something about this cycle that is almost representative of trying to put something behind us, trying to rise up and gain some maybe mental and emotional confidence after having recently been faced with various limitations, struggles or setbacks or grief, or just the feeling of being closed in and less free mentally or emotionally.
To me, what's so interesting is this cycle, then seems to it seems to speak to the idea that things are trying to loosen up or free themselves up, especially mentally and emotionally. There's maybe the continued facing of some limitations or blocks or the marriage of the mind and the emotional bodies, the mental and emotional bodies as a part of the cycle but there's something about overcoming the duality between mind and emotion that they don't need to be enemies; they can get along somehow. So I see that in the backdrop, and I see that reiterated by the fact that this new moon and this two and three could really be the same point.
Number three is that this new moon is in a very tight square with Neptune in Pisces. Now tomorrow, we're going to look at the sun square Neptune in depth. But for now, what I'll say is that this cycle is also trying to marry something of the imaginative, the romantic, the emotional, the psychological, the subjective, the relational, the interconnected web of creation, and like the ecology of our emotions and the things that they connect us to in the environment and world around us.
That dimension of life is trying to connect with that Gemini space, which has to do with, you know, our intelligence, our wit, our street smarts, our mind, our speech or communication, or ability to learn and think creatively, independently to be adaptive mentally. So, once again, we see, like Mercury passing over Saturn, that this cycle offers us the opportunity for some kind of marriage between mind and emotion between the mental cognitive and the imaginative, romantic dimensions of life. This could mean that we also are facing, you know, questions or issues around boundaries.
This would be a cycle that could feature, you know, saying too much or gossiping or lacking appropriate mental and emotional boundaries and having to learn more about how to keep or maintain those healthy boundaries. This could also be about the difference between what is real and helpful and logical and like a clear, rational way of moving through problems, versus ones that are grandiose and you know, you know, exaggerated over the top unrealistic ways of seeing things, or of dealing with whatever is in front of us.
But I like to think that this cycle could also feature really creative marriages between the intuitive and the rational. It's like, you know, putting the two spheres of our brain together and saying, you know, let's, let's get along here, let's come up with a holistic solution. So the potential for the integration of mind and spirit, or of intuition, the qualities of like psychic awareness, the dream space, subtle synchronicities, all of that world of Neptune, coming into contact with the, you know, the magic and creativity of the mental space that Gemini represents you know, it could really be fantastic to see the two coming together during the cycle. So let's hold that outnas an uplifting possibility. But that comes through on the new moon as well.
Now, this leads me to point number four, which is, more broadly speaking, about the combination of air and water. We have 3,4,5 planets total, combining around this new moon in air and water, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, Mercury, Sun and Moon in Gemini.
So one of the things that I would just say about air and water is that they're very social; water tends to pool together in terms of emotional affinities, things that bond and link us together on the level of the heart, the soul, family, and groups, you know, blood and water combined. There's a sense of belonging and you know, water can be tribal in all of the best ways and maybe some of the not-so-great ways. Water can be about ancestry and DNA and genetics and the past and those things that gather us together in emotional loyalties and bonds with other people.
Then on the level of air, it's about ideology, it's about thought and opinion, and it's about how those things bond or link us to other people. Now, isn't it interesting that when you combine those things, you will sometimes have, you know, where ideology and emotion meet or clash? For example, you could be part of a group of people that you share a bond with, say, family, but you have a family barbecue, and you have to deal with your uncle whose views are very different from your own and you have to try to stay open and receptive because you have an emotional loyalty to this person, but mentally or intellectually or ideologically, you're just screaming inside like You're so wrong.
So the idea here is that the air and water has to do with the level of how the, let's call it social cooperation, the sense of social belonging that comes from our minds, our beliefs, our ideas, what we like to learn and think about, versus those bonds that are emotional in nature, that are physical in nature, that are very primal, and maybe ancestral or communal or familial somehow.
So we think a lot about this moon cycle is also teaching us something about where ideas and thoughts and feelings collect us or gather us with other people, and where we might clash in some of these ways and is there some space for reconciliation or, you know, working out the kinks around emotional and intellectual affiliations?
Number five is that this new moon also features a Mercury-Venus sextile. So the Mercury-Venus sextile doesn't happen all the time because of how close the two planets stay to the sun, especially degree-based sextile. So what I like about this is that in the air of this transit is the idea of loyalties and of the mind and the heart. Venus and Leo is the heart space, let's say that says like, How can I ultimately behind this transit the ruler of this new moon cycle is Mercury who's, you know, in a sextile.
Sextiles are of the nature of Venus in a sextile with Venus saying Let's cooperate let's harmonize. Mercury's moving past the square to Saturn, where there might have been strict or harsher limitations or rigid ways of thinking or feeling that separate us from other people. Now there's some sense of let's blend and merge. Let's bring mind and body or mind and feeling together.
Let's harmonize thought and feeling in our lives and who our thoughts and feelings bring us into cooperation or community with. So this has the feeling of a cycle that is really about harmonizing on these different levels. So I thought that was a really neat feature to see that, hey, you know, Mercury's sextile to Venus at the outset of the cycle, there's a cooperating problem-solving, let's get together kind of feeling behind the new moon that I think is really nice and a lot less dramatic in some ways in some of the previous cycles we've had in the start of the new year, which a lot of which were toned by like Saturn entering a new sign, Pluto entering a new sign, Jupiter entering a new sign, eclipses happening.
So you know that maybe the upside of this cycle is that it's like, hey, there's a little bit of tension in the air, you know, some water air combinations that aren't totally easy, but you got Mercury in a great position, harmonizing with Venus trying to work things out, and a challenge between air and water to get along.
So that is where I will leave it for all of you to think about and also leave your own reflections and what is your sense of things as we're coming into this? What are you feeling? What are you noticing? What do you anticipate from the cycle ahead? Or how can you already see maybe some of these things playing out with what you know is coming in the next couple of weeks?
All right, well, I will leave it there, and we will be back tomorrow to take a deeper look at the Sun square to Neptune, which is a big part of this new moon, and take a real in-depth look at that archetypal combination which should help us get ready for the new moon as well. Alright, that's it for today. Hope you guys are having a great day, and we'll see you again tomorrow. Bye.
I love your videos! Over the past week I have been manifesting people I’m thinking fondly about. The odds of seeing them in the locations I’ve found them is astounding and magical. Sag rising here with that new moon in 7H. It’s been a beautiful week so far and I look forward to more synchronicities.