The Moon is in late Libra today, opposite Uranus in Aries and applying to sextile Venus in Leo and then the Sun before going void of course. Yesterday someone asked me to explain the meaning of the fiery road, or the via combusta. The basic idea is that the signs of Libra and Scorpio are the celestial houses where the Sun and Moon take their fall. The Sun and Moon are exalted in the spring signs of Aries and Taurus, and so the opposite signs of Libra and Scorpio, at the opposite time of year, is where they are most challenged by the seasonal quality (the gaining of light and life versus the losing or fading).
In horary astrology it was considered a potential prohibition to see the Moon located in the via combusta at the time of a question put to the heavens. A possible time where judgment might be clouded, or the person answering the question not in a good state of mind to be asking the question clearly, etc.
In my own experience I’ve simply noticed that the via combusta, or the fiery road, holds up in daily or mundane prediction. The several day period is toned by a kind of malaise or anxiety, conflicts seem to get worse before better if we push things, and we often received difficult news or we experience setbacks or obstacles. Often these obstacles are more phantasmic than real…creating more worry than actual blockage if we maintain inner equanimity.
If you follow the Moon closely, then observe the path for yourself and see what comes up!
In the meantime, here’s what to watch for today:
* Help, friendship, mutual support, or generosity between mother and daughter, mother and child, family and finances, or family and friends (Moon/Venus sextile)
* Creative expenditures or purchases, zainy or over the top artwork, installations, custom projects…beware overspending (Venus rx trine Uranus in Aries)
* Rebellious mother, motorcycle mamma, dissociated from family, unpredictable encounters with others from the past or symbolizing the past
* An initial stage of completion, success, agreement, or good faith negotiating (waxing Moon sextile the Sun in rulership)
* Issues of fathers and sons, fathers and grandfathers, fathers and children, fathers and health, fathers and death, rulers or dictators or leaders and corruption or scandal, issues of paternity and origin, depression and doubt, hardship and setbacks and what they do to our confidence or spirit (Sun in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio), the need to hero through another generational encounter
* Organizing, mindful, planning, editing, arranging, meticulous, slow, thoughtful, technical, pure, clean, factual, helpful (Jupiter and Mercury in Virgo)
* Loyalty, pride, betrayal, promises and oaths and whether we keep them or not and why not and what the consequences might be (Venus RX in leo square Saturn in Scorpio)
* Welfare, generosity, giving, enabling, excuse making (Venus rx in Leo)
As we move toward our first quarter Moon in the next few days we should see our last series of Leo/Scorpio challenges…immovable objects meeting unstoppable forces. Stubbornness, pride, blocking, refusing, denying…and then yielding, generosity, sharing, and helping. Since Saturn is finally direct, and the Sun is in rulership, it would seem that Saturn is finally on his way…ready to help us turn the page and move forward past what’s been a very contentious summer between Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
Prayer: Help us to remain steadfast and loyal to the generous feeling that lives in our hearts…the one that doesn’t flinch or react or get crazy when people break promises or things don’t go as we planned or expected…the one who knows, “I’ll get back home eventually. I’ve got all the time in the world.”
In horary astrology it was considered a potential prohibition to see the Moon located in the via combusta at the time of a question put to the heavens. A possible time where judgment might be clouded, or the person answering the question not in a good state of mind to be asking the question clearly, etc.
In my own experience I’ve simply noticed that the via combusta, or the fiery road, holds up in daily or mundane prediction. The several day period is toned by a kind of malaise or anxiety, conflicts seem to get worse before better if we push things, and we often received difficult news or we experience setbacks or obstacles. Often these obstacles are more phantasmic than real…creating more worry than actual blockage if we maintain inner equanimity.
If you follow the Moon closely, then observe the path for yourself and see what comes up!
In the meantime, here’s what to watch for today:
* Help, friendship, mutual support, or generosity between mother and daughter, mother and child, family and finances, or family and friends (Moon/Venus sextile)
* Creative expenditures or purchases, zainy or over the top artwork, installations, custom projects…beware overspending (Venus rx trine Uranus in Aries)
* Rebellious mother, motorcycle mamma, dissociated from family, unpredictable encounters with others from the past or symbolizing the past
* An initial stage of completion, success, agreement, or good faith negotiating (waxing Moon sextile the Sun in rulership)
* Issues of fathers and sons, fathers and grandfathers, fathers and children, fathers and health, fathers and death, rulers or dictators or leaders and corruption or scandal, issues of paternity and origin, depression and doubt, hardship and setbacks and what they do to our confidence or spirit (Sun in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio), the need to hero through another generational encounter
* Organizing, mindful, planning, editing, arranging, meticulous, slow, thoughtful, technical, pure, clean, factual, helpful (Jupiter and Mercury in Virgo)
* Loyalty, pride, betrayal, promises and oaths and whether we keep them or not and why not and what the consequences might be (Venus RX in leo square Saturn in Scorpio)
* Welfare, generosity, giving, enabling, excuse making (Venus rx in Leo)
As we move toward our first quarter Moon in the next few days we should see our last series of Leo/Scorpio challenges…immovable objects meeting unstoppable forces. Stubbornness, pride, blocking, refusing, denying…and then yielding, generosity, sharing, and helping. Since Saturn is finally direct, and the Sun is in rulership, it would seem that Saturn is finally on his way…ready to help us turn the page and move forward past what’s been a very contentious summer between Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
Prayer: Help us to remain steadfast and loyal to the generous feeling that lives in our hearts…the one that doesn’t flinch or react or get crazy when people break promises or things don’t go as we planned or expected…the one who knows, “I’ll get back home eventually. I’ve got all the time in the world.”
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