Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at a little known aspect called antiscia. There are three antiscia being formed right now between the Sun and Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto. And because the Sun is currently in the sign of Sagittarius, it is in Jupiter's power and Jupiter's in its fall. And so for about the next five to six days these antiscia that are being formed can become a lot more potent than you might think. Especially if you've never heard of them before they can really, it can be an interesting thing to learn about.
Also, people don't always pay a lot of attention to antiscia. But when one planet is in the power of another with the antiscion, the power dynamics change dramatically. And so they're really important to pay attention to. And I'm going to show you an example of why today and then explain how this works and what you could watch for in the days ahead. And this is something that almost snuck under my radar, I really didn't have it written down as something big I wanted to talk about this month. And then I was I was actually dealing with something in my personal life. And all of a sudden, I was like, wait, this feels like the Sun and Saturn. Why do I feel like the Sun and Saturn, I was like, Oh my gosh, it's there's an ant tissue being formed right now, of course. And so then I sat down, mapped it all out this morning and was like this is going to take the cake for what I had something else planned, but I was like, no, this is it.
So that's what we're gonna do today. Now before I dive into that, I want to remind you all that I'm in the middle of my 40 day end of the year Kickstarter campaign, if you enjoy my work, if you share it, if you get something good out of it from time to time, if it's a source of spiritual companionship on the path, then please consider donating, I really appreciate it, I get a lot of things done every year through the Kickstarter. It's a big part of how my whole operation runs. So if you're able to please do so there's a link in the comment section, you can click on it, you can pick up rewards, there's reward readings, exclusive lectures, there is over 50% off to all three of my online programmes including my Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic course. So you can get all my 21 2021 programmes over 50% off, there's a lot of cool things. So we're trying to get to 691 backers as of making this read about 153, which is we're on a really good pace right now. So thank you so much for everyone who's already pitched in. And if you haven't, I'd love your support. And if and if you're not able to just throw up a prayer that, you know, we'd be able to keep doing good work and keep keep growing and getting getting better at this and serving more people. Really appreciate it, guys. Thank you.
Alright, so um, antiscia, what is it? What's going on? Why is this a big deal? All right, so first of all, you can see, here's the real time clock, and I want to point them out to so the antiscia are being formed between the Sun in Sagittarius and Saturn. This is the one that just happened. And so I had noticed it yesterday. And I was like, oh, wow, yeah, there it is. And then you can see that it's going to also move into if you know what antiscia are already, it's going to form with Jupiter, and then with Pluto, all in a row. Now, the reason that these antiscia are so impactful, and I'm going to write this down so that you can follow it if you're kind of like a student of astrology.
You have the Sun in Sagittarius. The Sun is in Jupiter's power, that's Sagittarius being the sign of Jupiter. And forming antiscia with Jupiter. Jupiter is in its fall. So what does that mean? Well, imagine that I went over to your house for dinner. But let's say that you had COVID that's a terrible thing. Okay, so let's just say that you were you had the Rona, you were dealing with, my mom just got done dealing with it. My best friend's mom is currently dealing with it, it is not pretty. But anyway, that's kind of the picture. Jupiter in its fall is really connected, especially with Pluto to the proliferation, which is a joopa terian thing of something that is more malignant. For example, Jupiter in Capricorn, I've seen in at least a dozen charts in the past year of my practice for people who are dealing with tumours or lumps, not necessarily cancerous, but just things that grow that aren't necessarily good. That's Jupiter and Saturn sign and it's fall growing, but maybe growing things that are more Saturn that have to do with decay or death or, or disease, unfortunately, so that's part of the pandemic signature of the year. So imagine that I go over to your house, and you have you have a sickness and I'm like, I'm ready for dinner. So what do you serve me you serve me food because you're my host, Jupiter is the host of the Sun, but the the food is contaminated because you're sick. So then I get sick, right? That's the basic idea when you see one planet in the power of another planet and the other planet who is the host is all jacked up. So we have this kind of signature in the sky right now. And the main difficult one is the Sun to Jupiter, the Sun to Saturn really not as bad because Saturn's in its own sign and a Sun Saturn conjunction though it's not always easy, with a well, dignified Saturn it is not a huge deal. But when you get into that conjunction with the fall in Jupiter by antiscia, that's when it becomes problematic. Pluto, not necessarily easy, either.
So let's see how this plays out in the dates, you need to see the two degrees for an antiscia to add up to 30. So when you get the Sun at 252, and you've got Saturn at about 27' 51", they're just separating from antiscia: the two degrees have to add up to 30, across the signs of Capricorn, and Sagittarius. And I'll explain more of the technical pieces of antiscia in a minute.
So, if you watch this, we need to see here's the Sun going to about, you know, four to five degrees. Now, if you see the Sun, I'm just doing this very loosely, for those of you who are more technically savvy. The Jupiter position is at about 25 degrees, and the Sun is at five degrees. So the two degree positions add up to 30. So that's the conjunction and that is happening by Friday of this week. All right, and then we want to move it a little bit farther along to get in with Pluto. And you see that that's going to happen by Sunday. Now, this is bringing us through the Venus-Uranus opposition. And it's also bringing us into that Eclipse on Monday as well. So this is not a small thing to be happening. Like I said, it sort of flew under my radar. That's actually a key signature of antiscia, by the way, is that there's something a little bit subtle or secretive about them. Anyway, so you can see the two getting together here by Sunday. So if you put all that together, what you're saying is that between now and the eclipse on Monday, you've got several antiscia, a very troubling one with the sun and Jupiter, fallen Jupiter. And then Pluto, as Venus is also perfecting an opposition to Uranus. And then as the lunar eclipse comes into Gemini, late Sunday night into Monday morning. So what does this add into the mix of Eclipse week for us?
Before I go into the interpretive piece, let's just pause and take a moment to explain what antiscia is, because conceptually, if you understand what it is, you're going to understand the interpretation a lot more and appreciated a lot more. And you can actually start feeling it in your body even more, the more you understand things in astrology, the easier they get. So imagine that there is a line and the line goes right through the solstice points of zero Capricorn and zero Cancer, the winter and summer solstice in the western system, obviously, this is oriented toward the northern towards the northern hemisphere. But regardless, it is the signs on either side of the solstice is equal distance from that zero degree marker, that are going to participate in these antiscia. So you have Capricorn and Sagittarius. The sign that comes on one side of the winter solstice and the sign on the exact other side. Go two more signs out and you get to Scorpio and Aquarius, and then go to more signs out and you get to Libra and Pisces. So when planets are in these signs, and the degree total of two planets in these respective signs that I've just highlighted, add up to 30, that's when they're at their antiscia with one another. And it's considered a kind of secretive form of conjunction and I'll explain why in a minute.
Now, on the other side, the signs that form antiscia around the summer solstice are going to be Cancer and Gemini, Leo and Taurus and Virgo and Aries. So, if planets two planets fall in these signs and fall out degrees that add up to 30, then you also have antiscia. Now, what is antiscia all about? Well, let's just imagine that we're talking about the climb of the Sun upward toward the summer solstice, and then from the summer solstice, the Sun starts going down. So the Sun at the summer solstice, is at highest point in the sky. Now imagine that the Sun at 20 degrees of Gemini, the Sun is in its path up to the longest day of the year. When we get to zero Cancer, 10 degrees later, the Sun will start moving back down. And when it gets to 10 degrees of Cancer, it will be back to the parallel place that the sun was at when it was going upward at 20 degrees of Gemini. So 20 Gemini plus 10 Cancer land on days of the year where there's an equal amount of light and dark in the 24 hour period. The difference is that at 20 Gemini, the Sun is still going up to its brightest or longest day of the year. Whereas at 10 Cancer, the sun has already rounded that corner and is now coming down. The days are getting shorter, but still at these respective days of the year, where the degree totals add up to 30 in the appropriate signs relative to that high point of the summer solstice, there's going to be an equal amount of light and dark in the 24 hour day.
What that means is that planets that are situated at these degrees, even though they don't share an aspectual relationship with one another, they share a kind of secretive conjunction, a secret form of sameness conjunction means that the two planets are merging or blending on a certain level. And so when planets are at these degrees, they're similar, it's as though they take on a secretive form of sameness. Okay, so a secretive form of conjunction. There's another whole set of and tissue called contra antiscia, which I won't go into today, those are the exact same method but formed around the equinox points, so you can follow that logic out, contrary, and antiscia are going to be a little bit more like a secretive form of opposition. And they have to do with equal but opposite amounts of light and dark. So they have a little bit more of a standoff with one another. And planets on the light half of the year will tend to command those that are on the dark half the year, which were said to obey. So that's a whole different concept we're not going into today, but just a little preview, maybe I'll do a video on it or a q&a later.
Planets in antiscia that we're looking at here have a secretive form of sameness. Now, I want to take you backward in time and just give you a sense of why this is so important. If we go back to about January, one thing that you are going to see here is a super important moment in the year. Now, one of the things that I was writing about was at the time was this antiscion that was forming between Mars and Jupiter. Here, you can see that the planet Mars is right here at 16 degrees. And here is here's Jupiter at about 13 degrees. And so the degree total between the two was in the process of perfecting, and you can see this happening and this is a week that I was doing a lot of predicting about this saying, hey, look at this antiscia. The reason that this is really troubling to me, is that you have Mars hitting a secretive form of conjunction with Jupiter over the last few days of the month of January. And Mars is in Sagittarius, which is Jupiter's sign and Jupiter is in its fall, which means that Jupiter can represent something that brings Mars down. Jupiter has the potential to damage or harm Mars. Interesting that Jupiter's in the exaltation of Mars while also in its fall.
And I was really puzzled by this but thought it this really looks like it could be rather difficult. And I thought about the downfall of political leaders or really important Mars like figures and at first I was really thinking about military figures as Mars tends to represent that. But of course, what ended up happening was that the legendary sports icon Kobe Bryant, died in a helicopter accident along with his daughter, and some other passengers who were there as well, I don't recall who they were exactly. But I think there might have been some other famous sports icons in the helicopter, I can't recall if someone can maybe remind us in the chat box. But here's a perfect example of the antiscia that we're now seeing again.
Essentially you have Mars, you know, going over to dinner at Jupiter's house and Jupiter's in its fall and is either can't give Mars anything or it's actually going to harm Mars, because Jupiter's kind of kind of jacked up. So I had said watch for the downfall of Mars like figures, and we saw the downfall of a very famous athlete. Now, that was not something like I had, I didn't wasn't expecting it to be an athlete. But I was expecting for the potential of this. This exchange to be really rough on Mars, that Mars gets served a little bit of a kick in the face by a fallen Jupiter. So that's the position that we're finding ourselves in again. Now, why? How did I get triggered to this where you can see the Sun just going through the conjunction with Saturn. And in the days ahead, we'll go through the antiscia with Jupiter. So what do we expect? We would expect the downfall of solar figures or we would expect the potential for there to be difficulty for Sun stuff.
What is Sun stuff? Well, that's when we have to kind of go back to the basics. Let me pull up my little notes for the day. So okay, first of all, very simply, if you have the Sun as king, leader, president, CEO, or anyone who's sort of powerful, or in charge, or at the centre of things, you're looking at the potential for that kind of figure to have a downfall, to have to face the music or deal with setbacks. So yesterday, three things happened that I noticed as the Sun was perfecting the antiscion with Saturn.
One was that I was really struggling being a dad, just one of those days where I felt like I was getting about a D plus as as a dad. By and large, I feel like, you know, I'm a decent dad, right? Like, I don't want to brag or anything. I think I'm an Okay dad. But you know, as parents, if any of you guys are parents out there, you know that once in a while, you just have one of those days where you just you do the like, oh, like that sucked, that was brutal. And you lose your cool or you lose your temper, or you snap or something like that. And I just had one of those days. And it was actually two days in a row. And I was just like, What is going on? And that was part of what led to it.
The second thing was that Donald Trump here in the United States, Trump is signalling that he's starting to accept the transition of power as more state certified the results, sort of crushing any last attempts to, you know, swing the election in his favour through the legal challenges and the accusations of fraud and so forth. And, you know, that they started allowing funds to be distributed for the transition of power. And then my dad was dealing with something that was challenging. And then I was talking to a friend of mine whose mother just got COVID and whose father has Parkinson's, and so he's really really worried about his father who has Parkinson's getting covid from his mom because obviously it's just the two of them.
So it was like all of a sudden I was like downfall of King, I feel like a rotten dad, my dad is struggling my buddies I'm talking to my buddy on the phone for a long time about his dad and the fear about him getting covid with Parkinson's. Why is like dad stuff flaring up so much? I was like, I didn't think the son was doing anything major right now. Often a planet to look for right? And then I was like, Oh, yeah, the antiscion between the Sun and Saturn. You know, the Sun Saturn loves to swallow children. You know what I mean? Like Saturn is that Kronos is the child leader, right? If you want to think about something really bizarre think about the fact that Jupiter, planet of beliefs has been in its fall around paranoid Pluto, which can create paranoia in the sign of Saturn/Kronos, and over the past couple of years, we've seen major scandal with Jeffrey Epstein and like under age children, and the whole idea of the God who eats the children, I mean that I'm not getting into any of the crazy. There's a lot of conspiracy theories around that person I'm not aware of them. I don't get into all that, but I couldn't help but notice as other theories have been spinning around about child trafficking and QAnon on and all of that stuff that's out there right now. A lot of that has been the expression of a really empowered Saturn with Pluto, and a really messed up Jupiter hanging out together too.
There's been some real stuff around the degradation of children, which is definitely a Saturn thing. That was such a literal piece of symbolism for me when I was just feeling like I was being like a bad dad. And I was like, wow, like, Oh, right, Sun-Saturn. The figure of the, like suppressive or difficult father figure can really come up with that combination. Luckily, for me, you know, it's a it's a temporary transit, and I do pretty well normally, like I said, but this was, I just noticed, it was really acute anyway, this symbolism of the difficulty around the dichotomy between the old and the young, as well, like one of the I think one of the things I heard more than anything in the United States recently from a lot of people on both the left and the right, is that there, there was like, the all the candidates running for office were extremely old. Right, this is a lot of Saturn heavy stuff right now, right? Anyway, um, all none of that, you know, is really here nor there.
The sun Saturn dynamic came first. So if you were experiencing a little bit of that over the past few days, that's probably why. You can see that reflected. The Sun is also a reflective of our sense of action, purpose, direction, ego to a certain extent, the thing that holds us together gives us a temporary sense of centre and purpose that you know, and oftentimes a sense of a mission or quest or heroic journey. And when the Sun gets into it with Saturn, it's like it can be depressive, we can feel blocked, we can feel lethargic, we can try to get really really controlling and rigid, and we can be a little bit more domineering. So, that would be the first part of this.
The second part is going to be the actual conjunction with Jupiter. And so the conjunction with Jupiter by antiscia is coming up. Now, let's time that out. Again. If we move this forward just a little bit, you're gonna see that it comes in Thursday through Saturday would be the orb that I would give it so to speak. So the range in which you can probably feel and notice the effects Thursday through Saturday, that's the same time that Venus is opposing Uranus. So it's at that time that you have this erratic energy, disruption of some kind from Venus, opposite Uranus. And then you have, you know, the Sun in this sort of surprising, secretive antiscia with fallen Jupiter, who can sort of take the Sun down.
Could we see, you know, health problems from world leaders? I'm not saying I'm certainly not predicting an assassination or anything like that. But could you see something like that happening? In some place in the world? Maybe not here or anything? But maybe, who knows? But could you see something like that? Yeah, I mean, with Venus, opposite Uranus, that's very sudden and disruptive. And then, you know, the, the antiscia between the Sun and fallen Jupiter could certainly bring somebody down. But it doesn't have to be so literal and Shakespearean. It's not something that I would be at the top of my list of what I would expect. More so, you know, could there be scandals emerging about CEOs, you know, in the tech industry, or, or someone you know, being outed for corporate crimes or some way in which a son figure takes a fall or a tumble. Sun figures can be, you know, any any kind of leader really. And personally we could also feel it. Pride comes before a fall. So you could see some way in which the wind is taken out of your sails. Or if you get too proud or cocky that you stumbled this week, just be careful of the high and mighty vibe. Also, be careful of people or things that want to knock you down a peg because they're jealous or envious or bitter or something like that.
I would also imagine that there could be a sense of something growing or becoming stronger, but we also have to be aware of how we're achieving what we want to achieve the following Jupiter could easily be you know, a little ruthless or sort of crooked in its dealings and how it wants to go and achieve success or something like that. So that's, that's something to just something to pay attention to. I could see someone's ego getting bruised by virtue of a relationship falling apart or changing suddenly. And that's the Venus opposite Uranus dynamic as the sun is perfecting.
If you go beyond that to Sunday, then the Sun gets into it with Pluto, and it's very similar a feeling of death and rebirth of very deep transformation. And you may not see it coming because there's, it can sneak up a little bit I've noticed whenever antiscia are involved, because the planets aren't in a traditional aspect with one another, they're sharing something that's a little bit more esoteric, there's a secret sameness that they have. But it's not like a traditional line of sight as an aspect would be. Okay, so I just wanted to because I recognised it, and I sort of called myself out, which is that really, the great thing about doing astrology, by the way, is that if you do astrology long enough, and you feel yourself getting caught up in something, which by the way, is a lot easier to do if you're adding in spiritual practice every day. I say it, at least three videos a week, and like, I'm always telling people you know, meditate every day, pray every day, do something every day to get into a centred reflective place, you can quiet down and let your your mind and your Spirit come forth a little bit. It's really hard for the in-dwelling spirit soul to come out when we're busy all the time. So if you do that, you know, then occasionally you're going to you're going to notice is like all of a sudden, you're really getting wrapped up in something. And that feeling of getting really wrapped up in something that you feel a little out of control. Not like you should be like hyper rigid and controlling about everything in your life. But just you feel like you're getting grabbed by something. The grahas, the grabbers, the planets. Then you go wait, what's going on, and then suddenly, you'll notice Oh, look at all these antiscia forming.
And that's how it it tends to be that way within tissues for whatever reason, they always tend to slip under the radar with me like I should be more proactive and looking for them. And I often am but especially when you have this case with Sagittarius, planets like the Sun, we're going to get some of this with Mercury pretty soon Venus will go through it as well, when they get into Sagittarius. there they're going to hit the antiscia with at least Jupiter or at least Pluto have to look and see if they catch up to Jupiter and Saturn before they change signs. I'm not sure about that.
But you know, these are things that are definitely worth paying attention to. Like after seeing what happened last year with the Mars dynamic, which is maybe a little bit more ruthless, right, Mars can be a little bit more intense like that. But when I when I saw the news that could be Brian died in a helicopter accident. Not that I was any big Kobe Bryant fan, really. But I was like, wow, like that's a vivid example of, not just any antiscion but an antiscion where the one planet is in the sign of another planet who's debilitated. And then that's when you get that potential for real downfall. So, at any rate, I thought this was kind of an interesting, geeky, fun topic for the day. So I hope that you enjoy it. Please leave your comments section in the comments below. Tell me what you think of it. Do you have any antiscia in your birth chart? Go look for them, see if you can find them. And have you noticed anything already with the Sun, Saturn antiscia, I'd be curious to hear if I was the only one who really felt and noticed that.
Finally, remember, my Kickstarter is running through the end of the year. Ringing the bell every day. The next big milestone is 200 backers, I think we're probably 40 some shy today. So if you can pitch in and help out, pick up discounted tuition or one of the rewards I offer, I would be really thankful. So I hope you guys have a great rest of your day and we'll see you again soon. Bye.
Thank you for this Interesting post. I am wondering if you consider any size orb when looking at a birth chart. For example planets that add up to 29 or 31 degrees?
I appreciated being reminded about antisicia. I’ve been doing astrology, for myself and clients, for quite a few decades, so (even though I would be descibed as ‘modern astrologer’) I’ve come across this ‘aspect’ before, but not gone into very much depth of enquiry in my practice. A little while ago I posted a question here wondering if you would say something about the quincunx or inconjunct. I’ve often thought it’s like the ‘curious incident of the dog in the night’, we find in the Sherlock Holmes story…two bodies are NOT doing one of the usual cache of trad. aspects, yet there is a sense that the not doing could be significant. Especially if the luminaries are involved. I raise this point because, in some cases, the inconjunct can also be an antiscium. EG between Aries and Virgo…my own chart demonstrates this…Sun Aries 16, Moon Virgo 15 (allowing for an orb slightly over 1 degree, which I believe is reckoned OK in most commentaries.) The Sun and Moon being in antiscia seems extremely interesting to me. Is this a ‘secret’ New Moon? Would we interpret it as such? I came across this excellent article from the Astrolgical Association Journal, which might be of interest if you haven’t already come across it, and for your followers if they want to get really geeky on this topic https://www.astro.com/astrology/aa_article190903_e.htm
Thank you for your brilliant work and consistent generosity
All blessings for you and your family… Theolyn