Today, we're diving into the intense Sun-Pluto square as the Sun reaches the last degree of Libra, and Pluto sits at the final degree of Capricorn. This charged aspect marks the culmination of Pluto's long journey through Capricorn, adding extra weight to the week's astrological energy. We'll explore what this powerful alignment could mean for all of us.
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Hey, everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. Today, we're going to take a look at the Sun in Libra, at the anaretic last degree of Libra, making a square to Pluto in Capricorn, who is also at the anaretic last degree of Capricorn. So a kind of charged Sun Pluto square compared to an average Sun Pluto square. We have a debilitated sun and anaretic Sun. We have Pluto culminating in the last degree of Capricorn before it leaves for good. So, a pretty charged-up sun, Pluto Square, to start the week. That is what we are going to look at today.
Before we get into it, if you are new to the channel or if you have been here for a while, please subscribe and give us a thumbs up. Give us a like. We really appreciate it. It helps us grow the channel. Helps us to grow our business and community. We are trying to reach 80,000 subscribers on the channel by the spring equinox. That's our next goal. So, a big thanks to everybody who has helped out with the recent goal that we made, which was 70,000 subscribers. So, a big thanks for all of your support.
You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on the website nightlight, and I'm going to take you over there right now for just a couple of promotions. We recently had our October webinar. So, if you go to the Live Talks page, you will see next month's webinar, which will be posted on Pluto and Aquarius, AI aliens, and new world orders on November 21. If you want to join that webinar, you can click here to purchase the webinar. You'll get the link to the webinar. If you cannot attend live on November 21, you get the recording afterward.
The other thing we are in the midst of promoting, of course, is the year one course. Year one course begins on November 16. This is ancient astrology for the modern mystic, our first-year program in ancient Hellenistic astrology. All of my programs include a pretty strong foundational basis in archetypal psychology and astrology as well. So it's sort of infused into everything I do anyway. At the bottom, you will find enrollment options one thing that you can take advantage of is the need-based tuition.
So, if you are someone who would like to take the program but needs a little help because you're on a fixed budget, have limited income, or are experiencing financial hardship in whatever way, we try to make sure that all of our core courses are accessible financially for people because we believe that a sacred topic like astrology should be accessible for people in different situations.
So, if that could help you, please take advantage of it. We give you a sliding scale to work within for your monthly tuition. You get to determine your budget for that monthly tuition within the scale. So that works out nicely. We're glad to see a new group of students coming in under a really auspicious transit of Pluto into Aquarius in November.
So, it's a great time to start studying astrology with us. At the end of today's video, after I'm done, you'll find an informational video about the class. If you want to learn more about what the class includes, how it's all set up and structured, what you get from it, and why we think it's a good program, You can listen to that informational video after I sign off from the regular content of the day.
All right, now let's turn our attention to the real-time clock. Here we are, and let me just, oh, there's my epic pen he was hiding. All right. So what we're looking at today, Monday, October 21, is the Sun at 28 Libra, moving into the 29th anaretic degree of Libra and starting to square Pluto, who is at the 29th anaretic degree of Capricorn. The word anaretic is a little terrifying. It means something like the killing degree. This may be an exaggeration, but it does mean that one of the ways ancient astrologers looked at signs was in terms of an arc of development that happens as planets move through a sign.
The early and middle degrees of the sign work sort of like the process of creation and maintenance, creating things and then maintaining them. And the end of a sign tends toward entropy or destruction or things falling apart. You could also look at it as the last degrees of a sign where all the bound rulers of the last degrees of the signs were typically Mars or Saturn, the malefics. So, they tend to be the culminating degrees of science. Tend to be a little bit more intense and confrontational, or confining and somewhat challenging. That doesn't mean they're bad. It's just a description of what experiences tend to look like and feel like to us when we go through them, and the planets represent things at those last critical degrees.
So a sun square, Pluto dynamic has its own Archetypal meaning, but we're sort of amplifying its meaning right now at the start of this week because the square is happening at those final degrees. Not only that, but the Sun, in the sign of Libra, is in the sign of its fall. This has to do with the literal falling of light that occurs in the solar system. Year, as the Sun's arc in the sky is falling down and entering the metaphorical underworld of the solar year, where from Libra through Pisces, there will be more darkness than light in a 24-hour day. So the autumn equinox is associated with the harvest, the fall season, the falling of the light, and the entry of the Sun into the solar underworld for the year.
Now that's all symbolic, oriented from the northern hemisphere, and it's not meant to be taken literally, but symbolically. With that being said, the Sun in Libra is in its fall, because the Sun is the planet of light, and this is the time of year that ushers in darkness. And so the move into this space is not really good or bad, but there is a kind of archetypal tension that's present when the Sun goes into the sign of Libra. In the sign of Libra, we have the scales, or the balance, which is the place of the harvest, reaping what's been sewn, judging or evaluating what's been done, judging whether you are stylish or whether you're in fashion or not, whether you're beautiful or ugly.
There are many levels at which the Libran balance or the Libran equations operate. They can operate in very vain, superficial, materialistic ways, like, are you popular or not? They can also work in ways that have to do with subtler and deeper spiritual or moral judgments or evaluations. Am I good? Am I pure? Am I in the right relationship with the world or with other people? And that deeper sense of that we live in a moral or that we live in a universe that features forms of justice that are natural, we don't always understand them, and certainly by our everyday reflection and our everyday reflection and our everyday reflections and our everyday judgments and evaluations.
Things can look like they're really unfair in the world, but Libra asks us to consider that on the cosmic level, there is always a balancing that is occurring and that we can't have to somehow trust this blindly, although if we pay attention at a deeper level to our own lives and the working of the balance in our own lives, we will come to see something like the Hand of Fate injustice or Karma at work, and so we can get some glimpses of it that help us to deepen our trust that there is a larger order that's at work in the universe or the cosmos, it doesn't.
It's not easy to trust, and it's not easy to see or understand. Which is part of the meaning of the Sun being in its fall and going into the realm of darkness. Well, that's also Hades realm, the realm of darkness, the realm of the souls, the descent of the soul into the underworld upon death, where it is judged and evaluated, and it is judged and evaluated in a world that is upside down and inside out compared to our upper world.
Remember that Zeus and Hades are brothers, and Zeus overworld is the sunny, daylit world that we're all used to; our understanding of justice and order is very rational and clear, like the light of the Sun. When it's working, we feel that it's sensible and intelligent, but Hades is the natural contrary and ruler of the underworld, which is often described as a place that's literally upside down, compared to the day world, where the, you know, the spirits walk on the ceiling, so to speak, that this underworld is a place that is also it's connected. It's not disconnected from the process of order and justice, and yet it is a realm where there is more chaos, and it's harder to see and understand. And there was always some felt sense. This is not just in ancient Greek philosophy or the Greek pantheon. This is all over the world.
The traditions have always recognized that there is a very unconscious, dimly lit, and somewhat inaccessible space in which things are being worked out karmically, that the order and balance of the universe are taking place, not only in ways that are very visible and obvious, like steal, steal, you know, steal something and get in trouble, or cheat and you cheat on the test and you get caught and you have to retake the exam, or worse, you fail the class. Those are very sensible, obvious instances of morality and immorality, or, you know, justice, but the Hades version of justice is not. It doesn't always make sense to us.
There are ways in which sometimes. It is something like fate is at work in our lives. On the surface, it looks really chaotic and even destructive, and yet there's something in us that knows that has this somewhat ominous felt sense and instinctual or intuitive understanding that something is happening to us that's not pleasant, but it's also us in the sense that things are being purified or shifted.
Karmic justice is at play or at work, but we don't fully grasp the details, you know, so that deeper and darker sense of justice and karma that is harder to understand or see or comprehend can be destructive and chaotic, but is still a part of the overall balance and flow of karmic the karmic equilibrium of the universe that that is very much at play in the square, both through the Sun in Libra and through Pluto in the sign of Capricorn.
So, five things came to my mind when thinking about this square that we're looking at here to start the week. It'll be present tomorrow and today and starts fading by Wednesday as the Sun moves into Scorpio, and then the whole sign square turns into a whole sign sextile. So we're looking at a different configuration by about the middle of the week, but the first couple days here of the week are very much influenced by the Sun-Pluto square.
So, what are the themes to watch for? I have five for you. And just in addition to this kind of overall picture that I'm painting that has to do with the sort of subterranean and dimly lit and more mysterious workings of karma and fate and justice and balance that are at play right now just kind of, kind of like, have your antenna up for the presence of the scales of karmic justice to be balancing, but in ways that are a little Plutonian and darker and harder to understand, or can sometimes appear chaotic or destructive or difficult, but are also transformative and probably purifying.
All right, so number one is transitions of power; anytime the Sun squares Pluto, you have the potential for transitions of power, transitions of power in a workplace, or transitions of power in your own life. I'm going from more power to less or less to more. You can also have transitions within yourself. I'm feeling empowered where I was feeling disempowered.
So transitions around the amount of power, or what the power looks like, or how it's wielded, are quite common for the sun square Pluto, all the more when these planets are at anaretic degrees, which could result in the feeling of a process culminating and completing or finalizing, something that also has something to do with the balance or distribution of power, or how it's used or wielded, or how Much of it exists somewhere. So watch for that.
Number two would be a shift in purpose. The Sun is often associated, throughout the whole history of astrology, with what we are ambitious about. What are our desires? What are our guiding motivations? When the Sun squares Pluto, there can be a way in which our ambitions, desires, and motivations go through a change. So, just shifts in focus and direction and ambition are quite common when the Sun squares Pluto, even if they're minor, a slight shift in what we are trying to do or accomplish, a slight shift in intention or purpose, even slightly, would be in line with this symbolism. Of course, it hits a lot more powerfully if these if you have planets in late degrees of Cardinal signs in your chart, for example.
Now, number three would be the illumination of dark or unconscious material. One of the things that's pretty interesting about Sun square Pluto dynamics is that the Sun represents the illumination and clarity of the higher mind and intelligence. It is associated with the light and wisdom of philosophers and sages. The Sun is and so squaring Pluto, the ruler of subterranean material that's harder to see or understand or that's more mysterious or unconscious.
The Sun square Pluto can be about illuminating dark material. Dark doesn't mean evil or bad. It can just mean hidden or under, not understood entirely, or it can mean that somehow there'll be the illumination of something, you know, like a corruption that's exposed, or something like that. Just depends on how we're looking at what the Sun is shedding light on.
Now, number four would be the darkening of solar figures; the darkening of solar figures can be about the corruption of fathers or leaders or scandals involving solar figures of any kind. Usually, that means leaders or fathers. But anyone who's a solar figure, someone very famous, for example, could be a solar figure. The death of solar figures. There's the transition of power from one solar figure to another, the darkening, or even the death of certain solar figures. So just watch for that. There can also be that the darkening of a solar figure has to do with those transitions of power that we were talking about earlier.
The darkening of solar figure can also be about starting to understand the influence left by a father or a grandfather or a line of people that have been parents, or usually fathers, but paternal karma, and understanding the dark elements of a father figure. It's Pluto square Sun square Pluto. I swear to God, I could set my clock to it that I would have some realizations about how I could get better as a dad. And they're not always like revelation that there's some kind of, you know, oftentimes it's just stuff that I don't see, stuff that I'm not as conscious about within the realm of being a dad. It's a very Sun square Pluto kind of dynamic.
So, Sun square Pluto can bring about shifts within the consciousness of solar figures, and it can also bring a kind of darkness in solar figures, or it can literally darken solar figures, as in the death of solar figures. So, be creative with how you see a solar figure.
Number five would be judgments and evaluations. One of the great faculties of the Sun is that the Sun is intelligent. When you're standing out in the light of the Sun, you can see very clearly the difference between things because the Sun illuminates distinctions and differences. If you're in the light of the moon at night, everything swims together, and you're looking at a coiled-up rope. You might think it's a snake, but it's actually a rope, and you can't see so clearly because the shadow and light swim together in the nocturnal space, which is also its allure, in its romanticism and its poetry and its spirituality. That quality of light is beautiful.
But when it comes to clearly distinguishing between, let's say, something like right and wrong, or this is not that I am this and I am not that, that sense of clear distinctions and judgments and evaluations between things is not only Libran but is also very solar. And so when the Sun is in Libra, we have one of the qualities of that placement, which is that sometimes you have people who are very good evaluators of things. Now, sometimes, like the ego gets involved, or whatever there, especially with Pluto, there could be hidden motivations in the way we're making decisions or evaluating things, or questions about being judgmental or superficial in the way we're judging or evaluating things could come up.
But otherwise, I would say that this is also a moment where we can judge and evaluate something and come to some kind of conclusion. Ah, very clearly now I am seeing something I couldn't see and being able to make clear distinctions and with illuminated intelligence, you know, make a tough judgment, or make a, you know, make a tough choice. These are the things that I see quite regularly coming up around Sun and Pluto dynamics, but these are just a few. As always, I try to give you some different ways you could turn the jewel and catch the light from different angles, off from the archetypal jewel.
Hopefully, one of these will be relevant to you this week. Note again that this is today and tomorrow, perfecting tomorrow, that we have this square you'll probably be able to if you turn on the news, you could probably find glimpses of the expression of this archetype in the news as well, especially that we're in election season here in the US, I anticipate that some of these transits will coincide with, I don't know, October surprises, whatever. You know, it's a dramatic month for us. Politics typically happens right before the election, so we'll see.
But anyway, on that note, some of you had asked if I was going to comment on the election from an astrological standpoint, I've decided, no, not going to do it. I've done so in the past and just decided that it's something I'm going to keep for my own private learning. So I look at things. It's not that I don't, but I'm going to keep those thoughts and observations private and to myself.
I was invited to do something on Lori Lothian's channel and thought about doing it because, well, you know, that's a space that's dedicated to those kinds of topics, and she is more interested in covering those kinds of topics, like mundane astrology and so forth. I thought about doing it, but I decided at the end of the day that it just it's better for me to kind of stay in my lane with the kind of astrology that I cover and let other astrologers out there who have more of an inclination or calling to speak to those things do so so out but I will be studying the charts and learning from this, as I always do, especially in my horary class, we look at some of those kinds of things in horary. But anyway, that's it.
So, for those of you who are asking, you know, we'll just leave that to some of the other astrologers out there who do fine work. And I will be focusing, you know, sometimes when things pop up in the news that are very dramatic. Uh, you know, around stuff like this, you know, I might, I might comment offhand on whole here's this aspect, you know, showing itself, or something like that, for the most part, as you guys know who watch my channel, I don't typically cover mundane events. Anyway, on that note, I hope that you're having a great start to your week. And after I sign off just now, there's going to be an informational video about the upcoming program.
Don't forget, need-based tuition is there for you? If you could use it to take the program and make it more feasible for you, please do take advantage of that. Otherwise, stick around to hear more about the upcoming program, and I hope to see some of you in classes soon. Bye, everyone.
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