Here are the top 5 things to remember on eclipse day:
1. Today is a day like any other day. The big difference is that while things are being eclipsed all the time, 24/7, on every other day we tend to forget about it. We lose track of the fact that we live in a world of impermanence because we are so deeply invested in the dream of this world. Awakening from that dream, while within it, requires a kind of Platonic shift. We have to move from seeing shadows flickering on the wall of the cave to finding the source of the light itself. Eclipses can do this for us because they cover the light in darkness and then uncover it for everyone to see, which is like the dreamer testing a light switch. When you realize a light switch doesn’t work the way it usually does, you realize, “I’m dreaming.” Along with the recognition that we are dreaming is the recognition that a) there is a dream, b) there is a dreamer, and c) it’s better to be awake within the dream than to be asleep. Eclipses help us with this in their own way, in their own time, not just the day of or the event itself, but the process the eclipse triggers in consciousness.
2. Solar eclipses open doors, plant new seeds, offer new beginnings. Look to the house ruled by Leo in your birth chart, or roughly the last 2-3 degrees of the sign of Leo in your birth chart.
3. Eclipses may also quite literally eclipse us in some way. They can overwhelm, consume, burn, purify, and transform us. What we experience as “fate” is often (not always and not exclusively) the manifestation of our own unconscious material fruiting in just such a way that we might be liberated from a deeply seated pattern.
4. A solar eclipse in Leo may signify changes to people in power, famous people, legacies, dynasties, kings, queens, etc.
5. The real eclipse, the real “event,” is symbolic, spiritual, and karmic. We have to have real eyes, just like we need special glasses, to see what eclipses bring, what they mean, what they signify, what new chapters they unfold, how they overwhelm or transform us, etc. Eclipses do not bring everything that they bring on the actual day of an eclipse, either. Just like the starting gun of a race, or the opening kick off of a sports game, do not contain the entirety of the game that ensues. We have to remember that astrology is process-oriented because any transit we explore is part of an ongoing series of interrelated and constant movements. With this in mind, we should also remember that the heavens demonstrate the higher laws of the cosmos. We don’t worship karma. We don’t worship cause and effect. We don’t worship the unfolding of these energies. Instead, we see through these energies to the creator, to the source, to the law-giver, and to the way of life that is liberated from identification with the laws of karma, with the constant fluctuations of the material realm. We look through eclipses, we look through transits and signs and planets and houses, back to our home in the heavens beyond the sky.
Happy Solar Eclipse Day!
Prayer: May we see heaven through the events of today’s sky.
Here are the top 5 things to remember on eclipse day:
1. Today is a day like any other day. The big difference is that while things are being eclipsed all the time, 24/7, on every other day we tend to forget about it. We lose track of the fact that we live in a world of impermanence because we are so deeply invested in the dream of this world. Awakening from that dream, while within it, requires a kind of Platonic shift. We have to move from seeing shadows flickering on the wall of the cave to finding the source of the light itself. Eclipses can do this for us because they cover the light in darkness and then uncover it for everyone to see, which is like the dreamer testing a light switch. When you realize a light switch doesn’t work the way it usually does, you realize, “I’m dreaming.” Along with the recognition that we are dreaming is the recognition that a) there is a dream, b) there is a dreamer, and c) it’s better to be awake within the dream than to be asleep. Eclipses help us with this in their own way, in their own time, not just the day of or the event itself, but the process the eclipse triggers in consciousness.
2. Solar eclipses open doors, plant new seeds, offer new beginnings. Look to the house ruled by Leo in your birth chart, or roughly the last 2-3 degrees of the sign of Leo in your birth chart.
3. Eclipses may also quite literally eclipse us in some way. They can overwhelm, consume, burn, purify, and transform us. What we experience as “fate” is often (not always and not exclusively) the manifestation of our own unconscious material fruiting in just such a way that we might be liberated from a deeply seated pattern.
4. A solar eclipse in Leo may signify changes to people in power, famous people, legacies, dynasties, kings, queens, etc.
5. The real eclipse, the real “event,” is symbolic, spiritual, and karmic. We have to have real eyes, just like we need special glasses, to see what eclipses bring, what they mean, what they signify, what new chapters they unfold, how they overwhelm or transform us, etc. Eclipses do not bring everything that they bring on the actual day of an eclipse, either. Just like the starting gun of a race, or the opening kick off of a sports game, do not contain the entirety of the game that ensues. We have to remember that astrology is process-oriented because any transit we explore is part of an ongoing series of interrelated and constant movements. With this in mind, we should also remember that the heavens demonstrate the higher laws of the cosmos. We don’t worship karma. We don’t worship cause and effect. We don’t worship the unfolding of these energies. Instead, we see through these energies to the creator, to the source, to the law-giver, and to the way of life that is liberated from identification with the laws of karma, with the constant fluctuations of the material realm. We look through eclipses, we look through transits and signs and planets and houses, back to our home in the heavens beyond the sky.
Happy Solar Eclipse Day!
Prayer: May we see heaven through the events of today’s sky.
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