Today I'm taking a look at Venus' conjunction with Saturn and square to Uranus.
Hi everyone this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Friday everybody. Today we are going to take a look at Venus's conjunction with Saturn and square to Uranus, which I mentioned in my February overview video but as promised, we are going to talk about it in order to kind of bring the archetypes back into our conscious awareness as it is occurring.
We're also we're heading into the dark part of a Moon cycle here you can see the Moon coming down through the waning sextile to the Sun. And we will have a New Moon in about six days on the 11th that's a big new moon we'll be talking about for sure this big massive stellium in Aquarius Mercury has been retrograde in Aquarius, I haven't spent a lot of time talking about Mercury, though I certainly could have. So we'll mention a little bit of mercury today at the end. But first we're going to talk about Venus getting into it with Saturn. And then we're going to talk about Venus going right through the square to Uranus in Taurus. That is the lineup before us at the moment. So remember that you have Venus in an air sign, which is often reflective of friendships or relationships. It is a that are more like what I want to say the friends that you like to go out to dinner with the friends that you share similar ideas dreams visions with Venus in Aquarius is a very gregarious Venus and also one who loves to share interesting ideals or you know will often find camaraderie in similar philosophies or intellectual perspectives. Sometimes you could broaden that out to say groups I'm always feel like that words a little generic, so I'm careful with it. But Venus and Saturn together can suggest anything ranging from the deepening of commitments, the clarifying of boundaries, as well as the termination of relationships. The reason for that is that Saturn is serious. And so Venus to Saturn is seriousness in friendships and relationships within groups or within people that you share similar, you know, again, sort of similar philosophies with or similar spiritual perspective or a similar political view or something like that.
So you can get more serious about those connections socially, they can become weightier and more profound. And that's a that's a benefit of Venus Saturn, on the other hand, Venus Saturn can speak to the end of relationships as in Saturn representing the limit or the sense of decay in winter and death and impermanence. So Venus-Saturn can be about the end of relationships, so different kinds of social relationships. So that is something that's really weighing on my mind kind of heavily today, actually, because there was a young man who really liked my work, who thought of me as something of like an astrological mentor, but who also had some really serious mental health problems. And at times, he would write me with really, like really loving my work and loving astrology and stuff like that, and then sometimes became really sort of deranged and had real serious mental health problems, and ended up reaching out to some of his friends. That happened to be mutual friends, through Facebook, and so forth. And, you know, his family was contacted and we'vecome to find out, he did have some pretty serious mental health problems. And this young man ended up taking his own life a couple days ago. And so this was, as Venus is coming in to Saturn, I've been having these deeper reflections on the responsibility of holding a space like this as a social media personality or something like that, or a YouTube creator.
If I look back and reflect on is that there were times on YouTube, where in this very channel, where you know, sometimes the conversations that arose from him or from someone else, like going after him, they didn't like something he said, I would have to delete whole threads because it would disturb him so much, and it would get blown out so bad. And over time, this led me to become really worried about this particular person who I don't know who's just out there. So that's an interesting thing about Venus and Saturn in Aquarius is that there's the sense least I've been feeling this sense of like community stewardship and the serious responsibility. Trying to create like minded but also safe places. And some of the questions that are surrounding that. I mean, just as a little microcosm, something that's been on my mind this week, obviously, that's just like a little microcosm of what's happening.
In a broader sense when we're thinking about the people making the rules on social media platforms, who's allowed to say what and who's not, questions about censorship versus freedom, freedom of your rights versus the rights of a private company, like it's theirs, I'm not at all wanting to get into that debate, I'm just saying it's an it's an appropriate moment to be thinking about those things as Venus in Aquarius joins Saturn, it can also lead to the realisation that like I said, like certain kinds of parameters or boundaries need to be set in some kind of group or social setting. It can also be the marker of change in some kind of social setting, that you're in a workplace or within a network of friends, or in an online group or a classroom or something like that.
So you kind of got the idea of structure and the way things are formed or shaped in order to keep peace or to keep a spirit of camaraderie or kind of like agape. And that that Venus, Saturn might be thinking very seriously about that. Interestingly, there's also a lot to be said about any time Venus and Saturn are together, you can take all of these things and apply them to romantic love as well. So you can have kind of more serious themes coming up in intimate relationships around sexuality around marriage, and the deepening of commitment, the deepening of the bonds of love, especially through having to co navigate difficult times, and the way that love can turn into something beautiful, something that ages well with time. Its funny, just yesterday, my wife and I were reflecting on ageing. And I meant it very deeply like, and I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about, if you've had relationships that you've been with someone and you've aged together, I meant it very deeply, I looked at my wife and I said, you've become so much more beautiful to me in time, she was a little stressed out about ageing, and not in like a vain way. She was just, you know, we're coming into our, you know, in our 40s, and so forth. And I know, some people are gonna be like, you're spring chickens, whatever. But for us, it was like, a serious moment of like, we're ageing, you know, it's weird. Our kids are getting older, like, you know, there's certain like, things that our bodies are starting to do, and you don't like that. And I just looked at my wife, though, and I had this moment, it just I was just like, no, but you've gotten so much more beautiful in time. And it's not a it's a physical thing to me, in a sense, it's more than that. And I realised, as I was saying that I kind of laughed, and I looked at my wife was like, thank you, I don't know, but thank you. I laughed, and I was like, You know what, Venus is conjoining with Saturn right now. So it's the perfect time to be having this conversation.
And we both feel that way about each other. And I feel that way about my daughter too. We were talking about my daughter and I said even though I'm really going to miss some of the things that she's probably not going to want to do as much as she gets older, like come jump into my arms or want to cuddle, that kind of stuff, I imagine that's coming at some point. But I fall more deeply in love with my girls, when I see them age, you know, is there is there ageing, there's new dimensions of them, there's deeper. And the familiarity of time has a way of really deepening our connection. So embrace, in other words, the wrinkles of life. In fact, I was looking in the mirror the other day, and I was realising that I have like a new face wrinkle.
By the way, I learned a really important lesson while in an earlier phase in my life when I did a lot of psychedelics. And I basically came to this point where I like looked and I was looking into a mirror and I was like, never ever look into a mirror while you're like really, really high. It's like, just a big No. But then the second part of it was that I was looking in the mirror and I was like, you're not my friend mirror. You tell a lot of truths. But I'm not going to try to cosy up to you. And since then, since that experience in my life, I don't look into mirrors that often. I really don't I mean, even when I'm teaching and classes I can't look at the camera view of myself while I'm talking, I just I I can't do that. So why am I saying this? Well, when you're looking into a mirror, the mirror in a lot of ways is just going to give you that the physical view. I was looking into the mirror and I was looking and I was like, Oh, look at your you've got some new wrinkles, you know, and I was like, yeah, but you lie. You lie because you can only show me what's on the surface. And Venus, Saturn can do that too. Venus and Saturn can be a bold faced lie. That cloaks itself in the in reality, let me just tell you the truth. Let me level with you. I'm going to do you a favour I'm going to give it to you real like that. Venus, Saturn. And, you know, when someone says, Look, I just can't do you the disservice of blowing smoke up your ass. On the surface, that's nice. I really do want to hear the truth from you. But mirrors can lie, people who try to be completely blunt, and almost like I'm not gonna gloss over anything here. Like, it seems really noble on the surface to just be a realist and to give people the real truth and Venus Saturn can actually get into that.
But the downside of and there's always a season for everything. So there is a time to be like totally, just upfront and strip everything back to the basics and be realistic. But it's also true that the real beauty is something that lies behind the surface of things. Saturn's exaltation in Venus's home sign of Libra involves the scales the balance, and we always see you always see pictures of Lady Justice with the blindfold. And part of that, at least in the ancient archetypal sense, has to do with the fact that real truth is deeply mysterious, and is not based on superficial appearances. And a lot of the times when people say they're going to be honest with you, they're going to act like a mirror is honest with you, and the mirror will tell a certain level of truth. But if the mirror can't get down, deep below the surface, it's us. It's our consciousness, it's our subtle ability to perceive that gets below the surface. And that's why in the mirror of our relationships, even though superficially we might be ageing, we can see something deeper going on, I see something really deep inside of this inside of you inside of my girls as they age, you know what I mean? So just be careful of that feeling like, I'm just going to give you the mirrors truth here, right? I'm going to give you the brass tacks, no, no lies, you know, mirrors truth, well, you know, the mirror, sometimes don't look into a mirror while you're high. And consider the fact that, a lot of the times we're walking around the world where we are sort of high like we are sort of just out of our minds sometimes. And a lot of what we think we're doing when we tell each other the bare truth is not really the truth, it's actually might be quite superficial.
To see things very deeply, one has to spend time contemplating things very deeply. The other thing that Venus and Saturn are really good at is deep contemplation into the beauty or essence of things. You know, when was the last time I mean, I'm serious, try this exercise. Rudolf Steiner, recommended this exercise, by the way. And you'll find yogic traditions and mindfulness traditions doing it as well. Sit with something for a while. Take something simple, like an apple, and just sit down anywhere in your house and hold the apple and just sit with it for five minutes and turn it and contemplate it.
There is something about that, that will never make you see an apple, the same again. And it's the same way when we do that, for people in our lives. We sit not in a space of judgement, not in a space of trying to arrive at some conclusion, which is what the bottom line, let me just mirror for you the bottom line truth of the world type of people often like to do, but if you sit with something very, very deeply, then the mirror becomes it's a totally different kind of mirroring, we start to see things that are below the surface and we bring them out and then they can adorn people. One of the things that I was just thinking about when I was telling my wife like one of the reasons that I said you've gotten more beautiful is because my experience of her has been so different over the years, you know, and my experience of my girls keeps growing and building and if I sit and look at them from the standpoint of my interior, my soul, then all of this hidden depth starts to come out. So that's a really good thing to do with Venus Saturn. And go into the deep contemplative, serious steps of things and find hidden beauty.
A lot of the time, we think in modern astrology that only Neptune or Pluto or something like that is capable of such things. But in ancient astrology Saturn would have been the planet of it was the planet of contemplation. The way in which we can see hidden depths and beauty beyond superficial appearances, versus the superficial appearance, the mirrors the plain mirror level honesty, I go back to the psychedelic, don't look at mirrors instruction one more time. The reason for that was twofold. One, when you spend your time looking into a mirror all the time, your your, a lot of the time, you know, for me anyway, prior to having this experience, you know, the mirror was something that I thought told the truth and I had to like, adjust myself until it told me the truth I wanted to hear. So stepping away from it was about trying to reclaim a sense of presence, beauty, togetherness, etc, that was not so rooted in the feeling that that thing was going to tell me whether or not I was okay or good or whatever. So that's why I set mirrors out of my life, but then there's a second level to the instruction don't look in mirrors, you look in mirrors, when you're like in some kind of crazy psychedelic state, it will reveal things to you that are much deeper than what the mirror actually says. And that can be very terrifying to look at. So the other thing that's true about Venus, Saturn is that the mirror can go very, very deeply beyond the surface appearance, and it's not always easy to look at. What we see in Venus, Saturn can be about reconciling with this deeper stuff that's there in our relationships, or our social lives. That's how I'm feeling this week after this young man, you know, took his life. It just was a whole reflection. I can't go into it yet so much, but there was a whole reflection for me and it's still happening, I guess, on what it means to have a space like this and how people are affected by it and how I'm affected by it and so forth. So anyway, so it's that's Venus, Saturn.
Again, like Venus and Saturn in Aquarius can also coincide with different kinds of changes happening in broader social dimensions of our life talk a little about intimacy and intimate relationships. But again, the broader relationships are going to be the ones with your sort of philosophical companions that you keep your political or religious or people who share some kind of similar vision or ideology or belief or interests. So it's a very gregarious Venus again, and can reflect changes in larger social dynamics in your life.
Venus Saturn is also interacting with Uranus. So let's talk about the timing of this. So Venus will pass through the conjunction with Saturn today, February 5, and then tomorrow, February 6, all the way into the seventh that crosses over the square to Uranus, you're talking about this weekend, let's say the really the fourth through the seventh, you could say as a broad umbrella. Now, Venus Uranus, on the other hand, is kind of a totally different energy. Here you have the planet of rebellion, originality, defiance, sudden, disruptive. People always relate Uranus to electricity and to like electrical impulses and currents. So Venus Uranus is sparkly and fun and you know, bizarre and sort of flamboyant, Venus Uranus I mentioned in my February overview video is a bit like The Rocky Horror Picture Show. So that kind of peacock tail of Venus that is, you know, very full and sort of spectacular and strange all at once. That's the Venus that's also building over the weekend. So it's a really interesting, again, really interesting combination. Venus Uranus loves freedom and experimentation around love and relationships around beauty and art. There's a kind of pageantry with Venus Uranus, that's also like defiant and original, almost like a runway show where the models are wearing things that are like otherworldly or science fictiony or, you know, sort of fantastical and, or almost like potentially iconoclastic, like Venus Uranus is also willing to take something that is beautiful or sacred and sort of smash it, warp it, distort it, sometimes for the sake of creating some kind of message or sending a message.
Venus Uranus can also be about the need for experimentation sexually. That's a big one. And Venus Uranus is also something that can come up when relationships are being challenged due to the need for greater freedom or greater. Almost like you need a spark to awaken the relationship. Again, it's a really good time for relationships to be rekindled with sort of adventure and fun. But also you have to potentially watch out for the need for independence or experimentation to be sabotaging for intimacy, for commitment, and so forth. So if you take Venus Saturn, compared to Venus, Uranus, You know, like, last night,, my wife and I were, we were, as I mentioned, we were talking about ageing, and so forth. And I said, Oh, you look so beautiful as you age. And she said, Yeah, but I'm feeling like this really rebellious desire to, you know, try to reverse my ageing, I don't want to age and I know that my wife's not one of those people who thinks ageing is bad she's totally fine with it. But she's been feeling this rebellious impulse I was like, well, there's Venus, Uranus, that's the Venus Uranus impulse, people will get plastic surgeries, Botox, just stuff that is done to try to at least reverse the appearance of ageing, or slow down its appearance. At the same time I've had a number of clients over the years who've been in Hollywood, been in the industry, out in the film industry, and so forth. For both men and women, but often women, there's an expectation that if you want to keep up in the movie industry, you got to keep looking young, and you got to keep doing things like that. And sometimes there's also going to be the wreckage of trying to make your body look forever young, and the toll that it can take on the psyche, you're not good enough, unless you look this particular way. And sometimes there's a need to kind of defy or rebel against the standards that people set for beauty, you only look beautiful if you do this, or you only look beautiful, if you're this way. I always feel bad. Anytime that I've ever been, I don't know, at a grocery store or something and you see a tabloid and on the tabloid, they show like some celebrity looks like they're just trying to enjoy some chips and salsa on a beach somewhere. And you see they've got some tummy and it's like, oh, my God, look they're fat or something like that. And I'm always like, Man, what nastiness you know, no wonder people become suicidal. No wonder, it's just so mean.
So Venus, Uranus can also be about the need to, from the need to liberate ourselves, from what society or what other people tell society, what other people tell us is beautiful. Or it can also be the attempt to sort of defy your own natural look, do something that's sort of maybe unnatural on some level, in order to keep up with some image or ideal. Now, there's also anything involving non normative sexuality that can come up. Important moments in the history of feminism are important, feminist leaders kind of have Venus Uranus dynamics sometimes. So you have all of that. Now, when you put these together, you have this weird push and pull, which is already in the sky this month between Saturn and Uranus. And I wonder again, about looking at commitment versus freedom in relationships. And because Saturn is in the superior position. I wonder if we aren't looking at the way in which we can sort of reconcile with certain limitations in our life and, and certain kinds of commitments. How can we make it new? How can we make something that we can't get out of it that we're committed to or that we don't we? We don't want to leave or change but we also need some something to awaken or stimulate life again. It's like being bored, you know, if you've been mostly on sort of locked down during COVID I know everyone's got a different situation, but you can be like, well, I can't really change anything I have to work from home or I have to work, whatever the case might be. But how can I bring some newness into the routine that I'm sort of stuck in? I wonder about that same mentality for relationships right now, whether they're friendships or your social life or, you know, romantic or marriage or whatever the case might be.
Alright, so I think that's about all I want to say. Prayers up for be this young man who was a follower on this channel took his life. Man, it's heavy. So yeah, I'm just I'm just praying for the best for him. And let's be really good to each other. Create a safe space here on this YouTube channel. In the comment section, I try to do that myself always, I don't police people's comments, but I do tend to delete things if they're just mean spirited. And so I'm just looking back and you know, that Venus Saturn right now, a lot of it has to do with looking at how this young man in various online communities was treated and how those kinds of things triggered him. And that's really on my mind, it's, it's hard. It's like, you know, I'd be a hypocrite if I said, Oh, everyone should get rid of social media. It's how I make my living. It's what I do for a living. And I love podcasts, I love podcasts, I have five or six that I listen to regularly, that I love. They tend to be on bhakti, and yoga and stuff like that. I am thinking a lot about how can this be healthier. And one of the things that it's led me to thinking about the creation of more deliberate spaces in the next few years for more direct talk about spiritual life and spiritual practice. You know, I blend those things on my YouTube channel, as you all know, most of the time, but I feel like there's space for more of that, because I think the more emails that I do, the more work with Bhakti I do, the more spiritual dimension of the work that I cultivate. It just seems like it would be a nice thing at some point to create more intentional spiritual space for studying the Gita for studying bhakti yoga for talking about meditation, Japa, mantra, meditation, things like that. So there's some of the things that are on my mind after this young man, just past that, at any rate, send up prayers for him and his family and again, that this, this YouTube channel would really be a place where people, the best in us would come out we'd share invaluable things for spiritual life and for the study of astrology. Alright, that's what I've got today. I'd love to hear your stories about Venus, Saturn and Venus, Uranus, what are you experiencing? How have you noticed it? Yesterday, I had a reading with a fantastic person who is this amazing designer like a costume designer and listen to this person's life. I was like this. It was such perfect timing for Venus, Saturn, Venus, Uranus, this very brilliant art artistic person who makes these very otherworldly costumes. Anyway, so I'd love to hear your stories. How is Venus Saturn, Venus, Uranus showing up in your life. And we will see you again on Monday. All right, take it easy, everyone. Bye.
Hello and prayers for the young man. It can feel so lonely and overwhelming when a person gets to the point that exiting the earth seems like the best option. The current situation doesn’t help people – isolation, masks, etc. These are all about separation and barriers. Folks who are on the edge even in the best of times probably are really struggling. Statistics regarding suicides in 2020 certainly reflect this. They/we could all use some prayers right now, and of course praying helps the pray-er as much as the pray-ee, I believe.
I continue to be grateful for your posts and podcasts, your generosity is a gift that I hope will help me in turn to improve my own energetic output. Thank you.