Mars in Gemini is just separating from an opposition to Jupiter in Sagittarius. At the same time, Venus in Aries is moving through a square to Saturn in Capricorn, the South Node, and Pluto in Capricorn.
Here’s what to watch for:
* Whenever anybody is expected to follow something…a leader, a calling, a religious or spiritual path, or even just a basic task or physical chore, there are generally two requirements that will ensure everything goes along smoothly. One, a person must feel some degree of personal, emotional investment, and two, we have to feel that what we are doing is reasonable.
* The enemies of progress in any path are similar. Anything that we do not commit to emotionally, trying to remain 100% rational in our commitment, will finally fail us. Anything that we try to remain 100% emotional about, will also fail us. We aren’t built to be entirely emotionally OR intellectually driven in our actions in this world.
* Excessive questioning, scrutiny, doubt, and rationality will kill the trust, faith, and emotional commitment needed to follow a path.
* Excessive charisma without a firm understanding of why we’re doing something will also eventually lead us astray.
* Maybe the hardest thing for us to do is to exist where we are, following a path that reflects both an honest level of understanding and emotional commitment at once.
* Mars’ in Gemini’s opposition to Jupiter in Sagittarius ignites the desire to question, challenge, and rationally or mentally oppose that which we feel threatened by. However, when we take the time to look carefully at what we feel personally threatened by, it is likely to be highly personal, highly subjective, and emotional in nature.
* The simultaneous squares taking place right now from Venus to Saturn, the South Node, and Pluto in Capricorn, is a call to look at the way in which our rational principles, reactions, and combative or defensive responses to others are acting as a buffer for a deeper, underlying emotional reality that we are neglecting to address.
* We do this because we believe that unless people see things exactly as we do that an underlying emotional unity cannot be obtained. The problem with this is that principles tend to dominate or be dominated. They are like claims to land. The rational property lines won and lost through the war of principles are too often lines drawn in shifting sand.
* When we start from the recognition of our shared need for emotional happiness, peace, friendliness, neighborly love, and kindness, on the other hand, then our principles become the means by which we negotiate and maintain the bonds of the heart.
* Principles may not always agree. But we can work through our disagreements much better by recognizing that the heart also has its own principle, its own principle need, to love and be loved. When this principle need is recognized as the bottom line of everyone, and everything, because everyone and everything is ensouled, we choose our words and actions more carefully, and we choose our thoughts more carefully, because the right and need to love and be loved, on the part of all souls, becomes the centering argument behind all of our thoughts, words, and actions. We become warriors not so much of our own personal needs and wants but of the only need and want that everyone has, which is love. And when we serve this cause, we find that we are it’s most beloved.
* Otherwise, we will always fail by trying to get to love by battling over our principles and trying to eliminate whoever or whatever seems to stand in the way of “love, peace, etc.” When love is the prize that comes “after the battle is won,” we will neither fight in love, die in love, or find love waiting afterward.
Prayer: Be our cause. Be our principle. You who is none other than love.
Here’s what to watch for:
* Whenever anybody is expected to follow something…a leader, a calling, a religious or spiritual path, or even just a basic task or physical chore, there are generally two requirements that will ensure everything goes along smoothly. One, a person must feel some degree of personal, emotional investment, and two, we have to feel that what we are doing is reasonable.
* The enemies of progress in any path are similar. Anything that we do not commit to emotionally, trying to remain 100% rational in our commitment, will finally fail us. Anything that we try to remain 100% emotional about, will also fail us. We aren’t built to be entirely emotionally OR intellectually driven in our actions in this world.
* Excessive questioning, scrutiny, doubt, and rationality will kill the trust, faith, and emotional commitment needed to follow a path.
* Excessive charisma without a firm understanding of why we’re doing something will also eventually lead us astray.
* Maybe the hardest thing for us to do is to exist where we are, following a path that reflects both an honest level of understanding and emotional commitment at once.
* Mars’ in Gemini’s opposition to Jupiter in Sagittarius ignites the desire to question, challenge, and rationally or mentally oppose that which we feel threatened by. However, when we take the time to look carefully at what we feel personally threatened by, it is likely to be highly personal, highly subjective, and emotional in nature.
* The simultaneous squares taking place right now from Venus to Saturn, the South Node, and Pluto in Capricorn, is a call to look at the way in which our rational principles, reactions, and combative or defensive responses to others are acting as a buffer for a deeper, underlying emotional reality that we are neglecting to address.
* We do this because we believe that unless people see things exactly as we do that an underlying emotional unity cannot be obtained. The problem with this is that principles tend to dominate or be dominated. They are like claims to land. The rational property lines won and lost through the war of principles are too often lines drawn in shifting sand.
* When we start from the recognition of our shared need for emotional happiness, peace, friendliness, neighborly love, and kindness, on the other hand, then our principles become the means by which we negotiate and maintain the bonds of the heart.
* Principles may not always agree. But we can work through our disagreements much better by recognizing that the heart also has its own principle, its own principle need, to love and be loved. When this principle need is recognized as the bottom line of everyone, and everything, because everyone and everything is ensouled, we choose our words and actions more carefully, and we choose our thoughts more carefully, because the right and need to love and be loved, on the part of all souls, becomes the centering argument behind all of our thoughts, words, and actions. We become warriors not so much of our own personal needs and wants but of the only need and want that everyone has, which is love. And when we serve this cause, we find that we are it’s most beloved.
* Otherwise, we will always fail by trying to get to love by battling over our principles and trying to eliminate whoever or whatever seems to stand in the way of “love, peace, etc.” When love is the prize that comes “after the battle is won,” we will neither fight in love, die in love, or find love waiting afterward.
Prayer: Be our cause. Be our principle. You who is none other than love.
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