Today I'll be taking a look at Venus's upcoming entrance into Scorpio and some of the major aspects that Venus will make in the weeks ahead.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from nightlight astrology and today we're going to take a look at Venus's upcoming entrance into Scorpio and some of the major aspects that Venus will make in the weeks ahead. Today I have a few thoughts about the general archetypal combination of Venus square Saturn Venus opposite Uranus, both of which will be coming in the weeks ahead, I'll show you the real time clock. I also have a little bit of an I ching meditation today on the general meaning and things to watch for meaning of venus in scorpio and things to watch for with the upcoming aspects that should be pretty interesting, add a little for you to meditate on in the weeks coming up. Before I dive into that, I want to remind all of you that we have now opened up registration for my new courses. So I hope to see some of you guys in class soon I'm just going to show you where you can find more information on my website. The new class I have a new class that starts every six months. This course is my first year course in ancient astrology. You can check it out on the nightlight astrology on nightlight and go to the first year course page. And if you scroll down, you can learn all about the programme. It's a one year programme 30 Courses Plus 12 guest lectures we also have probably about 10 breakout study sessions outside of these classes, where you can get some tutoring help if you need it. We have in depth webinar discussions throughout the year. In our group forum, all the classes are recorded so you can take the programme live or follow along at your own pace. And there's just a tonne of extra material bonus material homework stuff, home guided homework exercises, excuse me, that you can take advantage of if you want to optional certification tests at the end. Anyway, you can save $500 off if you use the early bird payment you can use the payment plan or we also have tuition assistance for people who might need it. So check it out on my website. If you guys have any questions, email me info at nightlight Otherwise, I hope to see some of you in class soon.
All right, well, that being said, let's put the real time clock and take a look at Venus's entrance into Scorpio, which is coming up very shortly. So let's go ahead right here you can see that Venus is culminating in the final degrees of Libra right now, where Venus has been in its own domicile. Venus is also quite a ways out in front of the Sun now. And that means that Venus will be preparing to turn retrograde which doesn't happen until around the winter solstice. But Venus as the evening star is going to go through quite a transformation coming up here by the end of the year. Now Venus retrogrades are not completely uncommon, but I like to pay attention to what Venus is doing as Venus approaches that retrograde moment. So there's a lot that we're going to be saying about Venus not only this month, but in the next couple of months as we come to the end of the year. I can't believe it's already the end of the year it's crazy. Okay, so if we take this forward to September 10, Friday, September 10, you're going to see here's Venus almost ready to enter Scorpio, let's see exactly when it happens. So I'll give you sort of the exact time Yeah, it's gonna enter around, you know, five o'clock pm eastern time in the United States here on Friday, September 10. So just a little over a day from now, Venus enters Scorpio. Now the reason I wanted to take a moment to talk about this transit is because of what Venus is going to do. Venus first of all enters the sign of its exile or sometimes called its detriment I don't like detriment as much. First of all, it doesn't really get to the conceptual meaning of what a planet in in the sign opposite to its own sign means it also just kind of sound negative. So Venus is in its exile right now, which means that Venus is in a territory or a home that is somehow contrary to its own nature. Like if you know you are someone who has to like a refugee who has to flee their own country or something and you're you're or you're ostracised from the church, in mediaeval England or something. The idea is that you're taking a planet and putting it into the sign opposite to its own and that puts it in the territory of its natural archetypal opposite. So in this case, Venus and Taurus is at home, Venus in scorpio, now it's in the temple of Mars, which it's not that Venus and Mars can't have happy, a happy relationship or a synthesis that's really productive in some ways, but Venus is a natural contrary of Mars, and so putting it into the sign contrary to its own provides us with the kind of tension that we then have to deal with. And Venus can feel like it's kind of not in its home element and therefore use the word exile.
But at any rate, this Venus dynamic is therefore going to be a little stressful for a couple of weeks. Let's take a long let's take a look at how long Venus is going to spend in the sign of Scorpio. So if we take this forward, Venus is entering on September 10, and we'll change signs again. Let's just make sure I got it absolutely correct. Venus changes signs into Sagittarius. Right about October 7. So September 10. to October 7, we have Venus in scorpio. Now that venus in scorpio period is also marked by a couple of aspects. One is going to be the very first one that that the big one that Venus makes is a square to Saturn. Not surprisingly it will then make the opposition to Uranus. Now that is in a sense, capturing the Uranus Saturn dynamic which has been the poster child transit of 2021 put into a nutshell it would be like this oh my gosh, a bunch of accelerated growth. No, no, no cut back. Cut back. Oh my gosh, freedom. No, no, no, no, close the doors lock everything up stay inside. Saturn construction, conservative energy. Uranus can be very much about breaking outside of boundaries and barriers. And the theme of revolution versus construction revolution and construction. If you want you can go back in my archives and look at probably four or five videos I think that I have about the meaning of Saturn Uranus and it's worth revisiting because Venus is going to be activating that square again, which comes back into the picture also when Venus finally turns retrograde in December. So let's take a look at the dates. The first date of Venus is square to Saturn is going to be taking place right around September 16 and 17th. And then the opposition to Uranus which is also happening as Mercury is squaring Pluto and getting ready to turn retrograde. By the way Mercury is in Venus's sign. That opposition will happen around September 22 and 23rd. So between now and the next two weeks, you're going to see some real fireworks from Venus. That's the that's the basic idea here. Okay. But what does all that mean? What should we take from all of this? Well, first of all, let's talk about the complications of Venus and Mars's sign when Venus is in Scorpio or when Venus is in Aries. Although there there are some differences. But you're essentially dealing with the the needs of Venus. It's like if Venus was coming to your house and your let's say your house is Scorpio. And Venus is coming over saying that, you know, like, Well, what do you like to do Venus? You know, Venus is like, Well, I'd like to, you know, maybe we could do some watercolours tonight, like, we could paint her nails, or maybe we could make a love or maybe we could watch a really good art film. Or maybe we could, you know, just have a really lovely conversation. Maybe there'd be a nice smelling candle, and maybe there'd be a beautiful meal that you make or something like that. So Venus is about enjoyment and pleasure, easy, harmonious, pleasant things and love and desire and to a certain degree passion. But, you know, but it's comfortable, and it's harmonious. So if you think of Venus, it's a little bit like a Beach Boys song, you know, with all the harmonies going on, there's kind of a feel good vibe, then I don't mean to simplify Venus. But do just keep it simple sometimes to understand how dignities work, it can be really, really helpful. So imagine now that you have Venus coming over and your house is Scorpio, you're like well, and Oh, that's nice that you like to do that Venus, but around here we have a different agenda. You know, we like to talk about dark, heavy, deep, intense things. We don't like things that are inauthentic. So if you're thinking about you know, doing some watercolours of a you know, a pleasant like a like a pleasant nature scene better you know, you you better include the fact that there's things killing each other out there in nature. You know, it's like, like Scorpio is a sign a Mars ruled sign. that wants to deal with depth and intensity, it wants to confront and work through and grapple with the darker themes of the human psyche, of life, of suffering, of death of darkness of decay, it wants to protect against them, or at wants to meet them, and by meeting them be transformed. So these, you know, in more intense scorpy on ik themes, now have to this is all we have in the cupboards at house Scorpio to give you for dinner, Venus. So Venus suddenly has to take on and deal with and work, work, her desires, so to speak through the available resources of the Mars ruled sign of the scorpion. Now, that so that tension is going to be apparent, you're trying to keep the peace, but there's war in the air, you're trying to keep the peace but there's a deeper libidinal instinctual power and like, like lurking but you know, volcano, it's, it's ready to blow. So there's, there's powers of the unconscious that wants to surge up and, and, you know, you know, act as an agent of change. Well, that's not necessarily like Venus' cup of tea. It's not that Venus can't find a way. I mean, for example, people who make dark things beautiful, or people who find an erotic beauty, or people who are able to hold the tension of war and beauty or something like that. So it's not impossible. But for a lot of us, these qualities feel like opposites that are, at least in our heads, they can, it can feel sort of irreconcilable, especially when you're in the pressure of the moment with someone that you love. And there's serious conflicts of value or interest, or you're trying to keep the peace in different relationships in your life or in the workplace, but there's different agendas, different personalities, different moods, you know, if you if you're like, hey, look, I'm just here to kind of, you know, relax a little bit. And, you know, try to enjoy myself at the end of the day. And someone is, you know, wanting to go right into talking about politics, like, these are the kinds of everyday tensions that Venus in the sign of Scorpio will amplify. So, we have to be on the lookout for this. Now, the other thing, of course, is that there is a need for Venus to take a walk on the wild side for Venus to visit the edgier dimensions of her own nature, so to speak. So there's something here that might present us with an opportunity as well to explore desire to explore conflict.
There is a book and I've read from it many times before on my channel called A Terrible Love of War. And it's talking about you know, why war exists in creation, especially since, you know, the the ancient, you know, the, the ancient philosophy surrounding astrology began with this idea of cosmic harmonia, which means that all forces and all, all experiences and all archetypes have their place in the beautiful, just, true, infinite divinity of the cosmos. So everything in Cosmos right, the word cosmos is its etymologically associated with the word kosmetik, which means everything in its right place is association with beauty, and making sure everything is well placed. So Venus' challenge in Scorpio is also how to properly place and you can hear me trying to properly place the words, how to properly place the difficult or edgier qualities of Mars into a picture that can still retain some degree of harmony or balance or agreement. That's a tricky thing to figure out. And so we'll be faced with that over the next coming weeks, and then we hit a square to Saturn, where things can get more severe and rigid in questions about who's in and who's out and issues of polarisation. Saturn is a planet that's very polarising. It was the planet that ruled opposition's in ancient astrology. So Saturn Venus is going to go through a square with Saturn and we're going to talk about you know, insiders and outsiders, things that are in inside the city walls and accepted versus those things that are cast out in love and relationships and so forth. For example, venus in scorpio square Saturn can be the idea that it's very common, you know, stereotypical idea. It's done a lot of damage, which is that, oh, you know, a woman should never get angry. Or a woman shouldn't express like, rage. Because then there's something Oh, that she's she's imbalanced, she's hysterical, you know, this kind of thing. So, Venus square Saturn, you know, what? How will? How will the feminine sort of principle and not literally connected, of course, to sex or gender? But how will that sort of feminine archetype connect with a God that almost always wants to divide things between what's on one side of a boundary or division or barrier and what's on the other side? That'll be interesting. And then Venus goes through an opposition with Uranus just as Mercury's squaring Pluto, the Venus opposite Uranus is about revolution, independence, originality, inventiveness, the need to break free from things that are constraining or confining Well, for Venus, who's trying to keep the peace and create harmony, that's also a challenge. So Venus is gonna, you know, have a little bit of a gauntlet to run here in the next couple of weeks, the next two weeks in particular.
I start with a few basic things that help me. One is, you know, a simple phrase is, do I care more about this person, as a soul? Or do I care more about being right? That's an easy one for Venusian tension Venus in Aries, Venus in Scorpio, do I care more about the soul in front of me? Or that I'm relating to? Or do I care more about being right? It's not that, you know, we have to toss away our convictions or our principles in order to care for another person that has serious disagreements with us. So, sometimes the question would be, you know, Venus in Aries, or venus in scorpio is how do I how do I sacrifice something of my stake in the situation, at least on the level of my ego without abandoning my principles, when there's real differences, but there's also a need for me to care for the soul of another person. Another one that comes to mind is, is my idea of the perfect picture starting to be too dominant or asserting itself too much. You know, it's like, you go, like, I'm just reminded of like, you know, going on vacation with my kids, my wife and stuff like that, and you're in this situation where it's like, everyone's like, we're all on the we're on the Peace Train right now. But everyone has a very specific idea of what this happy little journey is supposed to look like. So, you know, suddenly, people start, like sharpening their daggers. Like, where no one else can see it's like, well, my idea of this fricking awesome vacation. Before you know it, you know, everyone's giving murderer eyes. And so this kind of thing, too, right? Is my idea of the good time or my idea of beauty fun, peace, enjoyment, relaxation, starting to subtly dominate or am I trying to dominate others on some subtle level in order to get what I want or in order to have the experience that I think is most desirable. Venus in in Scorpio can get a little obsessive about the object of its desire, it can become also a little controlling and passive aggressive isn't quite the right word when manipulative and dominant, domineering toward its idea of the good. So those are things to just be aware of, as well.
I did an I Ching reading, asking about Venus going into Scorpio and these upcoming aspects. And I thought the reading was really super helpful. So there was a few things that came back. And I just want to tell you about them really quick. So the hexagram that came back was number 61. 61 is sometimes called inner truth. And one of the images that's often associated with this hexagram in particular, is a bird with its claws clutching an egg, and the egg is its own, and the egg needs to hatch. But the nest isn't there. And so it has to use its claws to hatch the egg. It's a funny, funny image. And if it squeezes, the claws could break the egg open and that would that would, of course, end in tragedy. On the other hand, if the grasp is, so you can't grasp too hard, too strong. On the other hand, if the grasp is too light, the egg will be dropped, it'll fall from the sky. And that will result in tragedy as well. I thought it was interesting, by the way that this image would come up in the I ching, considering all of the everything that's swirling in the news about the topic of abortion right now, just as a side note. So, but regardless, this image is far more universal than than just that topic. So if you're clutching on to something too tightly, let's call this the object of our desire with venus in scorpio, and you're holding too tightly, being obsessive, controlling, rigid, demanding. And remember, this is the object of your desire, this is something that you actually care about, that you love that you want to care for, or that you're attracted to somehow, if you clutch, cling, too tightly, you'll you'll break it, you'll you'll damage what you love. That's a good teaching. On the other hand, if there if you don't hold on, the image also tells us that if you don't hold on tightly enough, if there's not any pressure whatsoever, you'll drop it, and it'll fall, and you'll also lose the thing that you love. So, this, this image is interesting, because it's kind of telling us like, like, you have to find just the right amount of pressure. When holding on to or cultivating or relating to the things or people that you really love or want or desire to loose, you'll let it go too hard, you'll kill it. So right in the middle, there's a gentle firmness, a gentle firmness, like a yoga posture, many yoga postures we talked about finding a place that's not too rigid, not too relaxed. So there's some kind of posture that we're trying to find that's relaxed, but firm in relation to the things and people that we love, that we are trying to maintain peace are balanced with the things we desire, the outcomes we're attracted to. We can't be too harsh or obsessive or pointed, or rough. But we also can't be too lacks, there's something here that might be not worth fighting for, but worth working toward, and applying a little bit of pressure toward or having to hold hold on to and not lose sight of, there's a changing line and hexagram 61 that I really like. Which is number four.
And this is just a commentary on the image and then a little explanation of the line. It says the necessity of horse mating and reproduction has gone, signifying turning down one's fellow yet sustaining the one above. It's an interesting line, I'll try to explain it by reading the follow up commentary. There is no need to expand credibility, rather seek its optimal expression. So in a sense, this first line is saying there's no need to try to expand our reputation or expand the degree to which someone trusts or believes in us or finds us to be like valuable or beautiful like don't, don't try to prove yourself or your worth. Don't try to overextend yourself in proving your worth or credibility to others, but rather seek the optimal expression of the credibility that you already have. For example, if you think about this in regard to dating someone, venus in scorpio advice here through this line would be like, Don't overly extend yourself trying to prove that you're like a valuable or worthy mate or partner for someone else. Rather, just seek to be yourself and let what's already there and credible and worthy about you speak. Let it just be what it is. Don't try to convince, don't try to prove because there's something that you want and you might overreach, trying to say no, I'm really worthy of this thing. So be careful with that. The target must be firmly maintained. The interference of a secondary target also always exists, but one must be single minded and stick to one's original intent. That's interesting. It's also a line that's teaching us that we should stay focused on the let's say the object have our desire or an original, sincere intention and not be distracted by things that come up. In the meantime to potentially sort of take us off course or, you know, sometimes it's like, you're when you're doing well, on on route to, let's say, you know, I don't know, let's say you want to be the manager of a business or something, you're working your way up. And you you know, you get you get a pay, you get a pay increase. You know that your long term financial goals and professional goals you have not reached yet, but you start thinking to yourself, Well, you know, I'm kind of I've kind of arrived, I'm kind of something. I'm something hot and I'm on my way. So you start spending frivolously you start acting as though you've already achieved the next pay grade up or the next, the next position up even though you haven't yet, you acting bigger, too big for your britches at work, you start overspending, etc. you are on a trajectory by your own merit and your own intentions and your own work ethic that would take you where you want to go. Because of a kind of restlessness, and an inability to just stay focused on the prize, you spread your energies out in too many different directions too quickly. Just to be careful of this with Venus in a Mars ruled sign even sometimes Mars and Venus ruled sign. The reason for that being that sometimes there's going to be a way in which, impulse control becomes problematic in relation to what you desire, what you want, or what your goals are. There will be no fault or calamity if one has no excessive desire for more and seeks just what is wanted. That's a good, that's a really good teaching. So those are some really, you know, kind of nuanced specific pieces of advice about Venus entering Scorpio, I know I'm going to keep them in mind. I hope you guys find them useful. I'm going to end it here if you guys have stories to share, use the hashtag grab wood hashtag grab and then put the aspect of venus in scorpio or Venus square Saturn or whatever it is, we're talking about any aspect that you want to share, leave a little story Try to keep your story you know, within a couple of sentences, a very brief paragraph because those are the easiest to read and share. You know when I do my episodes, where I share your stories with everyone, but I was it doesn't matter if you want to leave a longer one just to read I love reading them. It's so interesting to see, you know what everybody's going through. I hope you guys are having a good week. Tomorrow we're going to start I think we're going to start in on the sun moving into its opposition with Neptune which will be happening at the beginning of next week. And so we might get a preview of that tomorrow a little bit for today. Hope this Venus entering Scorpio video was interesting if you have venus in scorpio to use the comment section below. Tell us what it's like to have venus in scorpio what are the lessons that you've learned as a venus in scorpio type of person?
Also don't forget again my new class ancient astrology for the modern mystic starts November 13. We'd love to see you guys there you can check it out on my website nightlight astrology calm. Go to the first year course page. You can learn all about it. Feel free to email us with questions info at nightlight astrology calm. Alright, that's what I've got for today. Take it easy, guys. Bye.
Divorce, seemingly out of left field. Enough for us both to feel stunned. 2 yound kids, still in love even! But when I look back through my journal….if we were both brave enough, this was always going to happen. We keep trying to “grow together,” but this next leg of my journey, the “underworld” journey, I can only do alone. I hope he has the courage to do the same.