Today, we will look at Venus's upcoming conjunction with Jupiter in the final degree of Taurus. This week wraps up many events that have taken place in Taurus since Jupiter entered the sign last year. By the end of this week, both Venus and Jupiter will transition into Gemini, marking a shift in our astrological focus. Before that, we need to explore this significant Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus, one of the last major transits in the sign.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everyone. Today, we're going to take a look at Venus's upcoming conjunction with Jupiter in the final degree of Taurus. This is a week that sort of puts a bow on so many events that have taken place in the sign of Taurus really since last year when Jupiter entered Taurus. And of course, by the end of this week, we will see Jupiter entering Gemini, so Venus will enter Gemini, and Jupiter will enter Gemini; a lot of transition from Taurus to Gemini is coming up in our coverage of astrology this week and going forward.
However, we need to take a look at one last major transit, the sign of Taurus, which is the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. We go down the road a little ways. We will also have Mercury in Taurus, conjoining Uranus and Taurus right around the degree of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. That's another one last transit, you might say, but really, the big ones have passed over the last couple of weeks. So Venus-Jupiter will be our focus together in Taurus today.
Before we get into it, as always, don't forget to like and subscribe. It takes two seconds to click that like button, and it really helps the channel to grow. We appreciate it. When you do that, you can find a transcript of any of our daily talks on the website Nightlight Astrology. Now, I also want to take you over to the page of the website because we have a couple of things that I want to promote.
Our upcoming program Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic begins on June 16. So if you go up to the Courses tab, click on the first year course you're going to see that we begin June 16, our one year immersion into ancient Hellenistic astrology I have covered this now at length than in the past couple of weeks the end of every video, you could find a kind of additional exploration of the program that I tagged onto the end of every video.
What I'm doing now is tagging on, at the end of today's talk, a slightly different video previewing our horary program. Our horary class, which is an introduction to horary astrology, begins on June 22. And so that is also coming up. If you have a background in traditional astrology, you understand aspects of dignities and traditional house meanings. Any kind of background you already have in traditional astrology would qualify you to check out the horary program.
If you have no background in traditional astrology, you probably want to start with our year one course, and you can check that one out. But the horary program begins June 22. And at the end of today's video, you're going to see me show you an actual horary chart from my practice. So you can see what horary astrology is like. It begins with a question like where's my missing cell phone? Or will I get the job, or will my cat get out? Is she still alive? Will she come home horary is an amazing, very specific predictive form of astrology.
So I'm going to show you more about that after today's talk. Here's a different little promotional video that I've tagged so you can get to know Horry. I hope to see some of you in class soon. It is a magnificent form of astrology to learn ancient traditional astrologers from both Persia, Arabian astrologers, Indian astrologers, and ancient Hellenistic astrologers. This was a kind of branch of astrology that developed based on the idea that a question at predictive question cast at the time of the question from the position of the astrologer can become like the birth chart of a question, a really fascinating study.
To tell you more about that after today's program, you can also go up to the events page, click on live talks, and see that coming up in June on June 13; I'm gonna be doing a talk on the 12th house, the world we struggle to see this is about the healing potential of the 12th house in the birth chart. And we'll be looking at that together in June. And then in July, you can see I've got a talk on Uranus and Gemini I'll be doing as well. And if you miss the Neptune in Aries sock, you can go back and check that out, too.
So, now that we have gone through our promotions for the day let's turn our attention to Venus and Jupiter. And I'm going to put the real-time clock up so that I can point this out. Let me go back to Monday. Okay, so here we can see Venus at 25 Taurus and Jupiter at 28 Taurus. Venus is within three degrees of the conjunction with Jupiter. They're both very close to the Sun, so they're not visible in the sky. Venus is, of course, protected from the combustion by virtue of being in her own chariot. This Jupiter has just gone through the synoptic reset. I think you guys might have heard me talk about the fact that that synodic reset with Jupiter can mean the death and rebirth of Jupiter figures or people who resemble Jupiter in some way.
Well, what's really interesting is that, as that conjunction was coming through one of my, like one of the most important mentors in my life, the person who acted as my literary agent, who gave me my writing gig at Reality Sandwich, who, you know, helped publish my book, and allowed me to start writing about astrology from the platform of Reality Sandwich which led to my entire career. His name was Ken Jordan. And he just passed as the conjunction to Jupiter was coming through he, passed what was interesting was that there was a lunar eclipse that fell in my natal Jupiter in the sixth house, and I had this thought, Oh, I wonder if a teacher of mine will get sick or maybe die or something like that. And it was very sudden he got sick and passed really quickly. And I found out the news, and I was just so sad, man.
The truly Jupiterian person in my life, someone who opened so many doors in my profession that would set me on the path that I'm on now. Passed away. If you ever knew Reality Sandwich, Ken was very much the genius behind Reality Sandwich, along with a few others. But if you ever read Fishers of Men, my book, he was my agent; he helped make that deal.
He helped edit my book along with his father, who was a famous editor. And yeah, I mean, I just wouldn't be here without him, so it's interesting to me that we're looking at this Jupiter that's in the process of being reborn. I thought you guys might find that reflection interesting. I don't mean to push us away from the point of today's talk, but that Jupiter has just gone through a reset that, you know, like in my chart, happened to be a big deal because that Jupiter reset was also happening on my ascendant and Taurus.
So, Venus and Jupiter coming together right now offer us a feeling of the initial fruits of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, which we've talked about a bunch with all of these transits and Taurus as well as the early fruits of Jupiter's rebirth, which is very exciting. Very interesting. So here are five things to watch for given their conjunction; we take the time the conjunction out, and we see that it will come through between Wednesday, May 22, and Thursday, May 23.
Now, if we give them a couple more degrees, then we get into Jupiter, Jupiter's entrance into Gemini. What's interesting about that is that as soon as Venus enters Gemini, she's combust. And she will immediately go through the reset with the Sun, the cazimi, which happens right around June 3. So that reset of Venus at the heart of the Sun. That early part of June is really it lasts all week. I mean that with that conjunction between the two planets, you can see how long it works together; they are traveling within a degree of one another from about June 2 all the way to about what is here about June 8.
So anyway, that will be a really fascinating thing to watch. But both planets after Jupiter and Venus conjoin. They both enter Gemini, which will be reflected in the way that we start approaching astrology later this week. Anyway, so they're in conjunction in the very last culminating degree of Taurus; what do we have to say about that, which is really the biggest transit of this week? Um, there are five things that I have to watch for.
One is crowning achievements. If you think about Jupiter, you think about a planet that was associated with victory, morally victory, spiritually, a turning of the tide, the gaining of momentum, that the blossoming the positive blossoming of karmic fruits supplanted associated with fertility and abundance, with success and things that aid in the development of success.
So Venus, when she gets together with Jupiter is like, you know, when they stand up on the podiums at the Olympics, and you get a gold medal, victory and the crowning achievement you get a little wreath of laurel or you know, you get a little crown, a tiara put on your head. So Venus adorns Jupiter to create a feeling of crowning achievements of things that are showing or displaying the success or beauty of something.
So you think about Venus conjoining Jupiter, you think of the image of the crown or the tiara or the wreath of the bouquet, something that signifies you are loved, you are successful, you are happy you have promoted congratulations or, or in order things like that, that's one possibility doesn't necessarily mean someone's gonna send you flowers, though it could be.
Number two would be the blossoming of previous intentions and efforts, with Venus and Jupiter being both planets associated with fertility. And so when the two planets get together in a very, this is the exultation of the moon and the domicile of Venus, it's an earthy Venusian sign, the two planets get together, and you see something like the blossoming or the showing or the expression of something that is rich and beautiful and sort of powerful. So we're there has been where there has been an effort and a lot of work put into something, you've, you've worked the soil, you've planted things, now you might start to see the blooming or blossoming of things that have a history of, of work, sacrifice, dedication, effort put into them.
So, number three would be indulgence, desire, and extravagance. So when you put these two planets together, sometimes they go a little over the top: you can eat too much, you could spend too much, and you could care too much about superficial or materialistic things. You could become vain or puffed up or proud or showy. Or this energy is a little bit like bragging. But there's also something like the peacock tail; there's something beautiful about showing things that are big and dramatic and theatrical and romantic and grand.
Like, sometimes it's fun to just, you know, go and just eat a meal that was just way too much, you know, spend a little too much, sometimes a little too much, is just right. In other words, but not if it's all the time, you know, not I mean? So there's this interesting, the alternation between themes of sort of abundance and overflowing signs of beauty, enjoyment, sensuality, pleasure, and maybe overindulgence or something going past the mean somehow. It's not always wrong again to go past the mean; it's just how often it is a circumstance, right? But those are things to watch for this week: the kind of over-the-top nests of Jupiter and Venus.
Now, number four would be the wisdom of Venus. And we say this because Jupiter is a planet that is associated with wisdom and understanding. You think of Jupiter as the ideal institution of a society and religion. Academics and universities and universities, and when you put Venus with Jupiter, you get the expression of feminine wisdom, you get an inspiring art professor or an inspiring Women's Studies Program, or learning about agriculture and gardening or learning something about the body or going to massage school where you learn the techniques of acupressure, something like that.
So, anything that would give knowledge, wisdom, or understanding of the body of the feminine sexuality of women of earth, of the Goddess, even groups of women or the celebration of your girlfriend who's graduating from her master's degree, something like that. So when you place Venus and Jupiter together, you get this: you get the guru as the Goddess. That makes sense. So think of that as a metaphor, of course; that's the wisdom of Venus very much in the air right now.
Number five would be an amplification of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Let's go back and look at this. If we go back just a little bit from this time at the end of May to the end of April, So here at the end of April, the 21st-degree Jupiter and Uranus got together in Taurus. There they are. Since then, we have had the sun crossover, and the Jupiter and Uranus dynamic has been dynamic. And then Venus crossover. And now, at the very last degrees of Taurus, Venus and Jupiter are getting together.
So, in horary, by the way, when a planet goes and through aspect hits one planet and then another, it has the effect of bringing those two planets together through its body and its translation of the lights of the planet. So you could think about this just kind of symbolically speaking as Venus bringing Jupiter and Uranus back together at the final degree of Taurus is kind of culminating space for the two benefits, or together, you do get the feeling of this kind of reiteration of an amplification of the recent Jupiter Uranus dynamic.
This is happening just about 30 days out from the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. The last thing we have to consider is, again, later this week, we're going to look at the fact that both Jupiter and Venus enter Gemini. If we look forward a little bit more, we're gonna see that we have a new moon while Venus is cazimi. In Gemini, that's fantastic.
Well, the ruler Mercury is there while Jupiter is there. I mean, it is just a very powerful new moon in Gemini coming. And then, if we back up just a touch, we're gonna see that we also have this around May 31. Mercury will conjoin Uranus in Taurus, and that is another last powerful reiteration of the Jupiter-Uranus dynamic in late Taurus. So yeah, but it is quite a switch because as soon as we come out this week, we will be out of the Venus Jupiter conjunction. The other thing that starts happening is this tremendous emphasis on air Jupiter in an Air sign training Pluto in an Air sign.
That's a really powerful trine between two planets in the air and really announces a shift in where everything is heading for the remainder of this year. For the rest of the entire next year, Jupiter spends time in an Air sign while Pluto finally finishes its last little touch on the final degree of Capricorn in the autumn and then fully enters Aquarius to stay. That's a very airy space that we're moving into pretty soon. That makes it a very auspicious time to study something like astrology when Jupiter is in the sign of Hermes, the legendary founder of astrology, and it trines Pluto and Aquarius.
So it's a very nice configuration under which to start studying horary or ancient Hellenistic astrology. I don't say that for every program, there are some configurations that come together that are really nice for studying. And it's always a good time to study. I don't remember any particularly, you know, port one particular transit that was in the air when I started, you know, but I've noticed that over the years of doing this teaching, we're coming in on 30 different one-year programs we've had now that there's there are certain configurations that are conducive to some of the more exciting and dynamic programs. Every program I teach uses a curriculum that continues to evolve and be adapted, and every year, you get a little bit better at teaching, too. So I think this is going to be an exciting program anyway.
So if you stick around after I sign off, just a short video today covering this Jupiter, Venus dynamic, and Taurus, stick around after I sign off; you can learn a little bit about horary if you don't know anything about it, it's just a very brief little video you need a little bit of background in traditional astrology needs to know ask aspects house meanings, you need to understand dignities if you have a grasp on those things, then you are more than welcome to join the horary course without needing to have taken any of our other programs.
However, if traditional astrology is relatively new to you, then I recommend starting with the year one program, which starts June 16. Either way, there is need-based tuition, and there's need-based tuition assistance on the website; go to nightlight Need-based tuition is there for all of our programs. If you could use it, you sign up using a sliding scale, and we will match you with a plan that reflects what you can afford as a monthly tuition. So, on that note, I will sign off and stick around to hear more about the worry program. We'll see you guys again tomorrow. Bye
In studying astrology for years, especially my own complex chart, every once in a while I watch your cheerful, informative and engaging videos.
Today’s video was probably one in which I totally resonated with, as I have Venus and Jupiter conjunct at the last degree of Aquarius in the 5th house–rebellious Dharma teacher–square my Scorpio Moon at 29-degrees 56-minutes in the 2nd house–emotionally attached to the Earth, home and sea. And my Scorpio Moon is in a closing quincunx with Uranus at 1-degree Cancer in the 9th–left home in the late 1960s, again in the 1970s and finally in the late 1980s.
So you can imagine maybe a little, the buzz I am starting to feel, as Venus and Jupiter go conjunct opposite my Moon and square my Venus/Jupiter conjunction. Plus all at the same time as, the Sagittarius full moon in a few days, quincunx my Uranus.
Living in a very unstable world right now, with the WHO Pandemic Treaty on the threshold of taking over the health of every country, my hopes and prayers for health freedom for all, will remain. . . You probably don’t know about this. But to me as you stated about Jupiter and Venus conjunction archetypes being extreme, I sadly picture, this dystopic disaster hiding within the globalist agenda now taking over the US Constitution and the health care around the world. . . I hope it isn’t passed.
Also, I have been studying the astrology of Israel and Netanyahu and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction was conjunct the Israel Sun, opposite its Chirion, the PLO Sun in Scorpio. Also, Israel’s Mars is conjunct Netanyahu’s Mars in Leo.
I am afraid that when Mars conjuncts Uranus, that Netanyahu, will either be arrested by the International Criminal Court, or he will perform his most brutal attack on the fleeing Palestinians in Rafah. . .
Well, I know you are extremely busy, teaching and giving podcasts, taking care of your family and much else, but I wanted to reach out to you, as there are no astrologers to engage with here, and you are so very friendly!
I left the states for good in 1988 and have been living on the island of Koh Samui in Thailand ever since.
It was a painful breakup with the States that I had after I finished a Masters in Education from Harvard, while also studying Buddhism, I realized that life would be too much of a struggle to make it in the USA, so as a Buddhist for many years already, I came here.
Meanwhile, there is much more.
Sending you Big Jupiter Blessings of Health, and Light, Blessings of Love, Peace and Wisdom, from Thailand.