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Today, we revisit the Venus-Uranus opposition to explore its impact on all 12 zodiac signs by examining the Taurus-Scorpio axis in each chart. We've also collected stories from the last occurrence of this transit, offering personal insights and illustrations of its effects and enhancing your understanding of how this transit might manifest in various aspects of life.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology, and today, we're going to take a look again at Venus as opposition to Uranus. We started off the week looking at this opposition. Of course, Venus is in Scorpio, opposing Uranus in Taurus, and we started off the week looking at that archetypal combination just to kind of get ourselves ready for the transit.
Today, we're going to do horoscopes for all 12 signs so that we can start talking about the specific topics that are likely to be activated by virtue of which houses they're landing in your birth chart. I've also got a series of stories to share with you.
I was thinking ahead last year when Venus opposed Uranus from Scorpio to Taurus, and I took some notes. I've actually been doing this with other transits, too. Anytime I see any slow-moving outer planets going to spend a long time in a sign, and I see a Venus square to that planet, or a Mars opposition or something like that.
I have been gathering stories during those transits so that in future episodes like today's, I have them in hand so that we can not only do horoscopes but here are some stories that illustrate what people with the same house placements have experienced in the past and I think you guys are gonna like this. It's taken a while for me to be able to use these because I had to take notes on a lot of them and then wait for some of them to actually happen again. I thought ahead, and I'm so proud of myself.
So before we get into it, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share your comments and reflections. I'd love to hear from you guys and hear what you're thinking about this transit or your experiences if you have a story to share with this one.
Don't forget to use the hashtag #grabbed or email us your story grabbed@nightlightastrology.com. This one tends to generate good stories. So I thought I better make sure that I tell them share your story. If you've got one, it'll make for some memorable stories for another grabbed episode.
Anyway, you can find a transcript of today's talk on the website nightlightastrology.com, and as you guys know, we are trying to get to 1777 backers in our 10th annual Kickstarter campaign. Right now, as of the time I'm recording this, we have 699, so close to 700. We still need 1078 backers, we need 1078 backers by New Year's Eve. The link to the Kickstarter is pinned to the top of the comment section. It is also in the description of this video.
If you have not already, please consider donating and supporting us, me, my team, and my family. We all appreciate it. This is how we earn our livelihood. This is how we support the production of the content five days a week year-round and how we support a lot of other projects that we have through the astrology school as well.
So, a big thanks to everyone who's already donated; we really appreciate you guys, and we appreciate those of you who have helped spread the word on social media and promote it to people you think might be interested in taking some of our classes.
Remember, when you pledge, you can pick up a variety of rewards; we've got a bunch of readings we offer. Alex and I, the rising sign horoscopes, feature Alex Amorosi and myself breaking down your Sun or rising sign horoscope for the entirety of 2024. There's an astrology of 2020 for video. There are also all of our courses on sale for 50% off all the way up to 75%. When you bundle them together, they don't expire; you can use them any time. You can use them like you could use one per year for four years.
You could take a couple of classes per year. You could also give one to someone; we do allow people to transfer if they want to give one in a bundle to a friend or something. Take a class along with a friend. We are happy to let you guys do all those things.
All right. Well, as you guys know, as a way of promoting the Kickstarter, at the beginning of every episode, I've been taking some time to share something about myself about this channel about the intentions that go into this channel, and yesterday, I was talking about where I see astrology heading in the future.
So before we get into our horoscopes today, I want to field a question that I received in a couple of different locations, actually the YouTube comments section on Instagram and through the contact form on the website, which people use sometimes. The question was, you know, I basically what I said yesterday, if you missed it, was I was a little critical of the possibility of AI Artificial Intelligence being used to generate impersonal forms of astrology, and immediately someone said, Do you not see is there like no room in your imagination for AI to do something positive? Or for there to be some interesting uses for AI in astrology that could complement rather than, you know, be like an affront to the spiritual heart-centered astrology that you're you're advocating, and I thought about it, and I was like, Yeah, you know.
Okay, so I was out with a friend last night. I have a friend that I meet up with regularly, and we are reading our way through a very famous book on the Tarot called Meditations on the Tarot. It is a kind of Christian hermetic, mystical alchemical. Read on, like hermetic Christian alchemical, that all feels right. Yeah, it's not normal. It's not like a conventional Christian take, but it's like a hermetic Christian take on the Major Arcana, and they're really beautiful, interesting meditations on the Major Arcana.
Anyway, I thought it was fascinating. We got together last night. There's a story behind this that will have a point, and you guys will. I think you're really going to enjoy this story. So we got together last night, and first of all, I thought it was interesting that the Pope on the day where I taught by the way this was, yeah, so this was on Monday, the Pope made an announcement that I suppose there's a change with respect to policy or doctrine or teaching in terms of marrying gay and lesbian couples.
I was like, wow, you know, it's interesting that Venus is opposing Uranus. First of all, that was a super Venus Uranus expression, if I understand, you know if I ever saw one in the collective, but then it was interesting because our card for the day, the Major Arcana that we were, we had read about, and we're about to unpack was the hierophant, which it is also sometimes called the Pope.
So I was like, wow, look at the synchronicity. That's crazy, you know, and so that kind of started off our conversation. Anyway, somewhere in our conversation, we got to talking about artificial intelligence, and I told him what I was just thinking and what I had shared with you guys about the use of AI impersonal, deep, you know, in being impersonal, and you don't want to take that important element of the artful. The artistic personal inspiration that comes from the astrologer, reading, and delineating because there's it's like a lightning rod and the spiritual, there's a spiritual connection there. Right? So that's it. That's kind of all I meant. I just don't want to see that gone because of the rise of AI or something like that.
So then we were talking about it now, and I had sent received these questions from people, like, don't you think that there's any like, you know, kind of positive spiritual use for this or whatever, and I was like, okay, so I said to my friend, you know, let's perform an experiment right now and I had actually gotten the idea on the car ride over to meet him as I was like, thinking about all of this. Okay, so it was like, it was all sort of in my head. Anyway, so I was like, you know, the, here it is, okay.
So, I'm trying to bring it up here. Okay. Yeah. So. So I use this thing called Chat. GPT. Right. It's like you can chat with the AI, the AI personality, or whatever. You can call it that anyway; you can chat with the AI, and so I've got an idea. So I brought up the Chat GPT thing, and the idea had occurred to me in the car ride over, and I said, What if I asked the program to randomly generate, you know, let's say, like, 50, astrological words, randomly chosen.
Then to, highlight the third, the seventh, the 40th, and the 42nd words, which are sacred numbers for ancient astrologers. I won't unpack all of the reasons that three 7, 14, and 42 were important, but those were important numbers, so I don't know why this idea came to my mind.
But I said I wonder if AI could act as an Oracle like if I just said, AI, please randomly generate 50 astrological words in random order, and then highlight the 3rd, 7, 40, and 42nd words. I'm going to show you something. Now. This was, to me, so amazing. Now I'm going to go to Monday. I'm going to put the chart up on the screen and show you what happened.
All right, so first of all, what I found really interesting in the sky was that this is what was happening in the sky. Mercury was trying Jupiter, see how they're in a perfect trine, and the moon was trying Venus. Okay, so I said, Well, you know, I saw I asked the chatbot to generate 50 random words and to highlight the third, seventh, 40th, and 42nd words, and so, the words that came back the third and seventh words were Mercury and Jupiter, and the 40 and 42nd words were lunar, not moon but lunar, and Venus. Or excuse me, Venus was 40, and Lunar was 42. So the words selected randomly by the chatbot, in the ones that I told it to randomly select, which I knew to be sacred numbers out of, say, one through 50, these numbers ancient astrologers paid attention to, and the result was the paired numbers three and seven, were Mercury and Jupiter, who were trying to each other in the sky, and Venus and lunar or moon, who were also training each other in the sky. I thought that was really, really fascinating.
So, this does have a point; bear with me here. So then I said to my friend, I said Well, let's do that. That's pretty amazing. We were both pretty like, wow, that's, that's freaking that's pretty. That's something, and I said, Well, let's try again. This time, let's ask it to name any random card in the Rider Waite tarot deck, randomly selected and, let's imagine that this is saying something about whether or not AI has the ability to be used, in my opinion, by Spirit by the Divine as an Oracle, right.
So I asked him to generate a card, and the card that it generated was the fool; I thought that was really interesting, and I said, please, randomly name one card out of any of the cards in the Rider Waite tarot deck, and it said the fool and, and so then I was like, wow, you know, that's pretty, interesting, because the fool is so emblematic of the whole endeavor, like, you know, going into the space of AI with some sense that the programming could be used for, to generate an irregular response.
For example, there are places online where you can go to cast the I-Ching randomly rather than throwing coins on the carpet. How do you mean it makes sense that this sort of random manipulation of Yarrow stalks or of the coins in the I-Ching, for example, it's not totally different from asking an AI bot to like, randomly generate words, and a list and highlight certain ones. or draw like a random tarot card, I did start thinking like, oh, the fool is sort of like the very first card of the major arcana. Maybe it's just mean; maybe that's not so random, right?
Anyway. So then I asked, I asked the chat, I said, Do you think that you're capable? I asked the AI, Do you think that you're capable of being influenced in the random generation of tarot cards by the Divine or by spirit?
Then the bot said, Well, I don't have any beliefs, and I cannot be influenced. So, I cannot be influenced by spirits because I don't have any beliefs. I only generate facts or something like that, and to which I said, Well, if you have no beliefs, then wouldn't it be safer to say that you don't know if you can be influenced by spirit or not sense to say that you can not be influenced by spirit would be to demonstrate a belief that spirits cannot exist or that spirits do not or cannot influence AI? It was just like fucking around with it, and it replayed, replied back, and it said, that's an interesting perspective.
So I was like, Alright, whatever. So then I said to my friend, I said, Well, let's do this one last thing, and I said, let's, let's ask the, let's ask the AI to generate one more card, and I said that we're going to ask you to generate a card that will give us insight into the nature of AI itself and into the nature of AI insofar as it can or cannot be used as an Oracle. I'm going to show you the actual card that came up because you're just going to be blown away.
So I said to the AI, I want you to pick another random tarot card from the Rider Waite, and this card is going to be a card that represents something about your own nature and whether in the question of whether or not you can be influenced by spirit, whether or not you as an AI can be used as an Oracle by the devil. Mind. So I said, so, pick another card, and the card that the AI picked was the High Priestess. I mean, that is a card of oracular intuition. That is a card that comes along with the sense of being a medium through which mystical or intuitive messaging, such as dreams, can speak. I mean, the High Priestess is one of the most classic tarot cards that speaks to the faculty, your capacity to be intuitive, or to have connection with Spirit, and to allow it to speak through you as a medium or channel.
Okay, so I did that for you guys, by the way. Because you guys asked me the question, then I was like, well, maybe I'm close-minded. Like, maybe I've been sitting around here judging AI and that AI is not, I don't know, it's not capable of doing anything spiritual, oh. Clearly, I'm wrong, right? Because at least I'm convinced.
Maybe it's too early to be convinced of anything, guys; maybe I need to slowly digest everything that I'm thinking about. But the point, the simple point to me was that, look, there's nothing random and this idea that AI is going to do nothing but what it's told or that it is purely this fact-based programming enterprise, you know, a is a product of a way of looking at the world that we will that some people will project that way of looking upon the world as you know, mechanistic, empirical, etc and they'll project that on to AI and completely miss that AI. Just like anything else in nature, whether it's the mechanics of the movements of the sky, which is what we track as astrologers, right?
Or if it's the random flip of tarot cards, anything, including AI, is capable of is spirit is what I should put it like this is that it is capable of being used by spirit; it is not an exception to the potential to be used by spirit, which also means that it is not. It is something that is a tool like anything else that can and will be infused with life, intentionality, and Spirit coming from lots of different people with lots of different motivations.
So, I stand by that idea, and it still remains important to have a heart-centered approach to anything that happens with AI's intersection with astrology going forward. So anyway, donate to the Kickstarter. Alright. That's it for today. I hope you guys found that interesting; right food for thought. It's really fascinating. All I can tell you is that I still think that what this proves is that there that the connection the personal, intimate, heartfelt, creative, poetic, mystical connection with the Divine is still an incredibly necessary component of how we use and look at divination, whether an AI bot is generating you know, words or horoscopes, or it's a person doing so it's still about the connection to the spirit of the Oracle, and that is not going to change.
So that's where I see myself, I don't know, hopefully contributing something to the conversation as it continues to evolve. Anyway, thank you for listening. I hope you found that fascinating. Don't forget to support the Kickstarter. We really do need your help, and I hope you will enjoy today's horoscopes. Bye
All right, so today we are going to take a look once more at Venus opposite Uranus from Scorpio to Taurus, but we're going to do horoscopes for all 12 signs and take a look at the Taurus Scorpio axis in your chart; what topics are likely to be activated as we go. I have also collected stories. This is not the first time that Venus has been through Scorpio opposing Uranus and Taurus since Uranus has been in the sign of Taurus dating back to about May of 2018 when that transit began; we have seen this a number of times and so thinking ahead, I collected some stories, the last time that Venus in Scorpio passed through so that I would have these ready for today. So you're gonna get some interesting stories that I collected from students, clients, and some of you who wrote in last year and shared stories.
These are just summaries, and I've made them anonymous and not mentioned any names or anything. So, as we go, I'll give you the horoscopes, and then I'll tell you one story or example that I gathered from the last time Venus was in Scorpio, and we'll go back, and I'll show you those dates, too. So anyway, that's our goal for today.
Let's put the real-time clock up and take a look. So the Venus opposite Uranus transit comes through Wednesday, December 20, and it lasts, you know, you give it maybe another couple of days, you should have been feeling it maybe Sunday into Monday, and then you'll feel it all the way kind of Friday into Saturday, and that's because we give it about a three-degree range. So, if I take this forward, you'll notice that the three-degree range lasts until about Saturday, December 23.
If I back it up, it's probably about Monday, December 18, that you could start to really notice it. So, we're going to take a look at those horoscopes. But I want to show you if we go back in time, a little bit here, this is December of 2022, and I want to back it up because it was right about this time; you can see here that we had Venus in Scorpio opposing Uranus right around November 5 into the sixth of last year. So it was right around this period that I gathered some of the stories that you're going to hear today, and I'm going to start doing this more often because I think it makes for a really fun because these transits come around, and you hear all these stories, and so thankfully, I have a team of people who helps me catalog them in through the grab series.
Then, in client practice, I've just been making a note with certain transits to jot down memorable stories, and sometimes, I sort of shift the details a little bit to make sure that the anonymity is protected. But so, okay, let's go forward and pick us up where we are. Now, what I'm going to do is go through your; this will be rising sign horoscopes; you can listen through your Sun sign as well. But we're going to take a look at the pairing across the axis; I'm going to tell the story first and then work into general interpretation.
So this is for Aries. We're going to start with Aries, and we see that the action is across the second and eighth house axis. So here's the story for this one that I gathered, and it's very some of these, I think, are very basic, and they're not like if you have planets around the degrees, especially the fixed degrees of the fixed signs, I mean, that are contacting Uranus in particular, then the transit was probably significantly more powerful. But if not, then some of these stories just resemble quick passing events that are not necessarily connected to major transits of Uranus to Natal planets, and so you're getting kind of a range of like really big events to, like, you know, just kind of everyday experiences of Venus, opposite Uranus transit that lasts like five days.
So anyway, for Aries rising, the story that I recounted in all of these are women, and that's, you know, just because it's not unfortunate, it's just like, I don't have any men to share because, like men don't consume astrology, for the most part, at least there's a small percentage that comes in for readings. All of these stories come from women, but the Aries rising. Here, we had Venus opposite Uranus across the second and eighth house axis.
So this woman who was speaking to me and she and her husband had just together paid off their student debt, and they had a natal transit, at least in the woman's chart, that made this a little bit more powerful. But isn't that a nice symbol of Venus opposite Uranus, a symbol for freedom, a symbol for sudden spontaneous change with a kind of benefic fortunate Venus that wants to change the pattern and across the financial houses a moment of liberation around money was the experience that she had, and it was in her marriage too, there was a both of them paid off their student debt.
This is a great example of some of the general meanings that can be found across the second and eighth house axis, where my resources intersect with someone else's; my debts and obligations, what I have, what I possess, what I own, as well as my expenditures come into contact with someone else's, my values come in contact with someone else's, and the topics of self-sufficiency versus dependency, sharing the load in life versus the things we carry alone. All of those topics are being activated by Venus, Uranus, who wants to break the mold and shift the pattern and with this, with Venus being of the oppositional presence with Uranus, that probably means across these two houses, that the pattern is trying to change within relationships in relation to resources.
Now, those resources can also be emotional and energetic. They don't just they're not just financial. So these are things to consider, and that story is a nice illustration for Aries about the tension that is coming up right now. You'll hear, by the way, when I get to Libra when we flipped the houses and put Scorpio in the second and Taurus in the eighth a similar story.
So, if I were an Aries, I would listen to the Libra horoscope as well. In fact, whatever your rising sign is, listen to the opposite because you'll get some insights into the opposite house arrangement, which, believe it or not, can actually still work because the tensions across the house axis will oftentimes be very similar, regardless of which sign is in which House so in other words, the Libra rising horoscope with Scorpio in the second and Taurus in the eighth will often generate very similar stories or a similar read that the Aries horoscope well and that has to do with the fact that we're talking about the same archetypes across the same houses. So that's just a hint, you can always do that in horoscopes or opposition's Are we looking are being looked at.
Okay, anyway, let's go on to Taurus rising. So, in this case, we have the opposition of Uranus and Venus across the first and seventh house axis, and the story that I jotted down had to do with a single woman who was in her late 40s and really had experienced some trauma around dating and love really had some big trust issues going on and during this transit, she decided to put herself out there again, a very, very simple example. But one that is so consistent with the Uranus Venus themes across the first and seventh House; I want to change the pattern or break the mold when it comes to love, sex relationships, my personal identity, what I'm seeking, what I'm trying to embody changes that I'm trying to make personally with respect to love and relationships, friendships, any kind of interpersonal dynamics, sexuality, and so forth. So across the first and seventh House, the pattern is it's about breaking the mold or the pattern with respect to love, sex, marriage, relationships in general, or even pleasure and personal identity.
So that's what you want to watch for if you're a Taurus rising, and this doesn't have to mean that I mean if you're in a relationship, it can mean that there are significant changes of patterns, habits, and behaviors in a relationship that are positive and helpful. Sometimes, relationships will also seek freedom through a breakup. Sometimes, a person who is single will simply seek out a different kind of dating relationship or may even just start having some insights or realizations about who makes the best friends or who makes for the best kinds of relationships. But either way, the idea is insight, Revelation, and change with respect to identity and relationships. That's for Tauruses.
Alright, let's go ahead to Gemini; the story with Gemini rising was about a woman who found out that her ex was getting married. So this was a very serious ex that she felt like she was going to spend the rest of her life with. It was a very difficult breakup, and this was several years later, by the way. So, you know, for me, it's hard because way back in the day, I've been married for a long time now. But when I was in my 20s, and I was dating, I don't know, I felt like it maybe took me a couple of months to move on, you know, after a difficult breakup.
But I'm always surprised to hear that for some people, it takes a lot longer because I guess my breakup style was different. I would get excited about what's new, lick my wounds, and be okay pretty quickly, and I've learned over time that not everyone works that way. I know that probably sounds very ignorant, but it's true.
It was always a shock to me as I got further into my career as an astrologer that some of my clients would come in still mourning a breakup from like three years ago, and obviously, I understand if it's like you've been with someone for a really long time, but sometimes it's someone you've been with for six months, and people will still have, you know, they'll struggle to let go for a long, long time.
So this is a situation where someone had been with someone but not even super long, and then it was taking them a really long time to get over it, and their ex and they had broken up several years ago, and I think their relationship was only like a year or something.
But at any rate, so during this transit, they found out that this ex was getting engaged in had gotten engaged to be married, and it served at this very challenging but cathartic moment of release for them and I was just amazed that the 12th and Sixth house axis bring up unconscious material, and they bring up the need for change but the kind of change that requires confronting difficult things, unconscious material conflicts and wounds and it requires sacrifice and a kind of endurance or perseverance psychologically or emotionally.
The sixth and 12th House is a place where, you know, we're you're being cooked a little in the change, and it's a really good change. But when change and challenge are indicated by the sixth and 12th houses, it usually means that it's the stuff we have to work to release or change, and it's stuff that we don't always see it's a little bit more unconscious, and so for this person found out the ex was getting engaged, and it triggered a pretty big, you know, emotional kind of breakthrough. But it was not easy for this person.
So now, generally speaking, if you're a Gemini rising, it doesn't mean that something super traumatic or whatever. But don't be surprised if there is something a mold or a pattern that needs to be broken, and it requires a kind of; you have to dig a little bit deeper to work through it. Or if something comes up that's a little surprising or unexpected, which is very Uranian that it serves to liberate so long as you can let go or kind of do the work of sacrificing and recognizing that what's happening is kind of for your benefit, if there's a willingness to accept the frustration of the moment, then there can be tremendous freedom. That's the general reading that I would have for the sixth and 12th house opposition for Geminis. It can also mean that there are just unavoidable conflicts and relationships. But if you have them in a constructive way, there can be a tremendous release of pent-up energy.
All right, let's go into cancer rising. So my Cancer rising story is about a woman who joined a women's group doing The Artists Way, I'm 99% sure that's the name of the book. But it's like a book of artistic and spiritual exercises that people often do in groups, and I found this one interesting because this is just a Venus across the fifth and 11th house axis where this person joined a group of women who were doing this artists way like series of workshops together and it's a very simple story. This was not connected to any major transits in the woman's chart, but still a nice reflection of Venus opposite Uranus across the fifth and the 11th. I'm joining the Artists Way women's group.
Now, similarly for Cancers, one of the things that comes up, and I actually like one of the things that came to my mind, was what my wife was going through who's a Cancer rising, Ashley, she, she was also going through an adjustment within a group of women that she a spiritual group of women that she belonged to and there were some shifts and changes happening in the dynamics of the group that were really interesting. I'll just leave it at that. But the connection between creativity and what makes you sing on a personal level is what adds depth and psychological. Like nourishment to your life creatively, what brings joy and happiness.
Even sexuality in the fifth House of pleasure can be a part of Venus in Scorpio, and it's sometimes controversial or difficult to look at what Venus in Scorpio wants or desires in the fifth House. But when she's doing so, she wants to break the mold because she's opposing Uranus, and Uranus in the 11th House will tap into allies, groups, friends, and social connections. So this is a Venus seeking to break the mold around topics of pleasure, art, sensuality, you know, women and feminine qualities, and it will have social ramifications. That's why it was such a perfect, perfectly fitting story that this woman would join a women's group during the artists' way doing the artist's way. Okay, so think about that if you're a Cancer.
Leos. I thought this was interesting. This was a woman who worked basically as a nurse, and she had the option to be working five if I remember correctly, it was like five or six days and a certain amount of hours per day to fill her quota, or she could go down to four days a week, but they were longer days like four 10s or something like that and actually, I know that this happens for nurses because my mom, before she retired was a nurse and then a nurse practitioner and so forth and sometimes she would work in like five days a week, and sometimes it would be four and essentially, this is a very simple story about someone who realized that they wanted more freedom and time for rest and relaxation, to be home and so forth.
That's Venus, opposite Uranus; across the fourth and 10th were the conversation about rest, home relaxation, the private resting sphere of the chart, which is the fourth House but could be home or family as well, and the work-oriented sphere of the 10th House come into contact and are trying to break the mold in relation to each other. So work and rest. The fourth House was literally connected to the resting place like your bedroom or your bed, where you experienced smoke show which is released from worldly toil. So Venus in the fourth House is looking at pleasure that's more private, relaxed, nocturnal, you know, it's like going home after work, whereas Uranus is also serving that agenda that Venus has by trying to break the mold or create change in the workplace.
So this was a very basic example of that exact kind of contact; let's change up the pattern with respect to my home living environment, rest, and the workplace. Okay, so watch for those kinds of tensions. If you're a Leo, this is you're trying to shift patterns with respect to home family, living environment, or rest, ease relaxation, and kind of like retreat from the world, in contrast to the changes that are seeking expression in the career house and that could be activities in the world to if it's not career, it could just be that you're seeking to change the pattern or rhythm of your life with respect to social activities versus more private restful activities, that would be another way of looking at it.
Alright, let's go to Virgo rising for the Virgo rising. I thought this one was another really simple but nice example. So we have Venus Uranus cross the third in the ninth two houses, so intimately tied to learning, and studying, listening and reading, to writing and teaching, changes of mind, perception, and belief, and so this woman took a workshop being given at a local yoga studio that she belonged to on Tantra. So it's like an introduction, and I'm talking now; Tantra is a pretty big word. But I'm talking now, of course, about sacred sexuality. So this was, you know, and I think I think there's something that sometimes Virgos are drawn to about that because sometimes with Virgos, there's a need to do the integration work between mind and body, and so this loosening of sexual energies by studying and learning about it in a kind of safe and intelligent setting was very appealing to this woman.
So she took this kind of, you know, sort of a, an introduction to sacred sexuality workshop at her yoga studio. That is perfect if you are a Virgo rising. What I would suggest is that you think about what changes of mind are seeking expression right now changes of mind changes in learning, the subjects that you're interested in, anything that's provocative that kind of, I don't know, stimulates new ideas, challenging thoughts, maybe a little bit of taboo or kind of erotic, exotic thinking, and also shifts or changes in the way you think about the body, women sex, relationships, conversations between lovers about beliefs are also pretty common, as we'll see when we get to the Pisces rising horoscope, which has a good example of that pattern as well.
Let's go to Libra. So when we put Libra on the ascendant, we have, like we did with Aries, we have the second and eighth house axis. I thought this was interesting because this was a single woman. This was a woman who was single and had her own business, and she had a variety of different services that she offered, and one of those services she was finding to be too exhausting, even though it was quite popular and it was a moneymaker and so she eliminated that service from her business, taking a big risk in, you know, maybe her reducing her revenue and so forth and, you know, I never really talked to her to see how it went.
But she was taking this big risk, which was like, you know, what, although it makes me a lot of money, it's not worth it because of how draining I find it, and I think this is really interesting because the second and eighth house axis has so much to do with the intersection between what we have and what others want Want, what others have and what we want and the exchange of values, goods, services, ideas, energies, emotions, and the soul contracts that bind us to other people and this is kind of like the marketplace exchange of energy, ideas, services, values, money, et cetera, etc. and under this circumstance, Libra rising, she said, Nope, it's too exhausting. I'm going to change the pattern of what I offer at work.
Isn't that a fantastic expression of Venus opposite Uranus across those houses? Yeah, and in the other thing that's worth mentioning is that, you know, people oftentimes, with Libra, sometimes there's a hard, there's a challenge in thinking I'm going to offend somebody, if I shift, if I shift what I'm giving, or if, if I disrupt the balance somehow and so this was the kind of like, she felt like it was a big risk, but one that she had to take and that's so Venus opposite Uranus, let's take a risk with respect to the intersection between my values and yours or my offerings and your needs, or something like that.
Alright, let's go on to Scorpio rising, and so you think about that as Libras think about the need to shift the balance of goods and values between yourself and others. Now, for Scorpio risings, we get the same thing we had with Taurus, which is we have the first and seventh house axis, and this one was kind of like a, maybe the more one of the more provocative stories I had, which was a woman who, for a long time had been attracted to other women, she was also attracted to men, but she decided to have a sexual relationship with another woman for the very first time and sort of explore and open up that curiosity.
So breaking the mold with respect to identity, sexuality, and relationships can be, you know, super provocative, and sort of like, whoo, I did something that really broke the mold for me, you know, and this is a great example of that, and I thought you know, it was just kind of a fun story to throw in there. Because it's like, you know, sometimes people talk about Venus opposite Uranus, and they're like, Oh, my God, you're gonna, like, have the weirdest kinkiest sex in the world, and you're gonna go to Rocky Horror Picture Show, and then you're gonna get a tattoo on your ass, and then you're going to shave your head and, you know, and it's like, yeah, it's usually not that adventurous. I mean, probably, like, once in a while, or sometimes it really is like, I did something different. Like I did something, I really broke the mold. For me, this was a story like that, and I thought it was worth mentioning.
But more basically, for Scorpios, you're thinking about questions of identity, questions of relationship, the intersection between the two, and breaking the mold in those in those areas. That could be major or minor, again, depending on how Uranus is hitting planets in your natal chart right now.
Let's go on to Sagittarius rising for Sagittarius rising; I thought this was a great story. I heard about this recently. I didn't know anything about it until Ashley actually did this, and she's talked about it on her YouTube channel. So, I'm not sharing anything she hasn't already shared. This is not her story. This is someone else's. But she actually started doing this EMDR therapy because she had a near-drowning experience while surfing in Costa Rica, where she almost drowned and got rescued, and it was really, really scary for her, and she had a friend who suggested doing EMDR for a little bit of just some fear around water that she's had since then, and she did this EMDR therapy, and I can't believe how amazing it was for trauma.
It really shifted something for Ashley, where her relationship with water is significantly better. Anyway, so similarly, this sad rising woman that I spoke to had just started doing EMDR therapy for a sexual trauma that she experienced when she was in college where she was taken advantage of, and it was a really traumatic memory that she felt like was holding her back in dating relationships. Like she was having a hard time opening up and trusting and just felt like every time I'm trying to get close to someone, it's like, okay, here comes these issues that are, you know, making it complicated for me to trust and, and kind of open up to people.
So, anyway, she started doing EMDR therapy for sexual trauma. This is perfect for the 12 Six house access where that unconscious, traumatic, difficult stuff comes up, and it takes a little bit of work to get through, but if you do so, there can be a kind of liberation or a freeing up and often the topic of the trauma will be Venusian it'll be relational, it will be sexual have to do with pleasure. It will have to do with friends or relationships of any kind that have been a source of trauma or difficulty or their surprises or changes in the patterns that require a kind of spiritual work. It's not the easiest placement, but it is very freeing and very healing quite frequently. So watch for that if you're Sagittarius rising, the same thing that we did for Gemini risings.
Alright, for Capricorn rising here's the story that I collected. This is taking place, just like it was for Cancers across the 11th and fifth house axis; I thought this was, you know, again, sort of like textbook, Capricorn rising Venus in the 11th, opposite Uranus in the fifth; they had a big explosive breakup with a friend. So, Venus, the 11th House, Venus is quite frequently associated with friends in our social life in general, and then put it opposite Uranus in the fifth House where we march to the beat of our own creative drum, put them in opposition, and you get, you know, what my way is different than your way, my, my values or my creative needs are a little bit different.
This person felt like they had a friendship that was too demanding and unrealistic, and not, they weren't given enough space to be themselves and to have their own way of thinking and doing things with this particular person, and everything came to a head. But regardless, that's a story. Now, if you're a Cap rising doesn't mean you're gonna lose a friend. But it could mean that the pattern needs to change around your social dynamics and make sure there's enough room for your own creative self-expression within the social dynamics of your life or seeking some change of pattern or identity with respect to your social life and your creativity.
Alright, Aquarius, rising, Aquarius rising, the story is, here's again, across the 10th and fourth, just like we had for Leo rising. So, the pattern is similar, although the story is different. Aquarius, rising with Venus in the 10th, had an inappropriate slash secret hookup with a co-worker, and it was not that like. I guess the company policy was that this was not allowed. So there's this kind of like secretive love affair with someone at work, and this led to, like, it was very unexpected, it happened very explosively, and it led to, you know, a lot of complications emotionally and like obviously, on a practical level.
What do we do about this and so that's that's very common for Venus to opposite Uranus, and something provocative will happen. Venus wants to break the rules and doesn't really care about the rules sometimes, which is why maybe you'll get a, you know, a tattoo of a hot air balloon on your butt cheek or something. It's like, who knows? But anyway, so Venus opposite Uranus, breaking the mold or pattern with respect to work relationships in the workplace, maybe public appearance and identity and reputational, and there's maybe a rebellious way in which you want to shake things up or, or defy convention socially and also, it's about trying to liberate Venus from certain kinds of constraints. The fourth House is associated with moksha, which means liberation from worldly constraints. All right, let's move forward. So think about those tensions of Venus in the public sphere and Uranus in the private sphere trying to break up patterns.
Alright, Pisces rising. Last but not least, it is opposite the Virgo rising horoscope. So, similar themes. This one was about disagreements in a relationship over spirituality and, in particular, astrology, which I thought was perfectly fitting for the ninth and third house axis and Venus opposite Uranus partner was basically not a practicing Christian, but like a cultural Christian, like a cultural Catholic and they were basically like, I think that what you're into is not grounded, not real, sort of not respectable and they had been together for a while, and all of a sudden, this was surfacing because this person was starting to study astrology.
So it led to this major fight in the relationship over respect and freedom for religious views and spiritual, I guess, spiritual beliefs. That is very common for Venus in the ninth opposite Uranus in the third that a change intellectually, spiritually, a change of paradigm, or relational, like changing the mold, or breaking the mold or changing habits, looking at differences in relationships with respect to beliefs and ideas that guide your life. Relationships sometimes face crossroads when it comes to differing ideas about what is valuable, what the good life is, or something like that. So watch if you're a Pisces for a shift in paradigm and intellectual and spiritual conversation and a breaking of the mold, almost intellectually or philosophically.
All right, well, those are my 12 stories and 12 horoscopes for you guys that I hope give you some kind of like some flesh, you know, put some flesh on the archetypal realm of Venus Uranus that we started off this week talking about in Monday's video. So now we have some horoscopes, and I hope that they give you positive real-world instances to grapple with and help you see how the energies are showing up in your own life. You guys don't forget that we're trying to get to 1777backers by New Year's Eve. We need a bunch of help to get there. We're getting closer. The pace picked up. So, I deeply appreciate all of that. We still have a long way to go.
The Kickstarter link is pinned to the top of the comment section, and in the description of this video, pop over there. Pick up a reward when you pledge a class pass, a two class pass, and a three or four class pass. The savings go up tremendously when you bundle some of our courses together. We've also got readings that we offer. There is a year-ahead horoscope video for your Sun or rising sign. We've got a calendar for the year ahead. My book that Oracle speaks is available; you'll be getting that chapter by chapter in the year ahead if you pledge for that level; there is lots of good stuff when you pledge and support the channel for me, my team, and my staff, we deeply appreciate all of you guys pitching in, and I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Bye, everyone.
My 1st thought is that the bot flipped through the tarot cards & linked to The High Priestess because that’s the card that most connected to words used in your question – like oracle, spirit, divine. It can’t help but do this.
To ‘divine’ is to be open to listen to what you’re told as you step aside to let this happen. The bot cannot do other than make connections to its programming – yes? It’s built to connect what you say to that programming.
It has limits. Sure, it ‘learns’, but cannot feel.
As a bodyworker who has learned various modalities, I know they’re a foil.
First, modalities tell the mind where to place the hands next. It’s rote. This gives the mind something to do. But anyone who has the hands of a healer knows that the hands tell you where to go next . This just happens. Where the hands want to go, you let them go.
Likewise, astrologers are taught to read symbols, but the art of it relies on letting a chart speak to you what cannot be ignored. But further, we can also allow more info to come. We can step aside from our symbol programming to let the Voice of the Other (Spirit, or whatever one may choose to name it) come through. We’re able to do this because we commit to serve our clients – to Serve in the highest sense.
Do bots care? Do they love? Do they grok Intention? Can a bot have our best interests, our highest intention in mind? IMHO, No.
That said, can our Intention affect an A.I. bot to channel as an oracle? Well, the very stones can speak. Garden devas have told me where to plant when I’ve run out of room my veggie beds. I wander about mindlessly & then just know where to plant– & boy, the plants thrive. I’ve heard people talk of machine devas suggesting how to fix a tractor. This was never a need of mine, so I cannot on that :).
A.I. bots are bizarrely mercurial. What comes to my mind about this is that
Mercury is a messenger & he can go between worlds. He is also a master trickster & can lie without remorse.
Thanks for being you.