Venus is just separating from Neptune and moving into a square with Mars over the weekend. Meanwhile, the Sun is moving into a sextile with Saturn.
Here is what to watch for:
* As Venus is separating from Neptune we are exiting the fog, romance, and other-worldliness of Neptune but heading straight for the sexual and creative tension of Venus and Mars.
* Venus and Mars in Jupiter’s signs of Pisces and Sagittarius also highlight the role of belief, faith, and conviction within our relationships.
* One of the most common things people ask astrologers about is love and relationships. One of the most common themes people suffer in relationships is the theme of shared beliefs. It might be political beliefs or spiritual/philosophical beliefs, but relationships where people do not share similar beliefs, values, and philosophies usually end up stagnating over time. When sex or physical attraction, or shared financial or material goals are all that two people share, then it’s usually only a matter of time before one or both people become unhappy in the relationship. Once some of these material goals are obtained or maintained for a while, they don’t satisfy us any longer. Without a common set of spiritual goals or without similar value placed on the cultivation of one’s inner life, relationships dry up. This shouldn’t be a big surprise to us because the same can be said for single people who do not have spiritual values or an “inner” life. Over time, material goals and activities cease to give us the same kind of pleasure because the novelty wears off. For many people, spiritual life is finally sought precisely because material life can’t satisfy the thirst of the soul. How much more challenging is it to experience a spiritual awakening when you are in a long-standing relationship with someone who isn’t ready or isn’t interested in changing? How long should we wait for a partner? Should we try to awaken a partner, or should we let them be? These are questions that naturally arise when Mars and Venus are square to each other in Jupiter’s masculine and feminine temples.
* On the other hand, sometimes when we experience a spiritual or creative, personal catharsis, we start to imagine that we need all sorts of new things to accompany the changes we’ve just experienced. In our enthusiasm, we start imagining that all we need is a newer, better, sexier, more spiritual partner. Or we need a new house, or a new car, or a new spiritual wardrobe or bookshelf, or we need an expensive vacation or whatever else. We feel we are owed something or that money and purchases will somehow solidify the newness we are experiencing.
* But just imagine this…let’s say you are trying to lose weight. So to lose weight you start a new workout routine. One day, after a really long workout, you get called into work on your day off, and you end up working an incredibly difficult shift. You’re on your feet all day long, and you don’t get a chance to eat. At the end of the day, you are feeling muscles and aches in your body you haven’t felt for ages, and it feels great. You are beat. You are proud of yourself. You feel you’ve made some good progress. You get home, and you make yourself dinner. In fact, you give yourself a second, big helping, because, hey, it’s been a long, good day. And in that second, big helping, you have just defeated what you did today. You didn’t need extra. You just needed a simple, modest dinner. But you congratulated yourself too much for doing what you needed to do, and that extra congratulations is going to cost extra.
* Similarly, when we try to mark the occasion of spiritual advancement with “extra” goodies, we tend to fall down and the progress we’ve made is lost. The real place to put spiritual progress is in the rearview mirror. Just let it go. Don’t count it toward anything. Don’t dwell on it. Just say thank you, and keep going. š
* So watch for creative tension, tension surrounding beliefs in relationships, sexual tension, and the dance of Mars and Venus in the next few days. We’ll continue to examine this transit from different angles over the weekend. Just remember, when these two planets interact it’s easy to “treat ourselves” to defeat right after victory.
* Meanwhile, the Sun is moving into a sextile with Saturn. The themes of wisdom, maturity, leadership, and illumination are in the air right now. There is a great opportunity for us to find greater focus and commitment right now. Don’t be surprised if you take a few steps forward, grow a little wiser, and develop a clearer sense of your own boundaries and limitations in the next few days!
Prayer: Empty us of our hollow victories. Empty us of the language of “deserve” and “desire,” so that we might be filled with more of who we actually are and what we actually need.
Here is what to watch for:
* As Venus is separating from Neptune we are exiting the fog, romance, and other-worldliness of Neptune but heading straight for the sexual and creative tension of Venus and Mars.
* Venus and Mars in Jupiter’s signs of Pisces and Sagittarius also highlight the role of belief, faith, and conviction within our relationships.
* One of the most common things people ask astrologers about is love and relationships. One of the most common themes people suffer in relationships is the theme of shared beliefs. It might be political beliefs or spiritual/philosophical beliefs, but relationships where people do not share similar beliefs, values, and philosophies usually end up stagnating over time. When sex or physical attraction, or shared financial or material goals are all that two people share, then it’s usually only a matter of time before one or both people become unhappy in the relationship. Once some of these material goals are obtained or maintained for a while, they don’t satisfy us any longer. Without a common set of spiritual goals or without similar value placed on the cultivation of one’s inner life, relationships dry up. This shouldn’t be a big surprise to us because the same can be said for single people who do not have spiritual values or an “inner” life. Over time, material goals and activities cease to give us the same kind of pleasure because the novelty wears off. For many people, spiritual life is finally sought precisely because material life can’t satisfy the thirst of the soul. How much more challenging is it to experience a spiritual awakening when you are in a long-standing relationship with someone who isn’t ready or isn’t interested in changing? How long should we wait for a partner? Should we try to awaken a partner, or should we let them be? These are questions that naturally arise when Mars and Venus are square to each other in Jupiter’s masculine and feminine temples.
* On the other hand, sometimes when we experience a spiritual or creative, personal catharsis, we start to imagine that we need all sorts of new things to accompany the changes we’ve just experienced. In our enthusiasm, we start imagining that all we need is a newer, better, sexier, more spiritual partner. Or we need a new house, or a new car, or a new spiritual wardrobe or bookshelf, or we need an expensive vacation or whatever else. We feel we are owed something or that money and purchases will somehow solidify the newness we are experiencing.
* But just imagine this…let’s say you are trying to lose weight. So to lose weight you start a new workout routine. One day, after a really long workout, you get called into work on your day off, and you end up working an incredibly difficult shift. You’re on your feet all day long, and you don’t get a chance to eat. At the end of the day, you are feeling muscles and aches in your body you haven’t felt for ages, and it feels great. You are beat. You are proud of yourself. You feel you’ve made some good progress. You get home, and you make yourself dinner. In fact, you give yourself a second, big helping, because, hey, it’s been a long, good day. And in that second, big helping, you have just defeated what you did today. You didn’t need extra. You just needed a simple, modest dinner. But you congratulated yourself too much for doing what you needed to do, and that extra congratulations is going to cost extra.
* Similarly, when we try to mark the occasion of spiritual advancement with “extra” goodies, we tend to fall down and the progress we’ve made is lost. The real place to put spiritual progress is in the rearview mirror. Just let it go. Don’t count it toward anything. Don’t dwell on it. Just say thank you, and keep going. š
* So watch for creative tension, tension surrounding beliefs in relationships, sexual tension, and the dance of Mars and Venus in the next few days. We’ll continue to examine this transit from different angles over the weekend. Just remember, when these two planets interact it’s easy to “treat ourselves” to defeat right after victory.
* Meanwhile, the Sun is moving into a sextile with Saturn. The themes of wisdom, maturity, leadership, and illumination are in the air right now. There is a great opportunity for us to find greater focus and commitment right now. Don’t be surprised if you take a few steps forward, grow a little wiser, and develop a clearer sense of your own boundaries and limitations in the next few days!
Prayer: Empty us of our hollow victories. Empty us of the language of “deserve” and “desire,” so that we might be filled with more of who we actually are and what we actually need.
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