Today I'm taking a look at Mars and the North Node. I talk about the meaning of the nodes of the Moon, and what it might mean for Mars to be in Gemini with the North Node.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we're going to take a look at the Sun's conjunction with Neptune. This is something that I've already taken a look at last week, but we're going to look at it again today because the transit is now perfecting. So, before we dive in, I wanted to put the real time clock up and just give you a look at what's happening in the sky. So here you can see the Sun is conjoining Neptune right there. So today is the day, March 10. The conjunction will start clearing by tomorrow. And then if you want to get a little bit more excited about Neptune you'll notice that by the 13th we're going to see Venus conjoin Neptune very romantic placement we'll take a look at that one as well as the new moon comes through in Pisces so the next couple of days are just like a Neptune extravaganza. So there it is. And this influence is also going to be toning the entire lunar cycle ahead so that's why I'm spending a little bit more time with it. Even though it's a pretty fast moving transit.
It was funny this morning on I woke up here in Minneapolis and I hadn't even really seen that it was raining outside it's a nice perfect Sun Neptune rainy day that that started with me like unconsciously walking around the house singing the rain song from Winnie the Pooh, do you guys know that one? Rain rain rain came down down down... Okay, so if you have kids, you know that song and it was like just totally stuck in my head. And I hadn't even looked outside my wife was like did you know that it's raining and I was like no but it's kind of grey you know, it's like there was grey light coming into the windows and and there I was just channelling my inner Winnie the Pooh so anyway I decided that a good way of getting into this topic today would be to visit a few of my favourite references on the Sun and Neptune and that way you guys can also do further research if you want not only into the Sun Neptune but into other combinations with Neptune.
Alright, so this first book is called the archetypal Universe by Renn Butler. I've long talked about his book, his book is all beat up because I love it and it's a great desk reference for me. So here's what he says about the sun Neptune combination that is perfecting right now and remember this is also toning the lunar cycle ahead.
"Principles. A serene and radiant nature, enhanced access to imagination and inspiration, impulses towards spiritual self discovery and higher purpose. A perception of divine meaning permeating the creation, tendencies towards self deception and escapism dissolved feelings of selfhood and certainty lack of purpose or direction of potential for psychic inflation."
He mentions a few more things character and themes, "a sense of spiritual purpose and vision, inspiration and enchantment, openness and sensitivity, intuition and compassion and exotic personal mystique, understated strength and charisma, refined self expression, opportunities for inner self discovery. Access to higher meaning permeating the creation, the divine blueprint or logos underlying all things." You might notice that I started under this transit I started a series on the beliefs of ancient astrologers trying to help people clarify what are the uniting beliefs or underlying principles you might say are statements of faith that astrologers would likely agree upon across the ages. So that is right in line with what he's talking about here as blueprint or logos underlying all things. But why is he talking about that, because the Sun is the logos and the permeation of all things is Neptune. So you have that higher truth, that kind of platonic sense of logos, which the Sun is related to. And then you have this sense of universality, and the permeation of meaning and mystical intelligence permeating all things.
"Shadow qualities: a dissolved sense of selfhood and certainty." If the sun represents our sense of truth, higher intelligence, a sense of guided meaning or purpose in life, Neptune's hazy, foggy qualities can sometimes confound or confuse us and confuse our sense of self certainty, faith or purpose.
"A lack of purpose or direction, feelings of weakened vitality or vulnerability," why because the sun is going to represent vitality. It's a luminous so source of light, Neptune can dissolve that or weaken it, "An increased susceptibility to colds and infections." It's almost as though Neptune is about suggestibility or the ability to be influenced or have a more porous quality. And if you think about immunity as the ability to protect or defend against pathogens, then we have the potential for an increased susceptibility to colds and infections or even immune system responses. "Addiction is an unconscious substitute for mystical union." That's a good one, the Sun wants to unite with higher truth when it's with Neptune, let's say. But sometimes we'll take a cheap substitute, like the bottle, you know, getting addicted to something, "a diluted spiritual image of oneself,"
I'm thinking about some of my own Neptune transits that I've had, like, for example, when I first you know, drank ayahuasca years ago, there was a period of time that I went through where it was so profoundly healing. But it was also it also, like, almost distorted my sense of myself, like, I was overly confident because of my experiences. When I was, I think it was 23 or 24. And those experiences temporarily inflated my ego, even though they were legitimately mystical experiences. So you have to be careful for the way in which Neptune can deliver this other worldliness, but also the inflated qualities. I can't tell you how many times as owning a yoga studio for a decade, that I saw this exact thing happen. And I wouldn't be surprised if I were to look at the charts of people that I saw this happening to if there was a Neptune transit. They would have a peak experience religiously or spiritually while on a yoga retreat, or taking a training or getting into yoga for the first time or developing a meditation practice. And immediately someone goes, this is all I want to do with my life. And it's reasonable to feel that way when you have spiritual experiences. Because a spiritual experience immediately puts everything into perspective, it makes us go look at what I'm doing with my life, and how meaningless some of it is, or how selfish are vain, some of it is look at how unhealthy or toxic some things are within me or within my environments, or my relationships or my workplace. And so instantly, there's this desire to spiritualize one's life. But we may not have earned that yet, we ended up put the work in. And so I saw many more than I could count, people who would try in trying to grasp the fruits of those spiritual experiences too quickly, like like, oh, I've just tasted a little bit of it. Now, let me try to grab as much, you know, fruit off the tree as I can, that people would become diluted or grandiose or unrealistic about the process of spiritual life. One of the great things about spiritual experience is that it is very generous and rewards the spiritual seeker greatly in the beginning. When someone first takes to spiritual life and has a taste of spiritual practice or spiritual insight. Immediately one says, Oh, you know, that's the best thing I've ever tasted ever. And so, it's so strong and so powerful. And that's good, because it's giving us a higher taste and in, in a sense, and so that's going to be the impetus to continue on in the spiritual path. It's like the universe or God wants to encourage us and so just rains blessings on us when we initially have some very important transformative spiritual experiences.
A lot of people though, will then try to capitalise on it. They'll be like, well, it must have been a Kundalini awakening. And now I'm, I'm ready to be hired as the next great shaman or something like that. I'm not trying to be a jerk. I just have seen it so many times. And I recognise that I had some of those impulses myself when I very first started drinking ayahuasca for example, it was so intoxicating. The spirit spiritual life, there's a phrase that we use for it in bhakti yoga called yoga maya, which is to say, it's the Lord's ability to enchant us with the benefits of spiritual experience. And that brings us along in spiritual life, but it is possible for people to any of us and we're always dealing with this on a daily basis. If you have a spiritual practice, there's attempt there's going to be a temptation to try to capitalise or possess or sort of covet that sacred experience, and then it gets perverted. And then, although I've seen many people go down this path, and it's not the worst thing in the world, like I'd rather that people have that struggle than have no spiritual life at all. But it is a struggle that comes up and it's often a Neptunian one. So worth mentioning.
"A diluted spiritual image of oneself, too subjective identification with the transpersonal I am God and you're not, the self made guru, the self styled right hand man or woman of the Prophet." I don't know if you guys saw there was a Netflix documentary about the Osho community. And he had some right hand woman I can't remember what her name was. But anyway, she played a large role in that documentary. And as I was watching it, I remember thinking she's got to have a really strong Neptune in her chart, maybe with the Sun. Okay, anyway, now let's talk about nature and the arts, "Ocean and Sun blesseds sunshine, devotional art and music submersion in the creative process, cinema mystical and religious themes, actors who resonate with gentle sensitive on assuming magnetic, enigmatic, dreamy, breezy and sometimes bland characters. The Invisible cosmic sun This is archetypes and spirituality, the divine or Heavenly Father, Apollo Buddha, Christ, the Greek islands of the blessed and eternal sunny paradise at the end of the world. Atman or the individual self is can measure it with Brahman, the universal self. All beings are ultimately without self, the Buddha." So different ideas about self dissolving the self unifying the self with the higher self. These all tend to be Sun Neptune archetypes.
So at any rate, I highly recommend this book because it has lots of good references. I want to read you something else from Liz Greene in a moment. Right now my daughter and I are reading the solar themed Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I'm reading it to her every night and there is a gloomy and naughty character named Eustace. And in the story, Eustace who is a real pain and everybody's butt as they're travelling around these mystical islands off in the ocean, it's a super solar book, use this wanders off and in the rain. He comes to a cave with a pool outside of it, and there's a dragon that crawls out of the cave, and breathes its last breath and dies right in front of the pool. Eustace then ventures into the dragon's cave. And as he's walking about, he realises that he's walking on top of a vast treasure trove. Dragons love gold dragons love treasure. We talked about gold fever with Neptune last week, you might remember. In the Hobbit, it's the same way to the dragon comes because of the gold and the dragon is often a symbol of greed. So he takes this like gold bangle and he puts it on his arm and he ends up falling asleep. And when he wakes up and remember everybody's looking for him and worried about him and he's just doesn't care. When he wakes up he has suddenly he is his arms hurting really bad. Remember he put the bangle on his arms, his arms hurting very bad and he senses that there's a dragon in the cave with him. And so he gets really scared he makes a run for it. He runs out and looks into the pool and in the reflection of the water. He sees that he has turned into a dragon and before he had fallen asleep he had stuffed his pockets with jewels and gold. And now as a dragon, his arm is too big for the bangle. And so the thing that he coveted that he desired to possess is now squeezing him and is incredibly painful.
So I want to talk for a minute about the word covet. So the word covet has an interesting etymological background. Mid 13th century, to desire or wish for inordinately or without regard for the rights of others. From Old French, covet desire lust after probably ultimately from Latin Cupid itas passionate desire eagerness ambition from kewpie dos, very desirous from cupere, long for or desire. Now, to desire to wish eagerly for to obtain or possess, take the etymology of desire to wish or long for express a wish to obtain. Also, the original sense perhaps being await what the stars will bring from the phrase de sidere from the stars from seduce genitive, siderius, heavenly body star or constellation a craving or yearning, an emotion directed towards attainment or possession of an object in de sidere, await what the stars will bring. So, I just love doing this with words because I learn a lot from it, and I start creating a movement in my head of images. Once we have images moving in our head, we're closer to archetypes. Because archetypes are not simply conceptual, you know, logical statements, and they're not concrete, they're living, which is why moving planets in the sky makes such good carriers of archetypal meaning and archetypal depth and multi valence.
So Eustace comes out of the cave, and he sees that he's a dragon. And the thing that he had coveted, desired wished for longed for that, that, in a sense, came to him. It came to him naturally he fell upon it, he fell upon a treasure trove and a dead dragon with no one to claim the treasure anymore. And he says to himself, well, it's mine, I'm gonna take it, it's here, it has come my way, by some stroke of luck by some movement in the heavens, something good has come to me, so it's mine. But the heavens given the heavens take away the Wheel of Fortune fills our pockets, and It empties them, and the things that we think we possess, that were given to us by no, in a sense, deserving quality within us, they just they came through, they came through the wheels of the heavens, and they'll go out through the wheels of the heavens, no matter how much we try to possess it. And when we try to possess that which comes to us somehow through fate or destiny, it becomes the object or the source of our pain, the bangle that he tries to possess when he wakes up and has become a dragon is now squeezing him and his arm. And, you know, eventually in the story, Aslan who is a Christ like figure has to use his claws and scrape and pull with his claws, the scales off from use this is dragon body. So one of the things that I think people don't always understand, because it's very easy to get enchanted by all of the beautiful, lovely qualities of Neptune, and there are many. But one of the things that we don't understand is that Neptune will often bring into our life, the longing, it often will just bring something into our life that feels quite auspicious and almost miraculous like stumbling upon a trove of treasure. But when we try to possess that which somehow flows into our life, not recognising that it was never ours to begin with, and by some act of grace that I probably don't deserve this. If we don't stay in that humble position, then this thing that flows into our life naturally when we try to possess it will possess us. And that's the same gold fever analogy that we were using last week when we talked about the Sun and Neptune. So the dragon is something that comes along with the Sun. Remember that the dragon imagery in ancient astrology is also associated with the the dragon that swallows the Sun during eclipses. And so, the idea of what we long or lust for, in try to possess as some kind of gold eventually will swallow us. The Rahu imagery in Indian tradition, the Typhus or Typhon imagery and ancient Greek mythology, both associated with eclipses and both have to do with serpent or dragon emblematic of greed and possession that we, we become it possesses us and it squeezes us. The same thing that we tried to squeeze will eventually squeeze us. So when we try to retain and hold things, eventually they're like a python, they they squeeze us to death, we're squeezed by our own desire. What we don't realise is that the desire to possess In other words, is you could say like even I remember this very clearly in some of my ayahuasca experiences in South America where there was much the intestines being turned by the medicine. It feels like you're being squeezed by cosmic boa constrictors, and you'll often see them in the visual field and ayahuasca ceremonies. And you're retching this stuff up and what do you what does everybody say? I mean, like unanimously, it was stuff I was holding on to, and then the serpents come and squeeze it out of me. So Neptune in the Sun, can bring these things into our life that are really quite beautiful and alluring. But be careful that you recognise because what do people also experience during the ayahuasca ceremonies, for example, when it comes to these things that we've been holding on to? Sometimes people will experience them as things that I've been holding on to and then other times, people will say they were demonic forces or entities or energies that were holding on to me. And I really think that it's sort of two sides of the same coin, I don't I'm not someone who needs to concretize and make it some other energy that possesses us, though I do think that that's real. But some people will also recognise as much as some energy or force has been possessing me. That's the kind of personification or it's an embodiment, it's a spiritual embodiment of some something that took hold of me a perversion in my own own mind, we create our own demons, in a sense, in other words, and these things that we try to possess us. So with Neptune, this is very subtle, and oftentimes, it's especially hard to recognise because of the way that Neptune Sun, exalted Venus, Neptune, New Moon, all the stuff that's coming up right now can bring something into our lives that feels like it's this, you know, miraculous blessing, or it's this really auspicious unexpected thing that has sort of come in with this Jupiterian, uplifting quality behind it. And I'm certainly not telling people to be cynical. But I am saying that when something comes into your life like that, I wonder, for example, what would have what what what happens to Eustace, if, when he sees the dragon's treasure, he admires its beauty and says, well, it's not mine. It's not just because I stumbled across it doesn't mean it's mine. Don't stuff my pockets, but I'm going to go and tell everyone else about it. It's usually like in a story like that, that one becomes the inheritor of some kind of great wealth or treasure. The when one initially looks at the thing that comes to them and says, Oh, that's really a beautiful, it's not mine, you know, I don't deserve that. I'm not trying to, I don't necessarily want that. There's actually, I think it's in the Chinese culture. Be some maybe it's Confucian. I remember reading an I Ching commentary at one point that said, you know, when someone gives you a gift, you always want to give one in return because there's a weird way in which being given a gift out of nowhere can act like a curse upon a person. And I think it's exactly because of this idea that when something fortunate comes into your life that you think well, of course, of course I deserve it. Of course it's mine. You know, like of course I'm favoured by the gods there, you know, you get some you get inflated somehow. The same thing happens in spiritual life. As we were saying earlier, you have some kind of mystical experience, you have some kind of awakening or realisation and it is real. That's not in question. But then it's, I'm entitled to it. It was mine. It was my Kundalini awakening. It's my special power. It's my insight. It's my promise. What am I going to do with it? Start you know, start trying to capitalise on it somehow take the treasure put the bangle on your arm, but then you wake up and you're a dragon the next day? In the Hobbit it's similar how does Smaug this great dragon come into the cave to possess everything to possess and hoard all of the wealth because the the dwarves who are these miners become greedy, they have this way of hoarding resources and not sharing them. And that desire to possess and control, whether it's truth or goodness, or beauty or opulence or any good quality, trying to possess it, acting as the we're the owner or author or controller or supreme that calls the dragon. The dragon comes and the dragon isn't an evil creature. The dragon is actually also a very auspicious creature. And there's also many ways in which we can understand dragons, not in terms of the greedy hoarding, emblem of human darkness, or possessiveness. I just watched a movie with my daughters. And when my my mom was here, so they got to watch a movie with Grandma, which was really exciting for them. And it was called Raya and the Last Dragon I think it was called the new Disney movie. So we watched this. And dragons in that paradigm are the Bringers of life and reign and they're like demigods in a sense. So I certainly am also not trying to peg dragons as bad because I'm a big dragon fan. And also, there's one of the things that the dragon represents in alchemy is also like the serpent that sheds its skin, dragons are signs of rebirth and regeneration. And ultimately, even if there is an element of subterranean darkness possessiveness, greed, ego that we have to face when sort of quote unquote, slaying the dragon, a different image of the dragon is the one that devours the ego, the dragon consumes Eustace, and then use this has to have his skin pulled off, like a serpent shedding its skin, in order to be reborn. So I think dragons are these these creatures that also become symbols for elemental and like primordial rebirth. And when you have a spiritual experience and people are, you know, let's say someone just immediately feels that imagery of the Kundalini serpent rising up the spine, something about that imagery is vital and beautiful and very healthy. But typically, in order to soar to the heights and rise up from the depths, like for example, in the first hexagram of the I Ching, all young lines rising up, you have the imagery of a dragon rising from the depths upward into the sky.
That the the process of ascension, you could say, spiritually speaking, is one that starts in the depths and has to rise up. And so even though the dragon may take us into these deep, dark places, there's always an element of rising upward and finding something fertile. So, for example, in the Hobbit, what is the effect of Smaug ultimately, it's easy to just pegged him as a bad guy, but smogs effect is ultimately to unite people together in some kind of common united cause. Similarly, in the also in the Game of Thrones series, if you guys saw that series, the dragons have this very important role to play in the rebalancing quality in the world. And in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the dragon is the symbol of rebirthing. So when we have a solar eclipse, yes, there are ways in which a solar eclipse can include those devouring dark serpent like images that destroy something that should be virtuous or the emblem of light and truth or beauty in the sun represents the logos, the destruction of the logos or something like that. But also it is the crucifixion and resurrection motif. With Eustace he has to have his, the scales ripped off from him, it's very painful. But then there's this rebirthing. And in that he becomes he transforms from glum and sour and self contained and cynical to radiant, generous, and he gains a sense of self respect and strength. So the dragons are these very empowering creatures. And I think it's a good time to mention them because we've got a whole lot of that dragon energy in the air right now you could say with Sun Neptune, that's going to be one of the most dragon-like symbols that I can think of.
Anyway, so I wanted to read you guys one more thing. This comes from Liz Greene. This is on my one of my absolute favourite book on Neptune called the Astrological Neptune and the quest for redemption. Here's what she writes. It's a little long, but I think you guys will like it. So I'm going to read it.
"Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know For Whom the Bell Tolls it tolls for thee." So that's from John Dunne. "When Neptune aspects the Sun, the need for individual self expression and the longing for the formlessness of pre birth are forced into dialogue. The subject of the conversation conscious or unconscious is the purpose of one's life." And that's the sun again, "the Sun and Neptune are uneasy bedfellows and it generally takes at least until the time of the first Saturn return for the individual to begin to fathom how to live with this disturbing cohabitation. That it is possible as suggested by the Greeks who coupled the two gods in their joint shrine at Delphi. Presenting the worshipper with an alternating rhythm of solar clarity and cathartic ecstasy. See there's the chthonic again, it calls into mind the serpent in the depths. So solar clarity and chthonic ecstasy, you have to lose your mind a little bit with the sun and Neptune right, you have to lose. That's the logos. Also, one of the things that said about Eustace and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, is that he's overly rational and tries to control everything in his head. So losing that somehow, it brings the Sun into something more than just the higher logical truth, it becomes something larger. Presenting the worshipper with an alternating rhythm of solar clarity and chthonic ecstasy each with its own part of the year set aside for the appropriate rituals. This was at the joint shrine at Delphi. "Because the sun symbolises those values and goals, which develop fully at mid life forming the bedrock of the individual sense of personal destiny, the Sun Neptune individual needs to include the Neptunian world in his or her chosen path in life. Otherwise nagging discontent, disillusionment and apathy may undermine everything one tries to do." So if you have a sun Neptune aspect in your chart, this might be you know, helpful to hear.
"All the sun Neptune aspects hard and soft, require some expression of the pre birth realm through an individually developed medium, preferably, but not necessarily. One which can be pursued as a vocation or profession." The Sun always wants to, you know, it's a planet of aspiration and ambition. So for us in this world, that's often sometimes going to embody itself in a career which is also why I was saying earlier that so many people when they have this kind of experience, will immediately want to take it on as a life path. And it's not that you can't it's just we have to be realistic about how long that can take or what kind of process may be involved in that. What kind of determination is needed. "Including the Neptunian world might sound simple all one has to do apparently is think transcendent thoughts, but the sun is a dynamic force which seeks to express and actualize it must radiate out into life and make some impact however small in the outer world. If the person is to avoid the illusory comfort of an escapist spirituality, he or she must find a vehicle that offers an outlet for Neptune sensual and emotional theatricality, as well as its longing for fusion with the divine. Most importantly, this vehicle must be individual doctrines, however beautiful and worthwhile, they might not seem are not individual unless they're processed through one's own experience and values."
In bhakti. For example, we say that the teachings are important but the way that you embody them and are able to speak to others about them through your own lived experiences, according to time, place and circumstance is what real realisation means. So that's the sun Neptune thing too: do I just become a medium or a conduit for something or someone else, or do I find a way to become a medium for something higher but also through the filter of my own individuality. "Sun Neptune may signify the musician the actor, the composer, the playwright, the writer of poetry and fiction the painter, the filmmaker, the photographer, the astrologer, the experimental scientist, who relies upon inspiration as well as empiric research." Think a little bit like Einstein, "or the therapist counsellor teacher who works with the products of imagination in order to heal. Neptune may also feel at home nurturing or redeeming an environment which echoes Eden. Neptune's empathy with human suffering and longing marks the sun Neptune's individual creative endeavours with a quality of universality, he or she can communicate in a language everyone understands. These forms of expression are solar as well as oceanic, they have body although they are fluid they necessitate conscious effort, dedication, individual choice, sensual contact and imagery and a subtle relationship with the rest of life. Neptune makes the sun ego porous, open to the waters of the unseen world. But the unseen is not just transcendent light it is also primal darkness see there's the dragon in the depths coming up to the light from the first hexagram of the eaching. If one tries to befriend the little fish without the big one, the darkness may rise up through other channels, alcohol, drug addiction, compulsive eating disorders, sexual difficulties, or disabling or disintegrating mental or physical illness. Or it may be experienced through projection in some black by some blackly, humorous quirk of fate, one's partner or child will embody all the murkier Neptunian elements that one most strongly repudiates within oneself. The sun Neptune person like pantheists may initially succeed in banning the God but may end up marrying a manic depressive hysteric an alcoholic, or giving birth to a little Dyonisis, who becomes a drug addict when he grows up."
I can't tell you how many times I've seen that where a Sun Neptune person will work extraordinarily hard to be contained, grounded logical in control, and then they'll have a child that, in a sense completely tears down all those defences that have been put up where perhaps the person should have spent time at some point in their life trying to integrate and incorporate Neptune more so you can't push Neptune out just because Neptune is overwhelming. "The individual with Sun Neptune longs to experience being taken out of himself or herself through an active voluntary submission to something greater or higher. The Sun is the natural ruler of Leo, and associated with bigness of heart and love... Those common dreams in which one discovers oneself naked in the middle of a crowd in a public place portray the painful experience of self exposure." So there's a lot that with the Sun Neptune about having something inside us that has to come out but also struggling somehow to actualize this thing. Now, the part I wanted to read for sure before finishing because there's about another page and a half so I won't read all of it.
"Sun Neptune, like all solar aspects describes one's perceptions of the personal father, the individual may have experienced a vanishing father, who is emotionally or physically absent or ailing and weak. There's often profound unconscious idealisation of the father he may have been Neptunian himself, and his birth chart may reveal some Neptune contacts. The father's life may appear to have been wasted its creative potentials dissipated in alcohol, womanising, depression, illness or repeated financial failures. On some level the father inaccessible, yet fascinating, damaged yet promising the ecstasy of fusion, beloved, yet a failure to his offspring may appear as a Christ figure, a redeemer himself in need of redemption, hidden behind or driven away to, perhaps by a more prosaic wife," For example, I can't tell you how many times I've seen people with a sun Neptune contact who say, you know, my mother was really sort of controlling and practical and my father was this like artistic personality, and they really clashed that's very common when people have Sun Neptune combinations.
"I've met many Sun Neptune, people whose fathers were talented actors, musicians, writers, and painters. Although frequently these fathers could not make their talents work in outer life or abandon their gifts or never express them at all once they embarked upon marriage and fatherhood. The individual with sun Neptune may pay for the streamer father with annoying internal sense of impotence sooner or later, he or she will have to develop self confidence from scratch because the personal father could not offer us strong enough example. I wanted to talk about the father karma around the sun and Neptune in particular, because the experience that a lot of people have of the Sun in their chart is going to echo something about their father. The best and most basic way that a father in an archetypal psychological sense can support their child is, I know, you've heard me say this before, it's real cosmic, Mr. Rogers, it is, I love you. Because you're you. In other words, the father sees within the child, regardless of their flaws, faults, strengths or weaknesses, sees them as a child of God and says, I love you, because you have the Sun in your heart, because you are a son or daughter of mine, whatever the case might be, or you're a child of mine, I validate you and love you exactly as you are. And that kind of support over and over and over again, is something that I have seen frequently in the charts of people who have a strong or a healthy relationship to the sun in their birth chart, maybe it could be a mother, it doesn't necessarily have to be a father, but oftentimes, it is that the Father role of saying, I validate you, because the father plays this sense, this role of the invisible transcendental seed giving source. And so Mother, you know, the child is connected so intimately with the mother in the womb, gestating in the womb, breastfeeding, etc. And there's this linking, that the mother and child do but the father stands apart, and is emblematic of something transcendent or or other that grants are bestows some sense of uniqueness that exists within the child you also stand apart are whole unto yourself, are independent, rather than in the realm of relationships and dependents both are archetypally necessary and healthy and beautiful, but the father image archetypically and again, this doesn't anyone could take on this role potentially, but says, you're good, your whole your beautiful, your divine, your destiny and your innate reason for being here is whole just because you exist.
So now bring in Sun Neptune. Now imagine that the the, the the father figure within us with that sense of other unique individuality, that what comes with it is the sense of being bestowed with some transcendental imaginative, you know, it becomes it becomes much more almost otherworldly, grandiose, vast, imaginative, fantastical, that what we're looking for is, in a sense, the feeling of having a holy grail to pursue and Liz Greene goes on in that book to talk about that exact myth that the Sun Neptune doesn't need to be simply infused with a sense of basic self worth, which is enough, right? But it also needs that Neptunian quality infused into it, it's looking for that or it's going to try to embody that the timeless, the imaginative, the infinite, the united, the subtle, the formless, the Edenic, the utopian. It is hard, really hard for anyone in the world to offer us that kind of validation, which is exactly why Greene explains that you will so often see a person feel like they have some, role model in their life, maybe a father in particular, whose role it is obviously archetypically speaking to build up that sense of innate worth and self confidence. But who can do that? Who can give us that sense of validation Christ, the Buddha, a great saints or sages, priestesses and goddesses who can actually say, You're you. It's not just that you're a child of God, it's that you possess within you the holy grail, the cure of all cures, the beauty of all beauty that and no human can really bestow that upon us. And that's why it's also so difficult for sun Neptune people to feel that they're accessing or somehow they're able to communicate or transmit that thing that they feel is within them and is essential to who they are. So, the father will fail, the father will will be weak or the father may represent that unrealized, you know, artistic, spiritual, imaginative quality within themselves. The father will be like, If only you could have been an artist, but I got married and had kids you know, or I was going to be this great mystic but then you know I got involved in this or that I have to pay the bills or a father who is incredibly spiritual sensitive has all this potential but is really weak ends up having affairs and disappointing our sense that we can trust in this moral character or they end up you know, unable to live up to the mantle of their own promise somehow they're weak, they're impotent creatively, they, drown their sorrows and alcohol even though they also simultaneously shine with some kind of otherworldly promise. So you see this a lot and the person will often project those images on to someone else, a child who's the drug addict or a father who's the failure, you know, there'll be someone in their life, who will take on those qualities of disappointment, and then one will simultaneously always be trying to reach for that sense of ideal. It's a difficult aspect in that regard.
On the other hand, if a person comes to realise that, that there's a divine, there's, if you can taste that divine discontent, as it is, understand that it isn't ever capable of being fulfilled and realise that the longing itself is a beautiful thing to behold and to taste. It's very tantric in that regard, where we were ever moving toward the target that's ever moving away from us, and in to be okay with that. And to recognise that that's our muse, the Muse has to be moving away from us, and we have to in order for us to follow it. And if we can accept that then Sun Neptune people are often some of the most magical, you know, thinkers, writers, because that they're comfortable with the muse, that longing, the desire, always being out in front of them, and never being able to really capture it. And that way, you don't feel like a failure. You're not constantly inviting into your life, people who have this glowing promise that you think in them will somehow fulfil you and then it ends up disappointing. So, Sun Neptune, the best way to relate to it, in my experience of counselling people over many years and just seeing how it plays out is to let it Let it be the the muse the image, the the call the song, the flute music of Krishna in the woods that that calls to spiritually and don't try to obtain or possess it.
You know, it's like the the same pond in Voyage of the Dawn Treader that they, the kids, realise if you touch it, it's turns to gold and then instantly freezes. You don't want it like that. So let it let it lead you on but don't try to possess or hold it. That's when dragons become creatures of fertility, rather than creatures of possessive hoarding, guarding, you know, terrifying and killing. So I remember in an ayahuasca ceremony that I had, where I was getting squeezed by all these snakes and just just stuff coming out of me. And when it came out, I remember that the same these rainbow boa constrictors, these cosmic serpents, there's a great book by Jeremy Norby called the Cosmic Serpent that these same cosmic serpents turned into almost like I was writing them it's hard to explain because if it's just difficult to put into words, but it felt like I was riding them or moved from them being these creatures that were squeezing stuff out of me that I had tried to possess into things that I was following and riding along with. So let's follow the dragons. Let's, let's be careful not to turn into the guarding possessive hoarding type. Alright, that's what I've got for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this. Let me know your thoughts and realisations about Neptune in the Sun. As you're listening to this, I'd love to hear from you guys. You guys write such beautiful things by the way, like I'm sometimes moved to tears reading what people write in the chat box. And so thank you, thank you all for sharing yourselves and creating nice community around these posts every day. Alright, have a great rest of your week. We'll be together again tomorrow to talk more astrology. Take it easy, everyone. Bye
i thought i was bad – omg i m at 4:52 and it just seems to say it all so can t imagine the rest. Tomorrow as i think i can sleep now. i have sun virgo transit natal libra Neptune exacting then. Been sitting outside Sept 17ish 2024 with the sun warm on my skin it was an interesting love substitute.
Was called upon for help to senior needing a driver cause his license expired he claimed and his work van in the pound and his tenancy’s garbage pick up out of control. It’s been many trips to the modern garbage drop off and learning.
Two seniors in 80 s. So germs? Spirit? i m asking spirit what it’s about………..
Our travels took us into the homeless area as well. It’s been 30 years since i dropped toxic substances so no urges except sweets. Anyways i m looking to learn more as Neptune is so hard when one has little abilities …thank u.