Another thing to watch for during Uranus’ stay in Taurus…
* This morning I drew the 13th hexagram, sometimes called “social mechanism,” which refers not only to the joining or gathering of social forces for a higher purpose or cause but also to clans, factions, and factional battles
* Uranus’ desire for progress at all costs, for the future to be here now, or for liberation from the known, may push us from within the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus to join new groups or it may disrupt our social lives
* It may also prompt us to get involved in factions, cliques or group conflicts over what we see as the highest “good.”
* The fourth line of the 13th hexagram depicts a situation in which the person considering going to war decides it is better not to go to war, perhaps after getting a smaller taste for what the battle would be like…as a result of his caution, hesitation, and better thinking, there is good fortune
* We should be very careful about cliques, popularity contests, and the shimmering images of the good and the beautiful that come and tempt us…” join this group, join this cause, it is good, it is beautiful, and it is better than whatever you’re currently apart of.”
* The second hexagram that came up was 37, or “family duties,” and in this context, the sequence shows us the wisdom of treating each other as members of the same family rather than allowing our golden ideas to devolve into factionalism or tribalism or nationalisms of any kind that would sever the most basic bonds of sweetness
* Liz Greene once pointed out that people don’t usually appreciate Venus’ capacity for envy and jealousy…because we stay focused on the beauty and harmony…
* Uranus in Taurus, in terms of our social bonds, can create snobbery, elitism, factions, and cliques, or even social allegiances based on shared material interests, professional status, or maintaining the status quo in the face of the pressure to change or grow
* Uranus in Taurus also matches the rebel and individualist with the harmonizer…so we may also benefit from finding like-minded spiritual groups or allies during this period, or we may benefit from joining with others rather than persisting in doing things our own way or doing things alone
Prayer: Bring us into the bonds of spiritual association…keep us from the cliques and factions of self-interest.
* This morning I drew the 13th hexagram, sometimes called “social mechanism,” which refers not only to the joining or gathering of social forces for a higher purpose or cause but also to clans, factions, and factional battles
* Uranus’ desire for progress at all costs, for the future to be here now, or for liberation from the known, may push us from within the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus to join new groups or it may disrupt our social lives
* It may also prompt us to get involved in factions, cliques or group conflicts over what we see as the highest “good.”
* The fourth line of the 13th hexagram depicts a situation in which the person considering going to war decides it is better not to go to war, perhaps after getting a smaller taste for what the battle would be like…as a result of his caution, hesitation, and better thinking, there is good fortune
* We should be very careful about cliques, popularity contests, and the shimmering images of the good and the beautiful that come and tempt us…” join this group, join this cause, it is good, it is beautiful, and it is better than whatever you’re currently apart of.”
* The second hexagram that came up was 37, or “family duties,” and in this context, the sequence shows us the wisdom of treating each other as members of the same family rather than allowing our golden ideas to devolve into factionalism or tribalism or nationalisms of any kind that would sever the most basic bonds of sweetness
* Liz Greene once pointed out that people don’t usually appreciate Venus’ capacity for envy and jealousy…because we stay focused on the beauty and harmony…
* Uranus in Taurus, in terms of our social bonds, can create snobbery, elitism, factions, and cliques, or even social allegiances based on shared material interests, professional status, or maintaining the status quo in the face of the pressure to change or grow
* Uranus in Taurus also matches the rebel and individualist with the harmonizer…so we may also benefit from finding like-minded spiritual groups or allies during this period, or we may benefit from joining with others rather than persisting in doing things our own way or doing things alone
Prayer: Bring us into the bonds of spiritual association…keep us from the cliques and factions of self-interest.
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