Here’s what to watch for:
* Mercury’s retrograde toward a square with host Jupiter invites us to evaluate the noble truths we are currently serving and to ask the question as to whether or not those noble truths are worthy of serving, of whether or not they are bringing us lasting peace or happiness.
* Mars’ trines to Saturn and Pluto invite us to apply force or to take action, to marshal our forces toward worthy goals. However, both the Plutonian element and the debility of Mars in Taurus brings a similar process of questioning to mind. Are we wasting our energy in service to something that does not serve us spiritually or psychologically? Are we pushing the boulder up the hill only to watch it roll back down over and over again?
* Mars in Taurus will sometimes work or assert itself on behalf of something that looks or sounds good but is secretly quite selfish.
* Mars in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn will sometimes plot its own selfish trajectory one selfish but “nice looking/sounding” step at a time.
* For example, think of the way in which politicians gearing up for the 2020 election will start to posture themselves, seek out important photo opportunities, etc., when the bottom line is the quest to be powerful, to be successful, or to accomplish an agenda. Some of this is inevitable…it is part of the reality of the world that we should have to work carefully and politically to achieve worthy goals, but to know the worthiness of a cause, internally, we have to sit with it, observe, contemplate, digest, question, etc. Through this process, we begin to triangulate in on the truth, as one of my teachers likes to say, which in turn starts to win over our heart.
* The truth is we can’t give ourselves to something unless we’ve finally invested our heart in it. The intellect may know something is good, may appreciate or even be aroused by the truth on some level, but when the heart moves toward something it’s a different experience.
* We can tell the heart is moving toward truth of a higher order because there is less of us and our selfish interests, less posturing, less politic, less dressing ourselves up in the costume of the “good.”
* When the heart is in something, there is a lot less posturing required. Goals are accomplished without the need for so many photo opps. Spiritual realization, depth, beauty, intelligence, etc., shine forth of their own accord.
* The difference between the light of the soul and the effulgent mirages of goodness found in the world is that the mirages of goodness found in the world constantly point back to themselves, saying, look at how good, beautiful, true, devoted, holy I am, whereas the goodness and light of the soul quietly go about adoring its source, tending to the fire of divine love without getting lost in the by-product of “how it looks to be spiritual.”
* I find that these subtle distinctions (at least within myself) are easily the most difficult to address because it’s also natural for the soul to want to share what it loves with others. If we get even a small taste for something of a higher nature, something soulful, we want to share it with everyone, and yet until we’ve learned to cultivate this “higher taste,” until we’ve learned to hold it when people aren’t looking, reading, observing, etc., it is very difficult to not get lost in the mirage of spiritual goodness. Until we’ve learned to love divinity more than we love the way divinity makes ME feel, we tend to get lost in the golden haze of our spirituality. These are quite often Venusian/Taurean issues, and it is likely that we will be talking about these things for quite some time with Uranus having just entered Taurus where it will now frequently tempt us along with images of self-centered progress, beauty, and goodness at once.
* Again, right now with Mercury square to Jupiter and Mars going into trines with Saturn and Pluto, we should contemplate who and what we are following or associating with, what we believe, and what our true motives are. By doing so we may come to a deeper level of honesty while also applying our energy to things that actually move our heart.
Prayer: Oh heart of our hearts, be our quiet goodness, be our unseen mover.
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