Today I am going to take a look at Venus's upcoming trine to Neptune, as well as next week's opposition between Venus and Pluto.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at Venus's upcoming trine to the planet Neptune. Now this is a trine that's perfecting over the weekend into Monday. I thought about maybe doing a video on this transit on Monday when it perfects but in my opinion, you can really feel the transit three or four days before it perfects in which case it's nice to know in advance when it's coming as much as possible. So we'll do it today even though you may really feel this more intensely by say Sunday or Monday. Anyway, I'm going to put the real time clock up first show you what the transit looks like so that you can see it and for those of you out there who track transits a little bit more technically, it's always nice to see it on the actual kind of actual real time clock on the software. Okay, here it is. So you can see that Venus is a super watery trine Venus is in the sign of cancer. And Venus in cancer is connecting to Neptune in Pisces by a Trine and this is going to perfect over the weekend. If we move this forward a little bit. You'll see this is by Sunday June 20. And by June 21, Monday, the two are connected at 23 degrees. At the same time, what's interesting about this we'll be talking about this next week. Venus is going to immediately enter into an opposition with Pluto right after the connection with Neptune so Venus Neptune Trine followed by Venus Pluto opposition. So it's quite a sequence that Venus is about to go through. And the opposition to Pluto will perfect by Thursday of next week. So if you stretch this out about a week, between right now and the end of next week, Venus is going through the trine to Neptune in the opposition to Pluto. Now we'll take more time with Venus opposite Pluto next week. But I do want to say that whatever Venus is about to encounter is going to start off very lovely probably very dreamy. That intoxicating Venus Neptune and then there'll be a surprise with Venus opposition to Pluto.
Now this is something that's been around for a while so I want to tell you guys a story that goes back some years but it's kind of it's I think it's a pretty funny story. I was debating telling it or not because I want to make sure that I'm like respectful of the way that I tell it. But anyway, here it is. Here it goes. So um, the last time that Venus went through trine to Neptune. Well, there's been a bunch of times but one of the times that Venus went through trine to Neptune and opposition to Pluto pretty back to back. This is what happened to me and this to me this is the perfect metaphor for this transit in general. So I love getting acupressure. That's my favourite type of massage. I know that massage therapists out there have raging debates about acupressure because anytime that I've mentioned it in the past, it seems to infuriate some people because they believe that it's too hard on the body or there's you know, lots of debates about it anyway, I I'm an acupressure guy. It's done wonders for my body over the years. I absolutely love it. I swear by it. But everybody is different. And so at any rate, so I was looking for a place to get acupressure done. After we had moved, we had relocated our yoga studio back in DC. And I was going to look for you know, just a new acupressure place. And I found one that advertised as offering acupressure. So I was like, stoked. So I go and it was in this little strip mall. And the strip mall just struck me as like, hmm, there was a number of places that were looking kind of like, dilapidated, and like uninhabited. Maybe even people that did drugs were hanging out. And I was like, You know what, like, I went to so many places in New York City when I lived there that on the outside might, you know, strike people as you know, not looking the best, but in terms of the actual work that people did on your body was incredible. And not shady at all, like, you know, in terms of like the ethics of the place or whatever. So, at any rate, I go into, I go into this place and you know, I like sign up for massage. I think it was like an hour or something. So I like I go back in to this room. And you know, this woman came in and she didn't really speak English. And so she asked me, you know, like, what do you like, you know, what, what do you want and I was like, Well, you know, just like my back and my shoulders and stuff like that and then she told me, like really commanded me to take off my clothes. And I was like, I'm not used to this. And I was like, Well, I'm just gonna keep my underwear on, like, I'm just gonna keep my boxers on. When I've gotten acupressure, like in some places, they might have me in my boxers or whatever I prefer, but with like, a blanket over me and never asking me to, like, take off my clothes in front of them. But I was like, Well, you know, maybe, Okay. This is the beginning of my problem with boundaries in this situation.
So anyway, I was like, okay, and I just turned around and I like, stripped down. I didn't have anything I kept my boxers on. And she looked at me and she was like, you want your boxers on? Like, what? And I was maybe I'm not in the type of place or situation that I should be in. So at any rate I was like, okay, so I just got on the table, and I laid down, you know, put my face in the little hole and it looked like it was like a normal massage table and everything and and she she got up on the table and like basically like was walking on my back, you know, that the the bars that peep sometimes they have above and and like that was awesome. So it started off and I was like, Okay, okay, good. I'm saying like, this is a normal massage, like, nothing crazy is gonna happen here. So I keep on going. And then all of a sudden, often the bars she drops down and it's like sitting on my, on my butt. And she started kind of groping me. And I was like, I paused and I was like, Ah, yeah, I don't I don't want any of that, you know, just like my back and my shoulders. Like just kind of trying to clarify like, and then I was feeling bad, like, did I strike? Did I strike this, this person, this therapist as someone who was looking for that somehow and, and then I was like really self conscious and, and then she tried again. And I paused and I like turned around. And I sat up and I said, you know I'm used to like acupressure. This is just acupressure, right. I'm like you guys do acupressure Can I just have that? Like I was trying to like, you know, clarify? Like I don't want anything kinky here, you know, and trying to be respectful to because it felt like that's what you know, that's what she was definitely trying for. And then she took my head. She just she just jammed my head down. And she just kind of barked another command at me and then tried to start groping me again. And then I was like, I sat up and I go, you know, I'm used to going and I named the place that I was used to going to, which is this really awesome place that I went to, in a very well known and like a big mall. And it's like a therapeutic acupressure centre inside of a mall. And they have all these rooms that you go back into and so forth. And so I mentioned it to her. And she looked at me and she was so mean, she was like, livid. And she goes, you go back to the mall. She kicked me out. So I didn't feel like traumatised, it was so absurd. The whole situation was so absurd. But it was really, really funny because I told my wife the whole story when I got back and my wife's like, well, what's going on astrologically right now. And I ended up paying for it too. That was the crazy thing on the way out. I was like, you know, this isn't what I came here for. And the woman at the front desk was like pissed off at me. And I was like I didn't want that. And she just kicked me out of the room. And so, anyway, I should have known though because on the way out of the place like it was really clear that there was som Hanky Panky going on in another in another room. And I feel like if I had gone in and like just kind of scanned my surroundings and like listened a little bit more like maybe I would have detected that this was a place where that kind of thing was happening. And so anyway I got smacked around by this therapist, and I'll just never forget "You go back to the mall! You go back to the mall!" She was so mad.
And I kept telling her I was like I just just like my neck and shoulders like that's all. So anyway, I come home and I found out Venus was in a trine with Neptune and also moving into an opposition with Pluto same exact configuration because Pluto and Neptune have been in Pisces and Capricorn for a long time now. And so of course once I realised that this was the astrology of the occasion it made a tonne of sense because I went into a place looking for that like that kind of spa you know massage atmosphere very Venus Neptune right you connect Venus the goddess of love relaxation, beauty, sensuality, physical touch therapy, healing and Neptune which you know is very spa like it's a place where there might be you know, gentle music playing and oils and hot stones and you know, like like that like a therapeutic Venus Neptune vibe. But Venus Neptune can be deceptive in terms of things that you don't see or you know, like kind of in its it can be kind of intoxicating, and illusory it can be there can be a mirage like quality, you don't always you don't always know always know exactly what you're getting into with Venus Neptune, you can, you can find that you're in a situation that you did not anticipate. For example, Venus, Neptune will often show up, even in trials when people are, you know, slipped, some kind of drunk at a party or something like that happened to a friend of mine when I was in school, you know, I forget what those drugs are called, there's a popular name for them. But they, you know, some sometimes people will do that, you know, and, and obviously, you know, it's a terrible thing that happens with Venus Neptune that can be a Venus Neptune dynamic. But at the same time, Venus, Neptune could be like, going to when I was in New York City, and I would go to the Lower East Side, and I think there was a Russian or Turkish baths, like a bath house. And he used to go with a bunch of friends. And man, that place was awesome. In terms of like, the different sauna rooms you could go into and hot and cold water, you could go back and forth between and you know, so Venus, Neptune can show up in a lot of different ways. Very romantic, sensual, dreamy, but sometimes you're, you're not always going to see things clearly. Or there's going to be like, you know, a one night stand that promises eternity, you know, what I mean? So you won't always see things clearly. And the opposition to Pluto, which can bring in this kind of deep and intense transformative effect, where sometimes there's something like one of the things that I thought about was like, a place like that if they if someone came in and did like a sting operation, like they'd lose their whole business because it's illegal. So, obviously, like something plutonian, something. underworld, something hidden, something a little bit dark, something deeply transformative. So, I mean, like, luckily for me, like I'm telling this story today. And I debated telling him because I didn't, really want to be like, you know, offensive to anyone. But it was so absurd and funny. And someone could get into the same situation and, and feel actually traumatised by such a thing. I left feeling confused, shocked. And then because I have a dark sense of humour, I thought it was a hilarious experience for me. But anyway, so that you you can look at the sequence of Venus, Neptune, and then Venus, Pluto, and think that Venus, Neptune is going to hold out something that looks like it's very beautiful, sensual, dreamy, healing, harmonious. And then the contact with Pluto along with the potential mirage like quality of Neptune could potentially bring out something that's a little darker or heavier. And so, this is a time where I would be really careful like, trusting someone that you meet randomly to, you know, to go home with them at a bar or something like that, like this sequence this transit from now to next Thursday can bring a lot of intoxicating romantic energy followed by kind of like tremendous upheaval and catharsis emotionally or romantically so you have to be really careful. You don't always get what you think you're gonna get.
So those are a few things that I wanted to say about Venus trine to Neptune here. Some of the positive things that I really like about Venus is trying to Neptune let's just say minus the plutonian of underworld effect that could be joined to it. Venus Trine Neptune can bring, especially because they're both in water signs and Venus is in cancer, like that kind of peace, harmony, beauty, Joy among friends and family, kind of that feeling of the tribe coming together for a joyous festival, the the sunshine and blankets on the grass at an outdoor concert with family and kids. Almost like, you know, my mind goes to almost like a Peter Paul and Mary concert or something like that, or like Rafi, like, like Venus in cancer connecting to Neptune can bring that kind of blissful vibe, but it brings it into perhaps the domain of kind of the mother, the home. You could also see the connection between women, like just circles of women are friends or empowering but not empowering, but but gentle and soft, feminine energy. So the Yin is really powerful in the next three or four days, emotional healing, camaraderie, emotionally, the kind of the ideal, and the beautiful. And the emotional sentimentality all combined, of this transit can be quite blissful. It's funny, one of the reasons that I was prompted to tell that story is because I was like, just recently in our area, I found a place that does acupressure because really, since COVID, I haven't, I haven't gone for massage and like a really long time. And once in a while, you know, I that's something that I've loved to do since I was like I don't know, in my 20s. So I found an acupressure place near nearby and my wife and I were of course, just reliving the absurdity of that story. And then I was like, Oh, that's funny that that transits coming back around. So I'm gonna wait till after it's over to go check out the new place. But anyway, let's see, what else do I have written down here.
Any kind of fun or joining the water like going boating or going swimming, those kinds of things, Venus, Neptune will bring like water, sunshine, joy, friendship, and I stay at the beach, that kind of energy for sure, or some kind of outing into nature, gardening, home cooked meals, friends on the porch, you know, that kind of vibe. The Venus trine to Neptune can also be very romantic, like it's a good, it'd be a really good time in your relationship to do things that are really gentle, soothing, like, it's the kind of space where maybe you want to create a spa at home night. You know, my wife and girls do that from time to time where they'll they'll, you know, they'll do the bath and they'll put some bath salts and they'll do their thing on their face. I don't know what it's called. And so, you know, creating that, maybe some gentle music and like, they paint their nails together. So maybe like that, just that that feeling of like creating a little at home, paradise vacation. Those kinds of things are really nice for this energy and it goes further than you think it will it has the ability to kind of soothe, or what's the word I'm looking for soothe or heal is such a generic word. It's nuts. It's like where there are rough edges, it tends to smooth things out. If there's been tension or stress, it tends to smooth things out, which is why Venus Neptune is such a good symbol for anything that's really therapeutic. So okay, now with Pluto in the mix, there might be an end or a but that comes in next week. So we do have to be a little bit careful. But they're not like they don't necessarily it's not like anything good that comes through is going to be followed by some kind of plutonian punch in the face next week. So I don't want to make it appear like that. But I would be a little bit careful of the potential for Mirage or illusion. That that's that if you bite into that Apple so to speak. You know, it reminds me of um, did you guys ever see the movie the labyrinth? So in the labyrinth, I forget what her name is the actress who plays Sarah, but she's Jennifer Connelly.
Is that her name? Anyway, um, at one point she bites into an apple and it's like a poisoned apple that David Bowie. He's the Goblin King. And she goes into this dreamscape where She's dancing with David Bowie and there's it's kind of this space but she has to remember her mission and come back because she has to go save her little brother who the Goblin King has taken. It's a great movie if you've never seen it, but that movie is very Venus Neptune, like in many places. David Bowie has a kind of Venus Neptune vibe in his chart, in fact, so kind of kind of spacey beautiful, possibly intoxicating. Is it taking me off my course? Am I falling in love with something that's an illusion or an escape? That's the question to keep in mind a little bit, especially with Pluto following next week. So okay, so that's what I've got for today. I hope that you guys enjoyed this and leave me your Venus Neptune stories. If you have any. If you have it in your chart. Tell us your stories. I'd love to hear what they're like. Leave it in the chat chat box below. And we hope you guys have a fantastic weekend. And a bunch of fun episodes lined up for next week and lots of transits to talk about next week too. There's, you know, some big ones coming through next week. Mercury will turn direct next week. Jupiter's turning retrograde. Venus will oppose Pluto. So there's a number of really big things plus, I've got some fun q&a episodes queued up for you guys that I did with cat as well. So Alright, that's what I've got. Have a great weekend, everybody. We'll see you soon. Bye.
Hi Achuta-Bhava – I do enjoy your astrology postings and they help out greatly with all the weird times we are navigating through currently…- As you asked for tales of Venus/Neptune/Pluto interactions here is mine. It is rather complicated so please forgive my long windedness… ( I am a Taurus with my Sun/Moon conjunct in the First House. and Aries Rising ) In the Spring of 1968 I had just moved away from home and was living in Toronto, Canada, on my own. I was very much into finding a spiritual teacher and when I met a Scorpio man, Jaroslav, age 24, who said he would introduce me to his Buddhist teacher I was interested. I was a virginal and naive 20 year old female. The air was full of the “Summer of Love” and all that…. Jaroslav was Polish, and a survivor of the Holocaust as his mother was a work slave in Buchenwald Labor Camp for Women while she was pregnant with him. He was beautiful to look at and highly intelligent, and trained as a scientist, and I fell hard for him. My Venus (12th Hs. Pisces) and Neptune ( 6th Hs. Libra) are in mutual reception and at the time I had trans, Neptune @ 25 degrees of Scorpio exactly conjunct my natal Jupiter in the 7th House trine to natal Venus (25 degrees Pisces ) in my 12th. Like a big Cosmic Wow ! By December of ’68 transiting Pluto was in Virgo and exactly opposite my natal Venus and was stationing retro and moving back and forth for the next two years. My natal Pluto is in my 5th House . Our relationship was heavily karmic, and extremely painful. I sometimes thought of him as my demon lover, and your mention of David Bowie from the Labyrinth film was rather astute. He even looked a lot like Bowie in those days. We had two children together, neither of which he ever took any responsibility for. He seemed to be extremely sexually promiscuous, and always had a number of women on a string and I have learned over the following fifty+ years that he is a malignant narcissist of the first order. He ended up with five children by 4 different women, none of the children did he ever bothered to parent. He left all his women to raise their kids alone. His attachment to the Buddhist teacher, a Tibetan Rimpoche, turned from admiration into extreme hatred as I do believe the teacher named the particular demon that was afflicting him as he, Jaroslav was always extremely verbally abusive with a very nasty and hurtful way with words. And the Rimpoche informed the women he was involved with, me included, that he would not make a good father figure. I had to separate myself from him just to survive emotionally and to raise healthy children, but he always kept in touch over the years. Of course I was a source of narcissistic supply but there is more to the connection, as I think in his own bent way he really loved me, but could not own it. He was way too damaged from an abusive and neglected childhood to even comprehend what a healthy family life looks like. And his birth chart looks to me like a sad broken soul with some very poor relationship karma. Knowing astrology has been a huge benefit for me to understand all this stuff. Fast forward to this past April, 2021, when his heart condition became extremely bad and he was very frail, and I was the only person left in his vicinity who he had not totally alienated, to care for him and take him to the hospital. I was even requested by the local police here where I live ( a very rural area in Ontario ) to please if possible, would I consent to be his caregiver, as he had attacked his live in girlfriend, and she was no longer able to legally be in his physical presence or to drive him to Doctor’s appointments or do his grocery shopping. or monitor his medications When the Police asked him who he wanted to step in to see to his medical needs, he gave them my name – I am trained as a Personal Support Worker to care for demented old men anyway so I was able to help out. I think his violent behavior was a combination of the physical pain he was suffering with, and some vascular dementia setting in. I knew he was going to die as I watched the very heavy transits to his natal and progressed chart for the day of his heart surgery and pretty much knew what was coming, but I did my best for him as I have learned to value the weird karmic connection we have. He did not survive the surgery. I wish for him a better birth next time around. Ultimately my soul lesson with this man seems to have been to protect my own personal boundaries while practicing forgiveness and unconditional love. He is not evil, just very broken…I have two wonderful kids from the relationship and so I am not sorry for the experience. But yes, it does seem to have been a Venus/Neptune/ Pluto mess all the way. Thank you for the opportunity to talk astrology with you about this situation.