Today I'll be taking a look at Venus in Aries, in the heart of the Sun.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we're going to take a look at Venus's cazimi with the Sun, which is coming up this week and will last for a few days. So we're going to take a look at the real time clock, I'm going to tell you about what cazimi is how its defined what it means. And then we're going to talk about Venus cazimi with the Sun and what to watch for. Before I do that, I wanted to report to you all on an interesting expression of the Mercury Mars transit that just passed by. I'm going to put the chart up on the screen here so you can see it. And I want to show you the way that my personal chart is configured with Taurus rising, I'm just using the transit this isn't my birth chart or anything but one of the things that you'll notice is that Mercury is it just perfected the square to Mars in the second house. If you're a Taurus rising, that fallen or debilitated Mercury's in the 11th house of friends. Mercury's square to Mars in the second house in my life showed up as someone who was a longtime sort of business associated me and my wife passing away yesterday. So he was a singer, songwriter, kirtan leader, his name was Wynne Paris and really good guy, he opened and closed all of our studios with kirtan circles was a regular kirtan performer at a yoga studio, he hosted this thing called the Love Light Festival, which my wife and I both spoke and taught at. One of my first dates I ever went on with my wife was to one of his kirtans at the Buddha be yoga studio in DC. And before I knew that I was going to get so immersed into bhakti yoga, he was around singing Hare Krishna. And he was constantly he had this funny line that he's saying in one of his songs. Well, he would always do kind of a blues, like a blues rendition of kirtan, toward the end of his sets. And he had this line where he would say, you might be wondering why I'm singing blues, or why I'm putting kirtan music to blues, you'd say well, they say that blues music is nothing but a good man feeling bad. And with kirtan it's nothing but a blue man making you feel good. Thanks, Krishna. And he said that a lot in his performances like that was kind of one of his shticks. And that always just made me happy. And I look back and I think he's one of those coincidental gurus. He's not someone that was a formal teacher of mine in any way. But he was a teacher in the sense that he was filling my home my yoga studio with kirtan and with with the blessings of Krishna long before I came to Krishna consciousness, so yeah, just our prayers are out to all the people. If you haven't ever looked him up, check him out. You can look at Wynne Paris, on YouTube, listen to his kirtan music, he was absolutely fantastic. What an expression of the astrology though.
Again, if you're wanting to see it from a technical space. A friend and business associate someone that was a part of our business for a long time. So you got the second house connection to business money, finances, resources, and Mercury in its fall in the 11th house of friends, squaring that malefic Mars so we lost a friend who is something of a regular business partner of ours for 10 years. So prayers to him. I'm imagining him jamming with jamming with the saints and in Goloka Vrindavana. So Hare Krishna to to Wynne Paris. It was really interesting expression of the transits. And if you go back and listen to some of the forecasting that I did at the beginning of this month, you know, I mentioned that for Taurus risings you know the the subject of friends and and changes around friends or allies happening this month and that was a huge loss of he was young. So mourning that a little bit today, more than we could use your prayers I'm sure his longtime girlfriend, Kim could use your prayers and whole community of people that are really devastated today he was young and unfortunately passed. So at any rate, I wanted to share that example of the astrology kind of a tragic one but also I know that there's like when would be happy today hearing a lot of people playing his kirtan my wife and I've been singing some of his songs in our head, and in the kitchen and stuff this morning making breakfast and so and for me as an astrologer, knowing that an ally, a business partner, a friend passed and knowing that the transit very perfectly depicted the passage of a singer songwriter Mercury, of course Mercury in Pisces, also classically disorganised fellow. But weirdly, he was able to do fantastic things like organise entire festivals, but then was like really spacey and never answered emails and like, I'd hear from him and he'd give me these crazy ideas about things he was cooking up and then I'd never hear from him again. And then sometimes I would hear from him and we'd end up doing something incredible that he was just one of those free spirits that would do incredible things and very Mercury in Pisces personality and very, very fluid and kind of a nomad, singer songwriter always touring and travelling. So I know that because the astrology when the astrology so perfectly reflects something that's so difficult, it makes me double down on my faith and trust in the universe, I double down on my faith and trust in life. And one of the things that he was dealing with in the past year with COVID was not being able to perform as a musician, and I can't help but wonder how that was weighing on him in his health. So you know, right as Mars is about to hit that breakthrough moment as he was getting ready to travel and tour again. And that breaks my heart a little bit too. So anyway, a lot of lot of big feelings today, as we say in my house, a lot of big feelings. Thank you for letting me share all that with you guys. day in the life of the astrologer. Right. That's all of us, it's good to reflect on these things together.
So let's talk about Venus's cazimi today. Now what is cazimi? So it's defined in slightly different ways on a technical level, but the gist of it is that it happens when any planet conjoins the Sun and gets to the exact exact conjunction with the Sun. And there'll be some people who disagree about the latitude of the planet if it actually has to be crossing over the actual face of the Sun or not. I'm pretty loose. I don't think that it has to I consider the zodiacal longitude enough. So the passage of Venus across the face of the Sun constitutes as cazimi in my book. And this word, well actually, let's get the timing first. So you're going to see that Venus is already within less than a degree away, so you're in less than half a degree away even and if you push this forward, you're gonna see that that intensifies tomorrow gets down to about 11 minutes away tomorrow at this time, I push it forward the next day and it's passing through the cazimi by Friday. By Saturday, it's still really close to the cazimi, depending on which technical definition you use. It's still pretty close by Sunday, starting to separate by Monday. So let's just say broadly speaking, we have between now and Monday to potentially witness the effects of the cazimi. So, cazimi what is it what should you watch for?
So cazimi means, literally, in the heart of the Sun. This is from the astrology dictionary if you want to look it up. It's a Latin transliteration of the Arabic term Kaz Mimi which means as if in the heart to the Arabic term appears to be a translation of the Greek term acardios, which literally means in the heart. The Greek term in the concept appear for the first time in the work of retirees, who lived sometime around the sixth or seventh century CE II later the concept appears in Arabic in the work of Sahl ibn Bishr in the early 19th century. Eventually it started showing up in mediaeval Latin works in the 12th and 13th centuries, such as, for example, the work of Guido Bonatti.
The astrological significance of the concept is that it was thought to be an ameliorating and strengthening factor for planets, so it's auspicious. In traditional Western astrology, planets to get close to a conjunction with the sun, especially within 15 degrees are thought to be weakened because their light is obscured or overpowered by the light of the Sun. Cazimi appears to have been introduced as an exception to that general rule so that when a planet is within a specific range of the exact conjunction, it's no longer harmed and even empowered. There appears to have been some disagreement, and this is where you'll find what I was saying about the disagreement about the exact way of measuring it according to victorious and solid planet is said to be in the heart as soon as it comes within one degree of a conjunction with the Sun. So technically, that would mean right now. According to Al cuwbc, and bonati. A planet is considered to be in the heart as soon as it comes within 16 minutes of a conjunction with the sun. So sometimes people are going to narrow it down to having to be within 16 minutes of a degree within the sun on either side. So You know, there's debate about that I tend to use cazimi as any time within exact of one degree.
Now, here's something from William Lily, who's kind of a renaissance astrologer, but he uses a lot of the ancient, you know Arabic and ancient astrology. "A planet within 12 degrees of the Sun is said to be under his beams and then have not fortitude. Let it be in what sign it will when a planet is within 16 minutes of the Sun is it said to be in cazimi or heart of the sun and then it's an addition of fortune and he is wondrous strong." that comes from William Lilly. And then you have Abu Mashar who is Persian Afghani. But he says, a planet in cazimi is quote, "Like a man who purifies himself and so lacks strength but will regain health afterwards." This is interesting because essentially what you're seeing is an idea of, of a planet approaching the Sun or the Sun approaching a planet in conjunction within say 15 degrees, it is though the planet is sick or becoming weakened. Then as it approaches the exact conjunction, in the moment of cazimi, it's purified or reborn, and then it starts to repair itself or it starts to recover from something. So you have different ways of looking at it as a pure moment of purification, the beginning of a process of recovery, as well as a moment of great empowerment, or a kind of auspicious moment for the planet in question when it's in the cazimi.
Now, note that when the planets are coming to that point, the planet is kind of getting burnt up. Now, Venus has had a way of protecting itself from that thus far, mostly by virtue of having been in Pisces, in its exaltation, where it is said to be in its chariot, protected from the beams of the Sun, and then it just crosses over into Aries. So it's a little bit burnt up in its detriment real close to the sun, then it goes into cazimi right away. And so it has a good patch of time here where it's greatly empowered. Again, this is sort of between today I'm talking on March 24, until about Sunday or Monday, that toward the end of the month of March here. So those are some of the definitions now. I want to show you guys something that is an interesting and very interesting correlation with a cazimi that is happening right now as my friend passed. You can't make this stuff up. So watch this. So the last time that well, I don't know if it's a lot of might have been two times ago, but it was under a Venus cazimi, this happened. So this person I was talking about Wynne Paris who was a staple of our yoga studio for 10 years. I was at a concert at the Bhakti temple and I was sitting next to him one night, and we were watching children performed kirtan. And that night, a friend of mine from California who had never met when before in his in his life. He sends me a message the next day, this is the day after the night where I had been at this event with Wynn and sitting next to him. He said, I had this crazy dream that you were at this musical event sitting next to this guy and his face was so vivid. I couldn't help it I got up and draw drew a picture of him. Well, what's so interesting about this is that he'd never met when before and he shared me the picture he shared with me the picture and I was like oh my God, that's Wynn! I was at a musical event last night sitting next to when I remember this is happening as Venus is cazimi. So there's the picture he drew of the guy that I was sitting next to at the musical event. Here is my friend Wynne. You can't get the full smile like that's like he's got a slightly pensive look on his face. You can see his ponytail, right like that. There's the picture he drove the guy was sitting next to so he was like, do you know this guy? And I was like, Yeah and I was sitting next to him last night that looks just like when like that is literally that is Wynne. So I shared this picture with when and I always thought it was a sort of miraculous expression of Venus cazimi. Here is this beautiful transmission of artwork that comes through a dream and somehow speaks sort of psychically? Why, and for what reason? I have no idea, no idea. But it always was, to me one of the most beautiful expressions of a Venus cazimi that I've ever seen. And so at any rate, I just wanted to share that with you guys. Now, the other thing you might ask, Well, how is that an expression of Venus cazimi? And I have had a chance to think about this, of course. So here is what makes this so interesting.
If you think about what the Sun represented in ancient astrology, it has a lot in common with the platonic idea of the ideal forms or thoughts in the mind of God, the ninth house, the place of astrology, in classical, and Hellenistic theory, the ninth house was called God. And it was that called the joy of the Sun. And it was a place of omens and oracles from the gods. And the sun, like Apollo is associated with the transmission of the voice or judgments of the gods through ritual divination. Why would this be? Why would the sun be related to this, and it's because the Sun is the transmitter of the higher light of the mind or the higher forms the light of the real world outside of the platonic cave that the prisoner has to work his way out of the realm of shadows, where a fire inside of a cave is casting these flickering shadows onto the wall, he has to understand the fire is creating that. Furthermore, then he has to, and this is kind of like understanding something about the world. But then he has to go out of the cave into the light of the sun, outside of the cave to understand the true forms that the eternal within the temporal. And remember, we've been talking about this in my series on the beliefs of ancient astrologers that astrology in the ancient world was a way of understanding the presence of the gods in the fluctuations of nature in the constant changes of the material world. And so the study the cycles and circles of the planets, who their motions because they were mathematically astronomically, geometrically conceived, were thought of as divine or sort of perfect and ideal, in a sense, just like a triangle is ideal, the patterns of the planets were ideal and their movements spoke to the presence of that ideal or that perfect, eternal divinity, in the presence of all of the changes on earth. And the Sun was connected with this that sense of higher truth, that sense of ideal perfect truth, because the Sun is the one that draws out the zodiacal circle, the great circle of the solar year, it draws out the distinction between day and night and the 24 hour day, and the Moon is a reflection of the sun's light. And so the material world is thought of as this reflection of the higher realm of truth that the sun is emblematic of.
And so when a planet comes into the heart of the Sun, it is as though the highest ideal of that planet, that sort of platonic ideal of whatever that planets archetype represents, are somehow present or they become very vivid somehow. And this is why the Sun is sometimes also associated with the kind of mediumship of divination, being able to understand the higher voice of the gods or to see the inherent forms that the planets are speaking to, and to be able to speak that clearly somehow as an astrologer to, you know, to an inquiring client, a querent. So, I always just thought, well there was this trans transmission of an ideal form in a dream that, that my friend was able to see something and communicated in art. So, I know that's kind of esoteric, but I think that's what's so inspiring about this is that Venus cazimi people are often visionaries, they have the ability to see or understand some kind of higher form or ideal and bring it out may make it manifest or they may have a very high aesthetic. They may be empowered in some way by the gods in a Venusian way, when Venus's cazimi for example, Oprah Winfrey was born with Venus cazimi and you think of just what The power that's sort of flowed through her as a popular feminine media figure, the book club and you know, the talk show. And so there's other examples, of course of cazimi, too. But the point is, I would look at the ideal, the need for the ideal is very important right now, the the need to communicate, this is my vision and to make sure that what you are aiming toward, is in line with the ideal vision that, that being in reception have a beautiful an image of beauty. Remember, Venus is associated with wisdom, as well as beauty. So kind of that where the beautiful meets the wise, and how can our lives be in reception of that vision this week. This is something that may present itself in terms of something we're trying to create creatively, you know, trying to create a creative transmission in our career, or perhaps, something coming through to do with love, beauty, sexuality, aesthetics, style appearance. It's very easy under such a transit also to potentially be rather judgmental. The world is always going to be in appearance or reflection of that ideal form. So cazimis don't last forever, you could say, this world is, instead of looking at a perfect form, it's more like looking at the reflection of a tree and water as opposed to the actual tree. So it's shimmering, it's moving. It falls short. And we have to have grace forgiveness, tolerance, compassion, patience, peace, these are born of the ability to, you know, look into the water, see the the shimmering, moving tree, and say, it's good, it's okay. You know. But at the same time, knowing that there is a real form, we set our hearts and our minds and our souls on truth, on the highest virtues, on goodness, on beauty, on justice. And we move towards those things the best that we can. So you can feel these qualities and the idealism behind them, let it fuel us to be better people, but not impatient or intolerant people. Idealism can cut in both ways. It can set us up for disappointment because the world shimmers in the reflection on the pond and we're either going to accept that or we're going to be driven mad by that. And on the other hand, it can shake off complacency, a cazimi, and aim us back toward truenorth, somehow. Now this would all be with regard to Venusian things, relationships, love, friendships, beauty, art, sensuality, aesthetics, creativity. So if you've been needing a Venusian shot in the arm, you can watch for these qualities coming through this week.
Now remember, it's gonna take Venus a little bit to recover. So let's take a look at when we might see ideal timing for Venus to get some traction after all of this is said and done. When Venus enters Taurus, Venus will be back in her own sign. And so you have Venus entering Taurus about April 14th in the afternoon. Now at this point, Venus is not showing up as an evening star yet is still under the beams of the Sun. So still in that process of emerging and it's going to take a little bit so you can see once they get about 15 degrees away that's when you're going to start to see Venus really shining so by May 2, they're 10 degrees away and you're going to see Venus start to rise 10 degrees away here by May 5. So now they're 11 degrees away. Let's see where's the exact moment? Yeah, here we go. So it's mid to late May where Venus gets to about 15 degrees away. And so you know, between now and mid to late May, Venus is being reborn, and so allow for the ideal to have a slow and steady birthing process between now and then. Sometimes during the cazimi people will get excited to do something, they'll get a vision And they don't necessarily have the steam the stamina, the clarity to immediately execute could be a little bit more tempting to do so with Venus in a Mars ruled sign right now of Aries.
But let it take its time to unfold. In the meantime, I thought you guys would enjoy me weaving our friend and that that mercury Mars transit into this it woven perfectly. So I thought it was really interesting that that would happen. So, man, I thought I would see him many more times in my life, you know, so hug the people you love, keep them close, reach out to them, send them a note, tell them for no reason whatsoever. I really appreciate you. I love you. You're, I couldn't be who I am without you. I got to do that more. Because although that's exactly how I felt about him. It's been a while since I communicated that with him. Almost a year ago. At the opening of the the COVID restrictions. He sent me a message saying that him and Caroline Casey if you know her, she's a famous astrologer. We're going to be doing something and wanting to know if I wanted to be involved. And you know, it's like one of those, you know, just kind of Mercury in Pisces moments really where I was like, is this gonna happen? Because sometimes he would come up with things and like they would never happen and then sometimes you come up with things and they would and they would be fantastic. So he was he was definitely that dreamer and that visionary. Okay, anyway, I hope you guys are having a great day today. Hug the people you love and tell me what you're experiencing with Venus at the heart of the Sun between now and the beginning of next week. I'd love to hear your stories. Alright, take it easy, everyone. Bye.
I just found out about a cazimi today and came across your page seeking insight. Thank you so much for your explanations!!
Just wanted to share that this week I softened boundaries with a friend and an old lover and reached out to a friend where there is still repair work to be done. All of these people hurt me, but I know that hurt people hurt people. We must all take accountability for our parts. I feel grounded and at peace and simply seek rebuilding trust and friendship.
Whatever this cazimi is doing … I feel it so deeply. I’ve been wondering what was going on and knew that Venus and Sun were conjunct Aries … but WOW.
I like your analogy to looking at the shimmer in the water. That hope of happiness is definitely the sparkle that is driving me to love myself more, which in turn is pushing me to repair and embrace love again.
I am so grateful for this awareness. Hugs & love to yoU and your family!