Today, we're focusing on the solar eclipse in Aries and how it impacts each of the 12 zodiac signs. Before diving into the horoscopes, we'll recap the primary themes of this eclipse for a comprehensive understanding. For those seeking more insight, refer back to last week's extensive monthly horoscope session with Alex Amorosi and my detailed analysis from last Friday on the eclipse's archetypal essence. Join us as we explore the specific life areas activated by this celestial event across all 12 signs, offering a valuable reminder of the transformative potential at play.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody, and happy solar eclipse day. Today, we are going to take a look at the solar eclipse that is happening at the sign of Aries. And we're going to run it through all 12 signs to give you a refresher on your horoscopes for this eclipse. I'll review some of the basic significations of the eclipse before getting into each of your whole sign house horoscopes just so that we can recall the basic signatures, but you could also go back into last week's videos to check out our horoscopes of the month that I did with Alex Amorosi. Where we look at this from a little work today is sort of like refresher reminders; you could go back to that video for a little bit more depth and some further nuance. And then last Friday, I believe it was. I did an in-depth look at the archetypal signatures of the eclipse.
So you may want a refresher on some of that as well. But today, we're going to look at the horoscopes and just remind you of what topical areas of life are getting activated by virtue of the whole sign house that the eclipse falls in, which is something that I like to do on my channel. If you're newer to the channel, I like to really take a look at horoscopes according to the topics of the whole sign houses being activated, which means I recommend listening for your rising sign because that's going to be the one that corresponds most closely with the whole sign house version of your birth chart, which is what ancient astrologers looked at as well. So anyway, that's our agenda for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. We really appreciate it when you take a second to press the like button. It helps the channel to grow, and when you leave your comments and reflections, it creates a nice community and also helps the channel to grow. So we appreciate you guys participating; in that way, you can find a transcript of today's talk or any of my daily talks on the website nightlight I'm going to take you over there right now because we have a few different things to promote before we get into our content for the day.
So you go over to, and you'll find that there are a few things coming up in the month of April. One, if you go to the events page and click on live talks, you are going to see that the last of my webinars on the outer planets in love is taking place on April 18, from seven to 9pm. Eastern, it's $20. To register this is a talk on the significations of Uranus in love. So whether that's in your natal chart, or a transit from Uranus to Venus, transit through your seventh house, whatever it might be, we're going to be looking at how Uranus affects the topics of love and relationships as well as sexuality.
In this talk on the 18th, If you cannot make it live, we will send you the recording afterward. The other thing that I want to promote is if you go to the Courses page, first-year course, second-year course, and horary are all restarting again in June. This is the only time of the year once a year that year two and horary begin again.
So, if you go to the second year of the course and click on it, you can learn more about it if you're already enrolled in the first-year program. Whether you're finished or not, you just have to be enrolled in year one to participate in year two. Horary astrology anyone can participate in, we suggest having a background in traditional astrology. To begin the horary course, you could also be enrolled in the first year program to take this one. Learn more about the horary course there.
Of course, the big one is the New Year One program, which is called Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic. It's a one-year immersion into ancient Hellenistic astrology. This starts on June 16. And if you stick around at the end of today's talk, you will find a little extra deep dive into the program that I'm attaching to the end of my recordings for the next probably month or two. As we approach the start of the program, people who want to learn more about the program after the contest is over can listen to me talk about it.
One thing to mention right now is the enrollment options; you can make the early bird payment, which saves you a significant amount of money on the course of the program. If you need a payment plan, there's a 12-month payment plan that allows you to spread it out. For people who need a little help, tuition assistance is available and open now. So be sure to enroll for that right away. We do typically have enough room for everyone, but it's always a good idea to get a head start on that, which allows you to work your tuition costs at a monthly rate into a range of options that will fit your budget. If you are a single parent, if you are in between jobs, you only work part-time or whatever the case might be.
We want to make sure that people aren't overextending themselves. We like to make sure that there's socio-economic diversity, which is a hallmark of our programs. We really welcome people of any financial background to participate, so if you need a little help to make it happen, use the tuition assistance button. Come study with us in June and stick around after the end of today's talk to hear more about this upcoming program, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic.
Okay, so last but not least, don't forget that I am no longer including this in terms of the end I had. I was running a promo for Ashley's upcoming herbal apprenticeship program for a while. I had an interview that was running; if you go back to any of last week the last couple of weeks videos at the end, you can find an interview with the Ashley Herbal Foundation apprenticeship, which also begins at the end of the month on April 24. It is not too late to register if you want to come study herbs with Ashley. All right, those are our promotions for today. And let's get into our solar eclipse content now.
All right, so if we were going to put the real-time clock up on the screen, we're going to take a look at this from the standpoint of all 12 whole sign houses and the likely significations involved with the solar eclipse. What features generally define a solar eclipse in Aries? So solar eclipses, unlike lunar eclipses, we just had a Lunar Eclipse in Libra, which brings things to a conclusion. Lunar eclipses are like the fruit, the karmic fruit on the tree falling off. It is a harvesting moment full moons, and they generally correspond to doors that are closing.
One of my favorite teachers, the first thing I ever learned about eclipses, was that it was my early teacher, Rebecca Gordon, who said that lunar eclipses are like doors that are closing, and they won't ever open again; they're done. This can mean that there are karmic expiration dates and karmic fruiting or harvesting.
So that's the mood and flavor of lunar eclipses, of course, in Libra that pointed toward the realm of Venus relationships, etc. Then, if you switch gears, the solar eclipses are like powerful new moons, which means new beginnings. The new beginning of a solar eclipse might be flavored by loss, death, transformation, or a healing crisis because the light of the sun is being eclipsed. And so sometimes, solar eclipses are born out of necessity, new beginnings that are born out of the struggle or turmoil of things shifting dramatically. But also, they're just very powerful versions of new moons and in Aries.
The cardinal sign of spring, from the standpoint of the ancient zodiac, really points toward the initiation through the will. And through our agency and enthusiasm and excitement, a lot of fire behind the sign of Aries, of course, that we're going to be starting something new, initiating a new cycle. So it is sort of a quintessential exalted sun in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the first sign of spring, and a solar eclipse, all of which point toward youthful new beginnings.
Now, we may be born of some tension or crisis or conflict or some dramatic turn of events that forces our hand, and we have to act. We have to initiate some new season of growth or activity. But nonetheless, it's a powerful form of a new beginning now with the North Node. We also get the signs of augmentation, amplification, things growing, and desire. I was listening to something. I don't remember where I heard this; it was on YouTube or Instagram or something like that. And people were talking about the etymology of the words connected to the star. Someone sent it to me, and I thought This is so cool. And the word desire, actually, has its etymological roots. Let me read this to you because it's kind of interesting. Let me just pull it up.
Yeah, so the root of desire is what we wish or what we long for from the phrase de solidary from the stars, or from situs or siddhis, Sideris, heavenly body star or constellation. So it's sort of like a desire has this etymological connection to what we wish upon what we wish for upon the stars. And the stars because the stars were seen as the ones that granted, organized, or denied our desires or wishes. The north node is always longing for and wishing for things that it believes will make us happy; you know that the North Node is sort of like an emblem of where our focus is currently. And this focus has something to do with what we think the next step is what we think will make us happy.
Now, there's some warning built in, especially with Rahu in the ancient Indian tradition, that, you know, it may give us something, but we should be careful of how much we expect that this wish or desire can grant us as opposed to the idea of being present and satisfied in the fullness of our being in the fullness of being itself. There's that's not to say that we should all just sit in some position of neutrality and not live lives, but it's sort of like, yeah, that the Choose Your Own Adventure is taking us in the direction of the North Node, but be careful that you don't put place too many expectations, unreal, false expectations on what this direction can give us that we're that we are curious and adventurous but careful and cautious, not overly inflated.
The North Node will tend to excite and amplify the newness of things in the solar eclipses to the extent that it over-promises and under-delivers, so we have to be a little bit cautious about that, but otherwise, very much, you know, New Moon Solar Eclipse New Beginnings Aries New Beginnings exalted sun, right north node, amplification of new desires that we hope will take us in some direction that will satisfy our desires as if they've never been satisfied before.
So, there's a lot of hope, excitement, and enthusiasm around this eclipse. But that doesn't change the fact that it could be born out of the necessity of the circumstances changing in ways that are reflected by the light of the sun being eclipsed, which means, wow, I wasn't expecting that that's dramatic. I have to move and adapt out of necessity. But then there's a lot of excitement, maybe during that process. So those are some of the significant things we might look at regarding this solar eclipse overall. Now, let's refresh ourselves on the whole sign house topics. And I recommend listening to this by your rising sign that will accord to the ancient version of your birth chart, which is in whole sign. So when you look at this, you're saying okay, Aries rising.
So, if you're an Aries rising, you could listen to this for your sun sign as well. All it means when you're doing that is that your sun sign horoscopes are based on a whole sign house arrangement, putting your sun's sign on the ascendant. So unless your son is actually in the first house of your birth chart, there's no actual correspondence to your birth chart. It's just a divinatory spread that's based on putting the sun sign rising. So that's why I recommend listening to your rising sign: the transits will actually match up with the houses that are traveled through by the whole sign according to your whole sign birth chart. And again, for 1000s of years. That's what astrologers used in the East and the West as a major house system.
So, for Aries, we've got it in the first house. The initiations of new beginnings are focused on self, identity, body health, anything related to your physical health, spiritual, mental, emotional, and psychological health, well-being shifts, or changes in how you perceive yourself and how you act or exert your will in the world. So this is a transit for Aries of individuation, which can also speak to the temple of the body and how your spirit soul is inhabiting it and what it needs. It is a profoundly existential and individual transit for Aries.
If we go forward to Taurus, this takes place in the 12th house, and there are two basic ways that I would like to look at the 12th house. One would be in terms of things that are undermining us, things that we have to be careful of that aren't necessarily good for us. They either come from us, or they come from other people who seek to sabotage or undermine us; you could call this unconscious material, but it doesn't necessarily have to be demonic or malicious. But getting in touch with that is an important part of this eclipse. This eclipse cycle brings attention to things in the environment that are undermining us and the need to address them.
On the other hand, the 12th house is often associated with things that are seeking incorporation consciously that our unconscious, like unexplored or realized parts of ourselves, are seeking conscious integration. And so that it can be very positive to learn things and find things about ourselves that can make us stronger, wiser, healthier, and happier, in this case, Aries kinds of things. It might be about will or strength, assertiveness, conflicts, and so forth. Personal strength is the ability to overcome challenges. How are you seeking to bring more of those kinds of skills or abilities into your sense of who you are? So these are different ways of looking at a 12th house Eclipse for Tauruses.
For Geminis, this reaches into your 11th house, which is going to be the place of allies, friends groups, and, really, your long-term wishes, dreams, and aspirations. So, for Gemini, it is a new cycle of hoping, longing, wishing, striving, and aiming toward things that constitute your dreams and goals, usually in the professional or vocational world or the world of larger societal relationships. This can also be about new cycles of activity among friends or groups or allies, new people coming into your life that you're going to partner or collaborate with. But also, there are new crusades and new conquests that you're taking on right now, so those are some of the things to watch for. If you're a Gemini rising.
For cancers, this takes place in your 10th house, which is the place of your career. Now, if you are too young to have one, you don't have one, or you're retired, think about this as the house that is dictating the activities that you are most involved with that bring you from the private sphere. Into the public sphere. So, whatever kinds of activities engage you in the larger world, the larger public sphere of life. Now, for some people in retirement, that might not be the world's biggest thing. But still, for most people, you're going to find that this has something to do with a new cycle of karma that is beginning in your career house.
I think about my wife, Ashley, who's a Cancer rising who is starting her Herbal Foundation at the end of this month of April, that very much coincides with her coming back to work for the first time in a couple of years. So that's, you know, that's something that is very easy to track, you know, and kind of obvious. Anyway, it can look different for different people, new jobs, new bosses, and something new in the work environment. So those are all different kinds of possibilities. Okay, so for Cancer, a new cycle of activity forms in the career house
For Leos, it is taking place in your ninth house, that is the place that is was called God and the joy of the sun, a new understanding, new intelligence, new wisdom, new teachers, new learning if you're a teacher, new ways of teaching, this can also be a house that takes you abroad, broadens your horizons, shifts your outlook, changes your guiding beliefs, initiates into deeper religious experiences, doctrines, dogmas, philosophies, political convictions, it's also about the adventure of learning and expansion of wisdom and understanding in general. And in a new cycle that's beginning in that area of life. It is so very helpful in terms of starting to clarify your beliefs, your principles, you know, a process of learning and teaching, and a change or shift of paradigm or belief structures. Now, that doesn't happen all at once. But it certainly signals the beginning of a new period of learning and, you know, expansion of wisdom.
So, for Virgos, we move this along into the eighth house, a place that is involved with soul contracts. So, you think about the way in which our lives are made up, there's a wing in our psyches. And inside that wing there, all these rooms, and in the rooms are people, and they're sitting at tables, and there are contracts that we've all signed on the tables, right? And these are the contracts that, for better or worse, are here to be part of how we learn.
So you know, we have contracts with enemies, we have contracts with friends, we have contracts with family members, all sorts of interesting contracts. And these are the big ones. The eighth house refers to those people and situations in our lives that we have some kind of contractual obligation to, and in that way, the eighth house reflects our debts. It also reflects those people who are indebted to us, it reflects reciprocal dynamics, and it reflects the kinds of things that we get entangled by, by means of, as well as the need to liberate ourselves from various kinds of entanglements. An Aries Eclipse, as Aries tends to be so focused on individual strength, sovereignty, power, etc. Could we be attracted to people who have a great deal of strength or power and thinking? What can they do for us?
If you're Virgo rising, I would watch for that as maybe being something alluring. Maybe there's a positive potential there. But with Mercury Retrograde as well, I think you could be revising contracts and saying, You know what, this person has some kind of strength, but is it, you know, is it worth it? Am I entangling myself with someone who's domineering, or who's dictatorial or something like that, so that the exchange of power or power dynamics in relationships might be especially important for Virgos right now and thinking about what constitutes freedom and what kinds of relationships with what kinds of strengths or powers are positive versus negative? So, a new cycle of activity is opening up around karmic contracts, debts, entanglements, and hopefully, some mutually beneficial relationships as well.
All right, for Libras, this goes into the quintessential, you know, house of relationships of marriage in the seventh house; Venus is there, and Mercury is retrograde there. And with an individuating tendency in Aries, you have to think about Libras, especially those who tend to be so oriented through Venus when your ruling planet Venus is in Aries.
Thinking, okay, what is the balance of power in my relationships? Am I exerting myself by expressing myself and meeting my own needs? Clear? Am I articulating my presence as an individual within a relationship? Where am I tending to get steamrolled by the needs or demands of other people? So, The balance between self and other comes to mind really strongly for Libras. You could also think of this solar eclipse as introducing or initiating new exciting things that you're feeling really fired up about in love and relationships. And it doesn't just because it's Aries doesn't mean Oh, it's a Mars-ruled sign. So everything is about conflict and battle and so forth.
This could also be about new cycles of karma in relationships that are healthier; because they are there, they reflect a better balance between self and other that you can do both at once. But anyway, look for the story of love relationships, power dynamics, and sharing and encouraging one another. And also, just again, we want a balance between the harmonization of self and other and the individuation of each person within a relationship.
All right, go to Scorpio next, which places the stellium into the sixth house. And the solar eclipse, of course, in the sixth house is now in the house that was called The Joy of Mars, the solar eclipse in Mars's sign, and a house that was associated with Mars. This is a cycle that may speak to a new round of work, service, and sacrifice for Scorpios. What do you care the most about? What are you most willing to work, sweat, labor, and throw a little bit of yourself into the sacrificial flames on behalf of this is the solar eclipse in areas that can, at its best, open up the potential for growing, learning, developing cultivating anything, according to a higher level of work and sacrifice of selflessness and service.
However, you also want to look very carefully at what things you are committing yourself to in labor service and sacrifice that are exhausting, draining, and taxing on your body, your mind, and your health, and make sure that you're not giving yourself to things that are not bringing you happiness or joy. So, there are some critical developments there. You also think about things like employees, pets, and animals, which are other sixth-house topics that could be activated during this eclipse season.
Alright, for Sagittarians, This is falling into the fifth house, a house that was called The Joy of Venus in the place of pleasure and creativity associated with joyfulness, so any kind of creative endeavor that brings you joy, which could be pregnancy, children, romance, sex, but also, you know, dancing, art painting, but also just like leisure and pleasure, like what do you do for fun? These are fifth house concerns. A solar eclipse in this house suggests a new cycle or season of activity that is here to amplify, augment, increase, or enhance your pleasure and happiness. So whether that's creative projects, inclusion, or better incorporation of the creative dynamics of your personality into your work or your relationships, this is a cycle of activity that initiates something like pregnancy or a new creative project.
But the whole idea here is more happiness, more joy, more creativity, and more fulfillment of the pleasure body, and Sagittarians get the benefit of having this come in. One thing I'll say for Sagittarians is kind of interesting is that you know, underneath all of this, Mars is ruling the eclipse, and Mars is conjoining Saturn in your fourth house; some of this might also have to do with greater joy or happiness, that is derived from some kind of shift or change happening around family, with Mars and Saturn in the fourth. Anyway, just a little extra nugget there.
So for Capricorns, replacing all of this Aries energy right into the fourth house, the place of home, family, roots, foundations, relationships, parental karma, excuse me. And so I wonder where a new cycle of activity with respect to roots, home, and family could mean moving, which could mean a greater degree of freedom. It happens by extricating yourself from unhealthy elements in the family, such as karma. Like, you're saying, I'm going to be someone different than how my mom or my dad was or what my family was, like, I'm going to shift or change something about the environment in which I live or the Foundation that supports me and grants me some sense of ease, peace, security.
So there's a real individuating Looking at youthful or karmic roots, family, karma, and a shift or change around the roots of your life that ultimately is about greater freedom, flexibility, ease, peace, stability on the level of home and that resting place. So, I look forward to that cycle of karma launching around this time for Capricorns.
Alright, Aquarians, we have this energy in the third house, which may be one of the most difficult houses to describe. It was called The Joy of the Moon, and it was also called DHEA, or goddess, all of which point to this as a place that was literally linked to the physical material world, the world of fortune and circumstance that swirls around us. It's kind of like, Like, the third house has this sense of karmic luck associated with it, go to the grocery store, see someone you know, go to the gym, run into an old-time friend. The third house is really about the karma that is always coming in and out of our lives based on the environment around us, the local everyday scene. It also has to do with the mental, emotional, and sort of ecological makeup of the environment that we live in.
So, there's a mental, emotional, and physical environment that we live in, all of which the moon represented in ancient astrology. The third house is called The Joy of the Moon; there's an environment that has to do with our neighborhood, or our city or village, so to speak, the culture that we're a part of or the different cultures that we inhabit. All of these places are a little nebulous because it's like trying to describe an ecosystem rather than one particular thing in it. And so when you have a new cycle of karma opening up a new season of activity being initiated by a solar eclipse in the sign, what you can say is that there's either some new feature in the environment that's going to become important, where you're making a change to the environment, that's going to be important.
That change, again, could be anything ranging from the mental, emotional, or physical environment that you inhabit in yourself, or it could be something that has to do with the world around you. That includes things like siblings, family members, and anything that is sort of like the one that reflects the makeup of the village of your psyche. Do you know what I mean? So think about, think about a new round of activity opening up in the environment of your life. And that's kind of nebulous to talk about, but you'll notice it if you pay attention.
Okay, so for Pisces, last but not least, we have the eclipse falling into the second house, which is the place of assets, resources, what we have or are in possession of, and what we are cultivating or developing. This can be when people place things like education skills, but it is also reflective of income and expenditures in terms of money, assets, and possessions.
So a solar eclipse here suggests the development of new skills and resources or the cultivation of new skills and resources or suggests that new resources are being made available to us, or that new income or expenditures are going to be presenting themselves, probably in the near future.
Mercury Retrograde makes me wonder if Pisceans aren't kind of revising or shifting something about money, finances, skills, resources values; if there isn't some kind of shift or reorientation, you might be looking at a shift or reorientation in values or assets or resources, how you manage them how you use them, in terms of something like your identity, your health, your strengths, your limitations, because we also have the ruler of Mars co-present with Saturn in your first house.
So anyway, that is a brief trip through all 12 whole sign horoscopes here on the day of the solar eclipse. Hope this has been useful for you. And don't forget, if you stick around right after this talk is done. You'll see me pop up and tell you more about the first-year program that starts on June 16. So, if you are interested in studying with us and you have questions about that program, stick around for a little informational content after I sign off. All right, that is it for today. I hope you guys have a good one and that you have a very positive Eclipse, and we'll see you again soon. Bye.
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