* You are ready to tackle your partner (maybe in a good way, maybe not so good)
* You are ready to tackle a stranger (be really careful about this one) š
* You are encountering all kinds of interesting triangulation dynamics in relationships
* Your desire to plow ahead, work hard, produce, or deliver, is being sidetracked by sparkly things, beautiful things, or leisure or non-goal oriented things
* You are confusing creative and sexual tension with each other…
* You are dropping the gloves and then putting them back on, and then dropping them, and then quickly putting them back on…it’s exhausting to be so ruthless and nice all at once
* You are inspired to do something, to act, because of something or someone totally beautiful
* You are trying to make a fine point
* You are trying to soften an edge
* You aren’t sure if you want to mate with or eliminate the competition
* You are negotiating a deal and driving a hard bargain
* You are working through a diplomatic challenge
* You are being polite but underneath you have an agenda
* You are being brave, sincere, and diplomatic, perhaps facing a fear and handling it with grace or tact
* You are falling in love with the way things look when you take them apart slowly
* You are putting something back together again
In all seriousness, the tension of the masculine and feminine is intensifying this week, and so we’ll look at this archetypal combination from a variety of perspectives in the next few days, including a more spiritually centering meditation on these two planets, so stay tuned!
Prayer: Help us to find the sweet spot, the moving balance, and the pivoting center of your love.
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