Things to know/watch for:
* Venus is currently pursuing Mars in the sign of Pisces, a sign where she is exalted
* However, they will both change signs and move into Aries, where Mars is in his rulership and Venus her detriment, and then before they can conjoin Venus will station and turn retrograde (March 5th).
* We therefore have an interesting symbolic dynamic to keep our eye on in the sky over the next few weeks. Venus in her power pursuing Mars, but then Mars gaining the upper hand and eventually Venus turning away or retreating.
* It’s interesting to note that Jupiter is also nearly sextile to Saturn but will also turn away via retrograde. Two significant refranations between planets that would otherwise be coming together in harmonious ways.
Possible archetypal scenarios:
* We are pursuing an arrangement, a relationship, an alliance, a deal, or a partnership. Right now we may feel as though our desire to see things brought together harmoniously is lighting the way and the future looks promising, but we might see that eventually we have to do an about face because who or what we’re seeking union with either isn’t willing to compromise, or we face setbacks or new opportunities, or we realize that what we desire or wish for isn’t sustainable or worth the time/energy in the long run.
* We are pursuing something that doesn’t appreciate us for what we are truly worth. We will eventually have to turn away or we might go through a period of regret and disappointment as our expectations aren’t realistic.
* As a leader, leading someone or something onward, we suddenly recognize we are up against a much stronger opponent or oppositional force than we first reckoned. We lead a retreat only to find that the people/friends we saved from a bad situation are resentful.
* By retreating from something we obtain a greater following, by taking our time and waiting for the right moment or opportunity, we build important assets and allies. By not compromising our needs, even though we may have to take a step back, we set ourselves up for eventually succeeding.
* By refraining from a tempting conflict or battle, which we might very well win, we bide our time, build our resources, and wait…hollow victories aren’t real victories. Victories with support, enthusiasm, and ease, rather than victories rooted in deep divides or conflict, are the way to go!
* If we have to chase something for too long, and it eventually debilitates us, at what point do we stop, pause, and reevaluate our own worth?
* Conflict is retreated from carefully so as not to give the appearance of giving up, quitting, or becoming indifferent.
Remember these themes aren’t for “today” necessarily but will play out over the next few months as Venus and Mars move closer together but Venus eventually retreats. So this is a good horoscope to bookmark and come back to again later!
Prayer: Teach us when to pursue and when to retreat. Fill us with the humble confidence of our real worth.
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