Today, we're exploring the conjunction of Chiron with the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, a rare astrological event that has piqued the interest of many. While I typically do not focus extensively on asteroids, including Chiron, in my practice, the proximity of Chiron to this eclipse warrants a closer look to understand its potential impact on the eclipse's themes and manifestations. So we'll dive into the archetypal meanings of Chiron in Aries and how it might influence the solar eclipse, offering insights into this significant astrological moment, and I will also share my perspective on the use of asteroids in astrology, addressing common inquiries and providing a balanced view on their role in astrological interpretations.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we are going to take a look at the fact that this upcoming solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries, which is happening on April 8, is also happening in conjunction with Chiron. Now, you guys who watch my channel know that I'm not someone who really brings asteroids into the picture so often. In fact, I can probably think of maybe five or six times, dating all the way back to the start of my YouTube channel, where I've really spent time talking about Chiron or any of the other asteroids.
Although I have frequently entertained guests at the Nightlight Astrology school guest speakers on the topics of asteroids, they've not been a big part of my practice, and I tend to have little rants that I go on about the overuse of asteroids, and I have some reasons that they sometimes bothered me, it sometimes creates the impression that I'm anti asteroid. Anti asteroid Adam.
But anyway, I'm not, and we're going to talk today about what to look for or what it might mean that Chiron is engaged at the heart of this solar Eclipse in Aries next month and I think this will be useful because I've had a lot of people asking about this and one of the things that is, quite common really is for those planets that are conjoined to any Eclipse lunar or solar to play a really big role in the expression of the archetypes of that Eclipse and so why would we just completely ignore Chiron number of people have asked me that question, are you just going to ignore it. No, I think it probably is important.
But today, anyway, I'm going to tell you a little bit about how I think of unused asteroids. I'm going to tell you about some of the major Chiron in Aries significations, and then we'll have a separate video. We're doing a number of horoscopes and further treatment on the Solar Eclipse in areas closer to the April 8 Eclipse, at which point we will talk more about the way the specific ways in which Chiron in Aries may engage with the Eclipse through horoscopes. Okay, so today we're just going to talk about the archetype of Chiron in Aries at the Eclipse and what it might mean, and I'll tell you my thoughts and try to clarify my thoughts on asteroids. Okay. Anyway, that's our agenda for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. Find a unique way of impressing your soul on the like button, and when you share your comments and reflections, tell me something about Chiron that I don't know. I would love to hear more about your experiences with Chiron, even though they are not my forte. You can find a transcript of any of my daily talks on the website nightlight
Guess what? Tonight, there is a special event happening, which I invite you to join me for. It is a live webinar that I am giving on the topic of Neptune in love and relationships. If you go to my website,, click on the Events tab and go to live talks. You'll be taken over to a page where you can register for Neptune in love. It's Thursday, March 14, from seven to 9pm Eastern time. When you register, you'll get a link that will allow you to join the live webinar. If you cannot attend live for any reason, you'll be sent a replay link that you can use to download and watch the video. It's $20 to register.
It's a two-hour-long talk with Q&A. Sometimes we go a little bit over, and what we're going to be talking about is how Neptune shows up. What does Neptune have to say? What does Neptune teach us about love and relationships, whether it is configured to the topic of love and relationships in your natal chart or if there is a transit of Neptune in or through the placements of the natal chart that is activating the topic of love? How do you work with this energy? What does Neptune do around love, sex, and relationships? So that's what we're looking at tonight. We're doing it as the sun is coming into a conjunction with Neptune. So, it's pretty appropriate timing. I hope to see you guys there. It is this evening, and it's not too late to register; hop on over to the website, and hopefully, we will see you this evening.
The other thing that I am promoting right now is that you can stick around after today's talk to listen to an interview that I've been featuring with my wife, Ashley. Here is her YouTube channel, skyhouseherbs; if you want to go learn more about her or her program is also starting up here at the end of April. It is her herbal apprenticeship program, which is back after a couple of years, revamped and ready to go.
There have been people who have been on a waiting list for a long time to get back into this program since she took a temporary break, and if you scroll down, you can learn more about it and then there's need-based tuition, early bird pricing and so forth and if you again, if you stick around after today's talk, you'll hear an interview that I did with Ashley that kind of dives into what the program covers what it's all about what we know, what you'll learn and so forth. So you can stick around for that later.
All right, well, on that note, let us first turn our attention to the real-time clock so that we can illustrate this Chiron dynamic, and then after we do that, I'm going to tell you what I think about asteroids kind of general, some disclaimers, and then I'm going to tell you about three significations that are probably the most basic and safe to sort of safe to assume about Chiron's appearance in this Eclipse.
So let's go ahead and put up on the screen and I will tell you, guys, right away, there are certainly people out there who have more time and experience with Chiron and myself, and yet, it's not like I'm completely oblivious about Chiron have been professional astrologer for 14 years have read, most of the major books written about Chiron from modern astrologers, have been to multiple lectures have, you know, tracked Chiron here and there was some interest.
But anyway, here it is. So we have that solar Eclipse forming at about 19 Aries, and you will see that it is, I mean, it's happening like bang on, just exact.
So let's actually advance this by some hours. So we can see, when the planets all get together, you're gonna see that, and actually, if I can do it by minutes, they are exactly conjoined down to the degree and the minute of the degree. Look at that. I mean, so when it was brought to my attention, I didn't usually even include Chiron in my charts, right? It's an object. It's a symbol in my toolkit that I rarely ever use, but that does not mean that I think that it's bogus or something like that. But it's just not one that I use very often.
So a friend of mine, Alex Amorosi. In fact, my colleague, who comes on, was like, Have you been thinking about this Chiron conjunction at the Solar Eclipse in Aries, and I was like, really? That's I'm just being honest with you guys. I was like, Okay, well, that's, that's interesting, and certainly started, you know, from that point on, started thinking about it. Okay, well, gotta gotta look at this.
So anyway, I thought that this would be a fun thing to talk about, but because you guys are like, what an asteroid? First, let me tell you what I think about using asteroids if I ever do. So I have to say, first of all, there is no part of me that thinks that Chiron is, well, I shouldn't because I was born with Chiron; on my ascendant within, I think it's about a degree. So I have Chiron Nataly conjoined to my ascendant in Taurus.
So, there have been many occasions where I've had the opportunity to reflect on Chiron as an archetype that's been very active in my own life. The archetype of the wounded healer is the simplest way that you'll hear Chiron talk about. Chiron was a centaur in Greek mythology who was known as an incredible teacher to many heroes. Chiron was skilled in things like medicine and warfare, astrology, and astronomy.
Chiron also suffers an incurable wound and sort of trades his life in an in a swap with the situation that Prometheus finds himself in some kind of Christ's like side to Chiron, that's very interesting and a teacherly side and an educated side, there's a bit of an outcast in Chiron that's part of his story with his mother. There are many significations that have to do with wounding and healing and education and wisdom. Not just the healing arts but also military arts and something like astrology and astronomy.
So, as someone who you know, while I was coming of age, I utilized a magic potion, an entheogen, from South America to heal some family wounds and problems that I had with addiction, and then started through those experiences, experiences studying astrology and sacred astronomy, you might say, I can certainly that archetype has been active in my own life, right? It's on it's on my ascendant, literally.
So, my problem with asteroids is the same problem that I have with hermetic lots or, the same problem that I have with fixed stars or the same problem that I have with minor aspects. It is not about the relevancy or the, potency, or validity of any of these subjects or symbols.
I am someone, and this is just the way that I work as an astrologer and the way that I teach Each; I don't like to clutter my chart with too many things. I feel like there's this kind of idea that I just disagree with, which is that more symbols in the chart mean more truth. Like, you don't have an objective chart unless you have every single thing listed. I'm someone who's just really, you know, I've been a contrarian when it comes to that idea because, you know, I took an entire year plus to remove the outer planets from my chart when I start from all charts I was working with when I started studying Hellenistic astrology, as a way of developing an understanding of the traditional planets that were not being colored or influenced by the outers.
What I discovered in that process was that there was nothing missing; there was nothing lacking. That doesn't mean that the outer planets don't have unique things to say or that they aren't really powerful and important, and I use them every day in my practice now. But taking that time and pulling certain symbols out of the chart really taught me that it's not more symbols that lead to a more objective truth, and that is part and parcel of my view that astrology is a form of divination.
So, the way that I look at astrology is sort of like this. If I had to make an analogy with the Tarot, I would say I think you could do successful divination by just using the Major Arcana using one suit of cards if you want it to. That doesn't mean that using all of the cards is a bad thing. Either. You could use all of them; you could use a few of them.
In fact, a similar idea would be like saying, I don't believe you have to use astrology, Tarot, and I-Ching. All at once, you could use them, and I often do. But it's also not lacking; you're not lacking anything, you're not missing anything necessarily, and it's not like you're symbolically impoverished unless you're using all three systems at once.
So that being said, I think that there are some people for whom using things like hermetic lots, fixed stars, minor aspects, asteroids, et cetera, you know, trans-Neptunian objects, whatever, is like really appealing and really works, and the multiplicity of symbols works with your brain, it works with the kind of symbolic diviner that you are and that's fine. That's a good thing, right? What I resist is the kind of modern astrological tendency to think I don't have a complete set of facts about this person; I don't have a complete readout unless I include 30 extra objects, right?
So that's the thing that I kind of push back against; I say, symbols are, you know, there, there's the sky, we'll speak about what's going on in a reading, like when I sit down with a client, I have seen, you know, so many different symbols speak and so many different techniques speak over time, and so many different systems of divination that speak over time in my life and other people's lives, that I just assume that it's the symbols are the means by which the Oracle Speaks, and the Oracle can speak to things very specifically very powerfully with direction and intelligence and predictive power, or descriptive power or, you know, guidance and instruction, using a really vast, diverse set of symbols or limited, really limited and focused set of symbols.
So because that's the way I think about things, I resist this tendency that I feel like, you know, we have to throw a ton of stuff into a chart. Because what I've seen is that for a lot of people, and I'm just being honest, you don't have to agree with me. For a lot of people, the overuse of symbols, using too many, is sort of like flipping, constantly flipping cards in the Tarot, or recasting the I-Ching when you don't get an answer, you like it. There's a way in which we use so many symbols; we can kind of get the chart to say whatever we want.
I like having to work within a somewhat narrower set of symbols to discover nuance and subtlety and interpenetrating symbolic relationships and commentaries that the symbols have with one another, which I feel becomes harder to do, at least for my brain, the more symbols are present and if you're like a galaxy brain, and you can do that then fantastic, right? I don't. Yeah, so it's not that I don't think that those symbols can speak. It's that I wonder why we think we need so many all the time, and I also wonder if it doesn't betray something of an unconscious empirical mindset. It's not objective unless it includes and accounts for every last thing in the sky. Well, good luck. There are 1000s. You know what I mean?
So I think of asteroids as divinity stories, exclamation points, or like little divinity stories, ons like my main set of symbols is the traditional seven and the outer planets, and that's not to say that I think those are the only good ones or those are the best ones. But the way that I use fixed stars, the way that I use hermetic lots, the way that I use Sabian symbols, the way that I use anything like that, including asteroids like Chiron, is, if and when they appear really strongly in something that I'm looking at, like this Eclipse, oh, my God, it is exactly conjoined down to the degree and the minute.
Well, to me, there are ways in which if you just like, often, one of the things that I'll do is when I'm looking at my chart, I will not really with the asteroids, but for me, it's the fixed stars, which I think are like ancient version of the asteroids, honestly, I think the ancient world, like the modern world, was always looking for, and noticing different kinds of symbols in the stars and in the solar system.
Well, you know, when I noticed that something is configured to Arcturus, or Vega, or Aldebaran, or Algol, or something like that, that's my asteroid practice, basically, and it's been developing slowly over time, and the reason it's been developing slowly over time, is that I feel like, I like to get to know symbols and develop a relationship with them. So, I often track them in my personal life before I introduce them to clients or to YouTube; I just need a feel for them and a relationship with the symbols.
What I don't like, what I resist, is that kind of modern tendency to be like, Okay, here's what so and so said about Chiron, here's what so and so said about Sedna, or, you know, Eros, or whatever it is, and now I'm just gonna throw it into every chart that I look at, and immediately feign like, I have some understanding, like, it's just as simple as a list of adjectives that I can slap into a chart and a reading. So the other thing that I'm opposed to is people just slapping tons of things into charts without slowly carefully developing relationships with the symbols because the symbols were thought of in ancient astrology as the omens of the gods like they are. It's like a vernacular you're learning, or it's like learning a specific dialect within a different region of the jungle or something.
If there's any asteroid that I was going to really start, including it probably would be Chiron because Chiron is on my ascendant, and I have had, you know, numerous occasions to contemplate Chiron's presence in my own psychology, right, so and so anyway, all of this is just to say that this is how I think of unused asteroids. I think that this doesn't mean that there isn't room for people to use them very differently than I do or have different ideas or opinions about them. But there's this misconception that I hate asteroids. I've seen this in the YouTube comments and on social media, like Adam, the asteroid hater.
I don't. I just, I think it's funny when someone's like, oh, my gosh, I had a death and rebirth experience, and it was because of Vespa, and I'm like, Have I Okay, maybe? Yeah, maybe it is. Maybe it is because of Vespa. You know, or like, whatever other Juno or something. Okay. Have you looked at the possibility that Pluto is conjoining your son right now? I'm not saying that both can't be true.
It's just that I sometimes feel like we are so easily bored and lack focus, and we don't take the time to develop relationships with deep relationships with simple things, like signs, houses, planets, and the more we do, the more we will find that like, for example, I do this in my second-year class all the time as we reintroduce the outer planets into the curriculum after taking them out in year one, just to get to know the ancient framework on its own terms.
In year two, we bring them back in, and what I have people do is I have people look at a placement in the natal chart. Let's say, Okay, you had a really difficult Mother, you know, and so we look and, you know, in the natal chart, we find that the moon is in Scorpio in the 12th house. Oh, wow. That's a that's there it is right. There's one placement that could be representing a difficult mom relationship, a fallen Moon in Scorpio in the 12th house.
All right, and then we bring in the outer planets. Suddenly, we discover that Pluto was also square to the moon when you were born. So my point is always, Ah, you see how the outer planet accents highlight augments the same exact delineation, and that's not to say that it doesn't also add its own unique flavor or depth or significations from some other part of the chart. It's just to say that often what you'll find is that if you take the time to get to know houses, signs, dignities, et cetera, there are multiple ways of getting to the same place and charts always.
There are always astrologers who, in fact, talk about the rule of three. If you see the same thing in the chart three times really no, it's a thing. My point is that it's a mistake to think that more symbols get you to the truth, but it doesn't always, and that's also not to say that more symbols means that all of the other stuff is irrelevant compared to just these things that I think are important.
So anyway, I hope that this, I don't know, I hope it's interesting to hear what I think about asteroids, how I use them, or if I really don't use them. But if I were going to use them, it'd be much like fixed stars, which is something that augments, enhances, highlights, deepens, qualifies, but they're not for me. They're not primary, and that's mostly due to the way that I need to focus and develop relationships deeply with simpler things and then gradually expand.
For example, I've been studying Hellenistic astrology and teaching it for a long time. Now, it's only in the past year or so that I really started incorporating the bounds, a little bit of the deccans, and a little bit of fixed stars, and I that was deliberate on my part; if you've been in any of my programs, and people would be like, Well, why are you teaching this? I'd be like because I haven't developed a relationship with these things yet, and it's very important for me to have living experience starting to work with them outside of clients and YouTube, and then as I get to know them, as I feel like I have a relationship with them, I can start including them.
At the very least, that's what I encourage people to do with anything, whether it's a Sabian symbol, an asteroid, a hermetic lot, a fixed star, or anything, and don't underestimate the power of getting to know the signs, planets, and houses. indignities very, very deeply as a kind of first step. That's my advice, but take it or leave it. All right, now that I have gone on my soapbox, and you know, hopefully, that was interesting.
Let's talk about Chiron in Aries and some of the significations that may come up. I'm keeping this simple. Although, again, I'm not a Chiron expert. It's not something that I use in my practice all the time. There are some very simple things that you could say about Chiron and Aries in the significations that Chiron in Aries is likely to bring to the Eclipse being at the exact heart of the sun at the time. It's like a Chiron cazimi, even though with objects, like asteroids and outer planets, is it appropriate to say that they're cazimi? I don't know. But at any rate, it's at the heart of the sun and exact conjunction on a solar eclipse. I mean, that is something right. So what do we think?
Number one. So the one thing that I would say is pay attention to the dignities always. So Chiron is in Aries, which is the temple of Mars and the exultation of the sun. It's a fire sign, masculine, and a sign of the vernal equinox, as well as a sign with Chiron that may incline Chiron toward things like healing or lessons in the martial arts. So this might have something to do, for example, with, I mean, quite literally could be Chiron and Aries could engage you in learning something about warfare, self-defense, you know, weapons training, hunting, like anything that's literally about learning more or becoming educated somehow, in any kind of martial art would fit for Chiron in Aries.
The other thing, though, that could come up very easily would be lessons or healing in the martial arts that have to do with psychological qualities that are related to Mars, for example, the building or development of confidence, strength, or power, or courage, all of which might have to be developed or cultivated through this Eclipse and the cycle of karma that is coming off from the Eclipse because you lack confidence or you lack courage, or you tend to be afraid or you underestimate yourself or you. You're not sure you're that strong, right? So this is, this could be the Chiron signification to me at the heart of Aries is not totally different, by the way, from a solar eclipse in Aries, and this is my point where it just sort of augments or amplifies some of the same themes that Aries tends to be about like the building and development of confidence, assertiveness, strength, power, martial, any kind of martial influence Mars influence.
There could also be healing involved around these things or the exploration of wounds in relation to these things. So that would be the very first thing that I would look at would just be like, you know, for example, I'm getting a personal trainer, taking a course on exercise or nutrition that comes with an increased feeling of vitality, addressing lack of confidence, developing strength and, and potency. You know, all of those kinds of healings or learnings or lessons around martial things could be really amplified by this Eclipse.
Number two would be wounds are healing in the domain of Aries. So, were you picked on? Were you bullied? Do you have deep wounds around self-confidence or self-esteem? Aries, again as a sign, tends to amplify the importance of whether you have the sun there or any planet, they're one of the things that's often connected to the sign of Aries is the sense of becoming stronger, becoming more confident, rising up facing challenges, sometimes even having to overcome oppressive or tyrannical forces that feel like they're trying to push you down that you have to stand up to these are Aries themes, surviving, that's an Aries theme, and thriving because you've found your potency.
So, there are wounds in these areas for us. We tried that once, and someone abused us, you know, we tried to be strong at some point, but I don't know you were on a trajectory. I remember when I was in college, you're on it. I was on a trajectory for club lacrosse and broke my arm, and then I couldn't play. You know, I was trying to be a competitive athlete in college, but I got derailed by an injury. See, there's we all have wounds in the, in this area of life where we tried to develop strength and fell short or our confidence was totaled by someone, you know, abusive. So, what are the wounds? What is the necessary healing in the air in the sign that has to do with freedom, potency, strength of individuality, and a sense of being able to overcome, persist, and survive difficult things through inner strength? Where are our wounds in these specific areas of our lives biographically? Wherever they occurred? How are we still living with them? And then simultaneously, what healing might start to present itself or come through as a result of this Eclipse having such a close conjunction with Chiron, who's an educator and a healer, and may amplify the importance of dealing with these wounds and bringing healing to them. All right.
Okay, so number three would be to focus on healing lessons, wounds, and the healing of the wounds. So learning or lessons in the healing or martial arts, some kind of Arian level of knowledge, wisdom or understanding, maybe that has to do with healing others or healing ourselves. Sorry, this was a little redundant.
Then, the other thing would be healings in the topical places or houses of Aries in the natal chart. So the other thing you have to keep in mind is that in addition to the significations of Mars and Aries, that kind of marshall Chiron element, we also have the whole sign houses. So when you're thinking about the first house, it might be the body. When you're thinking about the second house, some of these lessons are also related to the development of resources, money, etc. When you're thinking about it in the fourth house, you're thinking about home and family. Right? Seven, it's marriage 10th, it's maybe your career.
So the topical area that this Eclipse is located in the areas whole sign house of your birth chart is also the topical area that will be brought up for review, you know, so that is what we're going to be looking at when we get to horoscopes because that requires kind of going through all 12 whole sign houses which Alex and I have recorded already for April.
So we'll be doing that, and Alex will be adding his thoughts about that as someone who also works with Chiron a bit more than I do. My only claim to Chiron expertise is that it's on my ascendant, conscious or unconscious, it's been part of my life.
Now, the other thing that I would say here is that remember, with eclipses, the healing, the learning, the education, the dealing with wounds in the Aries Marshall dimension of life, or the topical area of your birth chart occupied by Aries does not happen all at once.
A solar eclipse is the start of something new, and in time, that seed that's being planted will lead to the healing the wisdom, the addressing of wounds, the insights that come from looking deeply at our wounds and having to learn and grow because of them, in many ways, people always associate Chiron with the development of the knowledge or wisdom and then the expertise that may also be cultivated due to the specific nature of the wound that you have.
So, you know, if you've been if your confidence has been wounded, and you're entering into a cycle in which you may be developing it and strengthening your sense of individual power and courage in a healthy way, not an egotistical way, maybe there's something some, some way in which that exact healing process will lead to, you're using that understanding in some kind of service or some other ability or skill or career path.
For example, when you have to face the feeling of, I don't know, not being worthy, or not being strong or lacking confidence, or lacking a sense of individual strength and freedom, all Aries themes that may be somewhat difficult to, like, there's been some wounds around those things. If that's the case, then could you end up in the healing of these specific issues? Could you end up coaching other people? Or could you end up having some leadership qualities that are now available to be used in some other area of your life?
See that, and now, the reason I'm one of the things I don't like about the way people talk about Chiron is that people talk about people talk this way about everything in astrology. Oh, you've been through a Pluto transit, and it required a lot of inner work. Oh, great. Now you're a shaman, something like that. Hate that kind of thinking. It's like, just because you've grown doesn't mean you have to turn it into something that you're monetizing. But just because you've gone through something doesn't necessarily work for everyone. Does it mean that you're going to become a professional healer because you've had to do some healing?
I think there's sort of a stereotype about that with all astrological transits, but Chiron, to me, is sometimes the poster child for thinking that pain or difficulty. Suddenly, if you've gone through it and done some good work with it, it suddenly gives you a platform of expertise, or you should monetize it or make a career or platform for yourself based on it. Some people will, some people and their lives will be called in that way. For a lot of people, though, the healing is meant to open other kinds of doors, and it won't be directly related to something you end up doing for a living, if that makes sense.
So that is it for today. That's what I have to offer you guys. I hope that this was useful. Tell me your thoughts about asteroids. How do you use them? Do you use them at all? Do you not use them? Which ones do you have you found useful? I'd love to hear your thoughts about that. What else do you think Chiron in Aries may signify? I am, you know, not the world's most qualified person again when it comes to talking about Chiron. So add your own thoughts and enrich this conversation in the chat box. I'd love to hear from you guys. Alright, that's it for today. If you stick around, you'll hear that interview with Ashley about her upcoming herbal apprenticeship.
Otherwise, I hope you guys are having a great day. Don't forget that tonight is the Neptune webinar. If you want to attend, pop over to Go to the Live Events tab. Click on the Neptune in Love talk, and you can register and join us. Alright, that's it, and we'll see you again tomorrow. Bye
The Chandra Symbol for the 20th degree of Aries is: An empty courtyard.
This image suggests, perhaps, a process of self-emptying so that something new and fresh may arise from your inner depths.
Adam spoke of this process when Saturn was still in Aquarius: There’s a sacred experience of an empty center that finds resonance in virtually every wisdom tradition. It is the source and fullness of all things within the field of consciousness. It cannot be known nor named by the thinking faculty but it can be felt in the heart. Kenosis provides an archetypally grounded image of a living essence that becomes more fully realized in the act of giving itself up. It is described as a self-emptying, a humbling, and a pouring out. This self-surrender is a letting go of the false self so that the authentic self can emerge.
Chiron gives himself up to free Prometheus in an ultimate act of self-sacrifice.
I have a possibly strange or naive technical question: why do my astronomy softwares (and the media) say totality for 79w20 happens RA 0h27’22” at 15:20 EDT, but my astrology programs all resolve the perfect conjunction (and chiron) at 19 Aries 24′ for 14:20, and yes, I have the right longitude and timezones in both. I thought the latter might be ignoring daylight time, so I tried with EST and got 13:20!
The eclipse isn’t precisely on the ascending node, so perhaps it’s a trig issue? It just seems odd when the moon would move almost a whole degree in an hour.
Thanks, was looking for this type of specificity about Chiron in Aries and it fits with my intuitive sense of how it all emerged. Had a big healing moment to do with voice / self-expression doing holotropic breathwork the day before the eclipse. Was born with Chiron in Aries in my 3rd house which I understand is about how I express my mind to others. Specifically, the visual was a platinum dragon surging up my spine, through my neck toward the light at the top of my head. So strength and fire coming through.