Today, I'm thrilled to welcome Alex Skye, a distinguished therapist and astrologer and an esteemed alumni of our programs, to share her insights on the intriguing dynamics of the Venus-Saturn conjunction in Pisces. Alex's unique perspective promises to offer deep, practical insights into this significant astrological event.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. I am out of town this week and, so I am very glad to be hosting two of my friend's colleagues, a few people who have gone through the nightlight programs, and Alex Amorosi and Alexandra Skye. Alex did the first two videos of the week on Mercury Retrograde in Aries and the sun moving into the equinox moment of zero Aries. Today, Alexandra Skye will be with us, giving us a talk on Venus and Saturn. So I'm very happy to have her here giving a talk on Venus Saturn; you will see that she is here next week as well. We're going to be replaying a talk that she did on counseling skills in astrology, which was fantastic.
She's a therapist, a wonderful astrologer, and an alumnus of our programs. And today, she's gonna be talking about The Venus Saturn conjunction in Pisces. I know you guys are going to enjoy it, and she will tell you more about herself and where you can find more of her work online in the meantime before we get into it.
As always, don't forget to like and subscribe to share your comments and reflections. If you've got a story to tell about Venus Saturn this week, use the hashtag grabbed or email us your story
You can find a transcript of any of my daily talks on the website, Where I'm going to be promoting a couple of things today. The first thing that I want to remind you of is the upcoming speaker series. So if you go to the events tab and click on speaker series, you'll see that this weekend, Dan Waites is giving a talk on Pluto and Aquarius, and next weekend, Joli Knott is giving a talk on the lot of fortune. So you can check those out. And those are quarterly.
We always have three new speakers a quarter. They're free. They're put on because of the success of the Kickstarter. If you go to events and click on live talks, you'll also see that the next talk in my monthly webinar series is coming up on April 18. It's not too early. You can register right now to participate in the Uranus in Love talk, which we'll be doing just a couple of days before Jupiter and Uranus get together. We're going to be looking at Uranus and its significations in love and relationships. And yeah, whether you have a signature natively that involves Uranus and the topic of love and relationships, or you have a transit, say to Venus or the seventh house.
A number of others make sense, and this is a good place to go and learn more about that subject. It's open to beginners; it's specific enough that advanced students should get something out of it. When you register, we send you a live link. If you can't make it live afterward, we send you the recording. The other thing is on the first-year course page, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic, where my first-year program and Hellenistic Astrology begin again on June 16.
So you may want to check that out. I will be promoting it in depth in the weeks to come, starting in April, but we are registered. We are open for registration needs. Based tuition is available. If you want to apply for that, you can use the early bird payment to register or get set up with a payment plan. So, that is now open for enrollment. The other thing that I'm promoting is, of course, my wife Ashley's herbal apprenticeship program, which is back open.
We have been working together on the subject of planets and plants for many years, and her herbal apprenticeship is a great thing to partner with your love of astrology. If you check it out on the sky House website, you can look under the Courses page to learn more about the herbal foundation's apprenticeship. There is need-based tuition assistance. It's a year-long program.
All of the modules are recorded so you can follow along at your own pace. There are breakout study sessions that she leads between modules that you watch on your own time. The really great program starts on April 24. I will be interviewing Ashley at the end of today's content if you have not checked out that interview yet. I've been posting it at the end of the videos as a way for you to get to know the program and think about registering. If you want to learn more about her work, the regular video content that she makes is that of Skyhouse Herbs, or you can follow her on Instagram at Skyhouse Herbs. So yeah, that is it for promotions. I hope that you will enjoy Alexandra's presentation on Venus Saturn today, and we will see you again tomorrow.
Hi, everyone. My name is Alex Skye, and I am going to be filling in for Adam today as he is away on vacation. I know it can be a little bit alarming to hear a voice that you are not expecting. So hello. Again, my name is Alex, and I am a student of nightlight astrology. I am currently in the year two program, and I took your one last year. It's just such an honor to be on this channel speaking with you guys. I feel like I've definitely developed a sense of community with the nightlight astrology alumni and students in the classes. So it's just nice to be able to come on here and talk with you guys.
Today, I'm going to talk about the archetype of Saturn in conjunction with Venus. I'm going to be talking about this in a little bit of a vacuum because I know that there's going to be another video this week. Not done by me, but someone else is talking about Venus conjunct Saturn, which is happening on Thursday, March 21. But that other video will kind of, you know, include the context of what else is happening in the sky. And maybe more specifically, talk about Venus and Saturn in Pisces. But again, today, I'm just going to be talking about the archetypal combination of Venus conjunct Saturn in general. And I'm really excited to share my ideas with you guys.
Before I get into it, I just want to kind of follow Adams's steps as he always does with his intro. He definitely, and I would encourage you guys to subscribe to the YouTube channel to like any of the videos. All of this helps his channel to grow. Also, you can check out more about the Nightlight school and readings with Adam and other offerings that he has, such as live webinars or recordings of other things that he's done in the past.
You can check all of that out at his website at And before I get into all of this, too, I guess I will shamelessly plug myself here right at the beginning. If you end up, you know, kind of liking my style, or you've heard my voice somewhere before, and you want to follow me on Instagram and see what else I'm doing. I would love that. My Instagram handle is And yeah, just give me a follow and say hi. Share your thoughts about this podcast.
I would love that. I'm also doing readings right now. I don't know how long I will be giving readings, but right now, I'm giving 75-minute Birth Chart readings. If you are interested in that, you can find me at
Okay, let's get into it. So I structured this video very similar to how Adam structures a lot of his videos, and I am talking about five things that you can just kind of like not really watch for because, again, I'm not really talking about the transit. But five archetypal themes that will help you get to know Venus Saturn a little bit more. Before I go into it, I just want to bring up the clock, the real-time clock here, and show you Venus and Saturn coming together in the sky on Thursday, March 21. So, let me just share my screen here so you may be able to see my notes. Okay.
Okay, so here is the real-time clock, and this is set for March 21, 2024. And right up here in Pisces, you can see Venus and Saturn coming together at 12 degrees, Pisces right in the middle. What I want to do really quickly, even though I'm not including all of the contexts in my talk today, is to show you guys a little something, something here. So I'm gonna go back a couple of days. And so I'm going back to March 17. And you can see that the sun is co-present with Venus and Saturn here in Pisces. So the sun's co-present, but as the days as the days kind of go on, the sun leaves Pisces and enters Aries. And this means Venus and Saturn are here in Pisces all by themselves. So there's just a really strong emphasis on the Venus-Saturn archetype right now because they're the only two in Pisces. And this doesn't last very long because just a couple of days after three days after Mars enters Pisces, so then there are some Marzi archetypes here with Venus conjunct Saturn.
So I think that this is just really, I'm not gonna say unique, but I think that this is just really special that on March 21, Venus and Saturn get the Temple of Pisces all to themselves. So that's kind of even more of a reason to go into just like Venus and Saturn in a vacuum. Okay, so I'm going to take down the real-time clock now. Okay, back to my face. So, you know, I kind of structured this out, like I said, Five archetypal themes to consider when you're getting to know Venus conjunct Saturn. The first archetypal theme is what I just titled values and fears. So, Venus conjunct Saturn reminds me of a type of therapy. For those of you who don't know me, I'm also a licensed mental health therapist. It reminds me that Venus conjunct Saturn reminds me of this type of therapy, which is called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or some people call it Act AACT.
And what Act does are the, you know, the foundations that act kind of? I don't know. Considers whether we are making values-based decisions. Or are we making fear-based decisions? And I think Venus is very much. So, like, I'm going to make a values-based decision; this is my value; this is what's important to me. And I am going to go ahead and move throughout my life knowing that I am moving; you know, my anchor is my values; my values are driving me to make the decisions that I'm making. A fear-based decision would be, you know, I'm sure you guys can probably gather where I'm going, but a fear-based decision would be, I'm afraid that this is gonna happen, or, you know, if I don't do this, what if? Or what would this person think of me? I don't want them to think this way.
So I'm going to act this way. Those are all very, you know, fear-based decisions, which are totally human and normal to have. But the conjunction of Saturn and Venus, really, I feel like, just speaks to the question of whether I am making a values-based decision. Or am I making a fear space decision? Another part of this type of therapy, Acceptance, and Commitment Therapy, is also a kind of Venus on Saturday. Because what it invites us to do is, let's look at the reality of the situation, you know, we can often kind of jump up into our heads and dream about what a situation could be, or should be, or, you know, whatever it is, but Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is really like, okay, what are the facts, let's look at this situation, as the reality, it doesn't matter, kind of like what you hoped it would be.
I mean, of course, that does matter. But let's consider the reality first. And by considering that reality, which is very Saturn, then we can step into a place of empowerment and choose how we want to respond to that reality. And I feel like choosing how I want to respond is Venus Saturn in itself because the Empowered choice kind of reminds me of Venus. And then the commitment part, you know, like, I'm going to commit to how I decided I want to respond based on what the reality is. And that commitment part is Saturn, as well. You know, so Venus and Saturn really are back and forth regarding how you're moving through the world. And asking us to see, you know, the world for what it is and commit to making a values-based decision on how to move forward with something based on our hearts.
Another thing, you know, kind of along this theme is that when I picture Venus and Saturn coming together in a conference room, I feel like Saturn can be something of sacred doubt, in a way. You know, Saturn often shows up in our minds. Are you sure you want to do that? Or does food need to be thought about this way? Or, oh, I don't know how that's gonna kind of go. It just, you know, there's some hesitation; perhaps there's just some questioning. And a lot of times when those little questions kind of pop into our minds, we think, Oh, just because I'm having this question.
That means I probably shouldn't do it. Just because the question of hey, are you sure comes into my mind? That means like, oh, gosh, no, I shouldn't do it. But really, what if that is Saturn? You know, really, what Saturn is asking is that question: Are you asking for you to just consider it for you to consider? Okay, am I sure? That question doesn't have to be a threat. And I think with Venus right next to Saturn, we can allow space for those sacred doubts, and we can have a relationship with those questions. So when we find ourselves asking, oh, my gosh, am I sure about this? I'm kind of going back and forth. Just sit with it, you know, and you can answer, Yeah. 100% I'm sure about this because, you know what, this decision that I'm about to make is based on my values, and that's all sad or needs.
Okay, great. I'm glad that you're sure about it. I just had to ask. Again, it's not a threat. Sometimes, you might sit with it and be like, oh, gosh, like, I'm really not sure because that is not in alignment with my values. Or I actually don't know if I subscribe to those values anymore. And that is like questioning, do I? Or, you know, like, Yeah, something like that. That questioning is very Saturn as well. So, Venus and Saturn coming together are a lot of questions and asking, Why are you doing this, and are you sure, okay? I just wanted to make sure I can lead with my heart.
Number two, the next archetypal, you know, kind of representation of Venus and Saturn, is I titled this one, realizing that we're all alone together. And this talk might get a little heavy at times. But I also think that that's kind of appropriate for Venus conjunct Saturn. But I titled this, we're All Alone Together, because that's a lyric in probably a lot of songs, to be honest, but in a song that I really liked by this band called Mount Joy. But there are a couple of different points that I want to make here with this kind of overarching theme of being all alone together. When Venus and Saturn are together, it can bring up a lot of feelings of being misunderstood. Feelings of, you know, I don't, I don't really belong, or some kind of general loneliness. You know, Saturn is very, not very, you know, but Saturn can be isolating, and kind of looking at things from a distance or, you know, pondering deep, far away from society.
Venus wants to be with other people and be accepted, or she just wants to be in a relationship. And so when those two planets come together, it could be recognizing this space, you know, I'm very aware of the distance between myself and everyone else. And what, you know, what do we do with that? But it definitely can come up. Venus and Saturn can bring up feelings of being misunderstood and feeling alone. And I guess the kind of bullet points that I have underneath that is one, you know, Venus and Saturn can kind of just show us that there is actually a comfort in knowing that we're not the only one feeling alone if that makes sense.
You know, we are; when I was thinking about this, I didn't know if you guys had ever watched the show Weeds. I feel like that was out a little bit ago. But the opening song to Weeds was like something about little boxes, all in a row type of thing. And I don't, you know, we might feel like we're in this little box all by ourselves, and everyone else is mingling together. And we're the only ones in this little box. But I think if we take a step back and gain some perspective, which Saturn is very good at letting us do, we might realize that, like, I'm in my little box, and someone else's in their little box and someone else's in their little box, and we all might be feeling the exact same thing.
But we're not talking about it. You know, and this is almost beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. Because it's heartbreaking to know that we might feel isolated and feel like we're the only ones, but beautiful to know that we're not, you know, to know that we're not, and I guess the encouragement here would be to talk about it. You know, talk about the loneliness, talk about the melancholy, talk about the depression, because chances are, again, you're not the only one in your bubble feeling this way. And that's not to invalidate what you're going through; you know, everyone's going through loneliness at a different level. But when we talk about it, we realize that other people are feeling this, too. And even though it's not exactly the same, they can connect to the same emotion. Another thing, too, under this kind of we're all alone together umbrella, is that sometimes Venus and Saturn can feel like, well, I feel really alone. But I've also, you know, Saturn often talks about the responsibility, right?
So what's your responsibility here? And sometimes, you know, we can feel like, well, there's so much distance between me and everyone else. But it's like, what, well, did you how did you play a role here? You know, what is your involvement, I guess, with this distance between you and other people, and sometimes Saturn can show up, because Saturn and Venus can show up together because Venus is a little like, I don't know if I can show parts of myself, you know, I don't know if I can show the certain parts of myself.
I'm kind of scared, you know like Venus and Saturn to be a little bit of scared of vulnerability, a little bit of fear of vulnerability, and showing our eccentric, quirky, you know, our interest, whatever it is with other people, and so we don't, and so we kind of just like keep it in and keep it to ourselves. And then we can feel that distance because we're not sharing, and so I think that Venus and Saturn are coming together. They both can be really good teachers. Venus can offer Saturn a little bit of space here. And maybe I can try to show myself a little bit more. I might find out that other people actually relate to this part of me that I thought no one would understand.
Another thing here is that going along with this kind of distance theme, feeling distance in relationships or feeling distance with, you know, society at large is one reason that we might feel the distance between people, whoever it is, you know, between people is that we possibly have the tendency to look at our differences as a bad thing.
You know, you think this way, I think this way, we can't be friends. I mean, that's very, like black and white and dramatic, but we often think of our differences of the bad thing, oh, how can I relate to this person? We have nothing in common.
Yes, like I understand, if you're gonna hang out with someone or become friends with someone, you probably want to have a common interest. But differences don't have to divide us. And I think Saturn and Venus can show us that our differences can actually bring us together in a way. And what I mean by that is that Saturn and Venus invite us to ponder the idea that our differences can create unity, harmony, and love. Because you can say to yourself, you know, in general, like, oh, I can create a purposeful distance between me and this other person. And what I mean by that is like, take a step away, and unblended from someone else's journey, someone else's ideas, someone else's values, take a step away, and allow them to just be, you know, allow them to just be living their journey, the way that they're living it. And that does not have to affect you.
You know, I know that oftentimes, like when we're in relationships, of course, it affects you, but I'm just thinking, more broadly, of it doesn't always have to affect you. And we can take a couple of steps back, and we can just kind of admire the person for their uniqueness in front of us, we don't have to hop on the wagon with them, you know, we don't have to suddenly like change the way that we're looking at the world, their ideas aren't better or less than, than yours. But Venus and Saturn can, like I keep saying, kind of highlight the space between, which can make you feel very lonely. But it also can encourage us to make space between in order to get a different perspective on someone else's journey. That can be the way I honor my path and I honor your path. And we can walk along the paths together. But we don't have to merge. I think that Venus and Saturn are very good at reminding us that we don't have to merge and we can just appreciate.
Okay, the next point that I had here is that I just titled this the name of a song. I'm sure that a lot of you guys know this song. But the next kind of archetypal theme is Lily used to love me when I was no longer young and beautiful. This is a quote from Lana Del Rey, and it is, you know, one of the most popular songs in The Great Gatsby. But just kind of like, you know, those of you who I'm assuming are listening have a lot of astrology knowledge. So just sit with the Venus and argot of Venus and Saturn archetype. And just think of, you know, this song, think of that lyric, will you still love me when I'm no longer young, beautiful.
There's a little fear there. I mean, there's curiosity, you know, but there's also a little fear, they're like, what, I will not, you know, be like this forever, like, I will not be vibrant, vivacious, you know, sexy, whatever it is, forever time is happening, you know, time is just occurring. And it's almost like the, the rows kind of, like, withering away in Venus and Saturn archetype is very much so that, you know, that image and that song and, and all of that. And I think, you know, I broke this, I broke this down a little bit too. And so I'll kind of go through that. But this is something that all of us go through, you know, not just women, you know, all of us go through like, time is working on me whether I like it or not, and this innocence, this purity, this like smoothness, you know, won't last. And that brings up the question of, well, what do I want to do with it? Because it's here now, and then how do I kind of, like, go through these phases and allow the previous phase to kind of melt away and step into the next phase?
With that being said, Venus and Saturn can represent almost the cycle in a relationship, the cycle of time. I'm very Saturn in a relationship, you know, obviously very Venus. You start out in a relationship with like, like all the bubbly, like butterflies, kind of like giddy feelings. And it's so young, and it's so pure, and you're just learning, and you're getting to know, and it just is such a butterfly II. And then after that phase, you kind of enjoy the next phase of intermingling, you know, you meet each other's.
Obviously, every relationship looks different, but you meet each other's families and friends and things like that, and it gets a little deeper, and then maybe you move in together, you know, and then you really see each other raw when you move in together. And then you might start to have conversations like, do we really commit to one another? Do we get married and do this thing? And then comes maybe Adventures of traveling or having kids and, you know, then it comes maybe taking care of your own parents, and it just continues to evolve and evolve, and then you become older. And I can't even imagine what that's like. But you see, there's no way you don't have any control over this; it just happens. And with each phase kind of fading away, there's a little bit of grief there.
You know, there's a little bit of, like, Ah, I love that honeymoon phase, but I don't really want it to end. But also the sweetness of like, ooh, now we can like to settle in, we don't have to, like, try so hard. Of course, you always want to put in obviously work in a relationship, but you guys know what I mean. So there's a little bit of grief and sweetness happening with the cycle of relationships, and Venus and Saturn really represent that cycle. And in going back to kind of the, you know, Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? I think that cycle was very potent for that.
Also, it could be done more on the surface level. I think that that archetype speaks of the, you know, mostly for women who probably understand this, but like, I don't want to wear makeup anymore. Like I just don't want to do it, I don't want to do the hair, I don't want to wear the makeup, I just want to be able to just be, you know, and I'm sure that there's a lot of you, you people out there that have you know, certain opinions of makeup and everything else. But I think that on a surface level, it's just interesting to consider the Venus Saturn archetype as something as simple as that, just deciding not to wear makeup anymore. And just allowing yourself to really be seen for like rawness for who you are.
It reminds me of when I think recently, Pamela Anderson came out well; she did some sort of video. And she was just talking about how she was sick of it and that she just doesn't wear makeup anymore. And that's great. And she was empowering other people to do the same, I think, but I know that Alicia Keys kind of made a public statement that she's done wearing makeup. So it's just really interesting to consider and see Venus and Saturn in that simple Act.
On the same thread, you know, Venus and Saturn can look like the fear of what's going to happen when someone does see you vulnerable when all of like the glitz and the glam disappears and the honeymoon phase, you know, is over and things really do start to get real. The question of commitment comes up, and there could be a little bit of fear for Venus and Saturn. And that fear is sacred. And that fear is asking you. I think it kind of loops back up to the first point of whether this is a values-based decision or a severe basis. So there is a lot to consider there.
The next point that I have that speaks to Venus conjunct Saturn, that archetype is the, I guess, notion of becoming a woman. And you know, I'm sorry for the men out here that this doesn't necessarily speak directly to you, but maybe you have daughters, or you know, maybe you have a partner or something like that, but understanding what it becomes to be a woman and I think again with Saturn being time and just like the cycle of time and Venus representing women it kind of you know, what came up for me is like when a girl becomes a woman you know, maybe it's the first time an older woman refers to a girl as a young, a young woman that can be really powerful for someone really powerful for like a teenage girl or something like that to be like, oh, like I'm, I'm one of you, you know like I kind of like look up to you and You're considering me kind of the same. It just feels like an honor, I guess in a way.
Another thing here is that when you know women go through puberty for the first time, they get their period for the first time. That transition of like, I am no longer just a girl, you know I am here, I'm a woman, and I will be a woman. And that is very Venus Saturn two, there's a V as it Oh, it's called the women, the movie The Women with Jada Pinkett Smith and Meg Ryan, but there's a scene in it where Meg Ryan's Daughter, like, she gets her period for the first time, and she's burning a box of tampons. And she's just like, No way, like, I don't want this. I don't want, you know, it's kind of like the hero's journey a little bit. It's like this call in a way, and then it's like, no, I don't want it.
So becoming a woman, you know, there's, there's pain and grief and beauty. And there's a responsibility in it, too. And Venus and Saturn just speak to the whole thing, the pain and the grief of like, honestly, like not to get to the GP or, you know, but the pain and the grief of like, you know, a woman coming up into this world that is trying really, really hard to be balanced, I guess with like that feminine, that masculine, you know, but in a patriarchal society, that's really what I want to say is like a woman realizing that like, oh, okay, this is, this is how society functions. And this is how the narratives kind of go around men and women. And that's scary. You know, it is really scary once you learn how certain people are treated based on things that they can't control. So it's the pain and the grief around that. But it's also the beauty of learning that sisterhood is such a powerful thing. If you have the ability to connect with and empower other women, It's incredibly powerful.
Another image that comes up for me is a little girl, kind of like watching mom put on makeup or something like that. And just like, oh, wow, you know, that's very like Venus, Saturn. And I think another Venus Saturn thing along the same thread is like the responsibility of being a woman, the responsibility to not perpetuate toxic cycles that have just been here embedded in our society for a long time. I did not really mean talking about body image, not judging, in general, not excusing my language, but not slut shaming, you know, stopping it here.
And not to get too preachy. But there's a responsibility, which is Saturn, in being a woman, obviously. So yeah, understanding what it means to be a woman is very Venus and better. The last point that I had is the opening and closing of the heart through the cycle of grief. And, you know, grief can be like grief and bereavement and mourning the loss of a person. Grief can also be the loss of a part of you or, you know, something that's not a person. But the opening and the closing of the heart is very like that, kind of like contraction and expansion, which is very Venus, Saturn, you know, Venus is obviously the heart here. And Saturn is the like, ooh, like, let's, let's protect this. Let's close this down. Let's keep this safe. And Saturn is also the like; well, what happens if we just open it a little bit and see what's beyond? You know, because Saturn is that kind of gatekeeper between, like, realms, I guess, in a way. And I can also be that gatekeeper between the opening and the closing of the heart.
So, you know, when we experience grief, we might feel that like, ooh, like, I think it's very, very common to feel that urge to just, I'm going to close shut down, I'm going to protect my heart, I'm going to retreat, I'm going to detach. All of this is sacred. All of this belongs, you know, even that closing even that pain, even that detaching, you know, and that is Venus and Saturn. It's also Venus and Saturn that made me realize I can't keep this close anymore. I actually have to open my heart up again.
So it's both the opening and the closing. And again, Venus might kind of help Saturn with this to Saturn knows. I think Saturn really knows what's beyond the pain sometimes, but I think Saturn kind of wants us to figure it out on our own. And with Venus conjunct to Saturn, Venus can be very curious about, like, well, what it would be like if I opened up my heart? Again? Insider might be like, I don't know, why don't you try it and see what happens? Kind of like that older that like parent finger. And then Venus might allow you to kind of open up again. Venus and Saturn, too, are along the same thread, and they are choosing to continue to love and be a part of this material realm. Even though we all know that there's an impermanent sea to things, we all know the cycle. And we all know that one day, like ours, our days will end. In Venus and Saturn, that archetype is like, No, you know what I'm gonna love? Anyway, I'm gonna love anyway, I'm going to make relationships anyway, I'm going to be a part of this earth. Anyway. Even though impermanence is looming, I guess they're just coming.
Sometimes, on the other end, Venus and Saturn might be like, No, I'm going to shut down, and I'm not going to open up, and I'm going to become possibly cynical and jaded for a little bit. Both sides can be sacred; I think, obviously, the medicine here is an insight into what this jadedness and sinfulness are. Asking me? You know, it might be something very special. There might be an answer for you there. But you guys can see how Venus and Saturn can be both like, Well, I'm gonna live my life anyway. And I'm actually gonna live it to the fullest. And I'm going to, you know, sometimes, I'm at the tangent thing a little bit here. But sometimes, when we are face to face with loss and death, it really does ask us to reorient our values. You know like, seeing, watching, witnessing, and experiencing someone pass away is hard in itself. Also, we might start to contemplate how we live our lives. Am I living my life really in accordance with my values?
So grief can kind of teach us to reorient ourselves a little bit. I think about, like, the stage of development to with it, like it's like Erikson stage of development or whatever, you know, some sort of like, textbook thing, but at the later stages of life, you know, I think it's called like ego, identity versus despair, or something like that. But it's basically asking; it's saying that, at a certain time of our life, when we're like 80 years old, or something like that, we're, you often ask yourself the question of like, what am I happy about? You know, what am I grateful for? Why am I so glad that I did that? Or you might be faced with the like, oh, man, I really wish that I did that, or could have done that. That contemplation is very Venus, Saturn, and it doesn't just have to come at the end of our lives. You know, I think it can come at any point. And I think that grief can teach us these things along the way.
So yeah, I think that all of those are, you know, kind of, hopefully, like a little, hopefully a little different flavors of Venus and Saturn. And you can see how, how, just like broad and layered it can be. And yeah, I'm really looking forward to the other video on the nightlight channel about Venus and Saturn in Pisces and in the air right now. And I would encourage you guys to kind of like take what I talked about today, and then take what that video talks about and kind of come up with your own conclusions and ask yourself like, okay, like, Where do I see Venus and Saturn, within myself or around me right now. So this was really fun. And I hope that you guys got a lot out of this. Again, my name is Alex Skye. You can find me on Instagram at Thank you so much, and I will maybe be seeing you soon.
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