Today, we will examine the perfecting square between Venus and Uranus, exploring how this alignment might manifest in everyday life.
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Hey, everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Friday, everybody! Today, we are going to take a look at Venus's square to Uranus, which is perfecting.
Over the weekend, I took a look at this on Christmas Day. From the standpoint of the broader philosophical take on Venus and Uranus, we looked at five radical acts of love. It kind of felt appropriate for a holiday that's all about light and love, at least ideally.
So today, we're going to take a look at this Venus-Uranus combination from the standpoint of the various things you may notice in a more mundane way. This is how you may notice this manifesting over the weekend. As you know, on my channel, I like to do both. Let’s take a look at this philosophically, spiritually. What kinds of containers can we put the broader meaning of such energies in?
Then also, let’s take some time to look at how they might concretely appear in your lives. So, we're going to do that today, going into the weekend with a really dynamic Venus-Uranus transit happening over the weekend.
So anyway, that’s our goal for today. Remember to like and subscribe. Thank you so much for helping us grow our channel. In 2024, we grew this channel by almost 13,000 subscribers in the year. That is fantastic and our best year that we’ve had in terms of the average number of subscribers per month in a long time.
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Now, as of the time I am recording this, we are trying to rally the support of the final backers we need to meet our goal for this year’s annual Kickstarter campaign. We have a backer goal of 1,937 backers by January 1. As of the time I am recording this, we are at about 1,000 backers, which means we still need about 900+ to get to our goal, and that is with just about five days left to go, a little less than that.
So we go through New Year's Eve at midnight. I think technically it’s finalized by like 10 in the morning on New Year's Day. We still need a huge amount of support in these last days. Now, I believe we can do it, but that means we need people who enjoy and appreciate this channel to pitch in $5, $1, $10—everything and anything helps. It’s both the backer total and the range we land in based on our projection of that total that really makes a difference.
Your card is not charged until January 1 when the Kickstarter is successfully completed. And I also want to mention, it’s a one-time donation. Some people have asked if this is a recurring donation. Nope, it’s just a one-time donation.
When you donate, you can pick up a variety of really nice rewards that we give back as a way of saying thank you for supporting the channel and all the free content that we create.
I’ll tell you more about the rewards that are available when you support the channel at the end of today’s video, but the things you may enjoy the most will be the astrology of 2025 talk—eight hours' worth of horoscopes for the year ahead. That’s for all 12 signs. You get a long exploration of your horoscopes for 2025. All 12 signs are included in that, and it’s about eight hours long.
Then, my book and all of our classes. So if you want to come study with us, this is the absolute best time to do so. You are going to get 50% off, all the way up to 75% off when you bundle our programs together. Come study with us! We have four years' worth of astrological curriculum in Hellenistic and archetypal astrology, and we also have several years' worth of archived master classes, including a new master class coming up in the new year.
If you want to study with us, this is the best time to take advantage of it during this sale that we run through the Kickstarter.
On that note, what I like to say, as you know, is that you can find the link pinned to the top of the comment section in the description of this video, or on the website, I’m going to take you over there to the Kickstarter.
When you go over to the Kickstarter campaign, you'll see there are options for rewards. When you scroll down on the right side to pledge to receive different rewards that we offer. All of our classes are on sale. All of our class bundles are on sale. So, so many good things you can take advantage of before New Year’s Eve.
The other thing I’ll say is that if you value this channel, if this channel gives you something good on a daily basis, or even if you check in for certain episodes weekly or monthly, please consider supporting us. There’s a lot of work that goes in. We have 11 people on staff. This is part of how I support myself, of course, and my family, but also a staff full of people, including one person who's full-time just handling social media, distribution, editing, and publishing all of these posts and transcripts that are generated for us, for all of you.
So yeah, it really takes a team to do this work. We deeply appreciate your support. It’s because of your generosity that we’re able to keep going on, giving free content year-round and making sure all of our programs and offerings are super accessible.
I’m doing a live stream this morning, so if you’re catching this, you may also want to check out the live stream and see some live birth chart readings and some Q&A. I’ll probably be doing some live streams to try to raise last-minute support. But we do need it. We need a big outpouring of support in these final days if we’re going to cross the finish line and meet our goal.
So if you haven’t donated already, again, please consider it. We really do need the support. And thank you to everybody who already has. We deeply appreciate it.
So, on that note, I hope you will enjoy this exploration of Venus and Uranus today, and we’ll see you again over the weekend.
All right, let's go ahead and get into it. We're looking at Venus squaring Uranus from Aquarius to Taurus. This is a nice square because although squares can be difficult, we also have Uranus in Venus's sign, which gives a kind of affinity between the two planets. Although Uranus isn't traditionally participating in a dignity scheme, the fact that it's in Taurus, Venus's sign, is important to note. This might soften the intensity of the square.
But let's look at the square on the real-time clock, and then I'm going to tell you five things that you can watch for over the weekend as the aspect perfects. Okay, here we go.
So we're looking at Friday, December 27, and here you can see Venus in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus. If we advance this by just a day, you'll see that by tomorrow, they are separating. We covered this earlier in the week, and now we're revisiting it. Earlier in the week, we looked at this from a philosophical and spiritual standpoint—Venus and Uranus in relation to radical acts of love. Today, we're going to look at it from a more mundane perspective and give you five things to watch for in terms of how this transit may show up in your life more concretely.
Now, Venus squaring Uranus is separating already by tomorrow, but let's give it three full degrees of separation, which takes us through Monday, December 30. That is the range within which we will see these two planets expressing their symbolism. You also would have been feeling this earlier in the week as the three-degree engagement range started, really on Christmas. So that is the timeline we have in front of us right now for this transit.
Now, let's talk about five things to watch for, and these are, again, in no particular order. These are just some of the ways in which a Venus-Uranus dynamic can show up.
Number one is eccentric beauty. This could show up in terms of the way you dress, the fashion you choose, or the style or statement you're making with your appearance. Venus and Uranus together are like the display of a peacock's tail. Let me show you in ways that are provocative, stirring, or eccentric: my style or my beauty. This is when you go to a costume party and wear really fun, crazy makeup and a costume you never wear before, just for fun.
When Venus and Uranus get together, the rebellious, defiant, original, eccentric qualities of Uranus inflect themselves on Venus. You get the goddess of beauty showing up with the eccentric, flashy qualities of Uranus. This can also appear in terms of the kind of art you're interested in or the kind of music you feel like listening to. What’s interesting is that this may look different for different people. What is provocative or outside the box for you as someone who consumes art or music may look a little bit different from someone else. But whatever takes you outside your normal experience of art, culture, beauty, or music can be a part of a Venus-Uranus combination.
You may notice the desire to taste something different—even with food. "Oh, that's interesting. That's a different taste or food I've never tasted before," or something like that. A different flavor, a different way of flavoring your life or experience, that represents a deviation from the norm or the standards you usually work with—anything like that with respect to beauty, taste, style, or aesthetics can come through when Venus and Uranus get together.
Number two would be unexpected or disruptive events in love and relationships. Now, unexpected and disruptive events in love and relationships can be exciting. There's a provocative quality to Venus-Uranus that might bring unexpected, disruptive events that are fun, playful, or unanticipated, but not necessarily bad. Anytime there’s a sudden wave of flirtatious, sexual, or erotic energy that breaks through barriers, or maybe a feeling of stagnation, stuckness, or repetitiveness in love and relationships, it can be part of a Venus-Uranus dynamic.
On the other hand, Venus-Uranus dynamics can show up and disrupt the status quo. When Venus and Uranus get together, anything that is normal, patterned, or routine within love and relationships may suddenly get disrupted. This can be agitating. Venus loves harmony, while Uranus can be a bit like the suddenness of a lightning bolt striking. While that flash of Uranus, with respect to Venus, might be beautiful, interesting, provocative, and playful, it can also disrupt the status quo and provide some stress or tension.
Unexpected or disruptive events in love and relationships don't always have an immediately negative connotation, but disruptions are disruptions. Venus doesn’t always welcome them, so there’s a bit of tension to be aware of. What I like about Venus and Uranus when they get together is that, if you're in a place that's stuck or bored, it can really shake things up, rekindle the spark, or stimulate things creatively. Whether it’s with an artistic endeavor, love, romance, or friendships, something new comes along and awakens the creative, vital essence that may have been dormant, stuck, or died down a bit. Suddenly, everything feels exciting again.
Number three is the Venus-Uranus dynamic can awaken excitement in relationships. I was not surprised the other day when I had a natal Venus in Leo, and Uranus in Taurus squared my natal Venus. It happened around the time that my wife and I started getting free of a lot of the major parenting duties—our kids moved from being little kids to being older kids. During that time, not surprisingly, my wife and I suddenly had a lot more time for each other and less time focused on the intensive phase of early parenting. That shift, that breaking of the mold of our relationship, getting back to what felt more like who we were before we had kids, started naturally occurring. Of course, that was a Venus-Uranus dynamic.
Anything that Venus does with Uranus will often awaken or bring things to life where there's been a set routine, like duties and restrictiveness, and suddenly there's a breakthrough. Venus-Uranus is provocative and experimental when it comes to love making. I can't tell you how many clients I've had where a Uranus-Venus dynamic shows up, and they will suddenly accomplish having an orgasm for the first time in their life, or their relationship’s sexual element will be rekindled. Or, if they're single, they might start dating people they wouldn’t usually date, or experiment with love, sex, and relationships in ways they haven’t before.
Venus-Uranus can also occur when people are going through transitions, like coming out of the closet or experiencing changes with respect to non-traditional sex, gender categories, or sexuality. Breaking the mold is a huge part of this combination—provocative, experimental, and sometimes even breaking taboos.
Number four is the "Sci-Fi Venus." I love this because Venus in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus represents a combination that is a little like, as I mentioned before, a med spa. It’s the latest technology of youth and beauty: laser treatments for your skin, Skin Pens, PRP injections. It’s all about the science of beauty. The question of how beauty, art, culture, relationships, and sexuality are advancing along scientific or technological lines is fascinating.
When Venus-Uranus transits someone's natal chart, they might get a nose job or tell me they’re getting a "mommy makeover" after pregnancy. These surgeries are meant to help women regain confidence after pregnancy changes their body. That’s very Venus-Uranus: using technology, surgery, or medicine to regain or retain something that’s being lost.
This same dynamic can show up in relationships. Venus-Uranus transits often coincide with people experimenting outside of their relationship due to boredom. Unfortunately, this can lead to infidelity or betrayal. A sense of wanting to break free and regain the feeling of being young and free might drive someone to seek something outside of their relationship. This is something to be careful of during Venus-Uranus transits.
Number five is creative breakthroughs and flashy, quick shifts. Anytime you think about Venus, you're thinking not only about love and relationships but also about the creative elements of life—performance, dance, music, singing, anything with an artistic quality. Venus-Uranus dynamics are not uncommon during times of artistic breakthroughs or fast, flashy creative inspiration. It’s that Promethean light and heat coming from Uranus and infusing Venus, resulting in moments of tremendous creative epiphany or breakthrough.
This can also be about flashy, quick shifts in anything Venusian—destabilizing or eccentric, wild, and exciting, but they don’t last long. They’re short-lived. You have to be careful, because sometimes huge choices made during Venus-Uranus dynamics, regarding love, relationships, or art, can be very inspiring, but that inspiration may not last. The doors they open may be important, but the thing itself might be fleeting. This is why, over the years, I’ve seen that when someone experiences a Uranus-Venus dynamic and meets someone new, there’s a good chance that relationship may not be long-term. It’s like that intense, quick summer love you have when you're 18—it lasts for the summer, but not beyond that.
So, while the Venus-Uranus dynamic can spark things, often the spark doesn’t last. That's not always true, but it's something to be aware of.
Well, today is a short episode. We’re at the end of the week, and I’ve just given you a few more things to watch for. I’ll have some bonus episodes over the weekend as we come to the last days of the Kickstarter. We’re getting there, but we need a lot of help at the end. I’ll tell you about the rewards available when you donate to support the channel after I sign off. Thank you to everyone!
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