Today I'll be taking a look at the Sun's upcoming opposition to Neptune which is perfecting over this weekend into Monday.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at the Sun's upcoming opposition to Neptune which is perfecting over this weekend into Monday. So we're going to take a look at this from the standpoint of the two planets and their archetypal combinations today. I'll probably do a little deeper dive into the combination on Monday. So we'll pair it up that way, this will give you something to look forward to over the weekend because this transit is really you're really going to be feeling it today through Monday. So hopefully this will give it for once in preparation for the transit.
I'm going to go ahead and put up the real time clock on the screen. And actually, before I do that, I forgot I am in the midst of promoting my upcoming programme ancient astrology for the modern mystic right now. So I want to just highlight that on my website for you so you can check it out in case you're interested in studying astrology with me this fall. So if you go to my website, nightlight astrology calm, and you click on the Courses tab, and then go to the first year course, you can learn all about it. It'll tell you what the course consists of 30 lessons plus 12 Guest teachers that come in, we have breakout study sessions. In between our units. We have a staff of tutors forum discussions, optional optional reading homework, exercises, quizzes, all optional for people. Really, you can do as much or as little as you want to in this course, because it's also something that you can take on your own. You can follow along and attend live or if you're out of timezone or you work at the time of classes and things like that, you can watch the recordings. So it's pretty flexible in that regard, you can take a certification test at the end if you want. Toward the end of the class we host about 10 live readings. And those live reading days give us a chance to break down, you'll see me read for people using all the techniques that we study, then we'll break down the readings. This is probably the best way to learn astrology. I mean, learning theory and technique is great. But if you can actually see a practitioner whose style you're studying whose approach you're studying, actually do readings. That's really really great way to learn. Anyway, so you can check it out on my website. If you have any questions, feel free to email us info at nightlight, you can save $500 off and use the early bird payment there's a payment plan if you need it. There's also tuition assistance plans for people who might be on a really tight budget or you know, need some extra extra help. So yeah, so hope to see somebody there soon I'll be advertising this programme starts November 13. So we'll be promoting it between now and then. And some days I'll spend more time talking about it than others.
So here is the real time clock. Let's take a look at the Sun moving into an opposition with Neptune. So here you can see the Sun at about 18 degrees of Virgo right now. And the Sun is moving into the opposition with Neptune and this will perfect between Monday and Tuesday, September 13 and 14th. Now over the weekend into Monday really, we'll be moving through the first quarter moon so pretty critical moment between now and say Monday or Tuesday of next week in terms of the overall lunar cycle for the month as well. There's what I would call a kind of an internal crisis of vision that I want to talk about with this combination. We're gonna be talking more about that on Monday. Today, I just want to give you a preview of the archetypal combination and all the different ways that the two planets can go together. So if you're thinking about the Sun, one of the simplest ways to think about the sun and you guys have heard me talk about this before is that the sun is a symbol that relates to that sense of ideal calling or purpose a sense of action in ancient astrology was related to the daimon, which is that the kind of spirit that is a like a companion that is also inspiring us toward our unique individual, potential, calling purpose. These are all words that are pretty popular, but it could be the purpose or calling doesn't have to be like my job can also be something that's more unique to who you are the way you live your life and the things that motivate you.
Not surprisingly, when we take the sun and we put it against Neptune, this is why on Monday we'll be talking about this idea of almost like a crisis of vision. You know, I have a friend who talks a lot about the imagination, an astrologer friend of mine named Shawn Nygaard. And he's going to be doing a talk in our fall speaker series, which by the way, you can check out the new lineup is up on the website. Under the events page at nightlight, he's giving a talk on Pluto entering Aquarius, and he talks a lot about imagination. Big Hillman guy as well. And, and so, you know, when you when I think of the Sun opposite Neptune, and again, more on this Monday, I think of the the crisis not only a vision for our lives, the crisis of imagination, what kind of life are we imagining and is our is our imagination calling us forward, sometimes we get lost in what we consider to be practical concerns. This is something that Shawn was talking about. I think he's going to mention it in his webinar, too. So we can get we can get lost in like mundane things, you know. And unless our life is being lived with some imagination, you know, the soul really isn't happy. This is something that James Hillman talked a lot about. And so I was thinking about, you know how to talk about sun Neptune today and I was thinking about what he said what my friend has been saying about the imagination. And you know, living a soulless existence means living in existence without imagination. So the Sun opposite Neptune can be about not just a crisis of purpose, but a crisis of imagination.
But you also have the sun as a symbol that's related to the noetic light, the light of understanding, a light of wisdom, a light of truth, illumination, clarity. The Sun is associated with oracles and with the most like the transmission that comes from Gods or spirits, you know, through religious inspiration or meditation or prayer or divination, something has come through and illuminated me from within. In fact, in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says that, you know, people who are devoted to him, he illuminates them from within, so that they have a proper understanding about how to progress spiritually, giving them a sense of direction from within. So the sense of a light within an in a sense of not just our purpose, or what am I going to do with my life, this just this life, but some larger and even transcendental sense of, of purpose or direction, being illumined from within, with a sense of what makes our life unique, what gives larger sense of meaning to our actions and choices in life. A lot of these kinds of themes are going to sort of swirl around the sun. When you think of Neptune, you think of a planet that it reaches into the timeless and the subtle, and the imaginative and the, the eternal and so there's something here, Sun opposite Neptune. The book that comes to my mind, I always referenced the Narnia Chronicles, the solar book of the Narnia Chronicles was called The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. And it was part of the mission of the of the ship was to sail as far east as they could toward the rising Sun. One of the scenes I love the most in the book is, the closer they get to the Sun, the more that the the water tastes sweet, it's not salty anymore, it becomes sweet. And it's like the water becomes like translucent. And they're, they're going closer and closer to the kingdom of the sun. And on the way they also have to sail through like a tempest of of nightmares, where their worst fears reside, and they can't get really, they can't get to this place of the sweet water and the translucent water. This beautiful place right on the edge of of the eastern horizon. They can't get to it until they pass through a realm of nightmares and fears and illusions. So I think it's interesting that you know, Neptune is often going to bring up the, you know, sometimes there's a fine line between, you know, in order to find a true a true vision and a true calling, sometimes we have to go through you know, a land of delusions and fears and nightmares and we get things so horribly wrong trying to be ourselves.
I think back for example, when I was in junior high I remember, you know, there, it was really popular to wear, like ripped jeans and flannel shirts. This was like Nirvana days. And, you know, and I remember like, I didn't like how they looked and how they felt, you know, and I was wearing them because I wanted to be like, cool. You know, I wanted to be like wearing all the trendy clothes or whatever. I just remember how, um, I didn't feel like myself, you know what I mean? So, I think there's also something about sun and Neptune that says, like, it's like a question like, are you really being yourself? You know, are you really, are you really being you are you being who and what you're called to be? Something like that. So, and on the way, you know, sometimes we have to sort out the difference between the fantasies that really, you know, fulfil the soul, and those that, you know, make our lives soulless, you know, like, they somehow cover up the soul in the Bhakti scriptures, there's a lot of talk about the soul being covered up by our egoic delusion. So the ego is like, well, I gotta have a costume, I got to play a role, I got to play a part, you know, because I got to fit in. In bhakti, we talk about the ego trying to surrender and serve the soul. And the soul doesn't need any defining. The soul doesn't need us to put a costume on it and, and like, dress it up and try to act apart. Its parts like eternally defined, because it's so deep and rich. And in multi dimensional, too. It's not just one soul isn't just one thing or one character.
We can always be tempted. There's fool's gold, you know, and then there's real gold, the sun and Neptune. And in in Voyager Dawn Treader, one of the things that they also have to get through on the way to this beautiful, almost realm of the gods on the eastern horizon in the dawn traders, they also have to get through have to go to an island where in different ways everyone becomes sick with the desire for for gold, there's an island, it's like, has like a pond, for example, that everything if you touch it, everything turns to gold. And you know, some people almost fall into it, trying to get the gold items that are in the pond, which actually are like people that had turned to gold going into it. And then there's, you know, there's a young boy who turns into a dragon because he wanders into a cave, and it's filled with gold. And he very selfishly wants it all, from cell phones of turning into a dragon. So there's, there's a lot of flashing, flashy lights, you know, in this world, and then there's the noetic light. And the noetic light is the one that the soul can pair itself with and say, okay, you know, this feels good. This feels right, I can, I'm not feeling anything.
So something here about this, this transit to me speaks to, you know, over the next few days, especially, like looking inward and saying, am I being real, you know, am I chasing some kind of fantasy or figment of my imagination in the negative sense, or, you know, am I allowing the imaginal core, the true sort of inner vision in light of my soul, to come forth. And so, in a lot of the times, like, in the Bhakti tradition, we talk actually about the spirit soul, it's a paired word that's used by some of the translators of the sacred scriptures. And the spirit soul also, is an interesting concept, because it's getting at the idea that there's both something there's both something that that moves us or compels us toward goals. And it's very upward moving, you know, let's climb a mountain, there's a sort of heroic dimension to it, and, and then there's the soul, which is, you know, the, the, like, the valley like this, it's much more about abiding and just, you know, being in what we are and allowing those things that are somehow endogenous to the soul itself to just to just be and it's kind of, you know, the difference between you get up the way that sometimes think about spirit and soul is some days it's like a, an action oriented day, and sometimes it's a day of just like abiding and and being and those two qualities, almost like a yin and yang, the spirit soul of the conscious entities, that there's an active and passive involved in both. So this is something that a lot of different ancient traditions looked at.
The reason I'm bringing it up is because the sun and Neptune is also, you know, at least my own experience of this transit, I've had this transit for a little bit now, in my own chart, Neptune's currently trying the sun in my chart. And there's questions about, you know, what, what actions in the world where there's an undertaking into the ambition can match up with who you are, what you're abiding in such that, because anytime we take up, you know, an action or a sense of purpose, and underneath, there's a feeling like, well, if I don't do this, I'm not complete, you know, or I'll do this and then I'll have something or then I'll become something kind of be an affront to the soul, who's like, Well, you know, I don't need anything I'm, I'm fine. In my own messed up idiosyncratic way, you know. So how do we take soulful action in life, soulful purpose? There's action, but it's not an action that's filled with delusions of grandeur, your heroic delusions, things like that. That's also maybe a Sun Neptune question. How do I take meaningful actions that I fooling myself about here? I'm not trying to. I know that it's a funny thing, like, how do you undertake something well, already knowing that there's nothing to prove, there's no, there's nothing that's really needed on behalf of your soul. So soulful action, a lot of the times, you know, again, like Neptune in the Sun, I can't tell you how many times I've seen that transit come about in people's lives, and they'll get a really grandiose idea. And, you know, it doesn't pan out somehow, it's like, not what they thought it would be. Or they might come to the end, only to say, I didn't actually need to do that. So there's something through taking on some kind of grand mission, they might come around to the point where they realise I didn't need to do that for the sake of happiness or to prove anything about myself. At the same time, I've seen lots of Neptune Sun transits come about where there's almost like a renewed sense of purpose, a deepening of what makes me really truly happy and uniquely individual and following that even if for other people, it's like, well, that's really out there or that's far fetched or something like that.
So at any rate, fumbling with my language a little bit today, because the whole right side of my face is numb from a dentist's appointment this morning. Fun times. Fun times. Okay, that's what I've got for today. Just a little prep for Neptune and the sun, which we'll return to on Monday, a little bit of eaching for us, as well on Monday. the meantime, if you have stories about the Sun and Neptune over the weekend, feel free to leave them in the comment section, use the hashtag grabbed. Tell us your story. Make sure it's the sink make sure you mentioned sun and Neptune so we know which transit you're talking about. You can email us if you're if you're with your story, if you prefer, you can write to us at the email address grabbed at nightlight And also, you know, again, registrations open where classes are starting to fill up so you can go on to the website. Check out the first year course if you're interested. There's an advanced course starting as well. If you already have background in Hellenistic astrology, and you're looking for more my readings and passages course also starts in December. I'll be advertising that a little bit more starting next month. But some people may be interested in that as well. That's only if you have previously taken a full Hellenistic training course. Either mine or someone else's. Alright, that's what I've got for today. I hope to see some of you guys in class soon. Hope you guys have a great weekend and we will revisit the sun and Neptune again on Monday. Take it easy, everyone. Bye.
#grabbed by Sun-Neptune
Two days ago, I discovered that a presentation I’d given in November 2009 at the Minneapolis Astrology Meetup occurred during a 10th House Annual Profection. I was excited–one more nugget for the book I’m working on. Then I found that our group leader, my friend Shawn, had sent me an email the next day. We’d lost touch in 2010 after I moved to Toronto. I wondered if he still used the same email–but the Virgo Mars assembly machine couldn’t be stopped. And then the rest of the weekend went by in a blur. Today is Monday and I was finally watching you talk of the Sun-Neptune Opposition when you mention Shawn Nygaard. I said thanks to my Daimon, smiled and pulled up my chart. At the moment you said his name, Sun-Neptune were in exact conjunction/opposition with my natal M.C./I.C. Please tell him hello from a long-lost friend.