Here is what the I Ching has to say about this configuration:
* Hexagram 25 is sometimes called “Remaining Blameless,” but it is also frequently referred to as “Innocence” or “the Unexpected” or “Unintentional.”
* The general teaching of the hexagram is that we may only have success through being firm and correct, without ulterior motive or without slipping into any kind of plotting or scheming.
* Another way of thinking about Hexagram 25 is that it’s a good time to act, to get something done, but that we have to do so without getting entangled or embroiled into controversy, gossip, drama, vanity, or anything else.
* Notice how this hexagram picks up nicely on the planetary themes of the day. The Sun/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn is hard working, successful if not a little contractive or laborsome. On the other hand, Venus in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn getting together by sextile COULD indicate some temptation to lose our integrity in the process.
* Being simple and sincere accomplishes the most right now.
* Our natural state, as spirit/souls, is already perfect. There is a way in which we can remain at peace in ourselves, without striving for anything, even as we are taking actions and reaching toward goals in the world. This is “innocent and sincere action.”
* The 5th changing line reads, “For an unexpected illness, use no medicine. Good fortune will follow.”
* Venus and Pluto may also signify the good that comes through a brief time of cleansing, purgation, or things “picked up” unintentionally, or innocently, from others.
* When illness comes and we remain innocent it is also a way of saying, “I’m not sick, sickness is simply passing through my body right now.” This simple change in attitude allows for even the difficulties of sickness to be a source of good fortune because most of the way in which good fortune comes is born through our response to adversity. Good fortune or auspiciousness is formed as we accept adversities in a spirit of innocence. We might say, “well, it could be worse,” or we say, “I wonder what the lesson is here?” or we say, “sucks to be sick, but I don’t need to blame anyone or get negative about it.”
* When adversity comes, sometimes it’s also true that there is just nothing to do about it, no remedy, other than to let it pass through. Here the I Ching is suggesting some positive transformation is at hand if we simply allow the adversity to move through in its own way.
* Hexagram 25 then changed to Hexagram 24, “Return.” Return is the quintessential hexagram of renewal and rebirth, of a new beginning.
* The Sun’s conjunction with any planet indicates the start of a new cycle. So right now, while we are moving through a somewhat heavier and more contractive, Saturnine moment, just as Venus/Pluto may signify regeneration, the Sun/s conjunction with Saturn is also signifying a fresh start.
* So, the overall message. Action, labor, and work to come, but we should remain innocent and without an ulterior motive. If sickness or misfortune comes alone this path, it is much easier to deal with in the spirit of innocence. Difficulties that come to us when we are in the spirit of innocence pass through quickly and often lead to powerful new beginnings and good fortune.
* For example, my daughter has been dealing with a fast-moving stomach bug, and it’s been very humbling to watch her deal with it. Her innocence and her good attitude have seemingly allowed for the bug to pass through her system very quickly. She hasn’t blamed anyone, she hasn’t fought the situation; she’s allowed it to pass through because she is largely “innocent.”
* We should all be so fortunate when difficulties come our way. To work where we are called to and to be simple in the heart as we do so, to allow difficulties to pass through in the spirit of innocence, and to receive renewal when the time is right.
* Before today’s prayer, I am now just 5 days away from the end of my annual drum-beating for the year ahead, and I still need 61 readers to support me before I can reach my final goal for the year ahead. If you benefit from reading these, or from watching my videos, please consider helping this work along. Everything helps, regardless of if it is big or small! I thank you so much for being supportive!
Prayer: Give us a spirit of innocence and the sweetness needed to move through all challenges with grace and acceptance. We know that our good fortune is in you, just as surely as we know that you are the soul of our soul. Teach us to be lanterns of light for all those around us, and guard our minds with the angels of gratitude.
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