Today we're exploring the five themes of this week's transiting Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at the sun's upcoming conjunction with the planet Uranus, which is perfecting by Wednesday of this week, that's May 4. So this is a really good transit to take a look at. It's one that will be you probably have been feeling already and we'll be feeling as the week unfolds not only on Wednesday, but for the next couple of days after that.
All right, so let's look at the sun's conjunction to Uranus and Taurus which is happening between May 1 and may 8, it is perfecting on May 4. So that would be tomorrow on Wednesday, we're kind of getting out in front of this just a little bit because it's the kind of transit that helps to have a little bit of heads up on most transits do but you know, just a couple of days in advance. And knowing that it stretches out a little bit as well that that can be really helpful. So we're gonna go ahead and take a look at the real time clock. I'm going to put it up on the screen so you can see it. Alright, so here on the real time clock you are going to see a here is the two here are the two planets getting together. There's Uranus and the sun coming together in the sign of Taurus. And they're going to advance through that conjunction on Wednesday, May 4, and then you get about three degrees of separation between the two of them, stretching it out till about May 8. By that time, then just sun's just out of that three degree range, the engagement range that ancient astrologers used, and that's when you're really going to start to notice, okay, like this is, you know, this is wrapping up. So, that's what we're dealing with this week.
So what I want to talk about today, a few things. One is what can you expect from the Sun conjunct Uranus but two is what can you expect in light of the fact that we just had an eclipse and that solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 was moving into the conjunction with Uranus both the sun and moon were as the eclipses forming. So how does that figure into the situation? So remember that a solar eclipse is like a very, very powerful new moon, you think of moon cycles in general, like wave sets that are coming through if you're a surfer, not that I'm a surfer, but I've tried surfing before and really enjoyed it. But yeah, so let's say you're, you're surfing and you're Wait, you're, you know, there's waves sets that come through, and then it kind of dies down for a while. And then there's more waves sets that come through, that's basically like our new and full moons every month. And when the new and full moons coincide closely with the nodes of the moon, then you're getting Eclipse cycles eclipse season. And so they're like, you know, really big waves that come through, that's the same wave sets, as usual. They're just bigger, stronger, more powerful. And so that's essentially what a solar eclipse is. It's a very powerful, strong version of a new moon. And it has they have cycles behind them nine in about 18 years. So this is the reason that they're so strong is also because this is a moon cycle that has deep history behind it. This is a part of a longer cycle where karmic themes recurring karmic elements are coming up to the surface.
Sometimes you can think of the nodes of the moon themselves as like a river that's running through the chart with currents flowing into opposite directions simultaneously. And whenever the eclipses come through, the river rises up and floods over. So powerful New Moon is a time of seeding new beginnings. And what does that mean exactly? Let's look at what Thaddeus Valens and ancient Roman astrologer had to say about the sun. He said "the Sun which is cosmically mined, and daimon on account of his own activity in lovely nature, stirring up human souls for undertakings is established as a cause of action and movement." That is really interesting. So broadly speaking, the sun is associated with this concept of diamond, which is like an a, an image, like an ideal image, but also, maybe a spiritual entity that sort of is both an entity and an image. And the image as this entity captures your mind, and imagination, and it causes you compels you to act toward the realization of that image in conformity with the shape of that image. So this is why the sun is associated with that seed image in your birth chart, for example, that your life will conform to in terms of the actions, movements and ambitions that your life takes you'll, you'll move toward the sun, just like the sun moves toward the top of the sky, there's something that compels you toward the images of the sun, by sign by house, and some of the aspects being made to the sun, for example.
So as such, what is the moon by in relation the Moon is about the environment that we're born into, if the sun is an ideal image, like an archetype, for example, then the moon is going to tell us about the way that the environment actually produces things, that there's an ideal and then there's the way that things actually turn out in form and embodied life here on in the sublunary sphere down on Earth. So the Sun Moon, as a tandem as a duo, in ancient astrology have a lot to do with a sense of action that were compelled to these ideal images that drive the soul towards some, some destined sense of calling or with some destined sense of calling or purpose, then the moon has to do with the environment and the the actual forms and shape that the environment takes. And then you look at the to, to get a sense of, you know, how does the environment is the environment conducive to the desires that the soul has are? How are they helping each other or hindering each other, and so forth. For example, someone might be born with the desire to be a rock star, but the environment may be such that they don't, let's say that they don't have a particularly supportive environment for developing their voice or becoming a musician or whatever, for any number of reasons. You will look at those things and get a sense of the desires and then the actual environment and how they get along.
So at the beginning of every moon cycle, when the sun and the moon are coming together, and they can join at the very start, that's why we call it a seeding moment. Because you have an ideal image that's being born images are always changing within us every month, and in in relation to the configurations of our birth chart. New desires are being born in us new ideal images that our actions will try to conform themselves to will take shape within us. That's why every moon cycle and a new moon you can look at the whole sign house that it's forming in the aspects that the New Moon is making, and get a sense of what images will compel the narrative for the next lunation Should okay but then as the lunation unfolds, the environment will give feedback and will take shape in a way that is either, you know contrary to or in support of, or some mix with the original seating image and an intention you could say or desire. So, the Sun which is cosmically mind and daimon an account of his own activity and lovely nature, stirring up souls for understand undertakings is established as a cause of action and movement.
So a big New Moon with a lot of history behind it, and one that is slowly moving into a conjunction with Uranus. What does that mean? Well, let's take a moment to think about Uranus, a planet that is most frequently associated with a god or the sort of demigods, semi demigod, I think he's a god Titan half god half. I don't know, I don't know exactly what his status is. But it's Prometheus. It from Escalus. Prometheus Bound for it would be better to die once and for all than to suffer pain for all of one's life. And also another, quote, time shall be the limit of my suffering. So Prometheus steals the fire from the gods for his transgression, he's chained to the side of a cliff, now he steals the fire to enlightened human beings to give them something that he feels like should not be kept in, kept from humans. So in a sense, he's a hero of the people, stealing fire from the gods, and bringing it to the people so that they have some knowledge or skill or technology that the gods have, he thinks the humans should have to, right.
So that's kind of the background, then for his transgression of stealing from the gods, he's chained to the side of a cliff. And it's a vulture or an eagle or something comes in, you know, this symbolism. And then he's healed and made to go through the whole thing the next day, eventually, Chiron takes his place. And these are where some of these sentiments come from, it would be better to die once and for all than to suffer pain for all of one's life. So you know, rather than having to endure this inevitable, endless suffering, he wants to be set free. He wants to be unbound, and just like, let let go. And that's interesting, because the same basic impulse to set people free and free them from their mortal boundedness ends up being present in, you know, when he's when he's suffering for his transgression, there's this feeling of like, set me free, rather than, you know, eternal torture, right, just being forced to sort of be tortured and reborn and tortured and reborn all over again all the time, like just set me free. And also this second sentiment time shall be the limit of my suffering, you know, like, there's an impulse toward liberation. And in both its positive and negative connotations, that in the impulse for freedom and liberation and a godlike nature, there is something that can be transgressive. There is a kind of hubris that's there. On the other hand, you know, that the natural inclination toward freedom and divinity is also something that uplifts and inspires. There's it's it can be a double edged sword. This is the getting right into like the nexus of Prometheus. Now, that's this eclipse. So a new image being born being seated very powerfully with a lot of history behind it engaging with Uranus, this desire to be free, that's both problematic and promising. At the same time, as the sun conjoined with Uranus, the idea is that the image the ideal image, and this is a big one, again, because it's an eclipse, the ideal image is transforming that something about what we want or what we desire in some area of our life relatives, let's say to the whole sign house of Taurus in your birth chart, that the ideal image is changing.
So here are five Sun Uranus themes that you can expect from this particular conjunction given that background with the solar eclipse just behind it. So these are five themes. One is the breaking of an image. So the breaking of an image means the realization that an image that has compelled us that we have been acting with or under the power of is being broken that can be an iconoclastic moment, a moment of purposely shattering some ideal that previously we held that we held ourselves to that our life conformed to and so the need to break that conformity to shatter it even sort of defiantly, or almost might be, it sort of has to be in defiance, because the thing about ideal images is that they're cast in the golden light of the sun. So we're compelled with all of the most noble things, you know, or compelled by those, those images with this, and they carry this costume of nobility, beauty, golden light, this is what I want, this is what I'm doing, how could I do anything else, it's golden, like the lion. So when Uranus and the sun get together at the outset, there can be a way in which you have to disappoint or break the pride of the lion that's infused within some previously held solar ideal that our lives have conformed to now it's time to break that image. And sometimes that's very disruptive, that's very challenging. There's complex feelings of guilt and shame wrapped up in it, but also bravery and courage. Sometimes it's foolhardy to break such images. And we're doing so in a reckless way that we don't even understand yet. And other times, we need to break those images. So it can be very complex, every soul is in a different place.
The breaking of an image to the sudden appearance of an image, sometimes it's not so much break the old image defy the old conformed is the ideal that would we've been conforming to, we don't have to break it necessarily. It's that suddenly, out of nowhere, like a lightning striking a tree and lighting it on fire, and it becomes this burning bush, there is a new image compelling my soul. And this image is capturing the imagination just as surely as the lion is big and proud and golden and strong and caston, this, this aura, right. So in its, but it has this illuminating sudden quality. So something like that can come in now, in a feminine sign like Taurus, and an earthy sign like Taurus, it is not as instantaneous and Epiphany like and sort of manic as it might be in a masculine sign, it's going to be more process oriented, it's slow, it's emerging gradually. So this is like, a little bit more process oriented. So you might not, um, say I'm using images that are very fast and sudden, it could be a little bit slower and more process oriented with this one because it's in a feminine sign and those signs a solid feminine sign like Taurus, a little bit slower in in its emergence. So it might be more like the image appearing like a big, beautiful, you know, compelling vision, but it's not necessarily like in one moment, right? So just remember that too, it can, it can kind of appear, just just stayed a little bit more.
Number three, is the desire for escape freedom and liberation. So this this new image that appears, sometimes it doesn't, it's not even that that it's a specific thing as much with the sun and Uranus as it is the desire for change, escape freedom, liberation, that can be very consuming or very overwhelming. And it's sometimes it's hard to know which direction to go in with it. I want to be free because I mean, I'm supposed to quit my job. Am I supposed to break up with my boyfriend? Am I supposed to suddenly chop off all my hair? Like, what? Where is the seeking expression. And so the advice here is, if it's not specific, if it's just the impulse for change, make it meaningful, think on it, sit with it, don't just don't just lop off your hair, you know, you know, unless really what you want to do. You know, let let the specific image appear. Sometimes it just shows up as a desire for change, escape freedom, liberation, in order to make sure that that's the healthy kind of escape or the healthy kind of freedom, you have to be patient with it. So there's a need for that.
And this is one of the downsides is this transit of the sun. Uranus can be highly impatient, and ironically, for as open and progressive as it may seem, can be very intolerant. The reason for this is that the sudden, when we're caught by a new image dime on is like a spiritual impulse. Notice what valance said let's go back to it. The sun which is cosmically mind and diamond on account of his own activity in lovely nature, stirring up human souls for undertakings, there's the hashtag grabbed we are constantly grabbed by images that we think are of our own making. As odd and said we're lived by powers that we pretend to understand. James Hillman love to quote that. Similarly, the dime on the sun, especially Sun Uranus can give us this stroke of genius. Oh, look at what I've just come up with Oh, my new ambition, my new intention. There's so many people in New Age movements talking about intentions, right? We don't realize from the ancient standpoint, how many of our intentions are actually moments of being grabbed and seized by something that we're pretending came from us because we're just ignorant. And I don't mean ignorant, meaning we're bad people, I just mean that we, we, we are so not aware of all of the magical forces and powers of creation, God's forces of nature, that flow through us that we are in concert and community with all the time, it's really, actually quite a labor in our lives that requires reflectiveness and practice and developing an inner awareness in relationship with the gods and the forces of nature and so forth. The archetypes to understand where our agency is, and where the influence of other energies resides. It's, it's not easy, like even for someone, you know, people who meditate their whole life spend everyday meditating, it's still like, it's very, it's a very subtle thing. I experienced this as a regular meditator for years in my life, right. And it's still something that I'm always just completely, I'm boggled by sometimes how something that I think is coming from me is something I realized, I've been totally seized by, you know, so remember, it's an account of his own activity and lovely nature. See, that's it's seductive. It's like Cupid, the things that come in through the sun and Uranus are very attractive, they're very lovely. And they, but they also grab us so intensely, that there can be this, you know, one of the signs that we're being grabbed is often that the reflective relational quality with ourselves and an impulse with ourselves and an image vanishes. And suddenly, there is an intolerance for anything but moving toward that image. And so you have to be a little aware of that. Now, that's not always a bad thing, like sometimes that you're just in alignment, or you're in a flow and, you know, it's natural. But those other times, like the byproduct of being seized by this is really an aura of intolerance. It has to be this way. And then often, one of the reasons we're seduced by the intolerance is because we think, Well, the thing that I'm moving toward is so beautiful, it's so lovely. It's so it's casting that golden light.
And number five, a new conformity. So most of us in our lives don't like the word conformity, you know, we're like, I'm not a conformist, right. I don't conform. I think original thoughts, and I do things that I you know, are unique to me and so forth. To my mind, it's, it's, we are mostly a lot of us are even those of us who probably pride ourselves on being, you know, original, unbound, free. We, we, we forget that freedom, and originality and spontaneity are like the other side of the coin with conformity, that to conform to something and to be free from something, to bind to something and to be loosened from something. There, it's an ever moving dance between the two of those things, and it's not good or bad. It's just like, you know, how could you possibly, how could you possibly judge the squeezing and releasing that's just present in nature, and its present in us, and things that we like to call spontaneity and freedom versus conformity to, it's there in our psyches, like as natural as you know, as natural as flowers closing up and opening again. So the point here is that when a new image comes into our life, no matter how progressive or free it is, in theory, in our mind's eye, no matter how liberating it is, ironically, there is often new requirements, new demands that the new image will place on us to conform to a new ideal. Let's say that you're sober, you're now set free from the bounds of alcoholism, but you know, you have to conform to the life of a 12 step program. So there's there's always new commitments and new ways in which in order for a new ideal, no matter how powerful positive liberating from an old one, that it may be, will still require us to conform in some way to, to mold ourselves to the demands of the new image. That's always happening. So just be aware of the fact that there you know, there's impatience and intolerance that can come in with sun Uranus at the opening of an eclipse. This new thing that's capturing me that's grabbing me and might be a little intolerant at the same time, every new image every new path, every new ideal that enters our life for however long it does new season of our life. It will demand that we conform our heart and soul in our activities, our imagination must conform to that image. Because we're method acting, right? So it we must take the shape of the image that compels us. It's really good going along the way to not go so deep into the method acting that we forget completely who we are that there's no realization that, hey, I'm method acting.
This is why, you know, we study astrology, this is why we look at the transits. So that we have, we can keep some reflective distance in this world that the most dangerous thing that the ancient mystics seem to say over and over again was, you know, the prisoners in this world are the ones looking at those shadows thinking that's all there is. They conform so deeply to the images that compel that guide. But the thing is, is that in this world, it's a never ending cycle. So samsara it just never ends. So for it to be anything but a rat race or a hamster wheel, that's ultimately frustrating, painful, and that you're you're just, it's just the spin cycle of suffering, is that we develop a reflective, soulful capacity to relate to what we experience. And in that capacity, that is that is our God like nature, you know. And so it's interesting that the one in a way that the downside of Prometheus, is that, let's go back time shall be the limit of my suffering.
But what did Plato say? Plato said, Time is the moving image of eternity. So that the thing is, is that when we're addicted to one new image after another one new thing after another progress, worshipping at the altar of the future, whether it's technological or cultural or political. The problem with that is that there's such little, there's such little ability to see time as the moving wheel of eternity. Right, we get addicted to time, which means then we have very little patience for the suffering that comes with it. We can't, we're addicted to newness, because we feel like time is this linear thing. And the good stuff is always in the future somewhere. And you know, Prometheus, is set free by Chiron. And this is an interesting, interesting dynamic, because he's a Christ like figure, Chiron is who comes and takes the place of Prometheus now, Chiron has been wounded. He's been wounded. He's an immortal who has been wounded by an affliction that sort of can't be healed. So he has to endure suffering eternally. And he sort of willingly does that. And that's in a sense, what we're doing to, we're not falling victim to the idea that it will, the happiness lies just around the corner, if I can just realize this next new thing. You know, that there's, there's, there's excitement here, you know, don't get me wrong. There's there's great value to the progressive freedom seeking inspiration of Prometheus. But there's also an inherent impatience and an unwillingness to see time in eternity, as you know, time is reflective of eternity, there's unwillingness to endure things that are inherently limited. And to be able to find the unlimited in the limited, that's, that's the meaning of the cross, the intersection of the horizontal and the vertical, that whether it's Chiron or Christ or any other, you know, the bodhisattvas, this is the, this is our task. So don't be seduced by the newness. We endure the newness just as much as we endure the tiresome qualities that we endure it with reflective curiosity, a good sense of humor, creativity, love joy, the eye of a poet, but be careful of the temptation to Prometheus worship at the altar of freedom from limits, worship at the altar of progress at all costs. That's a trap if we fall into it. And this is at the heart of the interchange between Chiron and Prometheus. It's like an an alchemical learning that happens at the heart of that story. Anyway, there's, there's lots more to say. There's not just one lesson in a story. There's so many things to be learned from the story of Prometheus, but with the sun Uranus, I hope that this gives you some illumination around what's happening in the sky right now with the recent Eclipse. Look at that whole sign house of Taurus in your birth chart if you want to get a feeling for where some of this might be taking place. Thank you guys for listening today. Take it easy everyone.
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