Today we are going to take a look at the Sun's upcoming conjunction with the planet Neptune in Pisces.
Hey everyone this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at the sun's upcoming conjunction with the planet Neptune. Before I do that, I want to remind you guys that my teachers, Loka and Vidarbha have a new class coming up on the Bhagavad Gita that starting really soon now, so I'm just going to show you where you can find some more information. If you're interested. Go to Bhakti Click on the study with us tab. And if you scroll down, you'll see the unlocking the mysteries of the Bhagavad Gita course. It is a 12 Week Intro to the Bhagavad Gita. This is a sacred text that forms the backbone of my own spiritual practice, and is a big part of the bhakti yoga tradition. In general, if you want to get to know it, if you've never read it, but want kind of like a really accessible, guided approach to understanding it. It starts March 15, it goes to May 31. It's Tuesdays from eight to 9:30pm you can be there live or receive the recordings afterward, if you can't make it live. There's also optional mantra meditation classes that are free. And the class is by donation. So check it out of bhakti wise comm two of my favourite people, two great teachers a great course. I love this text it has it makes all the difference in my life every day. So I hope you'll check it out.
Alright, that being said, let's put up the real time clock and take a look at the sun's approach to Neptune, which is happening coming up really shortly. Here you can see the sun and Jupiter and Neptune all together. And we're going to see the sun progress through the conjunction with Neptune. This is by Saturday, March 12 and it crosses over by March 13. So it's happening this weekend. But anytime it's within a three degree range, you start feeling it and to me especially with Neptune the approach, it's like a like a magical mist is starting to creep in at the edges when there's a conjunction with Neptune in the sky especially one that's pretty well dignified. I like this aspect. I feel no no sense of Oh watch out for this. There are some things to watch for with every transit but I generally like sun Neptune conjunctions, I feel like they can be just kind of beautiful, subtle, romantic, imaginative and otherworldly. And so, I'm going to go through the top 10 themes that I have seen with sun Neptune conjunctions either by transit to someone's natal chart, Neptune is transiting conjoins a person sun, or by transit in mundane astrology like this week's.
Over my years of doing astrology, I could probably come up with more and these aren't in any particular order. But these are 10 things that I see over and over and over again when the sun conjoins Neptune. So I hope you'll find this interesting today. And it gives you some things to think about as the sun and Neptune are approaching their conjunction with one another by this weekend, which again, you should start feeling now as the week progresses now through say Sunday for sure. Okay, so number one, and this is probably the biggest red flag. So I figured we'll just start with it, which is delusions of grandeur.
It is very easy when the sun which is a very heroic planet, the sun is described by some ancient astrologers, as that light that stirs up souls for action. So it gives us some sense of motivation, purpose, ambition, what we're here to do is sense of there being a plot in our lives that's driving us forward. So that's the sun, in a sense as a universal significance in every birth chart, if you want to understand what is my life's purpose, look at the sun. It's not that there's just one purpose or that when you get it, you get some kind of cosmic badge and then you get to the next level or something. But we live with an archetypal sense of purpose every day, the sun comes up, we get up in the morning, the sun goes up, to work in the sky, we go out and do things in the world, all sorts of different things. Then the sun sets and we go to bed or later in life, we die. So the sun's path has always been associated with the course of life in the path of action. So when the sun comes to conjoin Neptune it's really interesting because the course of action you could say is going out to the transcendental ocean that is Neptune. Neptune is timeless, subtle, imaginative, mythic, suggestive, metaphorical, imagistic. And it is illusory. It is illusory in the best of ways, in the worst of ways.
It is romantic in the best of ways, in the worst of ways. It is all about the yearning for something that can't be obtained in this world, which can be a very good thing, inspiring artists, mystics and visionaries, but at the same time pushing people to take drugs, or to want to escape because this world couldn't possibly satisfy me. This is the realm of the gods in a sense Neptune, as a whole, but it's also the realm of the gods as a reality that is starkly different from our own. And we know the gods are really not different from our own reality, but they sure can feel that way. Depending on how awake or asleep we are. And so Neptune often will heighten that sense of awakeness to the magic or enchantment of the cosmos versus the asleepness, the boredom, the restlessness and the yearning. When the sun comes together with Neptune, you get this combination that leads us to reevaluate what is my life direction, what is my life purpose, sometimes it's being infused with some new grandiose vision. And sometimes we're being disillusioned by something that we've been doing. But when we can't, we can no longer draw meaning from. So these are Sun Neptune things.
But one of the things that comes up pretty frequently are delusions of grandeur. And by that we mean, I have some new sense of purpose, but I'm inflating something, I'm in my ego, or my role to play or the importance of what I'm going to do, or the there's some romantic or spiritual dimension to what I'm doing, but I'm making it really grandiose and sort of over the top and developing a messiah or Christ complex or something like that. Or I'm just not carefully discerning the reality of something. And so I'm being swept up, not in something that's completely untrue, but in something that is, it's not that it's untrue. It's that it's, we're not we don't have we haven't weighted accurately how true it is, how important it is, or something like that. So delusions of grandeur, or some sweeping sense of the heroic, all important nature of something that we're feeling or doing or thinking or longing for. And we have to be careful of that that's probably the biggest red light.
Number two: prison doors opening and light pouring through, there is the sense of redemption, or let's just call it redemption, where there has been a feeling of being stuck or pent up suddenly, it's like the oppressive heaviness in the air brakes because the clouds release rain and the sun the sun pops through, there's a sense of being healed being of releasing something and of light pouring through or energy or emotion releasing as something opens up and like, you know, it's like one of those days where it's really cloudy and then all of a sudden, the dark clouds kind of and then there's the golden light is sort of streaming through the dark grey. That's a very Sun Neptune kind of feeling.
Number three. This transit is kind of like a halo. It's the golden light of divinity. It's being able to see the all pervasive, divine and beautiful, the mystical, the numinous power of the gods archetypes. It's the feeling that life is saturated and shimmering with them. It's very truly is an enchanted transit. Oftentimes, I can't tell you how many times in my client practice I've seen people with sun Neptune conjunctions, transiting Neptune conjoining their natal sun in their birth chart, you know, in squares, and opposition's can do it too, but they will have an experience that life is divine, that and I'm having a divine experience.
Number four. The sun Neptune is often a vision of self sacrifice martyrdom, falling on one's own sword in honour, maybe also the martyr as a moral martyr complex but self sacrifice heroic self sacrifice for something bigger, something transcended. That gives us meaning that we can pour ourselves into, the holy commission, that kind of thing. Along with that, number five is a vision. Let's just say you're receiving a creative download the feeling of a transmission that's coming through. That's very common with sun Neptune.
Number six, Mercy grace, forgiveness from above or from authorities. One of the most amazing things about this transit is the feeling that like rain is coming from above and by above we mean the merciful abundant, healing, soothing, calming, the balm of Mercy forgiveness, pardon. Whether that means you're you don't have to pay as much taxes as you thought you would. Or it means that the cop is only giving you a warning on the side of the of the freeway, you know what to slow down no ticket this time, that kind of thing, very Sun Neptune the feeling of pardon Grace, mercy, or some blessing or Boon being bestowed upon you by some higher authority or even from the feeling of the gods of the universe somehow smiling on you, and granting you some feeling of release.
Number seven, this is generally especially in Pisces associated with fertility. So the sun and Neptune coming together often indicate an outgrowth of creativity, the need for birth. And it's kind of like the the theme of redemption, where there's some sense of renewal and emotional spiritual renewal, but it's often also through a kind of creative outpouring like, I remember, you know, when we found out that my wife was pregnant with our first and I realised I'm becoming a parent for the first time and the wave of just, I mean, what a profoundly good feeling it was, for me, you know, and that feeling of a birth or fertile growth of some kind that's coming in, and it's going to permeate your life. And so it's a sea change that comes as a creative wave slowly comes through, sometimes all at once, but saints and gurus, anytime that the sun, Neptune gets together the potential to find someone that resembles a teacher, sometimes to project too much onto someone and put them on a pedestal, that could be there too. But the idea that there are, there are people in this world, I hesitate to say, who are perfect, and I'm not sure how far to go with the title of Saint myself personally. But I certainly consider my own guru, for example, to be a glowing example of faith and devotion. And many people are like that my teachers that I pointed you guys to at the beginning of this video are like that, they are humble people who are deeply committed to their spiritual path every day, and the sun, Neptune energy will often just put you in touch with people who somehow resemble a high level of devotion or love to something could be a craft, there's no necessarily have to be spiritual, but oftentimes the Guru, the saint, the highly devoted Mystic, or the person who's highly devoted to a craft of some kind, and they give you some sense of what you can be too.
So, number nine, gentle, sensitive, uplifting energies, subtle, timeless, mythic, there is a sense during these transits that you can just be in touch with that, which is archetypal, for example, yesterday's video that we did, telling some stories from the audience. Those stories come from people carefully noticing and allowing the gods to just flood into the heart and the mind and sun Neptune is often conducive to that. You'll find that you can just more naturally recognise the presence of these archetypes and energies, myths and metaphors, dreams and visions, all become a little bit more common and accessible, you could say.
Finally, maybe another challenging one, you will see this kind of, I can't tell you how many times for example, Neptune Sun transits have happened and there will be a news that grandfather is dying or that someone's being moved into hospice and their soul is going to transfer beyond the veil. They're going to cross over to the other side, they're passing away. Fathers, in particular with the sun, but leaders, anyone a solar figures that could be a leader, a hero, a political figure, or a CEO could be man or woman. But then Neptune comes in and it's like, they're fade out, they're being carried off to another world, they're leaving their body. Usually there is a sense of it being a transition, as opposed to something super abrupt. There's some exceptions with Neptune but karma around dad and father's in general can come up and also anything that would represent a deterioration of the body or sanity or health at times. For example, if someone comes it comes to light that someone has a degenerative condition. I've seen son Neptune coincide many times with someone's father receiving a diagnosis of you know, they have Parkinson's or something, or they might be experiencing something that will start it's almost like their, their physical frame is starting to melt through some degenerative process. And the soul is going to slowly be less identified with the body as the body is just washing out. So there's themes like that, that come up.
So those are my 10 to watch for with respect to this sun Neptune transit that's upcoming. Certainly not exhaustive, but I sat down and I was like, you know, let's come up with the top 10 things that I've seen over and over and over again. I'd love to hear from you guys. What do where any of you born with the sun and Neptune in a conjunction or a square or opposition or even a trine. Sextiles don't strike me as super strong but especially the the conjunction I'd love to hear your stories. Use the hashtag grabbed put some Neptune down this week. If you have any good stories to share. You know I like to collect them and tell some stories from time to time, email them to us grab at nightlight We don't respond to those emails, we just aggregate your stories and potentially use them. So make sure anything you share. You don't mind being anonymous, or it being shared but anonymously. That's what I've got for today, we will be doing another instalment of the Tao de Ching, I should say and working our way through another couple of verses.
I'm really excited guys, many of you know Cat who is my social media manager, we just recorded three q&a episodes that we haven't we'd gotten away from for a long time because she was busy writing a book. So we sort of just got back to that and did three new episodes that will be out over the course of the next couple of weeks. Some q&a episodes we've been meaning to do for a long time that came from you guys in the comment section. And lots of lots more astrology this month as well to take a look at so. Anyway, Bhakti Wednesday will be up later today as well. So make sure you check that out. And I hope you guys are having a very good day today. We'll see you again tomorrow. Take it easy, everyone. Bye.
Hi Acyuta-bhava Das. Athough you said sextiles don’t strike you much, something clicked me. My Dad passed away with stomach cancer and he had Sun (12th) sextile Neptune (3rd) and I have exactly Sun (12th) sextile Neptune (3rd). Currently I am having serious stomach issues. I will do a second endoscopy on the 11th April 2022 to identify exactly. It makes me wonder… Another issue: my Dad was addicted to tobacco and alcohol. I am not, but am I am to industrialized and sugary foods. And I want to get rid of it. Thank you for your YouTube videos. All the best for you and your Family. Best Regards.