Today I have the first in a series of talks on Jupiter's upcoming conjunction with Saturn, in the sign of Aquarius. In this talk, I cover the timing of this transit, the difference between Saturn's signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, and what makes this conjunction so unique.
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Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Today we are going to start in on the first of a few talks on Jupiter's upcoming conjunction with Saturn. This is something that I've been looking forward to all year, I wrote an article about this conjunction that appeared in the magazine of Edgar Cayce's ARE called Venture Inward, it came out maybe in September. So it's something that I haven't really taught on this year outside of this particular article that I did. But at any rate, I've been really excited to talk about it for a while. And that's what we're going to do. It's going to take a few videos, I think it'll take two or three, possibly three. Maybe I'll get it done in two, but I want to break it up and make sure that it's manageable, and not all just happening at once. So anyway, we have a lot to get through. And today we are going to talk about why a Jupiter Saturn conjunction is called a great conjunction. Why is it great? What is it what is a little bit of the history of this astrological phenomenon? How is it interpreted? Why is it interpreted in the way that it is? And what makes this particular conjunction unique. Then in part two, we'll be breaking down more of the specifics of Saturn in Aquarius with Jupiter in Aquarius. And talking about the myth of the water pourer, we're going to be talking about Ganymede, we're gonna be talking a bit about what it means that Jupiter is leaving its fall in Capricorn and going into Aquarius, where it will conjoin with Saturn in Saturn's sign. What is the difference between Capricorn and Saturn in terms of Saturn's two different signs? So there's a lot to get to.
Now before I do that, I want to remind everybody, my Kickstarter is doing well, we're almost halfway to our goal. We're right now we're at 323 backers, which is fantastic. We're off to a great start. We're trying to get to 691 backers, which will break last year's record. So if you are able to pitch in and support, please do. The link to my Kickstarter is in the comment section. This happens every year, the last 40 days of the calendar year, I raise money to support my work in the year ahead. If you enjoyed this content, if you share it if you subscribe to it and like it regularly, please consider pitching in. This is a huge part of how I support myself and a small staff of people that helped me year in and year out. So when you do that, you can also pick up some rewards. There is a mantra meditation video, there's an astrology of 2021 video. That's an exclusive talk that I won't be doing anywhere else predicting with eclipses. There's a year ahead horoscope reading for each rising sign, there's a talk that I give on melancholy, the mystical Saturn and nodes of the moon workshop series. All of these are different gift awards that I offer. When you support my work in 2021. You can pick up a recording, there's about there's they're almost half gone, the more personalised mini recording that I do. Probably the biggest perk that I offer is about all of my online classes my year one ancient astrology for the modern mystic course, which starts again in June and then next November, I run it two times per year, that course is 50% off the normal rate $400 off even the early bird rate. So it's a really good deal if you want to take one on any of my classes online year, one year two horary. So anyway, ringing the bell every day during these last 40 days, if you can't afford to pitch in, just send up some prayers that this channel continue to be supported, and that I continue to grow and make good content and that it's helpful for people. So thank you, everybody, I really appreciate it.
So first of all, we're going to take a look at the timing of the conjunction and just a few things to keep in mind, which I'll try to repeat in every episode but it's important to just go over this basic information. So Jupiter and Saturn are entering Aquarius in the next couple of weeks here in December of 2020. And Jupiter will conjoin with Saturn on December 21. That is the winter solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere. And so that's the great conjunction, it's happening in an air sign we're going to talk about what it means that it's happening in one type of sign versus another and a little bit. Now Jupiter spends about one whole year per sign. Here's what's going to happen this year. You're going to see that Jupiter bumps into Pisces in May and stays in Pisces just a little bit before retrogrades and in the summer comes back into Aquarius. You can see that that little bump from May and You're going to see it basically into late July so May to July there's a little dip of Jupiter into Pisces and then it goes back into Aquarius. Jupiter in Aquarius is going to be there all the way up until it finally ingresses out about the end of December. So you always get about a year of, of Jupiter in one sign, the 12 year cycle.
Now, the conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn happen every 20 years we're going to be talking about that in a little bit and what makes that unique. Saturn spends, you know, upward dipping in and out of maybe a neighbouring sine of two and a half to three years. So when does Saturn leave Aquarius, it's going to be about march of 2023. So here you can see that Saturn is changing signs. It happens happens about March 7 of 2023. So we've got Saturn in Aquarius starting this December all the way until 2023. Remember, Saturn's been in Capricorn since about December of 2017. And then, you know now we're now it's changing over to Aquarius, which we got a little bit of a preview of in 2020. I'll go back to that in a second. But now it's going to stay in Aquarius until 2023. What's unique about 2023? Well, the Aquarian show does not end because in 2023, we're going to see Pluto starting to change signs and move into Aquarius.
So we've got Jupiter Saturn for the next couple of years all the way till December of 2021 for Jupiter. And then we have Saturn until March of 2023. And then Pluto enters Aquarius in March of 2023. And it's going to retrograde back out a little bit and bump back in but you just just to give you a sense of how much of a focus we're going to be seeing on this Aquarian energy in the years ahead. So we're gonna do a really deep dive into Aquarius in part two of this series. Today I want to focus a little bit on the Jupiter Saturn cycle itself, what makes it unique, what it's based on kind of what it's rooted in, and how they're generally interpreted.
It's fascinating, by the way that you know, over the past year, we've been dealing with this triple conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, all in Capricorn. And Jupiter, of course is in its fall, while Saturn is in its rulership, Jupiter's now entering Aquarius, where it will pick up dignity by virtue of just not being in its fall. But it's still in Saturn's sign. So one of the things we really need to parse out in this series is what is the difference between Capricorn and Aquarius in terms of how they're read.
Now that I've kind of given you the backdrop of the the timing of Jupiter and Saturn's entrance how long Jupiter and Saturn lasts, it's really good background information to have just so that we all understand what a huge conjunction this really is, it's the beginning of a new era. Now you don't feel that immediately. These are slower moving planets so you're not going to necessarily feel it right away, faster moving planets are often much more noticeable you know right in the moment that that they happen but they don't last very long. The planets that take a longer time to move through the Zodiac either you know their their effects are more process-oriented, you don't always feel them right away, what to speak of Saturn and Jupiter conjunction that you don't always feel right away because it's somehow era or epoch defining. So you can almost understand them better in hindsight in some ways, then you can you know, in the first months, or even sometimes the first year of a transit that is really planting a seed for decades to come.
Now Jupiter, Saturn conjunctions only happen. They're not like the rarest thing in the world. They do happen every 19.6 rounded to like 20 years. So it's not the rarest configuration in the world. But it is rare. I mean, a transit that happens once only every 20 years. That's about as rare as eclipses coming back into the exact same signs in the same positions, the nodes being in the same positions that they were at birth, which happens every, you know, 18 years or so. So it is a significant event, there's fewer like maybe a Saturn return, it has 28 to 30 years. A Uranus opposition at about 40 to 44 years old, we get it right in there. But it is one of those transits in terms of mundane astrology when you're looking at major events happening in the collective and the shifts in the Zeitgeist The shift, historical shifts, Jupiter, Saturn conjunctions have been used for literally thousands of years to determine the changing of the age, the changing of the times.
Now, more significantly than just their conjunctions is when the conjunctions move through signs of the same element over the course of say about 200 years or so. And then, after that period of time is done, they will move into signs of a new element. So we've had Jupiter and Saturn, you know, in earth signs for a very long time. And what's happening right now is we're about to see Jupiter and Saturn, they're moving into the air signs. And this actually began in the early 1980s, at the very end of 1980, very beginning of 1981, you start to see Jupiter and Saturn coming together in Libra. That comes back during the summer of 1981. When I was born, they were conjoined. I will talk more about what that what it means in a birth chart if you have that in another talk in the series. So what makes this unique right now is not just that it's Jupiter, Saturn, which in of itself is sort of rare, but it's also that it's a Jupiter Saturn conjunction happening in Aquarius, which signals as it did in the early 80s, the beginning of a very long stretch of time, 200 years plus of Jupiter Saturn in the air signs. So it's like a new, airy era that we're entering into. What does that mean? And and how can we interpret that?
Well, we already have some evidence to go on based on what's been happening since the early 1980s. And what happened right around the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and Libra. So we'll talk about that in a minute too. This is one of the oldest cycles tracked by mundane astrologers. What is mundane astrology? It's the use of astrology to track the cycles of history. And the areas of contraction and expansion historically, the rise and fall of different nations and rulers and you know, in the ancient world, maybe things like agriculture and warfare, dynasties and ruling class families and so forth.
So the element is a lot of what we have to go on, and we're going to talk about that a lot today. This dates back to the late Hellenistic mediaeval era of astrology. So according to Zoroastrians: World History, this is a quote from Nicholas Campion, an historian of astrology, world history was driven forward by a dialectical process characterised by 12 phases of 1000 years each. At some point, it was noticed that the conjunctions between the two slow moving planets Jupiter and Saturn, which take place every 20 years progress through the signs of the zodiac in an orderly sequence that repeats itself after 960 years. Now, that 960 year marker was later adjusted a little bit but in other words, here you had a cycle that fit very nicely with the Zoroastrian cosmology and the cycle of 1000 years. So we see that these great conjunctions in the signs of the same element go through all of the signs of the zodiac, roughly similar to the thousand year increments that the Zoroastrians were placing such a significance on. So now, so that's just just a little bit of background, it's important to just understand where this is all kind of coming from.
Now, people sometimes will get confused by the idea lately, especially people would get confused of the idea of astrological ages. And this in this conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, I've had more people ask me is this like the beginning of the age? Is this the dawning of the Age of Aquarius? No, this is not the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. There is another really good book by Nicholas Campion that I'm going to recommend you all read. And it is from his book, Astrology and Popular Religion in the Modern West. And there is a chapter in that book called The Shock of the New: The Age of Aquarius. And what he talks about in this, I'm just going to read a quote from it, it'll be easier.
"The origin of the belief that the Age of Aquarius is imminent, is relatively modern, and can be traced to three separate but interlinked linked strands in 18th century European thought. The first was the attempt central to enlightenment ideology to establish a common origin to religion. The means by which this was to be accomplished was the study of comparative religion, the deliberate aim being to diminish Christianity's claim to unique status. The second was the theory that the shared religion, origin of all religion lies in worship of the celestial bodies, especially the sun, which became a model of all male deities and mythical heroes. The third was the use of the apparent shift of the stars caused by the precession of the equinoxes as a means of dating the history of the Indian sacred texts, the Vedas, the theory that religion and astronomy shared common origins was developed in the revolutionary atmosphere of the 1790s, France."
Anyway, he goes on to explain, essentially, that this view, which becomes adopted by theosophists, and sort of the early modern occultists, that it's adopted and taken on and then imported into astrology. And so, the point is, he closes the article by saying this and this is an important, important concluding remark.
"There are two crucial features of Aquarian Age historiography. First, its crisis laden language, sometimes fearful, but generally hopeful stands exactly in the lineage of astrological apocalyptic literature, which can be traced back to the ancient Near East, especially to the Old Testament. Second, all the documentary evidence indicates that the use of the shift of the constellations as a technical basis for such prophecies, appears to be a product of late 18th century atheism, filtered through Theosophy and then adopted by astrologers. We are therefore dealing with a clear example of an invented tradition, but one which has deep roots in the western mentality."
So whether you believe in the Age of Aquarius or not, I'm not here to tell you that you shouldn't. But I am here to make it clear that this is a relatively new phenomenon. It's a it's as Campion says it's a newly invented tradition. And the particular idea behind the Age of Aquarius that you'll often hear people talking about, is this idea that it's a hopeful New Age that comes oftentimes as a result to having to deal with and evolve through impending, you know, global crises. I'm not saying that there aren't impending global crises that will not have to evolve through. But if you look back at the history of astrology, this idea that that the impending you know, the dark moment that we're living through, where we may have to evolve through on any number of different levels, economic, political, you know, environmental etc. that the association between these things and the precession of the equinoxes moving towards Aquarius is very new. As Campion mentioned in this article, ancient astrologers had a belief in the cycling of ages very, very similar between the East and the West. In fact, I'm often laid out in four different ages, but we, the idea was that time was cyclical and always moving through through periods of expansion and contraction, light and dark. Just like the Zoroastrians believe that there were these long long cycles of the interplay between good and evil. It doesn't have to be so literal as good and evil but there's a long history in astrological thought of there being Dark Ages followed by Light Ages followed by Dark Ages. And that these cycles themselves are without beginning or end. So I'm certainly not against the idea of cycling through ages but I think it's important that people understand that the measurement of these ages has varied tremendously between different traditions over time and this idea that it has something to do with the end of the age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius now is very, very new modern idea. That doesn't mean it's wrong it's just to give you a sense of you know where it comes from.
Alright, so some astrologers have also I think it was Kepler who believed that the Star of Bethlehem may have been like acodeword for Jupiter Saturn conjunction. That Jupiter Saturn conjunction in seven BCE may have been the star that led the magi to the birth of Jesus. That's an interesting thing that you'll hear some people talk. I think it was Adam Sommer, he did a show one time on the star of the magi and the Jupiter Saturn conjunction and things like that. I think he would be someone that you could probably go into his archives and find some good shows that delve into the history of that idea. But I believe that that idea maybe it originated with Kepler, someone find that information that would be really useful, but I can't remember where that came about, but that you'll hear that some people say that as well. I have no idea just interesting information. Now the interesting thing about Jupiter and Saturn can joining in Aquarius, like I said is that they're only recently shifting into air signs. It really began in 1981. And then in 2000, we had still a little bit of Earth leftover in their conjunction. I think it was I'll check that a second. Now you have Aquarius, which is again, an air sign. So we're starting to like, set into the air signs. There will be no further conjunctions of Earth now that we're establishing these conjunctions.
Now we're finally an air sign. So what does that mean? Or how should we think about that? Well, one thing that air is associated with is obviously technology and I'm certainly not the only one who is pointing out some of the connections that are probably going to happen between this sort of airy conjunction in Aquarius and the future conjunctions during this new sort of airy age of the Jupiter Saturn cycle. And technology. I think that there's a lot to say about this. And I'm certainly not like an expert on the the topic of technocracy. But I think that's something in general to be concerned about, and excited about for different reasons. For example, if you go back to 1981, what was happening in 1981, that gives you this feeling of airiness? There's just a few little examples and if you guys have others that you think are really relevant, please leave in the comment section. The advent of the IBM PC. Alright, so here's a IBM making the the personal computer, right. And also, you had MTV launching this was just after I was born, and Prince Charles and Lady Diana were married. These are really iconic moments in, in western history, because obviously, MTV is a is a non stop 24 hour, music video TV channel. Remember this isn't Libra Which is Venus's sign. So you have a royal wedding in the background as an exalted Saturn this traditional, you know this like traditional royal family and the Jupiter Saturn conjunction and Venus's sign you have this kind of royal marriage theme. But what I find interesting is that of course, Lady Diana, it doesn't exactly fit the mould and that's something that we're going to come back to when we get into part two of this which is Saturn's role in the air signs and how powerful Saturn is in the air signs, and what that means about insiders versus outsiders, which repeats when Saturn was last and Aquarius, which repeated this last year when Saturn dipped into Aquarius for a little bit. So insiders versus outsiders, that's a big conversation for Saturn, always but Saturn in the air signs is so social in nature. That that that the theme of insiders versus outsiders is going to be something that everybody becomes very socially aware of.
You have things like the AIDS epidemic in the early 80s and also connected to Saturn's entrance into Aquarius in the 90s. You have the Rodney King, beatings and then the the riots that ensued when Saturn was in Aquarius, we have the George Floyd murder here as Saturn just dipped into Aquarius, and the huge amount of social demonstrations that followed all around the world after that. So those are classic Saturn types of situations where you have things that are dichotomies Saturn is the ruler of opposition's, oppositional tensions between things, one of the classic ones being outsiders versus insiders, the status quo virtue versus the original eccentric, avant garde. That tension is held by Saturn. When you put it in air signs, it's as though it becomes that becomes the hot topic for the social climate in general. Just notice that that's there with Lady Diana and the Royal marriage. And she's sort of, you know, sort of an outsider, marries an insider. MTV launches. I don't know how you would how you would summarise what MTV has done. For me, you know, as like, as a kid, obviously, being born in the MTV generation. It goes hand in hand with like AOL Instant Messenger and MTV. There's a way that MTV starts to change the social dynamic, that we experience in major major ways. And also tends to in some ways that exacerbates the feeling of insiders versus outsiders based on how popular you are, how famous you are, if you're a star, what you wear, how much you earn, like the celebrity culture grows a lot more intense, highlighting the difference between insiders and outsiders and also gives an opportunity for outsiders to become famous by virtue of celebrating all different kinds of music. You know, how popular does Marilyn Manson ever become without MTV? Or, you know, what I mean? Or White Zombie? There are so many different things that MTV ends up empowering a lot of people a lot of different musical artists and groups and different kinds of artistic talent that might be considered to be outsiders, but it also then makes them insiders and then keeps defining the status quo. So MTV is so Saturnine in a way and people never think about MTV is Saturday night. But it's because it's constantly straddling the tension between insider and outsider, what's popular, what's in and what's out, empowering people who are outsiders to become the next insider. It's the only place where you could like watch a Bjork video followed by like some really dopey looking Spring Break video where everyone's you know, half naked on a beach slamming beer or something.
Another thing that I think is really interesting, this is just you can look at some of the music that was being released around the time of that conjunction in 1981. And find some of the things that are also going to be really important that almost tell the story of what a great conjunction in an air sign and what this new era of air is going to look like. Police released their album Ghost in the Machine, which included a bunch of really good songs, but one of them was, of course, We Are Spirits in the Material World, obviously, you're starting to see, art and culture address the gap, that the potential for dissociation between technology and the human spirit, or between the material body and the indwelling spirit soul. Because here you have rockers, like the Beatles did, basically addressing the reality of materialism and consumerism and trying to focus on something that's transcendental, like the fact that you're a spirit soul. But they're also doing so you know, while decked out in designer clothing, and walking on red carpets and things like that. So it's a really interesting combination. I just thought that that Ghost in the Machine is a really interesting, well timed, collective Freudian slip, you know what I mean? Like, if you want to know, like, what the era is going to be about, look at some of the things that are coming out right around the time that they conjoin. Ghost in the Machine is also speaking to the potential dark side of, of air, which is going to be dissociation. Yes, there's a lot of technology, there's emphasis on things like the internet and computers and this globalisation of what's popular, what's in versus what's out, what's desirable, materially speaking, and so forth. But it also dissociates us. We're all closer together than we've ever been technologically, but more distant than we've ever been, in some ways, physically or on the level of our actual spirit souls were distant, though information and melding and meeting of the minds is at an all time high. So an airy epoch is, in some ways going to be defined by the rise of technology at the cost of spirit. We forget that there's a there's a living entity. As Krishna says, at the end of the Bhagavad Gita, I live in everyone's heart, and I'm directing the wanderings of all living beings who are seated in the body as if it's a machine made of material energy. And that's that Police song that comes out right around that time is really capturing the spirit of what the dark side of air could be. For example, if you want to think about the dangers of air, and again, I'm no like expert on this kind of stuff. Air gives us things like the internet. But then there's also questions like about how to contain things that are airy. Air is naturally naturally tends to escape.
So let's talk a little bit about what is air. This is one of my favourite books that came out just this past year, and it's quickly become a favourite. It's called the classical seven planets, source text and, and meaning by Charles Obert. And it's a really nice book that captures a lot about the classical meanings of the planets. And I like it because it very nicely synthesises a lot of source text material on the seven planets so that you don't have to jump from one source text to another, this is a really handy reference book. So, here's what he says about air, the element of air, which I thought was a really nice summary. "Air combines some of the activity of fire with the connectivity of water." So what does that mean? Well, first of all, air is a masculine element in astrology, you could say yang, which means that it's active. If you think about someone who's really social, who likes to talk a lot, who has a lot of ideas, kind of like a busy coffee shop, it has this activity to it. Now, it combines the activity of fire, which is like the most yang of the yang with the connectivity of water. Water tends to be something that joins and adheres and brings things together and melds things mixes things together. So if you're really sensitive person, you walk into a room and you tend to feel what other people are feeling and you don't even recognise that they aren't your own feelings that can be a sign of someone who has a lot of water in their chart. Well, air can be the same thing. But in a sense, it's a little bit more like you're thinking what other people are thinking and you don't realise it. Or there's a way in which information and ideas are very fluid and flowing around like water. Air is you know, invisible water in the sky.
So air flows, but outward rather than downward water tends to go downward towards a common base likes to seek out commonality, security, something that feels safe, but air is always moving around and it has a tendency to escape out of containers. It's not something you can hold or capture very easily. And it kind of has it blows it can go all different directions as well. It's associated with, as he says, associated with intellect communication exchange of ideas. Air being warm and active, is considered diurnal that would be like masculine air, his social and mental element. So while the social and the mental increase, the feeling of not being able to contain things will also increase. And the reason that this is really dangerous when it comes to the air signs is because look at how much power Saturn has in the air signs. For example, Libra where we had the first conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 1981, that that conjunction is in the exaltation of Saturn. Air as an element all of the air signs are called the daytime triplicity of Saturn. If you don't know triplicity rulerships don't worry about it, but Saturn rules the air signs by in daytime charts. Libra is the exaltation of Saturn. Aquarius is the domicile of Saturn. So in air signs in particular, Jupiter is much more the guest than he is the host, which is to say that Jupiter is going to be deferring to or like if I'm a guest at your house, I defer to what you have to give me for dinner. Jupiter in Libra was a guest of Saturn. So you think of Lady Diana, and you think of, you know, exalted Saturn, it's sort of like, she's the guest. And Saturn's the host, the traditional monarchy is the host. You think about the early 1980s thing about Ronald Reagan taking office and exalted Saturnine figure, right. That's just what he represented, this kind of elevated actor, you know, polished, suave, you know, conservative Republican figure. And that was an era of conservative empowerment all things, you know, considered. That's not all it was, but politically, at least here in the United States, that was a big deal.
Now, if you think about Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, right now, Jupiter is out of its fall in Capricorn, which is nice, but houseguest of Saturn. So Saturn is the one again, with all the mojo. It's very different in Aquarius rather than Libra. So we're going to be talking about those differences in depth. But for now, what you need to know is that in these air signs, Saturn has a lot of power. Why would Saturn have power in air signs? That's something that we need to address. Saturn's association with air is multifaceted. First of all, it represents the contrast between the boundaries and the boundarylessness of air. Now people would often think, why would Saturn be associated with air? Saturn feels so earthy and dry and concrete and structured or solid or something like that, but actually Saturn throughout history, Saturn has long been associated with the life of contemplatives, of mystics of scholars of solitary thinking or solitary thinkers you've ever seen the the Thinker by Rodin. Kind of a Saturnine figure and melancholy has been associated with Saturn melancholy is common in the life of, you know, artists and monks and madmen. Saturn is a planet that can represent the contemplative and deeply intellectual life. And so Saturn has always had a relationship with air, but also Saturn and melancholy with madness, and air signs are not just a fun bohemian copied coffee shop. Air signs can also tell the air signs can tell stories about mental health. disturbances, you know, mental breakdowns, mental health, all things that air signs can can sometimes bring up.
Saturn is always the ruler of opposition's as the ruler opposition's. He's always involved in these hard dichotomies between things. The boundary lists versus the boundary. People always think Saturn is the boundary. No, no, Saturn. Saturn is the is like the demarcation between things. So you could say in that sense that Saturn is a boundary marker, but it's not the same thing as saying that Saturn is structure. So, where there is this straddling of two different worlds, Saturn is is there somehow representing the polarity and the tension between them? So social convention in an air sign, like Libra, right you have Saturn exalted in Libra tends to represent the exaltation of different forms of social convention, like wealth and the monarchy and sort of it can be kind of oligarchical.
Saturn in Aquarius often brings up the issue between insiders and outsiders or the past versus the future. Same thing will straddle boundaries between things. So when you're thinking about social conventions, and even laws that define or restrict or social interaction in the world, you're often thinking about air signs especially Aquarius and and Libra two signs where Saturn has a lot of power. So insiders and outsiders socially and laws that define or restrict the interaction of privileged groups versus groups that are underprivileged, or experiencing some injustice, or marginalisation, you have questions about innovation versus dogma socially or culturally speaking, madness and eclectic thinking or inventiveness versus conventionality. Dissociation, versus being somehow socially embodied and something that everyone can agree to. These are all airy Saturnine issues. Spirit versus technology like the Police song, The Ghost in the Machine album, you have this idea of like intelligence, but also the question is between intelligence as something artificial or as something embodied? Is it just rational and mental or is it somehow deeply embodied wisdom? The distinction or the tension between the two are represented by Saturn's relationship with air.
Also you think about as Krishna says, in the Bhagavad Gita, the mind can be the best of friends or the worst of enemies. Saturn is associated with clear, rational, careful thinking, disciplined academic life and things like that careful scholarship, but it's also associated with people who get really depressed and potentially, can kind of lose their marbles. You're going to see some of these tensions more present in say, Libra versus Aquarius, which are the two air signs that have the most to do with Saturn, and the two that we've experienced thus far and the opening of this new trigon of great conjunctions and air signs.
Now, the reason that I think that this is troubling is because since 1981, we've seen this complete explosion of, you know, technology, and Silicon Valley, and things like that. The Aquarian Saturn in Aquarius in the 90s syncs up with some of that as well. To me, we're at an interesting boundary marker between technology as something that's helpful and technology becoming a new false idol. And along with technology becoming a false Idol is the loss of something very embodied. That's the in some ways the detriment of losing earthiness. The shadow of earthiness that we've had can be exploitation of the earth or almost like materialism. But the the end so the benefit of air can be technology that takes to a new level of sustainability, but the dark side of the airy quality can be technocracy, you know, where it's like plutocracy, basically the ruling class becomes the the technological elite. And, you know, I do fear that we're heading down a path where we have to really worry. The question of whether or not we can trust different sources of information, or whether freedom of speech or information is really free or not, or whether the technology can quickly turn into forms of control, forms of mind control forms of social control, and that's a real thing with with Pluto approaching Aquarius, as well. The idea that, you know, hey, let's just put a chip in your arm and you just, like, we're getting closer to that kind of stuff. And it you know, as I know, sometimes it seems really benign, but other times it's like really scary to think about how technology as a surveillance, you know, ways of getting more and more controlled with information. The social experiment of planet Earth can become both much more technologically sophisticated, but also, the more sophisticated it becomes, for those who seek to have control, the more tempting it's going to be to use technology also as a means of controlling information, ideas, etc. So it's a really interesting moment. We're entering into a time where, you know, some medical technology and the things that we can do for sustainability of the earth and things that are maybe really truly good are on their way in. But also, you know, air can't be contained. So the more information that's out there, the more you run into problems, some information is really, really toxic and bad, and just plain out false. And even I would argue, going down the path of evil. But you also have to be really careful because you're unleashing you know, these these currents of air everywhere, they're very hard to contain, and yet, and yet, we have to be careful not to get tempted into because air is hard to contain, then you try to control air. It's like, you know, in relationship, astrology, I see someone coming in, they're like, yeah, my spouse is like, really like all over the place. And I'm just, I'm trying to, like do all these things to control them. And their spouse has a bunch of planets in air, and like, don't, don't try that doesn't work. Well. In the end, if you try to contain air too much, it almost always backfires. And it's weird, because you would think of air is relatively harmless. You wouldn't think of air as like, the kind of sign that starts a war, right? But the truth is that where there is air, there's always questions of freedom, accessibility, limitation or constraint of different kinds of information or the question of containment versus openness. And as a social experiment, that's really tricky. And that's why there's legitimate reasons to be a little bit freaked out by what's happening, while also excited. There's arguments you can make on either on either side.
I think that's pretty good for today, just giving you a feeling of what we're getting into. We're getting into this, this airy new moment in history. It's been it kind of got started in the early 80s. This conjunction points towards the continuation of that, but it's also significant because now they're really in the air signs, you're not going to see a dip back into earth. And if you look back it was like the late high Middle Ages, that we had the last entrance of planets into air signs. I haven't done a lot of research about the high Middle Ages, but I'd be curious to know what new forms of technology and how that moment in history was becoming airier. So if anyone wants to comment on the late the high Middle Ages.
Now we're actually one last thing that we'll do today is, you know, one of the things that makes these conjunctions so significant, and why have they been tracked as they have? One reason is that Jupiter is the planet of springtime, and of growth and of newness. Saturn, of course, represents winter and oldness and decay. Of course, Saturn is the old God that Jupiter the young new God replaces. So there's always this kind of quintessential contractive, conservative, traditional energy versus this kind of new, youthful spring like forward thinking energy. That's one way of looking at them. When they come together, they offer an interesting synthesis between the past and the future. A generational handing of the baton. They also tend to represent the changing of eras, politically speaking, or collectively speaking, because you're looking at almost like this, you know, this death of the old, birth of the new, but it's not always like the new doesn't necessarily the new can be very Saturnine, especially when Saturn's in power, like it is in the air signs. So the early 80s is this new era, but it's kind of defined in, in a sense, least politically here in the West, with the Reagan administration, which is going to be more on the Saturn side of things. You're looking at it, but it has this Jupiterian flair behind it. Even if you look at 2000 you know, if you think about the way that what was happening in 2000, while we had the environmentalist Al Gore, you know, who sort of loses the he loses the election very in very close, contested manner. Right afterward, we're into the 911 era, right, and it's just like, think of how dramatically everything changed right within a year of that last great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. So we're hitting one again, and it's not going to be something that happens overnight. We're going to see this play out over the course of the next few years and arguably longer because this Jupiter Saturn conjunction is followed by you know, Pluto heading into Aquarius in in 2023. But what we're going to do in the next episode is we're going to discuss Saturn and how Saturn is unique in the sign of Aquarius, we're going to talk about myth, the myth of Ganymede, the water pourer, we're going to talk about what to expect with Jupiter copresent with Saturn in Aquarius, as well as the recent history of Saturn and Aquarius in the 90s. And then we might end up stretching it beyond that. We're going to try as we go to talk about what to look for in your birth chart. And some of that I did in this month in the horoscopes for December. So you can look back at that as well. But we will also talk about how to look for this personally in your birth chart. And that might be part three, maybe we'll fit it into part two, it just depends.
So I'm really excited for all of this. It's been, you know, a year of like back to back to back major astrological transits. So it's another big one to look forward to together. I'd love to hear what you guys are thinking about this what information or other ideas or opinions Have you guys heard about this so far? Please share in the comment section. Don't forget I have just 32 days left in my Kickstarter, we're at 323 backers as of my recording of this today. We're trying to get to 691 so we're getting close to halfway there. Anything you can pitch in to do to support my work. If you enjoy it is really appreciated. You can pick out rewards including over 50% off to all of my online programmes in 2021. A lot of other cool stuff too. Alright, that's what I've got for today. We'll see you again tomorrow for more. Take it easy, everyone. Bye.
Gutenberg’s moveable type printing press changed everything in the late Middle Ages (1440-1450). The Renaissance was well underway in Italy by then but could no longer be stopped in the rest of Europe — by the Church or aristocracies –once multiple copies of books could be sold inexpensively and read by the “masses”. To me, this is most like today’s Web, mobile phones, etc.
Greater availability of indoor plumbing is associated with more books to read — but probably not causal😉
There were other new technologies which came into being/fruition in the late Middle Ages. These included navigational tools, textile dyes, lace, knitting, etc.
Earlier inventions/innovations included those for Gothic architecture.
Plus the Chinese first sailed to Italy in 1434. An equivalent today would be a widely broadcasted “Close Encounter of the Third Kind”🖖
If you could mention what the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction means when in opposition to natal Sun/Moon midpoint I’d appreciate it., please. My Sun is 23° Cancer 26 so have been overwhelmed and immobilized — hoping for something to look forward to. I understand if you find my question too specific for your postings.
This is well after the fact. I personally observed the great conjunction of 2020. It came in sandwiched in the midst of a seven year cycle containing three solar eclipses that defined the United States. The middle solar eclipse also defined central and south America. The zenith transit point of the great conjunction was located in Southwest Brazil. Finally, 32 days after the final solar eclipse, there was a powerful Aurora Borealis that following the northern portions of the paths of the first and third solar eclipses, again defined the Northern United States. These were signs enough that in any other age and place would have had a prophet at every street corner. Emperors would have been frantically consulting their court astrologers. In today’s press it was completely overlooked.
In 1961, there was another great conjunction. A bit under a year later, all the classical planets met in a separation of about 17 degrees, all in Aquarius. This was a great convergence, possibly akin to previous convergences about 12,000, 22,000, and 24,000 years ago. In this convergence, the Earth drew the short straw and took the blow. The orbital parameters were subtly altered. This peaked on 05 Feb 1962 in a solar eclipse visible from Micronesia. At this time, the expanding spread between the geomagnetic poles reversed and began to contract. In 2025 they will reach a minimum and again, both geomagnetic poles will be aligned on the same meridian. None of this has ever been seriously mentioned in any of the media.
Now about the age of Aquarius. I did some back checking on my Redshift 3. At this time, Aquarius is very close, possibly includes, the band of the Milky Way, also known as the clouds of heaven. It makes a handy index for the great ages. By legend, something comes out of that region of space. Mathew 24 says it best, “then the sign of the Son of man will appear in the clouds of heaven, and all the tribes of men will mourn.” This would make a good book or movie. Not being greedy, I would be willing to accept 0.1% of the royalties for the inspiration!!!!!