Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. And today we're going to take a look at three different horary charts to give you a sample for a few successful horary charts from my practice, I like to give chart examples once in a while because I know people are studying out there and it can help to see some chart work being done in order to get better at your craft. So I thought it'd be a fun day to do that. And I'm going to lead with a horary that I cast in November for the US Senate election, which took place yesterday. And it's now playing out today. I also want to take a minute to explain why I didn't release this in advance of the election. But it's still a good horary that showed the results really nicely. It looks like it did anyway. And so we'll talk about that first and then I've got one horary on "Will my daughter get into school?" and another one on "Will I carry the pregnancy to term?" They're all really good horaries so I hope you enjoy them in the meanwhile, in the meantime, I want to remind everybody that I extended the Kickstarter rewards until Sunday, I've had people emailing me asking me if you can still pick up one of the calendars. The year ahead reading, the year ahead horoscope reading and discounted tuition in my classes. Yes, until Sunday, we've extended it so if you want that, email us at
Alright, so the first chart is will the dems win the Senate, I want to say a few things about this one. The reason that there's two reasons that I didn't release it in advance of the election. 1) I'm really tired of politics right now I'm just taking a break from the news, frankly. And from the political scene in general, I find it personally exhausting. I just, I'm just going to be real right now and just say that I don't care if people think that's good or bad. I just don't. It's like, weird. Some people are called into the political arena and their spiritual life will play out in that political arena. And I salute you. Mine is not so much in that arena. And I think that's okay. And I've had to come to realise that that's just who I am. And I'm not going to feel I'm not going to. I'm not going to feel ashamed about that. And I've, I've battled with that. Because at times I realised that I try to be more political than I am or more engaged in political discourse, or involved in the political reality of life than I am. Because I'm afraid of what people will think if I'm not. The truth is that we're all political animals. So it's not that I don't vote. It's not that I don't have opinions or feelings about things. It's just that I personally feel that my mission in life is to spread the love of God, and to do it through astrology. And for me, that's more important than anything political. That's just my truth. And if people like me because of that, great, and if they don't, then that's okay. So that's where I'm at with this. And after the US election, I just felt like I needed a break from politics. And from talking about things at all related to politics, for the most part of my YouTube channel, as much as I can avoid it, I do, because it generates a lot of stress and tension. And I have, you know, I am a Cancer Sun and Mercury in Cancer, and I have a soft heart underneath it all, I guess. And receiving a lot of really hateful comments and emails and stuff like that, anytime politics comes up, it takes a toll on me, it takes a toll on my family, my kids like, and people are just ruthless online, because they're not standing face to face, and they can't have a heart to heart connection with you, and realise that you're just a person. So I've had to learn how to kind of not take too seriously people really liking what I do, or really not liking what I do or say, and, you know, just try to be my best self. And so that's what I'm doing. And a big part of it was like, I just don't want to touch election stuff. Again, I don't want to think about politics, the news, like I haven't watched the news, or even really looked at the news, pretty much at all since the election, I just felt hung over and just needed a break. That's me, I'm not telling you how to think or feel. But for that reason, I was like, I just don't want to do it again.
The second reason that I had for not wanting to run this chart, through my YouTube channel at first was that I felt uncertain about certain elements of the chart. Now I actually talked through this chart with one of my astrology teachers, and also had some pretty deep philosophical conversations between the election and the casting of this chart about the nature of political horary in general. So want to take you through a few of those things before I dive into this chart as well just because they're interesting context. I'll talk you through the craft points of why I was kind of on the edge about this chart, even though I ended up judging it correctly. But I want to show you kind of what made me really uncertain about it. And then I also want to talk to you about the philosophical conundrum or when I say almost like a debate that I ran into with, with other people on both on my YouTube channel and sort of privately. So the basic thing that I got some pushback on with the election horary was that, you know, you shouldn't cast horary for elections, because you're not personally involved with the outcome. So I understand this perspective. And in general, as someone who uses not only astrology, but also the I Ching and Tarot for many years of my life, I believe that it is best to not ask idle speculative questions to the Oracle. It's just not a good practice. And for a lot of people, the election is idle speculation, curiosity. It's I don't care that much. It doesn't affect my life that much. But you know, I'm interested on that level, I agree that we shouldn't be asking questions to the Oracle, just, you know, idle, idle, gossip, idle speculation, not really personally invested. But I will also, I also sort of vehemently disagree with the idea that a public political election is not in the interest, it could not be a legitimate concern or interest of someone asking a question. Now, generally speaking, I find that I've never, I've never once in 10 years taken a question from a client, about a political or public matter, or even I even regularly turned down clients if they ever asked to inquire about something that's not directly connected to them. So that's part of my practice. But I believe that horary practitioners, or students supporter, in other words, who have a legitimate interest in the art and craft of horary, have a good, humble and sincere, you know, relationship with the Oracle, they have they they're, they're trying to walk in integrity in their relationship with the Oracle. And they also have a legitimate interest in a public matter like an election. I do believe that that's fair game. And I sort of just vehemently reject the idea that there's some categorical way in which you can't use horary to ask about a public election. So I think that some practitioners may feel like for them personally, that's hands off. And I respect that. But I do believe that horary can be used and has been used for 1000s of years to inquire about mundane matters, meaning things happening in the civilization as a whole. Whether it's the fluctuations of the stock market, or the outcomes of soccer championships or political elections, I do believe that there is room for people have legitimate sincere interest in the outcome of such questions. And if they're in a humble, sincere relationship with the Oracle in their life, and you have to build that relationship, then I think that practitioners and students can answer and they serve as great learning moments for students. One of my favourite ways of learning horary is to whenever there's a sports match, that I have legitimate emotional investment in, like, I'm gonna watch the game. And I really want one team to win, I'll cast the horary. And my prayer to the Oracle is I just want to learn more about horary, I know that this game is kind of stupid in the big scheme of things, but if you're open to using this as a teaching moment for me, I would love that. And when I take that approach, I've had so many really remarkably beautiful horaries that have come out of taking that approach with the Oracle and what some people might deem a total waste of time, or something about it is trivial and shouldn't be asked, well, you also shouldn't try to police other people's relationship with the Oracle, that's kind of where I land on it. And this is not meant to be a personal attack on anyone who feels differently than myself. But because I had a number of people sort of protest in this direction, and I had some conversations with colleagues actually, including my own teacher about this. I think that it's worth sharing my philosophy about this. So that's kind of where I stand on it.
At any rate, the main reason that I was really uncertain about this horary is because there are two things one, the main question that I wanted to know was will the democrats win the Senate, we know that if there's a 50:50 balance in the senate determined by this selection, in which case both Democrats would win, that the Senate would be 50:50 and of course, the tie breaking vote vote would be with the democrats through the Vice President, if I've got that, right. So at any rate, being a more liberal leaning person, though, again, I've said this recently, I really don't identify myself with political parties with the two party, you know, talking heads and all that crap. I just, it's not my thing. But I do tend to lean more toward the left. So at any rate, this election to me, you know, I have significant interest in it both from a craft standpoint and because it's a very historical moment with the Jupiter Saturn conjunction, and this really contested political US presidential election and so forth. So I cast this chart in good faith said said my prayers and asked for a good good learning experience. And let me show you how I judge the chart, and then why I was really hesitant about my judgement at first. And this is something again, I talked through with one of my teachers and got some really good feedback as well. At any rate, you'll see the ascendant ruler is always going to be your horse in the race in a contest horary. So you've got the moon here, as the democrats and the moon is applying to the midheaven. Now with the the opponents, you could go in two different directions, you can go in the direction of just the seventh houses the opponent, in which case, it's Saturn. Or you could go in the direction of you know, these are incumbents or something like that. And so they're the sitting King, and in which case, it's Jupiter. What I did just to keep it simple, because you've got two people versus two people was to go us versus them. So first house, seventh house, so I had the dems as the Moon, and the republicans as Saturn. And then what I did was I you want to look at a few things, one, accidental dignity, meaning house position, is one planet clearly stronger than the other via house position. And yes, the Moon is at the midheaven. So let me just show you the case that I built, so we'll just put dems, and then I'm going to put republicans and like so the arguments that I landed on, so Moon at MC, that's a big argument in favour of the dems. In fact, that was the number one thing that made me think the dems are gonna win, because the moon is at the midheaven, which is a position of victory and accomplishment, and it's a very powerful position. Comparatively, Saturn is in its own sign. And that is a strength for Saturn. And you'll see that the Moon is in Aquarius in Saturn sign. So the Moon is kind of owned by Saturn. Hmm. But the Moon is about to change signs, leaving the rulership of Saturn. That seemed like potentially a point in favour of the dems. So Moon, about to leave Saturn's rulership. The one thing that worried me though, is you'll see that the Moon as soon as it leaves, the sign is about to go into the power of a fallen Jupiter. And it's about to trine and debilitated Venus, who is in the fall of the Moon in Scorpio. So I was just sitting there going like, well, that just doesn't look like that moons going to be at the midheaven. But then immediately it's in the power of a fallen Jupiter and a going into contact with essentially what becomes a functional malefic and debilitated Venus who's in the Moon's fall.
And the Moon will exalt Venus in Pisces as well. And so that just doesn't look good. It looked like Venus could have a really negative impact. It didn't mean that Venus is a fortunate planet, right? It is a benefic. And so I was a little bit back and forth on that. Saturn is not in a stronger position by accidental dignity. It's in succeeding house. So you know, there's that there's other things you could pick up on here, as well. For example, the Moon is going into a square with the Sun. You know, any kind of contact between the lights is often going to deliver a success to the kind of thing you're asking about. But squares or opposition's between the lights are a little bit dicier. So this to me looks like a dicey win for the Democrats. That's how I judge the chart was Moon at the Moon at the midheaven with some real dicey stuff going on, I think they win. But it could be pretty dicey. So that was how I how I landed on it. But I was really not very confident about it, to be honest with you.
And part of that was also just the hesitance that I felt colouring, my reading, you know, the hesitance that I felt about talking about something political again. But as long as Mars is at the energetic degree and about to move into Taurus and about to hit Uranus, I figure I might as well. I'm a glutton for punishment, I guess. So here we go again. And it does appear today of course, here in the US that the Democrats have taken control of the Senate by virtue of winning these two seats. In the Georgia election, though it's very close, and I'm sure they're gonna do a recount. Now we know why some of these transits especially the, you know, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn dynamics of this month and next could be quite crazy. And I think that that could be because there's going to be a lot of political turmoil in the wake of all of this. So that's my, that's my sharing with you. Now I remind you that if you say things that are really malicious, or just crappy, I'll just delete them, I'm just letting people know, I'm just losing tolerance for trying to be hospitable to people who are just mean. So if you like my channel, you don't like my political views, that's fine. Because I'm not here to really talk about them that often. Again, my focus is on, you know, encouraging spiritual life, including spiritual resources for people and trying to use astrology in ways that enhance spiritual life. And most of the time, that's not going to involve a lot of focus on political issues. But this is a big moment. And it's a good teaching chart. And it's a good time to talk about certain philosophical points with horary. So I think for most people out there, you'll get something good out of this.
Okay, so the next horary question that I want to look at is Will she carry to term? Now this is a horary I took back in 2015. And this was interesting, because my wife was pregnant at this time. And when I got this horary, this is the backstory behind it. This, horary was coming at a time where I was really worried. And I'll say more about that in a second, I was worried that my own wife would not carry to term just because I'm a worrier sometimes, but because the medical establishment tends to really make you feel freaked out if you're over, I don't know, I think my wife was 37 or something like that. 38. All the language that they used, were like you're a high risk pregnancy because of your age. Well, she carried my wife very determined fine, like it was no big deal. And that some of the language that they use had really freaked me out. Anyway, I had been praying about it in my daily practice my fear and anxiety and then I got this horary from this woman who was worried about caring determine, its she ended up being due around the same time that my wife was due. This horary felt to me, like a gift from my spiritual guides or from from God or the universe, sort of saying, like, you'll be okay. And it was weird how this other woman's anxiety and the outcome of this chart somehow spoke to and sort of pacified my own anxiety.
This is one of the reasons that I chose this chart is that people often treat horary way too technically. There's a lot of really good technical rules and procedures. But one of the key things you have to understand with horary is that your sincerity, your humility, and your appreciation and respect for the Oracle as a sentient portal through which spirit and divine agencies speak the gods or God. That's the number one thing that's going to help you to be successful because it's that attitude that will end up you know, the Oracle will end up speaking to you in so many ways that don't even necessarily have to do with the questions you're asking personally. The same is true for our astrology readings, you'll have people walk in, for an astrology reading, asking questions or concerned with the kinds of things you're concerned with, and the fact that you have to help them through it. Suddenly, you've just given yourself your own medicine, you have to take your own medicine so that you give out. SoI think horary is beautiful in that regard as well.
So in this case, we have the, the woman here as represented by Venus. And then we have the child as represented by the Sun.The woman is not only Venus, she's also the Moon. So what's so this is the woman, Venus and the Moon. And then the baby is the ruler of the fifth house, the Sun. And what I love about this horror is how simple it is. The Moon, who is the woman asking is going right into a conjunction with the Sun, the baby. And there's a New Moon that's taking place right on the cusp of the fifth house of children and pregnancy. So you've got the New Moon symbolising new beginnings and newness in general. The mother coming in contact with the baby. Now the baby's already in her but I read this symbolism as you know, there's no problem here, your baby is going to be born and in fact she did carry determine there was no point Problem. Isn't that beautiful, though what a beautiful symbol of the Moon, the mother coming right to the baby the sun and joining together. And she was worried like, will I get to have a baby, you know? And yes, she did and, and she would carry to term and so it worked out. But the main reason I wanted to share this because the symbolism is quite simple. The baby was healthy, she was healthy, everything was good. The main reason I wanted to share this was because this chart though it had nothing to do with me spoke to my own anxieties and fears at the time, and I had been praying about that. This is the kind of relationship you need to cultivate with the Oracle if you really want horary to work for you. The tools and rules that we use are in service to this relationship that we cultivate with the divine.
Alright, so last but not least, Will daughter get into school? So this was some kind of like a preschool or kindergarten or something like that, if I remember correctly, and the woman wanted to know if her daughter would get in not because it was like a competitive situation, but because it was there was like a waiting list. And she was not sure, they said that she was at the top of the waiting list, it was very likely because a lot, you know, some sometimes people they apply, but they're applying to a few different places. And so they said probably pretty likely you'll get in, you know, if the waiting list opens up, like you're right at the top. Okay, so here's the school, it's going to be like a primary school. So it's the ruler of the third house, which is Jupiter, the daughter is going to be the fifth house ruler, which is Venus. And then what we see is, here's the Moon. It is in the process of going from Venus, it is just aspected Venus, and it is carrying or translating the light over to Jupiter, the next aspect that it makes, so it's going right from Venus to Jupiter. And this is called a translation of light. So one of the things that happens in horary is that you want to see different planets coming together, and therefore the topics that they represent connecting. And that's how you get a yes for the type of question that you're often asking, like, will I get together with this person I like or will I get the job or something like that? Well, in this case, Jupiter represents the primary school, the third house ruler, the fifth house is the daughter Venus, and then the moon is bringing Venus and Jupiter together. It hits Venus goes right to Jupiter. That's called translation of light. So in this case, the answer was yes, your daughter will get into school. And in fact, the daughter did get into the preschool.
So those are three different horaries from my practice that I thought you would like with a couple different concepts and some philosophical ramblings. Hopefully they were interesting for you. I hope you guys have a great day today. And thank you again, so much for the support of my Kickstarter this year. It was fantastic. I've been in the process of making recordings. And this week, I thought that I would need time off, but it looks like I'm not actually gonna be able to get started on some of it until early next week because of the process that Kickstarter has of collecting the pledges and verifying all of them and stuff like that. So probably there will be some days off that I'm going to take this week or next and then things will get back to a regular schedule probably a little bit later in January. Anyway, like I said, thanks for watching. I hope you guys have a great day. Take it easy, bye.
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