Today we are going to talk about Venus's entrance into Pisces, the sign where Venus is exalted.
Hey everyone this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to talk about Venus's entrance into Pisces sign where Venus is exalted. And this is especially interesting because Venus will also be coming up on conjunctions with both Jupiter and Neptune who are also set to conjoined each other in Pisces, in the week ahead. One of the more genetic combinations of the year and exalted Venus next to Jupiter in its own sign, along with mystical otherworldly Neptune. Pretty interesting transit, I'm looking forward to this, I feel like the past couple of years, there's been so much Saturn energy in the air, it's nice to see just a lot of Jupiter and Venus in this very uplifting placement with Neptune. So I have a lot of hope and optimism about some of these transits and what they might bring. So let's go ahead and get into it. But before I do that, I want to remind all of you that this week, all of my all the way until April 11, you can get 50% off all of my 2022 astrology courses, that is my year, one course, my year, two course my horary programme and my readings and passages programmes. Those are all one year programmes, you can also bundle two of them together and save even a little bit more than 50% off if you take if you add a second course in as well. So you can find those on nightlight And I'm going to navigate over to the website right now and just show you briefly how to find it. So you go to nightlight astrology calm, and you're going to click on the Courses page. So the Courses page right here, and if you are new and just starting, you do not have a background yet in Hellenistic astrology, then you're probably going to want to go to the first year course. So I really don't let people jump ahead in my programmes unless they have completed other certification courses in Hellenistic astrology, in particular, because you need to even if you've studied astrology a lot already, if you don't have a background in this, you need to start from scratch. And believe me as someone who did that myself, studying ancient astrology is one of the best things you could possibly do for yourself as an astrologer. Whether you're brand new, or you've been studying for a while, it's incredible to study from the ground up. Anyway, click on View enrollment details, it'll take you to the bottom you can see the earlybird payment is down to $900. Usually it's 1299 and the full course this that makes it $900 off the full price of the programme, which is 50%. Click on enrol. Now you'll see you can add a second course for $800 which is even $100 cheaper. So it's a pretty nice deal, especially if you are bundling things together. Alright, well, I hope that some of you will be able to take advantage of that that's backed by popular demand because a lot of people had were not able to take advantage of the Kickstarter when it was around. So we had enough requests that we decided to run it for one more week.
Okay, well also, if you're new to the channel, please like and subscribe. It means a lot to me helps me grow the channel if you like this content, and I'm going to be doing a bunch of live casts as well as people always ask me how do I get notified when you're doing live casts. If you subscribe and you click on the notification bell, you'll receive updates when I go live and I'll be doing that a few times in the next week. Alright, so today we're talking about Venus's exultation in Pisces, which is taking place from April 5 all the way till May 2 with a few highlights, which involve Venus's conjunction with Neptune and then Jupiter between April 24 and May 2. We're going to save analysis of those conjunctions until later in the month. Today, we're just going to sort of talk about Venus and Venus's exultation and Pisces in general. So I'm going to bring up the real time clock and just give you guys a view of what Venus in pisces is looking like here. So here is Venus in Pisces and note that Venus enters Pisces, just as Jupiter and Neptune are getting together, and then Venus will eventually go right through those two planets. That is between April 24 and May 2.
So this is a great transit for a lot of reasons. One is that you have both been ethics very well dignified, meaning they're in their home sign Venus is one of Venus's homes is Taurus the other one is Libra. But Venus is also exalted in Pisces so very comfortable, which means that you get a lot more auspicious expressions of Venus when Venus is exalted. Sometimes there are some bewares as well that we'll go over but it's a great place in terms of the ancient dignity and then you have this very auspicious looking Jupiter Neptune conjunction. There are some shadows to all of these that we'll talk about as well. I don't want make it seem like it's all roses. But you know compared to in my mind compared to Saturn Uranus the past couple years, you know Pluto Saturn and Saturn in Capricorn and then Aquarius, Jupiter and back to back Saturn signs. It's nice to have a little change of pace this year and have some really nice frenetic looking transits to, to pay attention to. Anyway, it's about a month long transit.
So we're going to talk about it overall. So let's start with the question What is a planetary exultation I want you to think about this in two basic ways. Planets in order ancient astrology is basic let me back up and start by saying this ancient astrology is basically like learning a language. It's not like learning a, you know, like like German or Spanish or English or something like that. You're learning a language that you can only learn by sort of meditating on a mandala. The mandola is the signs of the zodiac, the houses, as well as the planets, and as well as aspects. So planets, signs, houses, and aspects make up for sort of fundamental components of ancient horoscopic astrology. There are then relationships between planets and signs, planets in houses, houses, and signs, aspects and planets, and so on and so forth. You can't understand any of them alone. So if you want to understand houses, you have to understand signs if you want to understand signs, you have to understand planets. And if you want to understand planets, you have to understand aspects and it just keeps going like that.
So one of the ways you learn ancient astrology, or one of the ways that ancient astrologers taught astrology, was by teaching you a lot about the interconnection between different components of astrology. So how does one planet behave or interact or relate to another planet? Part of that language is called the language of dignities. We call it that it wasn't originally like oh, and now welcome to the section of the textbook where we talk about planetary dignities. You just literally see ancient astrologers talking about certain planets that sort of belonged to certain signs, which we eventually called rulerships. And then certain planets that were said to be exalted in certain signs, which we would eventually call exultation. rulerships. But basically, for example, with Pisces, what we're saying is that there is a sort of Pisces is like Jupiter and Jupiter is like Pisces. And this is important because the sign will become one of the 12 places we now call houses. And because of that the planet that quote unquote rules the sign Jupiter, for example, rules Pisces, that planet will then have responsibilities or kind of will be will preside over the karma of the topics of the house. So even though Jupiter may have nothing to do inherently with marriage, Venus or the moon may have more to do with marriage and family, for example. But if Pisces occupies the seventh whole sign place when you're born than Jupiter, the God may preside over marriage and perhaps you marry someone who's very wealthy or learned or arrogant. You know, any of those would be possibilities if Jupiter is presiding over the place of marriage, as well as a million other possibilities, right. But just to give you a little sense of how dignities work, how planets relate to signs and signs to houses, and so forth.
So, when you're talking about Pisces, what you're saying is in a sense that Jupiter will preside over the topics of whatever place Pisces occupies in the horoscope. But what you're also saying is that if a planet happened to be passing through Pisces, it would behave and act and express itself through the lens or through the archetypal qualities of Jupiter and not only Jupiter but also Venus because Jupiter while Jupiter is the domicile ruler of Pisces Venus is the exultation ruler of Pisces, which is basically just a way of saying that the that that while Jupiter while Pisces is mainly a feminine Jupiterian watery place, that it also is a place that honours and exalts the qualities of Venus, the goddess at the exact same time and that sort of describes what the archetypal mood of this temple the starry celestial Temple is all about. It's the Temple of Jupiter in a place where the goddess is, is revered, it's a fishy, you know, watery temple, it's a feminine temple and so forth.
So when Mars for example, enters the sign of Pisces, which it will do in this month of April, it will behave and express itself according to its own nature. First and foremost, Mars will be aggressive or assertive. But then it may develop let's call it a romantic sense of mission and purpose, romantic sense of mission and purpose. Now why do I string all of that together? If you study astrology even for a while, and I say Mars and Pisces gives you a romantic sense of mission and purpose, you'll probably go yes, I can I can, I can resonate with that, you know that description. But why? Well, it's because, in part, when Mars is in the feminine, watery, double bodied sign of Jupiter, the feminine water sign of Jupiter, and the exultation of Venus, it will have to behave in accordance with the customs and gods of that temple. So suddenly, Mars becomes the romantic Crusader with a sense of righteous purpose and cause it's a combination of Jupiter and Venus. Mars expressing itself through the the lens or the almost like being refracted through the prismatic expression of Mars being filtered through like a Jupiter Venus lens or something like that? I think I'm really badly mixing my metaphors. So I'm sorry about that.
So what is a planetary exaltation? It is a planet in a sign that will be revered and will have a way of expressing its qualities in that sign, the sign will be like that planet along with the primary ruler of the sign, for example, in Aries. It's the sign of Mars, it's a Marsy temple through and through, but it is also a temple where you'll feel these exalted solar qualities at the same time that you have the martial qualities. So a planet moving through that sign of Aries, say Venus in Aries, Venus will express itself in a Mars like way and it also they these kind of big grand solar ways. Okay, so part of what an exultation does, from a technical standpoint, that is it adds dimensionality to assign and what that sign feels like and what Gods preside over that sign and also what Gods will end up having karmic responsibilities for the topics of that sign based on the house that occupies in the horoscope. So, that's sort of like that's what a planetary exaltation is.
Now, let's think about what does it mean that Venus is exalted in the sign of Jupiter, the feminine, watery, double bodied sign of the fish? So I put this little sentence together to give you a feeling: Jupiter planet of faith, expansion, higher knowledge, virtue, and abundance exalts the goddess of love, beauty, sensuality, harmony, romance and desire. So that says, it's like this God of Jupiter that represents these things also exalts really honours reveres, worships, loves adores these qualities love, beauty, sensuality, etc. So, these are 10 qualities that you will see when Venus is exalted, exalted in Jupiter's feminine water sign of the fish. Let's go through them.
Number one, that which is sublime. Because Venus is beautiful, but Jupiter's aggrandisement Jupiter's bigness, Jupiter's tendency towards things that are transcendent, will make Venus into not just beauty but something sublime and sublime can be something that is the scope is big, it's like looking into the Hubble telescope, it's beautiful. It's sort of so big that it's a little scary in but it's also beautiful at the same time. So something that is sublime, that's a Venus Jupiter quality, and you'll see some theme repeating, which is that when Venus is exalted, in the theme, in the sign of Jupiter, there can almost be like a love sick quality, like a, like I've drunk too much of Venus kind of quality. But, you know, sublime isn't a bad expression of that. The Sublime.
Number two, that which is beautiful and good. So these are like, you know, the people who are I have a mission, a sense of purpose. But it's good. It's true, and it's beautiful, you know, people who want to save endangered animals or something like that. There's a sense of the care and compassion, but also, to be honest, many people build they're not and I'm not trying to criticise people who you know, want to take care of endangered animals. I think that's a great idea. And a great you know, obviously people who do this are doing good work. But as we know in this world, there are also people who love to build the reputation on I'm a philanthropist. I care so much and isn't an aren't I attractive and beautiful and so wonderful for doing so. Right. So that can be part of Venus and its Venus as being exalted in the sign of Jupiter.
Romantic inflation is very similar. Anything that is aggrandized any romantic impulse or feeling or thought, it's made a lot bigger. And sometimes that's good. Sometimes we need a dose of romantic inflation and sometimes that could be taking us over the top somehow.
Number four, a loss of the rational in favour of the sensual. Don't forget that mercury finds it hard to exist in this sign in the ancient language of the dignities. This is a place where the rational, the philosophical, the mental, those qualities are diminished in favour of the sensual, theatrical romantic, the big and sublime, the other worldly, and so forth. And so it's not that there's no possible union or synthesis between these qualities, but sometimes this sign and Venus's exultation in the sign will mean a diminishment of the rational in favour of the sensual that could be a good thing could be a bad thing totally depends on the circumstance.
Number five, similar, the physical world devoid of the philosophical. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. There's a sort of revelry in that, there's a sort of Dionysian quality. And we know that there's a religious inclination behind the ancient cult of Dionysus. We talked about Dionysus, for example, sometimes we just mean you know, partying and getting drunk on wine and sort of being dismembered in ecstatic revelry. But other times we, we may also mean sometimes you set aside like even in bhakti yoga, you know, we're not really interested in mental speculation. We're interested in love, in the bliss of Krishna and Radha, the lovers and you know, leave aside mental speculation, go dance, you know, who sing, pour your heart out love. So sometimes, there's this like ecstatic experiencial quality with Venus and Jupiter in Pisces that says leave behind the philosophical. Other times, you're talking about, you know, things that are rather meaningless and superficial and just about desire and garden variety lust or vanity and devoid of like, why am I here? What am I doing?
Number six, and attraction to glamour, wealth and beauty in general. You know, you could have someone interested in the fine arts, in writing in painting, in photography, but also people who are interested in in fame and gossip columns about who's wearing what you know, or whatever.
Number seven, and aggrandized sense of virtue or goodness sort of mentioned that earlier when we talk about that which is beautiful and good. Not just aggrandized, but let's say amplified and amplified since maybe a better word, in this case, an amplified sense of what is good and and just and beautiful. Aphrodite, Venus was traditionally associated with justice, because there was a thought, according to you know, ancient Greek philosophers that anything that was beautiful, had an intimate connection with what was true and with what was just, and we're talking about a beauty that's not just about a superficial evaluation of forms in the world, it's about essence. So this idea of like, aggrandize isn't the right word. I really should replace that one in fact, let's see if I can edit it. Yeah, I'm going to I'm gonna I'm just gonna edit it right now. Let's call it an amplified sense of virtue or goodness? Which I think you know, to me what that what we're basically talking about is that there's something that catches our eye that something that is good catches our eye because there's there's also something it's not just morally good it's not just an art or a should there's something attractive about it. So that's what I'm trying to get out there. I'm not sure I got that nailed that one.
Number eight beauty as a guide toward truth and justice. Well, there we go. I said it a little bit better number eight. There's this weird way in which if you want to know what is good pay attention to what is truly beautiful. So that goes along with number seven. I don't think I have anything new to say about that. It's just your compass toward what is good, true and beautiful is it's a it's like Venus in pisces can show you through compassion through the heart through instinct through feeling. This is beautiful because it is good because it is true. And that's one of my favourite qualities about Venus and Pisces I always seem to like reorient my moral compass and actually find myself not just slogging along doing the right thing in a sort of Saturn like way, but I find myself doing the right thing because it's actually beautiful and it feels good to do so. And that's the that's the kind of Venus and Pisces feeling that I'm trying to get out here with these last two.
Number nine, faith, romance and devotion, I think at the core of every world religion, that you know, I've studied anyway, whether we're talking about Sufism, Islam, we're talking about Buddhism, Christianity, there's always a sect or there are always expressions of the faith that really boiled down to nothing more than devotion. That there is a romantic, faithful, devoted sweet, humble, attentive, careful, concerned, curious, steadfast quality. I think of my grandmother, for example, who had Venus in pisces, and she liked to get up early in the morning at sunrise and she liked to walk through an apple orchard that might there wasn't a big one. But my grandparents, my grandparents lived out in the country and about 80 acres of land in rural Michigan. And my grandpa was a hobby farmer and he liked he had, you know, an apple orchard. And my grandma, I remember, would walk out in the apple orchard. And I was never really up early enough to see her. But I remember one morning we got up really early because we're going to go fishing. And I went out into the yard and I saw her walking with her Bible, through the apple orchard and sitting under a tree and reading and she she was a kind of person, and it's like, you know, it's hard for me to like kind of think like these people still exist. But she was the kind of person who literally the deer would come really close to her and sometimes just like sit down, she just had a very peaceful tender way. And when I think of my grandmother, although, you know, she's not trying to idolise her although you see how it can get into that territory. You see, even though I'm talking about this, you start to feel like oh, everything's going it's like you're you're worshipping Venus right? So these romantic faithful Jupiter Venus like qualities. And my dad also was born with Venus in pisces, and when he would preach from the pulpit on Sunday mornings, the way he told stories very Venus in pisces, you know, a sense of what is faithful, true, beautiful, devoted. You guys ever see me when I get on my rants and I sometimes call them sermons from the stars. To me, that's all Venus in Pisces territory because it's a combination of the exultation of beautiful qualities, words, thoughts, feelings, as well as the sort of faithful religious mood and sentiments of Jupiter and its feminine sign. So, you know, if you like my channel, I think there's probably a good chance that you like my ascendant ruler is Venus and, well, I won't go into it. I won't go into my own chart anymore. But faith romance and devotion at the essence of every world religion, I think of the Dalai Lama, I think of Thich Naht Hanh, so many different great saints that you know, have been an important part of my life and my growth and development. What I think I could boil it down to behind each and every one of the people I admire so much is the tender hearted devotion to what they believe. That is probably the you know, one of my favourite qualities of Venus in pisces.
I'll leave it on a high note. Number 10. Romantic tragedy. So don't forget that Venus. Although we like to think of Venus without beautiful, pretty things Venus is very Shakespearean, especially in the sign of Pisces. You can't separate beauty from ugliness. You can't separate love from the war. So anything that Venus adores and exalts, usually comes really close to things that are tragic. Love and union comes very close to separation and pain and hurt. So that sense of what is sort of Shakespearean and it's like the sublime thing that we started with. There's a sense of the exalted Venus qualities that can be almost so big that they they're tragic, even like Romeo and Juliet very Venus in pisces. Kurt Cobain was born with Venus in pisces, by the way, I think about him. He's an easy one that comes to my mind.
Anyway, that is what I've got for today to sort of prime this watery pump and get us thinking about Venus entering the sign of the fish. I am really, personally super excited to talk about I mean, I don't know I think I'm gonna be like, you know, you know, really inspired like, I feel like some of my best creative work. Well, I was just speaking of this, I think I've told you guys this yesterday, but I was just on vacation in the Virgin Islands, celebrating my mom's retirement. And while I was there, at least five or six different ideas for new series that I'll be doing, all inspired, really by sitting by the ocean and praying, you know, like, without having to do any work for the first time since 2014, it was it was completely blissful. But what came from that, for me was inspiration. You know, the sense of redeeming, romantic sense of what's compelling. We need that we need the waters of Neptune and Jupiter and Venus, we need that inspiration from time to time. Who cares if it's realistic or not, you know what I mean? As long as we're not, you know, joining one of the comment cults or whatever, like we're good, so alright, that's what I've got for today everybody.
Don't forget to please like and subscribe click the notification bell after you subscribe to receive updates. Really appreciate all of you. Helping my channel grow. Don't forget there's 50% off all of my courses until next Monday, go to nightlight astrology calm to check it out. Unison Pisces from April 5 to May 2. Hope you guys are having a good one. We'll talk again soon. Bye.
Enjoyed learning more about my Venus in Pisces placement today. ☺️
So relieved with this transit and excited for the beneficial ones to come!