Today I'm talking about the Sun's entrance into Pisces, and what you can expect from a line up of planets entering Pisces in the month ahead.
Hi everyone, this is the Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Friday everybody. Today we are going to take a look at the entrance of the Sun into Pisces talk a little bit about the fishes. And what you can expect from not only the Sun entering Pisces but a big lineup of planets that are going to eventually end up in Pisces in the month ahead.
So I've put the chart up on the screen right now so you can see it, you're going to notice that the Sun has just engrossed into Pisces, and I just want to show you where this is going in the weeks ahead. So if we go forward a few days, you're going to notice that first of all Venus pops into Pisces. One of the things that is unique about this Venus transit is that Venus is going to be in her exaltation. And that is a form of protection from the combustion that Venus is going through with the Sun. That's nice because Venus combust Venus, things can really take a hit. We've also got Mars and Venus is sign right now. So some of this is going to calm down pretty quickly. If you've been experiencing, you know, the Venus Mars tension that's sort of in the air right now. You're going to notice that that starts to calm down by really by the end of next week. Even though you go a little bit further than that, and you're going to see Mars finally get out of Taurus and into Gemini, at which point, there's less sort of conflict around Venus because Mars is literally out of Venus's sign, then what you're going to notice is this huge stellium that starts coming through, you're going to have this new moon that's going to come through, check this out. So let's just move this along a little bit. So here's a new moon that comes through around March 12. And look at that, it's just Venus, Neptune, the Sun and Moon all sandwich together. That's a huge new moon with a very strong Neptunian flavour. So we're starting to turn from a pretty heavy Saturn Aquarius emphasis, and that's going to start dying down into the spring as we get this big Pisces push, that's actually followed, of course, by Mercury entering Pisces. And then if you flash forward a few weeks later, you're also going to notice that by about middle of May, Jupiter will head into Pisces, and then Saturn is the only planet left and Aquarius.
Now the only reason I mentioning all of this is just to give you a feeling how everything is really going to shift to Pisces, there's a lot of emphasis on Pisces in March that will span all the way through the middle of May when when Jupiter gets into Pisces. So I figured it was worth it to take a moment to sort of pause and go like what are the fish about. So one of the constellation images that I really love shows the two fish their tails tied together, one is swimming upward and eastward, the other one downward and westward. And this is a really good like visual representation of Pisces and the the archetype or the mythos that's at the core of Pisces. So you have the upward and eastward movement, which is the movement of spirit of transcendence. And then you have the downward and westward movement which is toward embodiment or toward the physical or the material toward incarnation, toward matter towards imminence or toward embodiment. So, these two different impulses are represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions with their tails are tied together, they can't separate from each other. And there's something about this, that is a part of the quintessential meaning of the sign of Pisces, that we are immortal, eternal spirit souls who are always looking for our eternal home. And yet, you know, as so many traditions tell us, here we are pinned to the Wheel of Fortune, continually taking a new body, a new birth, even in one lifetime, forget about the huge metaphysical picture of rebirth and so forth. Just think about within this lifetime, we're always seeking for that thing that will satisfy us that will bring our heart some, it brings our heart and mind to rest.
One thing that I remember from another talk that Bob gave one time called Image and the Original. He talked a lot about how the Zodiac as a contemplative tool. That the images of the zodiac when we contemplate them very deeply, there's something about them that brings our mind and our heart to rest. Truth is like that. This is something that Plato and other ancient astrologers and philosopher said as well. Truth is beautiful and good and true all at once. And so when you find something to meditate on or to contemplate, that is true and beautiful and good, it is as though it brings us to rest. We're always in motion, we're always moving and it brings us to rest. Just very similarly, one of the opening verses of the yoga sutras says yoga chitta vritti nirodha, which essentially means Yoga is the cessation of the constant revolutions or turnings of the mind. And the word chita vriti has the word rich, especially the vrt is associated, there's etymological connections with that word in Sanskrit, to the revolutions of the sky. And so there is a way in which astrology is always helping us as a meditative or contemplative language to bring our mind and our hearts to rest within the constant motion. And that's also basically a description of Samadhi according to Patanjali, that that Samadhi is like finding the still center at the middle of the wheel, the open still center that as it's always there, as the wheels are always turning. So similarly there's something about the image of every sign in the Zodiac. That is, if we, if we sit with it and contemplate it brings our heart and our soul in our mind to rest. Because there's truth, beauty and goodness in the centre of these, these archetypes and it's a mandala, so it's filled with moving archetypes because life is moving. So we always have to find we have to be in the practice of, of moving with the changes and being able to find that resting place within them. So every sign gives us that and the two fish are a great example. Because here we have two fish eternally bound by a string connecting them, one moving towards transcendence, the other word, the other one down into the world of fluctuation and change and impermanence and embodiment as well.
So, when you when you think about Pisces, that's one level that you can start with it says though, what, whether you're a Pisces Sunn or a Pisces rising, or you have prominent piscean planets or energies in your chart, that there's a sense in which you can either find some way of sanctifying that contradiction so that it becomes a sacred paradox rather than a torturing contradiction. Or you can be you can sort of be torn apart by it. And what is the contradiction? It's the contradiction is that I am a spirit soul, I'm seeking rest, I'm seeking home, I'm seeking love I'm seeking. It's like your phone that's always looking for a signal. I go walking with my dog, I turn on the Bluetooth headphones, and it goes, ready to pair. It says ready to pair. And I always think when I hear that, I always think, Yeah, me too. Like me too, my heart, too. I'm ready to pair I'm ready to link I'm ready for yoga. And we have to find a signal. And we live with that all the time. We live with that while everything is always changing, and we're burning in those changes all the time. So Pisces is either reflective of the life that is lived in some kind of fluid communion or it is the life of the tortured dreamer with the grass is always greener on the other side and I can ever get comfortable. Nothing is ever good enough I feel sort of tortured or restless. And those qualities are particularly emotional in the double bodied water sign of Pisces.
But remember, this sign takes place just before the spring equinox when the light is about to return and take over for the year within the metaphorical language of light and dark that the Zodiac is based upon in the solar year. All of it is archetypal. It's I tell people all the time, don't take it too literally. People in the southern hemisphere, the language does not need to be literally configured to you. And I've also seen people flip the Zodiac and it's just fine. This is a divinatory language. So the seasonal metaphors, the exchanges of light and dark that they're built upon, are metaphorical. And the whole language is a symbolic form of divination. So I just say that because I know once I start talking about the seasonal metaphors everyone's like, but it's opposite here down south. It's like yes, of course it is. The literal connection is not what's important. The symbolic one is what's important. And you know, I've had that debate more times than I can count on this channel now, so I won't get into it again. But in this time of year, in the in the exchange of light and dark, that is the zodiac, you have the light ready to take over. So you have the sign of Pisces is the sign that emerges from the Yin into the Yang or from the dark into the light. And the cusp of that movement is one of it. The tension between the lingering darkness and the desire for light on the other side of the equinox boundary is part of the same metaphor. We're caught up in the darkness of impermanence of naseous of avidya meaning I can't see I can't I can't see what's real. Versus vidya which is like I can see like, so avidya is like ignorance. I'm caught up in it. I feel pain. I feel dissatisfied. I feel divine discontent, the light is over there, the light is over there, right? So that is acutely felt at the time of year when the light is about to take over, but it has not yet taken over.
So there's this futuring this longing that's built into the sign. And remember that just like Sagittarius this is a Jupiter ruled sign in the ancient language and so, the takeover of light from darkness is also happening in Sagittarius. When Sagittarius concludes the light starts to return when Pisces concludes the light takes over. Contrast that to their opposite sides, Gemini and Virgo who are mercury ruled signs. Mercury tends to be more deconstructive, takes things apart, throws them up in the air, calls things into question. And what happens in Gemini at the end of Gemini, the light starts to lose decrease, and we go back down towards the darkness downward and westward like the the one fish of Pisces, in Virgo. After the end of Virgo the darkness takes over. So mercury hands over to darkness Jupiter hands over to light. They're not good or bad. Just it's not as simple as good and evil, right. So don't think about light and dark that way. That's the ancient astrologers were much more sophisticated than that. And light and dark and masculine and feminine were also not limited in the ancient language to even sex or gender, they were far more, much more like the metaphysical categories of yin and yang, they were thought to be like fundamental building blocks that the sort of binary, like computers have like binary code language, they're sort of like the binary language of reality. But through that those binary languages also, there was also a spectrum. And you have planets like Mercury that represent the deconstruction of the binary or the ability to move freely between it and not be identified with either side of a binary which the ancient astrologers also said that the soul itself was not associated with a duality. So the soul itself is moving through constant fluctuations between opposites. And there's all sorts of kinds of opposites and different ways in which opposites interact with each other. And that was all part of their philosophy.
So why am I saying this because the takeover from dark to light can be experienced in many different ways, and not purely in terms of going from something bad towards something good. For example, many times people who think the good is in the future, and the the bad is in the present, right? It's bad. Now I want it to get better later. Oftentimes, on a very simple level, that kind of thinking will keep us chained perpetually to dissatisfaction with the present, and futuring, about a good that will never arrive. So how good is that? Right. On the other hand, sometimes it is true that in the present, things are not so good. And in the future, they will get better every spiritual practice is based on the premise that you know, there's something on satisfactory about just living, it's totally self absorbed, indulgent, materialistic lifestyles, and so we take up spiritual practice, because we believe that things can feel better, right. And there's a way in which we're going to have to include some kind of linear thinking about a better future and that even if, as we progress in spiritual life, things become increasingly nonlinear, you know, but still, there's a sense in which you know, things can and will and do get better when we do what we know we need to when we invest our energy in the right ways and in the right people in the right practices and the right association we looked at toward a brighter future when we do that. So the play on light and dark, the play on the, the moving toward a brighter future. You know, sometimes people who who are constantly dissatisfied with the present and want to move to a better future, or those that are going to get torn apart by not only kind of wishful utopian futuring, but also, you know, escapism, or the present sucks, so I better escape it, you know, and the light at the end of the tunnel could be a heroin needle, or it could be alcohol. So sometimes you're going to see addiction associated or escapism and things like that sort of associated with Pisces is not always fair, because it's not always like that. And other times, you're gonna see this sense of the hopeful, buoyant, optimistic sagely characters with deep emotional intelligence like that can be Pisces as well.
But at any rate, I don't have a lot more to say about Pisces, just that if you meditate on the upper In eastward moving fish and the downward and westward moving fish, and note the tension inherent within that and and how it plays out in your own life in the weeks ahead. In the months ahead with Jupiter about to enter Pisces as well, which we'll do some more videos on. You can find that by purely by meditating on the image of the two fish, and on this archetype will transition between dark and light. In both the potentially beneficial and potentially more destructive elements of this archetype. You'll find that your mind comes to rest, you'll find that your heart comes to rest. And then it's not as easy to get caught up in the archetypes when you're meditating on them. And that's exactly what ancient astrologers wanted us to be aware of like, if you're not contemplating these archetypes if you're not learning to see the beauty, truth and eternal goodness of these different seasons of life while you're in them. You'll get played by them, you'll get swept along by them and because you get you get overly identified. So as the sun is moving into Pisces, I hope that this little meditation was helpful for you and that it helps you to move along more mindfully with this Pisces season. I would love to hear your thoughts about being a Pisces what you've noticed about Pisces energy. Free from stereotypes, please, you know, but what are some of the deeper archetypal dimensions of Pisces that you've learned about? I'd love to hear from you guys. So I hope you guys have an absolutely great weekend and we will be back together again on Monday for lots more next week. All right, take it easy, everyone. Bye.
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