Today, we're exploring the upcoming Venus square Pluto transit happening over the weekend. We'll refresh our understanding of the Venus-Pluto dynamic and dive into three key signatures that make this particular square especially powerful. Check out yesterday's episode if you're looking for coverage of the Sun-Neptune opposition.
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Hey, everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Friday, everybody. Today, we are going to take a look at Venus moving into a square with Pluto, which will happen over the weekend. And so even though today the sun is opposing Neptune, and that's a big transit, we did look at that yesterday.
So, if you're looking for some coverage of that particular transit, make sure you look at yesterday's video, where we talked about that one, which is perfecting today. But we want to make sure that we take a look at Venus-Pluto, which is coming over the weekend. So I saved this one for last this week, a big transit for a number of reasons.
Obviously, there's going to be all of the normal Venus-Pluto stuff. We're going to kind of refresh ourselves on the Venus Pluto combination today. But then we're going to look at three different signatures that make this particular square quite powerful, as well as some other context that is important to keep in mind. So that will be our agenda for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. We're trying to get to 70,000 subscribers. It's been a goal that we've had since; I don't think it's about July or so; we've doubled our subscriber average per month since then, and it's been a great showing of support. We really appreciate it when you help us by subscribing, which is free; it just helps the channel grow. It helps our community and business to grow. So we really do appreciate that.
You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on the website nightlight; the nightlight astrology school begins its next program, the one-year course in ancient Hellenistic astrology, on November 16. So, at the end of today's video, there is an additional informational video tagged onto the end if you want to learn more about the program; the early bird sale is on the first-year course page right now, all the way up until October 15, you can save significantly on the cost of the course.
Whether you're making a one-time payment upfront for the course, you save significantly that way. Or if you're doing 12 monthly payment plans and 12 monthly installments through the payment plan, those are on sale at the bottom of the first-year course page.
We also have need-based tuition assistance, so be sure that if you are someone who needs a little help to make this program happen because you're on a fixed or limited income, we try to make sure nobody's priced out of studying something sacred. We believe that's important. We've been doing this for a long time.
So if you're someone who could use a little help, click on the Apply Now button. We do have a limited number of tuition assistance spots available for people, and you get to pick your own tier within a sliding scale of your monthly tuition. So that's available there for people who might need a little help. Glad to offer that. Then the other thing to check out is that, in case you missed last night's talk, we did Venus through the 12 signs, looking at the karma of Venus in your birth chart by sign placement. You can still pick that up. You can get the recording if you missed the live talk. We always give the recordings if you can't make it live. So check those things out.
Again, make sure that you stick around after today's talk is over to learn all about the first-year program in Hellenistic astrology that begins November 16. It's a really great signature to study under, with Pluto re-entering Aquarius right about the time we start that class, and it's a great selection for studying astrology.
All right, now, let's turn our attention to the real-time clock, where we are going to take a look at the application of Venus to Pluto. So today, Friday, September 20, we can see that Venus is within about three degrees of squaring Pluto from Libra to Capricorn. This is interesting because every Venus-Pluto conjunction, square, or opposition tends to be a very potent astrological transit. Most people really notice these periods. But it's also significant for a variety of other reasons.
One of them that I'm not even really talking about today is the fact that this is the last time these two planets will square while Pluto is in Capricorn; they've been doing so every time Venus has gone through Libra since Pluto was in Capricorn, they've done so. So it's a shift in terms of just that dynamic between Venus and in Libra and Pluto and Capricorn that's not going to be around for, you know, hundreds of years.
So it is kind of the last moment to even just study or experience that particular archetypal combination. But there are some other things that we're going to look at today that make this square very potent. Before we do that, let's just refresh so that on Saturday, they come to within a degree. Sunday, they are about almost perfect. By Monday morning, the aspect will have been perfected, and Venus will have crossed into the sign of Scorpio. So we're looking at between now and Sunday evening. We have the perfection of this aspect.
So if you give it about a three-degree range, that gives us from Friday, September 20, all the way through Sunday, September 22, when the two planets are actually square. So, the 20th through the 22nd is the window that I would say is probably the most powerful. You get a little bit of the afterglow on Monday as Venus moves into Scorpio, for sure, because there's there are definitely some affinities between Pluto and the sign of Scorpio, which is why modern astrologers have assigned Pluto a ruler of Scorpio.
I don't personally use outer planets as rulers, but that's a different conversation. Anyhow, let us now talk. Let's first. We're just going to refresh on the actual meaning of Venus-Pluto dynamics. What can we expect from this astrological combination? Most of you are fully aware of the fact that one of the key phrases for Venus Pluto is transformation in relationships. We think of Pluto as the god of transformation.
Transformation is actually a property of almost all planetary dynamics because the world is constantly changing. Everything is impermanent, everything's in flux, everything's moving, and we have a change as a constant. So transformation is kind of a throwaway word, but when we think about Pluto, that word means something else. When we think about Pluto, we think about that powerful, cathartic, eruptive, volcanic emergence of unconscious material that often comes up in powerful and sometimes rather ominous or heavy or even dark ways, but it serves to transform, and usually, there is a sense of death and purgation, a cleansing and a regeneration that comes with Pluto. I mean, Pluto is very purgative.
There's a sense of being cleansed of something toxic or of getting to see things that have been maybe somewhat malignant and existing behind or beneath the surface or the veneer. And so it's a powerful agent of transformation. All planets are transformative. Pluto does so in ways that often bring up the idea of a healing crisis, a major emotional catharsis, or the sudden eruptive force of unconscious material primal but also creative in nature.
So when you combine that with Venus, the goddess of love, and the goddess that is associated with relationships, those relationships are often we think of romantic with Venus, but it could be sisters, it could be friends, it could be women. Those are all things. Venus signifies friends in general, as well as any other kind of personal relationship, depending on where Venus and, in this case, the sign of Libra falls in your birth chart, that area of life, and the relationships in that area of life, indicated by the topics of the house, will be made active.
So when we kind of put all of that together, you have one of the easiest interpretations, which becomes transformation in relationships with everybody sort of knowing that it's a Plutonian kind of transformation and that the relationships could be romantic or could be a little bit broader than that.
So, what can you expect between now and Sunday? You could expect some pretty big shifts in relationships. I like the word shift because it implies that some relationships are going to grow and evolve, and they're going to evolve through meeting unconscious material but also through assimilating, integrating, compromising, and finding peaceful resolutions.
Venus in Libra is, of course, a diplomat and someone who cares a great deal about things like fairness. We could characterize Venus in Libra that way. So you know what it is: how do we fairly deal with, or how do we deal with the deep and transformative force of Pluto in a way that is equitable, fair, compromising, considerate, and tactful? Those are things that, frankly, could be very nice, I mean, because it's not all the time when powerful forces erupt from the unconscious realm that we don't just react. And that's why there can be this sense of the, you know, the bridges that are burned in relationships, or the structures that are decimated, you know, somehow, and then from the ashes the Phoenix will rise, of course, but that sounds pretty heavy.
I like Venus and Libra's ability to negotiate the powerful release of Plutonian energy this weekend with a kind of sensitivity, with a sensibility that says, Well, look, how can we get through this or navigate this release of energy in a way that is thoughtful? Venus and Libra has that kind of it's, she's like an architect that knows the lines and angles of the has it on a layout, you know, she lay it out on the table and look at it. She has that ability to be a little objective while also very considerate and sensitive, harmonious, so harmonious, and a harmonious ability to navigate upheaval or catharsis, that's that is one really beautiful, you know, indication potentially, of Venus and Pluto.
So the other thing that we could say about Venus and Pluto is that V. And Pluto often bring Venus into contact with Plutonian things, just because sometimes Venus, whatever Venus comes in when Venus gets into contact with Neptune, it's like you get a Venusian experience that's Neptunian on top of it. Or when Venus comes into contact with Uranus, you get a Venus that is seeing the world and experiencing it through the lens of Uranus.
So Venus and Pluto get together, and the two inflect upon one another mutually, and you get things like an interest in subterranean, erotic, taboo, dark, and potentially repressed or suppressed material around things like sexuality, or things like, you know, intimacy, art, and beauty take on a darker or more subterranean quality. And it's important to recognize that Venus has a lot of different tastes and interests, and we can find beauty in dark things. Venus-Pluto is one of the greatest reminders that there are a lot of very dark things that are actually tremendously beautiful if we can sit in and reflect, observe, and appreciate.
I know my co-host from monthly overviews, Alexandra. You can find her on Instagram @ninelivesastrology. She does these things on Instagram, where she patches together some of the people who have Venus-Pluto, the artists, and just kind of demonstrates the music, the painting that expresses the Venus-Pluto archetype in the native's birth chart.
So Venus-Pluto will put us in touch with those things that are often repressed that we say, oh, it's not. It's not appropriate to find sadness to be beautiful or melancholy to be beautiful. It's not appropriate to think of things that are dark or edgy or even a little ominous to find some sense of their beauty is twisted, you know, like we, not that. Probably everyone listening to this doesn't think that way, but a lot of people do.
Certainly, I remember growing up in the Protestant church like nobody. There's not a lot of adults that I grew up with who are like, you know, like the elders in the church community who really would have understood, like Depeche Mode, you know, or like the cure very Venus-Pluto expressions in a way, you know. The other thing is that sometimes relationships need to go through.
There are people who need to reveal themselves. There's this recurring theme in human life and relationship where, Oh, you think you know me, you know, and you start feeling resented because you start feeling resentful, excuse me, because someone that you're in a relationship with, or maybe multiple people, treat you like they know everything there is to know about you, and the soul is so offended by that right, the soul is an endless mystery, even unto itself.
And so the soul will be compelled in certain moments to rupture the fabric of other people's comfortable perceptions of us, and it will often do so by carrying dark or complicated themes into the light and display them, you know, like the peacock tail, and say, This is a beautiful part of me that You didn't see motherfuckers. Sorry, kids. Don't repeat those words. But yeah, it's like, you don't know me. Let me show you my dark cloak of beauty.
Oh, my God. So, um, yeah, I remember a couple of summers ago, we were at a conference, and there was a masked ball, and there was, as was that with Ashley, and there's a masked ball, and Ashley got me this beautiful mask, and I wore it with like, kind of like a, like a suit, anyway, And it was a, it was like a beast mask from Beauty and the Beast, but like, super beautiful and ornate.
Anyway, I was telling Ashley beforehand that I was nervous about wearing it for the girls, my girls, because I didn't want them to be afraid of me. And I also, I felt scary, you know. And she was like, my wife made this great point. And it was funny because there was a Venus-Pluto dynamic going on, I want to say, like a day before, the day after, this mass ball. So it was very much in the air. And she was like, no, like, it's they know who you are. They're going to be so enchanted, and they're going to find you this, like, dark beast version of Daddy who looks really nice with his suit and everything. They're going to find you to be very handsome and attractive.
And it's good for them to know that, like, you're safe, but there's also the side of you, and I think it's good for our girls to know that. And I was like, okay, and Ashley was like, I kind of like it too. I was so stoked. I was like, Yeah, let's go. So I wore the beast mask, and I don't know, but it was really cool. I'm not like, for me, that was, that was difficult because I didn't want to give the appearance of being someone who's trying to be scary or edgy because I don't want to, I don't want to make people feel uncomfortable.
But instead, the complete polar opposite thing happened, which was that people found it really enchanting and fun, and so did my girls and, you know, and Ashley was like flirting with me the whole night. It was great.
So anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is a way in which we all need to tap into the beast, and the Beauty and the Beast motif is very Venus-Pluto, the transformation of Beauty and the kind of horrible, like claws of nature, and the close proximity to things that are sweet and beautiful and delicate. Not to say that the feminine is only delicate, right?
But you get what I mean where there's, like, think about the juxtaposition of the characters of Beauty and the Beast in the story. And what we're actually trying to do is draw those archetypes together, and they're saying that there's something similar about them. And Venus-Pluto will ask us to tap into that. So yeah, get your beast mask on. You know what I mean, whatever that, whatever that, whatever that means for you. Okay, so the other thing that I would say is important is that sometimes revelations occur in love and relationships with Venus-Pluto. They're not easy.
This transit does sometimes coincide with things like betrayal or the revelation of, you know, transgressions in love and relationships; there's a way in which we have to make room for or accommodate darkness in each other if we are going to walk together in any kind of relationship for any significant amount of time. That's a Venus-Pluto dynamic. It's not easy. But I mean, how can we grow if we can't allow for, forgive, and understand each other's fallibility? That's a Venus-Pluto dynamic.
On the other hand, sometimes these revelations show us who someone really is, and there's just no going back, and the relationship has to end. It has to be replaced or maybe seriously revised in some way. So anyway, these are a few of the significations that come to my mind with Venus squaring Pluto. And there are three things to watch for that I want to point out regarding the astrology surrounding the square. And I'm going to pull my chart back up to illustrate here. Let me get it set up. Okay, so, all right, here we are.
So, first things first, we have Venus squaring. Oh, the big arrows out. Just got excited about the conversation. Okay, so Venus square Pluto. The first thing to watch for, in my opinion, is that Venus will immediately change signs. This is significant because this Venus Pluto dynamic, although it is powerful on its own, is immediately followed by a journey that Venus is going to take through the sign of Scorpio. And that will happen from September 23 all the way until about October 18, when Venus goes into Sagittarius.
So that dynamic is like we're getting a little less than a month of Venus and Scorpio directly following the Venus-Pluto dynamic. The reason I think this is significant is that it suggests that whatever this encounter is, it has some pretty deep ramifications. Venus entering that deep, fixed, watery sign of Mars suggests that this confrontation leads to a bit of a tumultuous period for Venus, that relationships that whatever this contact with Pluto is indicating that it immediately draws us into a deeper and more prolonged meditation on this transformation because Venus and Scorpio has many things in common with Venus square Pluto.
So it's as though this is a flashpoint, and then immediately, it's drawing us into a month-long meditation on ongoing changes, depths, and the subterranean qualities of love. Relationship. So it's not just the Venus-Pluto square, right? It is a Venus-Pluto square followed by this deep, long, fixed journey of Venus through Scorpio. So that should give us a little bit more to think about. It is followed by a Solar Eclipse in Libra. So that square between the two planets happening now is followed within two weeks by a solar eclipse in Venus's sign while Venus is in Scorpio.
So again, the Venus-Pluto square is showing itself to be connected to a solar eclipse in Venus's sign, following closely after while Venus continues through a sign in Scorpio that mirrors much of the Venus Pluto dynamic.
One way of looking at that, especially with solar eclipses that often indicate powerful new beginnings, is that the encounter between Venus and Pluto is going to point us in the direction of the need for new contracts in relationships that are more equitable, that are that represent a fair and equal distribution of responsibility or labor or care that are, you know, equitable and or it can also indicate that this Venus-Pluto square, which could destroy some relationships or deeply challenge them, will be followed by the need to establish new relationships, or at the very least a completely new way of doing an existing relationship.
I think those are some of the safest bets with respect to the meaning of the solar eclipse and Venus's sign, Venus in Scorpio, after, shortly after, a Venus-Pluto square. And then finally, Venus herself, as the ruler of the solar eclipse is coming at the time of the solar eclipse right into something of a grand water trine.
Now, the grand water trine isn't perfect. We'll have Venus hitting Saturn and then Venus hitting Mars while Mars is just separating from a trine to Saturn, but they're all very closely connected around the time of the Solar Eclipse in Libra. Venus's sign while Venus is so charged up in Scorpio.
So this Venus-Pluto encounter is suggesting a period of ongoing tumultuousness around relationships and their transformation; their meaningful shift to include or access some of those deeper, more subterranean themes is promised not only by everything happening around Venus and Pluto and the Eclipse and Venus going into Scorpio but by the fact that we see Venus moving into this grand water trine configuration with a fallen Mars with a Saturn in Pisces.
This suggests a very deep level of emotionality and of vulnerable places that we're trying to tap into, and we're trying to do so without being coercive or without, you know, with an appropriate amount of emotional vulnerability, but not veering into something like coerciveness, emotional manipulation, codependency and so forth. It is as though this Venus-Pluto square is triggering a very deep and ongoing period of emotional reflection and emotional work, so some pretty substantive stuff.
It's, you know if it were just Libra, we might think about the sort of contractual, intellectual, abstract, and rational level of our relationships, how we conceptualize them, how we believe they work, and what we sort of agree to in principle within those relationships is reflected by Libra. When you get all of that enmeshed within a Grand Water Trine with these particular planets, it's not so easy to be objective. There are going to be things that draw us into less, you know, less what I want to say, less objective places, and less rational places.
It doesn't mean irrational is bad, either. But there's a felt level, an instinctual level, an emotional level of this exploration that is implied by this dynamic following Venus square Pluto, following the eclipse in Venus's sign of Libra, and so forth. So, just a few things there. I hope that this was useful. Stick around after I sign off. There is an informational video. It's about 10 minutes long. It is about the upcoming program.
So if you want to come to study with us, we start November 16. There is need-based tuition. If you need to make your own price within your fixed budget. We understand people are hurting. People are in different places. People have different fixed incomes. We don't want people to live outside their means in order to take a class that allows them to grow spiritually or maybe even allows them to develop a skill like astrology for other people. So please feel free to utilize the sale on the course, which is also available till October 15.
So, any questions about what you hear in the informational video after I sign off? Email us I hope to see some of you in classes soon. Have a great day, everybody, and a great weekend. Bye. Bye.
So had to have a coming to Jesus with 2 clients ( now former clients)! Transiting Venus in the 10th squaring Pluto in the 2nd!