Venus is approaching a conjunction to Neptune, and meanwhile, Mercury is moving into a sextile with Saturn as the Moon is about to enter Taurus and make its opening sextile with the Sun.
What to watch for:
* Whenever the Moon is making its opening/waxing sextile with the Sun you can think about an initial stage of compromise, harmonizing, and agreement within the overall process of the monthly Moon cycle. We are gathering resources as we push forward with our desires and plans, or the cosmos is conspiring to push our various dramas along as the opening light of the Moon harmonizes with the Sun.
* The Sun in Pisces reflects the gestations of Spring and the last remnants of winter. We are churning inside, ready and longing for the emergence into the light half of the year. Meanwhile, today’s Moon entering its exaltation in Taurus should provide us with a solid level of practical support and comfort along the way.
* Meanwhile, Mercury in Pisces is traveling close to the Sun and moving into a sextile with Saturn in Capricorn. Sometimes the most difficult part of being confused about something is the simple process of articulating exactly what you’re confused about. Thankfully, the sextile support of Saturn in Capricorn may help us through the weeds on this one. We may find that teachers, elders, or people more grounded than ourselves are showing up to offer us some practical advice or wisdom. Sometimes all we need is for someone to come along and say, “Hey, did you know that your shoe is stuck in the mud and you’re soaking wet?” “Right!” we say. “Thank you. Can you help me with this?” “Sure!”
* Mercury and Saturn in a sextile also suggest a synthesis of intelligence and experience, maturity and eloquence, or thoughtfulness and economy at once.
* Don’t forget that most of us need more than just our questions satisfied. Though we like to think there is a very clear distinction between the head and the heart, the truth of the matter is that the heart is intelligent, and its needs are intelligent, as well. The reason that so many world religions utilize song, mantra, poetry, and prayer together, as one, is for just this reason. The needs of the heart are intelligent, and the real ministers are always capable of speaking to both at once, never condemning one as though it is absolutely separate from the other.
* Finally, Venus is coming into a conjunction with Neptune. So, that means it’s time to throw caution to the wind, jump into a relationship and say I love you too quickly, beg all your friends and family to believe it’s different this time, and then start counting down the moments to misery. š Kidding. So be careful of getting lost, intoxicated, and deluded right now.
* Venus and Neptune bring together the mystical and the beautiful, the sensual and the transcendental, friendship and imagination, love and spiritual bliss. Venus and Neptune highlight the importance of being around people who fill your cup versus being around those who drain you. Venus and Neptune are like a flash in the pan, and the whisper, “don’t you wish you had THIS.” Sometimes it helps to perform a simple exercise with Venus and Neptune. Imagine yourself fully satisfied with the object of your desire. Just imagine getting exactly what you want. Then, imagine it turning boring, or sour. Imagine it doing what most things do and wearing out over a long period of time…or perhaps a short period of time…just imagine the thing you want finally falling apart. Then take a deep breath and return to the present moment and contemplate the object of your desire again. Often enough this little exercise will help us to avoid the temptation of getting lost in something unhealthy.
* Pay attention to what is attracting you right now. It’s a good moment to reinforce our relationships to those things, people, places, and practices, that promote spiritual happiness.
* Remember, most things worth loving require duty. Love and faith and affection for our spiritual practices require that we teach ourselves how to love what is healthy for us. We have to learn how to like and develop a certain kind of personal attachment to what is healthy for us. This kind of discipline requires patience, forgiveness, tenderness and affection, not just a stiff upper lip or a military level of commitment. We almost never learn how to love what is healthy for us without a consistent combination of both discipline and affection at once. Then, eventually, most traditions tell us that our practices naturally become more personal, creative, spontaneous, and without the same need for the mood of discipline. These are important things to remember right now as all of the four planets in Pisces are relating intimately with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn!
Prayer: Teach us to live as we pray and pray as we live. Provide us with friends, shelter, comfort, laughter, and sweetness along the way.
What to watch for:
* Whenever the Moon is making its opening/waxing sextile with the Sun you can think about an initial stage of compromise, harmonizing, and agreement within the overall process of the monthly Moon cycle. We are gathering resources as we push forward with our desires and plans, or the cosmos is conspiring to push our various dramas along as the opening light of the Moon harmonizes with the Sun.
* The Sun in Pisces reflects the gestations of Spring and the last remnants of winter. We are churning inside, ready and longing for the emergence into the light half of the year. Meanwhile, today’s Moon entering its exaltation in Taurus should provide us with a solid level of practical support and comfort along the way.
* Meanwhile, Mercury in Pisces is traveling close to the Sun and moving into a sextile with Saturn in Capricorn. Sometimes the most difficult part of being confused about something is the simple process of articulating exactly what you’re confused about. Thankfully, the sextile support of Saturn in Capricorn may help us through the weeds on this one. We may find that teachers, elders, or people more grounded than ourselves are showing up to offer us some practical advice or wisdom. Sometimes all we need is for someone to come along and say, “Hey, did you know that your shoe is stuck in the mud and you’re soaking wet?” “Right!” we say. “Thank you. Can you help me with this?” “Sure!”
* Mercury and Saturn in a sextile also suggest a synthesis of intelligence and experience, maturity and eloquence, or thoughtfulness and economy at once.
* Don’t forget that most of us need more than just our questions satisfied. Though we like to think there is a very clear distinction between the head and the heart, the truth of the matter is that the heart is intelligent, and its needs are intelligent, as well. The reason that so many world religions utilize song, mantra, poetry, and prayer together, as one, is for just this reason. The needs of the heart are intelligent, and the real ministers are always capable of speaking to both at once, never condemning one as though it is absolutely separate from the other.
* Finally, Venus is coming into a conjunction with Neptune. So, that means it’s time to throw caution to the wind, jump into a relationship and say I love you too quickly, beg all your friends and family to believe it’s different this time, and then start counting down the moments to misery. š Kidding. So be careful of getting lost, intoxicated, and deluded right now.
* Venus and Neptune bring together the mystical and the beautiful, the sensual and the transcendental, friendship and imagination, love and spiritual bliss. Venus and Neptune highlight the importance of being around people who fill your cup versus being around those who drain you. Venus and Neptune are like a flash in the pan, and the whisper, “don’t you wish you had THIS.” Sometimes it helps to perform a simple exercise with Venus and Neptune. Imagine yourself fully satisfied with the object of your desire. Just imagine getting exactly what you want. Then, imagine it turning boring, or sour. Imagine it doing what most things do and wearing out over a long period of time…or perhaps a short period of time…just imagine the thing you want finally falling apart. Then take a deep breath and return to the present moment and contemplate the object of your desire again. Often enough this little exercise will help us to avoid the temptation of getting lost in something unhealthy.
* Pay attention to what is attracting you right now. It’s a good moment to reinforce our relationships to those things, people, places, and practices, that promote spiritual happiness.
* Remember, most things worth loving require duty. Love and faith and affection for our spiritual practices require that we teach ourselves how to love what is healthy for us. We have to learn how to like and develop a certain kind of personal attachment to what is healthy for us. This kind of discipline requires patience, forgiveness, tenderness and affection, not just a stiff upper lip or a military level of commitment. We almost never learn how to love what is healthy for us without a consistent combination of both discipline and affection at once. Then, eventually, most traditions tell us that our practices naturally become more personal, creative, spontaneous, and without the same need for the mood of discipline. These are important things to remember right now as all of the four planets in Pisces are relating intimately with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn!
Prayer: Teach us to live as we pray and pray as we live. Provide us with friends, shelter, comfort, laughter, and sweetness along the way.
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