Today, we're going to take a look at Venus's trine to Jupiter. We'll explore the meaning of this connection between the benefic planets and provide horoscopes for all 12 signs. When I did my research for 2024 at the end of last year, I marked this as one of the best transits of the year.
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Hey everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today we're going to take a look at Venus's trine to Jupiter. Venus is in the sign of Aquarius, making a trine to Jupiter, who is in Gemini.
Venus trines to Jupiter are arguably one of the more benefic transits that we see in the sky, because trines are of the nature of Jupiter, and then you have both benefics connecting. So we're going to explore the meaning of this connection between the benefics today and do horoscopes for all 12 signs.
I think this is, I wrote this down as one of the best transits of the year when I did my research for 2024 at the end of last year. And so, you know, we'll see. But I think what is nice is to look at the whole sign houses where these two planets are connecting in our birth charts today. So we'll do horoscopes and see if we can't pin down where we might see the manifestations of these two planets connecting right now.
Before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe. Share your comments and reflections if you have them, or a story to share. You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on my website, which is
I’ll take you over there right now because we have an event tonight. There is a live webinar that I'm hosting on the sixth house. So if you go over to and click on the events page, go to live talks, you will see that this evening, I'm giving a talk on the sixth house. You can register right here and get the link to the live webinar from 7 to 9 PM Eastern tonight.
If you can't attend live, of course, we'll send you the replay so you can watch it or download the recording afterward.
The other thing that's happening is this weekend. We’re hosting a solstice event in Minneapolis at the Grapevine Collective, which is located at the New City Center in Minneapolis. This is free to attend. We're just getting together to do some movement, some meditation, and a little time to connect with each other around the winter solstice. So get RSVP there. It’s free. You gotta be in the area though; it's not an online event. If you're in the Twin Cities area, hope to see you there. That ought to be fun.
And of course, you all know that I'm in promotion mode for my Kickstarter campaign. We have, as of the time that I'm recording this intro for today's video, we are on our way towards 600 backers. But that means that we still need between 1,300 and 1,400 more backers, and we have just 13 days left to go. It’ll probably be a little bit less than that by the time you're hearing this. So that means we need a big push of support to try and reach our goal of 19,137 backers by New Year's Eve, or January 1st when the clock strikes midnight.
But I think it technically ends January 1st, like 10 in the morning or something. But we're going to try to get to our goal by then. Thank you to everybody who has already pitched in and supported. Every single donation matters. You can find the donation link, the Kickstarter link, in the comment section, pinned to the top, the description of this video, or on the website
Click on the 2025 Kickstarter link. When you go over to the Kickstarter campaign, you will see that there are a variety of rewards available, including major discounts on all of our online programs. Those sales are the best of the year. They go up to 75% off when you bundle our courses together, and at least 50% off the normal price, which we only run once per year during this Kickstarter campaign.
Those are renewable anytime you want. Pledges are taken out January 1st. So you make your pledge now, and they will charge whatever card you use on January 1st. I just wanted to clarify that for people. There are a bunch of other rewards too, and I'll tell you about them after today's video is done. There's a little additional video tagged on to explain the different rewards that are available.
Like I said, we need a really big push. We are right now like 150 backers behind last year's pace. So if we are going to match or beat last year's record, which will land us in the financial range that we need to reach, we really need a big push here in the last couple of weeks—less than a couple of weeks now, like 12 or 13 days.
So, a request to donate if you haven’t already. Thank you to everybody who has; we really appreciate it.
One thing that I like to mention is what I think is valuable about this channel. I've been saying, if you can check this box, please consider donating. Well, one of the things that I find both rare and valuable about this work is that it is unique to find a blend of archetypal, psychological, and ancient or traditional Hellenistic astrology in one form of content.
Often we have to go to one place to hear something more psychological or archetypal, and we have to go to another place to hear something traditional Hellenistic, etc. So if you appreciate that, when you listen to this channel, you get a little bit of that Hellenistic flavor along with some of the elements of modern psychological and archetypal astrology.
And if you appreciate that blend, and you recognize that that's not something you find everywhere, then please consider supporting the channel, because that is a unique thing that is intentionally crafted for this audience.
So on that note, let us now turn our attention to one of the most benefic transits of the year. I apologize. I'm like red in the face, and I've got this thing around me. A couple of times a year, I might get a massage. I got one this morning, and I have the little thing you put your face in, like imprinted on my face now, and it'll probably be this way for like a whole day. But it was a good massage.
And I'm always like, I should do this more often. I don't know why I don't do this. It's probably… See, and stuff like that. But you know, it's like, anyway, whatever, I'm rambling.
Enjoy today's video!
All right, let's get into it. Venus is trining Jupiter, and today we're going to cover horoscopes for all 12 signs. There are three key themes I want us to focus on as we explore this trine. I'll outline the timeline, discuss these themes, and then take you through each of the 12 whole sign house horoscopes. We’ll connect the houses that Venus and Jupiter link through their trine, explaining their philosophical connections, as houses connected by trines share deeper meanings.
This is also a great opportunity for me to preview my 2025 Master Class series starting in the new year. The series will explore houses connected by trines, why and how they’re philosophically linked, and how to interpret them as a community within the chart. More on that as we go, and it’ll become clearer as we dive into each horoscope.
Let’s start with the timeline. Here we are, Thursday, December 19, and you can see Venus in Aquarius moving into a trine with Jupiter in Gemini. You may have started to feel this as early as Tuesday, as they came within about three degrees of each other. The energy built through yesterday and continues today. By tomorrow, they’ll be just a degree apart. Let’s give this aspect three degrees of separation, which carries us through Sunday. The connection between these two planets has been active early this week and will remain so through the end of the week. Think about what’s happening for you today and what might develop as the week goes on and we move into the weekend.
Now I’m going to simplify the chart to focus only on these two planets so we can really hone in on them. As we go through the 12 whole sign house horoscopes, you can listen to your Sun or rising sign. I’ll explain why these houses are philosophically connected and what those connections might mean. Before we dive in, I want to highlight three general themes to watch for with this trine. These will apply to everyone and all signs.
The first theme is good fortune and good spirit conspiring. I mentioned this in the weekly overview video, but it’s worth reiterating. Venus, the lesser benefic, brings enjoyment and harmony to our everyday material experiences. This isn’t “lesser” as in less important but rather a worldly or material kind of beneficence. Venus is about the things that make life enjoyable—good food, feeling great, smooth relationships, and little bits of unexpected luck. She’s the adornment of the material universe, making it attractive, pleasant, and harmonious.
When Venus connects with Jupiter, the greater benefic, in a trine, there’s an alignment of good fortune and good spirit. Venus rejoices in the fifth house, known as the house of good fortune. Jupiter rejoices in the eleventh house, the house of good spirit. Together, they represent both everyday enjoyment and a deeper, overarching sense of purpose and support. It’s as though life itself is conspiring for your growth and well-being.
The second theme is support, help, allies, and development. This connection, happening in air signs, emphasizes the social dimension. Air signs are about people, communities, and connections. This trine fosters collaboration, group efforts, and finding support through relationships and networks. It’s a time when you may feel uplifted by those around you or discover new allies and opportunities.
The third theme is enjoyment, happiness, harmony, and pleasure. Even if this transit shows up subtly, it can bring a sense of ease and flow. It’s about finding moments of joy and support, even amidst challenges. This aspect can coat life with a sense of beauty and magic, offering perspective and a break from the heavier themes we often navigate.
Now let’s move into the horoscopes. Always listen for your rising sign, as that corresponds with the whole sign house version of your birth chart.
But let's get into it, 11 and three. So these houses, 11, seven, and three in Indian astrology are connected to the topic of kama, as in the Kama Sutra, as in pleasure, as in romance, intimacy, and love. But in a broader sense, it is about social harmonization. One of the meanings of these three houses is that they all have to do with distinctly social environments in our life, where the goal is to connect both meaningfully and pleasurably with other human beings.
When you think about this within the context of the third and the 11th houses, we think about some broader social dimension of life—perhaps more societal. Or we think about the third house as more environmental, like your village, your neighborhood, the people relative to your roots, like family members, and siblings. Then, again, the 11th house makes us think of broader communities, networks, organizations of people, allies, and the kind of people that you call friends in a larger, maybe philosophical or ideological sense, or professional context.
What I like about this is that there’s a connection between the local environment—the village, the everyday world that you inhabit—and the larger social dimensions of your life that are harmonious right now. So, if you're in Aries, what you want to watch for are meaningful connections socially that offer opportunities for positive connection, development of ambitions, support with projects, and maybe even closer relationships or more tight-knit relationships within a local sphere. These are people you can connect with who are closer to home.
I also like this as beneficial things coming through the mental and emotional environment of the third house, and finding allies and like-minded people—people who are wired similarly to you. So, watch for meaningful connections across these two houses that are concerned with social connections and happiness within those connections.
It’s interesting to see how the houses are connected by philosophical meaning. Let's go forward to Taurus.
With Taurus, we’re talking about how I love it when the big arrow appears, like, out of nowhere, like, “Hey, I’m here!” So here we have Venus and Jupiter connecting in a trine between houses 10 and 2. Now, these three houses—10, 2, and 6 in Indian astrology—are related to the idea of artha, which is the pursuit of wealth, power, position, mastery, rank, notoriety, vocation, and your job.
So, 10, 6, and 2 are all houses that are related to the same, broadly speaking, philosophical pursuit in life. In the second house, we might be developing resources, building wealth. It might be what we have, what we possess, like money, but also assets—and the development of assets, which could also mean skills. In the 10th house, we’re talking about the environment of the workplace, and perhaps the actual vocation, or the title or type of vocation.
When these two houses connect beneficially, we’re looking at the potential for things like prosperity, positive developments in your career, maybe with a distinctly social aura—like finding the right kinds of social support networks, and so forth.
I love, for example, that for me, I’m a Taurus rising, and these two planets are connecting while we're holding a free Solstice gathering here in Minneapolis. That ought to be fun! Anyway, as these two planets are connecting, we’re thinking about building maybe more social connections through our work, or thinking about positive forms of development of support—support that can come both professionally and maybe financially, and things that we’re building or developing that have a communal flavor. These may have to do with a creative allocation of resources or a new way of doing business, or something like that.
So, it’s a really nice form of support around two houses that are both connected to things like work, money, development of things that have to do with work, money, finances, skills, and skill development. There’s also this really nice communal dimension to it, with the two benefics in air signs.
Okay, Gemini. Now we’re connecting houses one and nine, which are also connected in trine, to house five. Indian astrologers associated these houses with dharma, which is the purpose or function that we are naturally meant to fulfill as a soul who comes into this lifetime with unique gifts and abilities, a unique calling.
The development of dharma in the first house is mostly linked to character and the development and cultivation of character skills and abilities, whereas the ninth house has to do with the ongoing process of learning, spirituality, and enlightenment—which is absolutely fundamental to the development of dharma.
To develop dharma personally, we have to understand dharma universally, which is to say, if we want to understand truth within ourselves, we also have to pursue truth in general. So, for Geminis, right now there’s a really nice connection flowing between ongoing study and the pursuit of truth, spirituality, or wisdom, and the ongoing cultivation of self. Self-development and religious, spiritual, philosophical, or educational development are nicely harmonizing right now for Geminis. And there’s, again, a pretty social dimension with these air signs, which could mean it’s connecting with other people.
For Cancers, we have houses 12 and 8, also naturally connected to house 4—all of these houses called Moksha in Indian astrology, which means liberation. Liberation from what? From karma, from entanglements, from worldly coverings that maybe cast a cloud or shadow over our consciousness, making it hard to see.
The purpose of these houses is, in many ways, to help us be liberated from things that bind us or tie us in the material world, things that keep our consciousness covered over and make us live in ignorance. We want to be free from those things. Moksha means liberation.
So, spiritual liberation is connected to these houses, interesting in how each one is a little bit different. Houses 12, 8, and 4 are all connected to the topic of moksha. Now, 8 and 12 are probably the two of these three houses that are the most difficult. But for Cancers, with positive connections happening between these places, you think of the potential for unconscious areas of life to be explored and examined, and for healing to take place because of the meaningful exploration happening in relationships or in various social settings.
The eighth house has a lot to do with our karmic exchanges with other souls—what we are obligated to give and receive in various soul contracts that we have with other people. In the 12th house, we’re often gaining some distance from the world and some perspective by stepping outside of normal ego consciousness.
Sometimes that can mean that we’re also visiting places that are deeply unconscious, painful, undermining, and destructive. But also, the connection of the benefics in these houses suggests that the excavating or mining of difficult material right now, personally, socially, or collectively, is going to perhaps lead to some healing and some breakthroughs. When you see the benefics connected in these houses, you think about forces conspiring for greater spiritual liberation.
Spiritual liberation can happen in these houses because of meaningful things taking place to eliminate or burn off karma. That’s a really powerful thing for Cancers right now, even if some of the burning off is difficult. You’ve got to love that the benefics are connecting to aid in the process of spiritual liberation.
Alright, let’s keep going.
So, we go to Leo next, and with Leo, we see houses 11 and 7. Now we’re back in the social houses. Houses 11 and 7 bring out larger social dimensions of life—communal, organizational, things like allies, communities, and colleagues. The seventh house is more interpersonal, dealing with things like relationships, love, marriage, and intimacy.
What I like is that we’re seeing a very positive connection between the house of community and the house of relationships, both of which are broadly about the pursuit of pleasure—in and through social dimensions of life. Do we feel that we have a happy social existence?
Well, for Leos right now, there’s some really nice connectivity between the house of love and relationships and community. It’s as though there may be some connection between your relationship and the ability to find communities of people that both you and your partner get along with. Or it could be, for example, that you’re meeting someone because of a community—you’re literally meeting and dating someone that you meet in some larger community space.
It could also be that there are allies, groups, and people coming to you and offering beneficial support through a partner or a spouse. Either way, the houses of 7 and 11 are meaningfully connecting you to people, groups, and communities that should offer support, happiness, and harmony.
Okay, moving along to Virgo. So, with Virgo, we see them back in the artha houses—the workhouses 10 and 6—also connected to 2 by trine. All three houses have to do with work. When we connect planets in the 6th and 10th, we’re thinking about the daily work and grind—the chop wood, carry water house of the wheel, the 6th house—which we’ve got a webinar on, so you can attend that this evening, by the way.
The 6th house deals with work, sickness, sacrifice, and service. Benefic connections from the 6th to the 10th would generally mean that the people you hire or employ, as well as the overall goals of the workplace, are coming together.
This would be a nice, productive transit for a team of people that you watch over or that you are in charge of. Somehow, there could also be meaningful connections between the daily work that you perform and the results that your work is paying off. The sacrifice, effort, and labor that you have put into something is naturally finding support, or is developing in positive ways.
It could also be that you're finding new and more productive ways to work, more enjoyable ways to perform work, or different kinds of ways to improve or enhance the quality of the work life or the work environment. Also, just generally speaking, positive social connections are aiding in the successful development and building of things that you're working toward.
All of this would look really good right now. It looks really good for our Virgos.
All right, if you're a Libra, we're back into the Dharma houses, and that means 9, 5, and 1. With 9 and 5, we're talking about the cultivation of wisdom, knowledge, education, and the pursuit of truth. That dharma house is really the house where all of us look to seek enlightenment and try to understand.
If you're into astrology, this was associated with the ninth house—anything where we're pursuing an understanding of truth and spirituality, intellectually or philosophically. There’s a great emphasis for Libras right now on the growth of intellect and mind, maybe through a process of questioning, or even allowing yourself to doubt and ask questions that are meaningful. You are gradually coming to a better or more understanding of something.
The emphasis on education and learning is also connected to the ongoing role of creativity in your life. The fifth house. Often, I've heard it described on multiple occasions as the joy derived from one's dharma. If we're in our dharma, if we're in our essence, and we're offering something of our true nature to the world, and we're learning and growing spiritually, there should also be a natural overflow of happiness, good fortune, and creative fulfillment. It's just a byproduct of seeking truth and of living as authentically as we can.
So right now, the question is between the house of creative fulfillment, talent, good fortune, and happiness in life coming from living in touch with your essence, and also the ongoing pursuit of truth, knowledge, and the ongoing spiritual quest described by the ninth house. Also, wonder about the kind of people in your life right now that may be supporting you, both intellectually, spiritually, and creatively.
There's also a possible connection between topics like spirituality and children, or child rearing, or parenting, or pregnancy with the fifth house Venus. But I love this as a moment for Libras, where philosophically and creatively, things are conspiring to support you.
All right, let's look at Scorpio. So with Scorpio, we're back in the Moksha houses, and that's going to be 8, 12, and 4. Now, when we look at house 4 and 8, we're looking at the house of home and family, and the place of karmic debts and exchanges. And so with two planets coming together in this place, I like the idea that there may be beneficial things that you are giving and receiving between yourself and other family members now. That could be a spouse's family, it could be an extended family, or your family, or your family of origin.
So when you see the benefics connecting in this place, you think about what forms of support and aid, blessing, and good fortune are we giving and receiving relative to things like marriage and family or family members or soul contracts? That sort of aid in the development or assistance of family, property, or home, things like that.
There's also a chance that you're taking out a loan to buy a property, or that you're finding support for the development of things like your dreams and goals with respect to home, family, or your living environment. So any kind of support that supports you at the roots, or any kind of karmic contracts that also need to be— the thing about Moksha in these houses is that there are karmic attachments that we're always burning off in these houses. And then there are also soul contracts with other people, the benefits of which may aid in our spiritual growth.
So what kinds of benefits that aid in your spiritual growth are also available to you right now? I mean, one of the things that can aid in our spiritual growth is feeling like we have a safe place to live every day, and then we live in less anxiety about basic things. It's like Maslow's hierarchy—when your basic needs are squared away, it's easier to start thinking about spiritual things, isn't it? So we could be looking at something like that as well.
Excuse me, all right, let's go on. We put Sagittarius on the ascendant. We're back in the kama houses, these social houses of 7 and 3, connected also to house 11, so we get the trines in there. But the third and the seventh houses are really interesting because we're really talking about the intersection between our everyday environment, including mind and body, and the local space around us, the culture that we live in, or the village or neighborhood we live in, and beneficial connections in things like marriage and relationships—any kind of intimate interpersonal relationships connected to your everyday life, the life of the mind.
This could be about meaningful, fun, uplifting conversations you're having with close friends. It could be about nice exchanges, beneficial, harmonious exchanges that you're having with any kind of people that are both somehow local to you as well as maybe more personal to you. It's also maybe about broadening our minds and bringing in new kinds of people into our life or our sphere of activity. It could be about considering and opening our minds to other people from different walks or ways of life, with different ideas about life. There's a kind of smooth, flowing openness to others that I love about this.
For Sagittarians, there's also some kind of willingness to exchange value with other people, as opposed to insisting on one's own way. I can't help but think, for Sagittarians, you've got Mercury turning direct in your first house, going back into that opposition with Jupiter. The Venus trine to Jupiter here suggests to me an openness and a willingness to harmonize with others intellectually or to make room for different kinds of people and different kinds of experiences socially that at other times you might be opposed to. So I like this kind of open-mindedness, open-spiritedness, and conspiring things, conspiring to support you around relationships.
All right, let's move on. So we go to Capricorn, and we are back in the artha houses. We have 2, 10, and 6, but the connection with Venus and Jupiter is between 2 and 6. What I love about this is hard work pays off. You're thinking about the goddess of good fortune around the topic of money, possessions, finances, connecting with Jupiter in the sixth house of the daily grind.
And what it makes me think about instantly is, with these two planets trining one another, sort of favorably connected, it's like, well, if you're putting in a lot of work and effort, you're going to feel as though you are being supported. And, you know, sometimes there's—like I was saying earlier with Jupiter—there's no better feeling than the universe conspiring to support you.
Well, when you're building something, when you're building a business, you're building skills, you're developing abilities—all of which you're hoping to build a career out of, or you're hoping to make money from, or develop your material assets through—there's nothing better than feeling like there's a wave of support or signs of good things to come.
There is a social dimension to this transit that could suggest different favorable forms of social support or connection, helping you build skills, develop things you're working on, find success in things like business, money, and work. There's also something here that might be about hiring the right person or finding the right connections of people to work with or for, or to hire, or something like that.
Let's go forward to Aquarius, where we now have the dharma houses emphasized with Venus in the first and Jupiter in the fifth. Remember, they're also connected to the ninth. The question becomes about truth. Who am I truly? What do I have to give? Truly? How do I live in accord with my essence?
The ninth house, being about the learning and development of spiritual insight, also dharma, and then the fifth house, the joy, the benefits, the blessings derived from one's dharma and the creative fulfillment that we need from our dharma, that we experience when we're in alignment with it. Living in alignment with our dharma means living in alignment with a creative essence that is very fulfilling, the natural byproduct of which is happiness.
So Venus in the first, Jupiter in the fifth for Aquarians, is emphasizing that right now, there is a space for you to feel both personally and creatively fulfilled. It could be that there are various social dimensions of life that are also conspiring to offer support for you, both as a person who is evolving and developing, as well as a creative who is maybe trying to disseminate, share, or do something creative.
I like this as a time of great support for Aquarians in both terms of personal development, development of health, body vitality, as well as creativity and a kind of uplifting energy that can help you feel happier, both with who you are and how you're living your life, with some sense of creative fulfillment. So nice, nice little energies coming through here.
And then let's end with Pisces, where we're back in the Moksha houses. We have 12 and 4 connected. What I find really interesting about this is that sometimes there are things that are happening in ways, places that we can't see, that are meant to bless us. So the unconscious of the 12th house and the fourth house, the place of home and family and roots, both represent spheres of life that it's not always easy to be fully conscious of. It's not easy to be fully conscious of where we come from, our ancestral roots, our past lives, our family karma. And of course, the 12th house naturally is a place that is like a blind spot to the native.
So when you put these two things together, but beneficially, I think to myself, this is a time where we may come to understand things that we haven't been able to see, and that understanding is a real blessing. You know, there are moments where you understand something about your past, you understand something about your history, you understand something about yourself that you haven't been able to see, and it is so helpful, and you feel so relieved, so unburdened to see something, even if it's difficult. You feel that way. I see something like this for Pisceans.
On the other hand, one thing that I would look at would be the potential for positive connections that are serving to resolve old karmas. So the resolution of old karma, Jupiter in the fourth with respect to Venus in the 12th, could be that there are, you know, magical ways in which things from the past that have been difficult or hard are finding a natural point of resolution, of peace, of letting go, of surrender, and there's a great feeling of benefic release behind that.
I also look at this as a time where some degree of distance, reflection, solitude, contemplation could be
very beneficial for Pisceans right now. And I also think about the potential for family connections, things like siblings or sisters, or the unconscious dimensions of family life being explored or connected to in ways that can be very beneficial or useful right now.
So these are just a few ideas to work with as we approach this trine today. I hope that, you know, we strike some chords in your hearts as we go along, and that you're able to see some meaningful connections in the Venus-Jupiter trine and however, it's showing up today. But remember, if we don't hit on something in the whole sign houses that we just looked at, go back to good fortune and good spirit, conspiring, support, help, allies and development, social dimension of air, enjoyment, happiness, harmony, and pleasure as things that are just sort of in the air.
And I'm emphasizing the most positive dimensions of this transit today because sometimes it's good to do that. Sometimes it's good to look at one of the— I mean, when we talk about Mars and Uranus conjoining, I don't blow smoke up anybody's ass. I mean, that can be a really difficult transit, and we talk about exactly why. Well, this can be a really good one, and it largely is, it often is, and so I'm not going to blow smoke up your ass about this either. It's good. Have fun. Enjoy it, damn it.
All right, that's it. I hope you guys have a good one. Stick around. I'm going to tell you more about rewards that are available when you support the channel. Guys, we have a long way left to go, and I really need your help to get there. So if you haven't donated yet, please consider supporting us. $5, $10—it all goes a really long way to helping us reach our goals by New Year's Eve. We still need a ton of support. So if you haven't yet, please consider again. And thank you to everybody who has already donated. We really appreciate you.
Okay, take it easy. Bye.
A very insightful analysis of the Venus trine Jupiter transit! I find it fascinating how this alignment provides opportunities for growth and harmony.