The Moon will conjoin Saturn and Mars today, just as Venus makes a trine to Saturn.
Here’s what to watch for:
* Excitement to commit
* Beauty, desire, and self-restraint
* Curbing one’s appetites
* Experiencing the pleasure of withholding
* Austerity as enjoyable
* A mature woman, an elder woman
* A retired beauty queen
* Youth meets wisdom
* Beauty and beliefs or commitments
* Pushed into or stuck in an awkward situation
* Removing, purging, cleaning, simplifying
* Simplification of one’s environment
* A healthy “no” that actually feels like “yes”
* Compromising or compromised
* The 51st hexagram of the I Ching was the source of my study this morning regarding Venus and the Moon entering the enclosure between the malefics. The 51st hexagram shows a rousing period or distinct moment of movement, shock, or sudden change. It is called “thunder” and is compared to an enormously loud burst of thunder that splits the sky. The instruction of the hexagram is that for one holding the ceremonial spoon, nothing will be spilled. This verse specifically suggests that if we understand the Tao, and where/how the Tao is flowing, shocking events will not cause us to stumble, overreact, or lose our way.
* So, as today’s astrology unfolds, remember to see yourself as though you are in the midst of a beautiful and holy ceremony. Whatever happens, whatever situation you find yourself in, whatever shock or sudden movements may come through Venus and the Moon entering the enclosure, remember that when we understand where the Tao is flowing it immediately flows through us, and rolls off us like water on the lotus flower. Our free will is at the peak of its sophistication and intelligence when we use it to understand, accept, and move gracefully through that which is beyond our control.
* Even if we fail and we lose the plot, overreact, lose our cool, or drop out of our center, what’s important is that we have a good memory and a spirit of forgiveness and courage. Didn’t do so great this time? Got lost in the difficulty? That’s okay. Reflect, recognize the nature of the forces that knocked you off center, dare to be thankful for the experience, and keep trying! š
* Finally, consider this idea. With Venus hemmed in between Saturn and Mars, it’s easy to get stuck in disappointment and challenges in relationships. It’s easy to find a blemish and to let it derail us. Be careful of the following tendencies in your relationships this weekend and into next week:
* Finding the stain or blemish, I use it as an excuse to disregard or dismiss something or someone
* “We have to be like honey bees who know where to find nectar in every person and every situation, rather than flies who look for open sores.”
* Demanding that someone or something be perfect, or that someone be absolutely pure before you commit to it is impersonal…we aren’t perfect geometric figures, we are people, souls, and anything real requires that we cultivate a relationship…utopian thinking kills relationships…because most of the time utopia is an impersonal idea rooted in our fear of relationships or our desire to escape from the work of relating to each other as souls rather than ideals or ideas
* Judging people by the past, or judging people because they have made a mistake in the past, is not nearly as intelligent or compassionate as trying to understand how the past has made a person who they are now or imagining who someone could be in the future
We’ll continue looking at this transit in the days to come.
Prayer: Teach us to find the nectar in each situation, so that our wounds may start to heal. Be the smile of our hearts.
Here’s what to watch for:
* Excitement to commit
* Beauty, desire, and self-restraint
* Curbing one’s appetites
* Experiencing the pleasure of withholding
* Austerity as enjoyable
* A mature woman, an elder woman
* A retired beauty queen
* Youth meets wisdom
* Beauty and beliefs or commitments
* Pushed into or stuck in an awkward situation
* Removing, purging, cleaning, simplifying
* Simplification of one’s environment
* A healthy “no” that actually feels like “yes”
* Compromising or compromised
* The 51st hexagram of the I Ching was the source of my study this morning regarding Venus and the Moon entering the enclosure between the malefics. The 51st hexagram shows a rousing period or distinct moment of movement, shock, or sudden change. It is called “thunder” and is compared to an enormously loud burst of thunder that splits the sky. The instruction of the hexagram is that for one holding the ceremonial spoon, nothing will be spilled. This verse specifically suggests that if we understand the Tao, and where/how the Tao is flowing, shocking events will not cause us to stumble, overreact, or lose our way.
* So, as today’s astrology unfolds, remember to see yourself as though you are in the midst of a beautiful and holy ceremony. Whatever happens, whatever situation you find yourself in, whatever shock or sudden movements may come through Venus and the Moon entering the enclosure, remember that when we understand where the Tao is flowing it immediately flows through us, and rolls off us like water on the lotus flower. Our free will is at the peak of its sophistication and intelligence when we use it to understand, accept, and move gracefully through that which is beyond our control.
* Even if we fail and we lose the plot, overreact, lose our cool, or drop out of our center, what’s important is that we have a good memory and a spirit of forgiveness and courage. Didn’t do so great this time? Got lost in the difficulty? That’s okay. Reflect, recognize the nature of the forces that knocked you off center, dare to be thankful for the experience, and keep trying! š
* Finally, consider this idea. With Venus hemmed in between Saturn and Mars, it’s easy to get stuck in disappointment and challenges in relationships. It’s easy to find a blemish and to let it derail us. Be careful of the following tendencies in your relationships this weekend and into next week:
* Finding the stain or blemish, I use it as an excuse to disregard or dismiss something or someone
* “We have to be like honey bees who know where to find nectar in every person and every situation, rather than flies who look for open sores.”
* Demanding that someone or something be perfect, or that someone be absolutely pure before you commit to it is impersonal…we aren’t perfect geometric figures, we are people, souls, and anything real requires that we cultivate a relationship…utopian thinking kills relationships…because most of the time utopia is an impersonal idea rooted in our fear of relationships or our desire to escape from the work of relating to each other as souls rather than ideals or ideas
* Judging people by the past, or judging people because they have made a mistake in the past, is not nearly as intelligent or compassionate as trying to understand how the past has made a person who they are now or imagining who someone could be in the future
We’ll continue looking at this transit in the days to come.
Prayer: Teach us to find the nectar in each situation, so that our wounds may start to heal. Be the smile of our hearts.
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