They arrived! On one side they say, “Hare Krishna!” (a yogic call to God!), and on the other, they say, “Kind Words, Clean Heart.” The goal is to go 21 days without criticizing other people, or even general situations. Each time you do, you switch the band to the opposite wrist and start over. I began 13 days ago during Mercury retrograde. It took me eight days and a lot of switching before I started catching myself, and now (in fact just as Mercury was stationing to turn direct), I am learning that it feels so amazingly good to refrain from criticism. It doesn’t mean I don’t have critical thoughts, it doesn’t mean that I lack discernment or reason, and it doesn’t mean that I am sugar-coating things or trying to make things “nice.” It just means that I’m learning to hold my tongue when I want to use it to strike someone or something because it makes me feel good or powerful or smart. Who knew what a bad habit criticism could be?! This, in turn, is very slowly starting to change the quality of my thoughts and observations, in general. I consider myself a “nice, spiritual guy,” but I have been shocked to realize how much I criticize.
I believe…that we can learn to let “many things pass.” I believe…that we can actually learn to be “slow to speak and quick to listen.” Our minds can learn to trust our heart and our heart can be the means by which we think and speak. And when we do this, we are naturally reminded that…. “God is love, and God’s love is intelligent and real and absolutely ready to reciprocate.” We only have to know how to really speak and how to really listen. Every time I look at my band, I also try to pray, “Help me with this. Teach me how to do this. Teach me how to hear your voice. Teach me how to have soul. Teach me how to perceive. Teach me how to talk.” š
Want one? They are free! I will send you one. All you have to do is email me with your mailing address (and no, you will not get anything else in the mail from me going forward!). Email:
I believe…that we can learn to let “many things pass.” I believe…that we can actually learn to be “slow to speak and quick to listen.” Our minds can learn to trust our heart and our heart can be the means by which we think and speak. And when we do this, we are naturally reminded that…. “God is love, and God’s love is intelligent and real and absolutely ready to reciprocate.” We only have to know how to really speak and how to really listen. Every time I look at my band, I also try to pray, “Help me with this. Teach me how to do this. Teach me how to hear your voice. Teach me how to have soul. Teach me how to perceive. Teach me how to talk.” š
Want one? They are free! I will send you one. All you have to do is email me with your mailing address (and no, you will not get anything else in the mail from me going forward!). Email:
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