Today, we're going to look at all the major astrological transits for the week ahead, and I'll share some insights on which signs are getting hit the hardest.
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Hey everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. I am back to my normal production schedule now, and very happy to be back into content creation mode for a new year again.
Just a huge thanks to everyone who made the Kickstarter possible, and thanks to everybody for your patience as we got those rewards out. We're pretty much done. A few that are still hanging around—make sure we're some of you we haven't been able to get in touch with. Make sure you check your spam folder for any communication from us or Kickstarter when it comes to reward fulfillment.
But anyway, again, just a big thank you. So today we're gonna look at all of the major astrological transits for the week ahead. I'll have a few things to say about which signs are getting hit the hardest. This is a little segment I'm building into weekly overviews, and hopefully you'll find it interesting for those of you who like to track your horoscopes.
So anyway, on that note, before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe. We had a goal prior to the Kickstarter, a different goal, to see if we could get to 80,000 subscribers on the channel by the spring equinox. I think we can still try to push for that goal, but it means that if you listen and you haven't yet subscribed, click that subscribe button, because it really does help us grow the channel and the business. We appreciate it.
You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on the website, which is This week, this Thursday night, I have a webinar that I'm giving. Go over to, click on Events, click on Live Talks. You'll see that I'm giving a talk on this January 16, Thursday night, 7 to 9 pm Eastern, called Saturn Conjunct Neptune in Aries: Encounters at the Edges of Reality.
This is one of the more significant transits that we are going to have in 2025 and 2026, and we're going to talk about it and what you can expect from it, and also what we can think about when it comes to historical conjunctions of Saturn and Neptune in the past. All of this will be really useful for those of you who like to track major outer planetary transits, because, you know, they have a major impact on our lives.
Anyhow, so that'll be on Thursday night. Make sure you also check out new enrollments coming up. The new Masterclass series just started. Our Year Three program started. Our Roots and Spheres program just started. A lot of you signed up for that through the Kickstarter. But although Kickstarter, but all those programs begin in January, so look at the Courses page to learn more about them.
All right, on that note, let's turn our attention now to the real-time clock, and I'm going to walk you through the astrological transits of the week.
Here we are on Monday the 13th. And actually, before I bring up the clock, let me just run through them with you really quick. So today, January 13, we've got the Sun trine Uranus and a Full Moon in Cancer. We'll be looking at that for sure, spending a little extra time with that today since it also starts our week.
January 14, we have Venus squaring Jupiter, the two benefics getting together in a square. And then on the 15th, we have the Sun opposite Mars Retrograde. That is like the full moon of the Mars Retrograde cycle. We'll be spending more time with that later in the week as well.
There's a little mini, sort of, you know, Sun sextile Neptune. It's very quick. Not going to be doing a video dedicated to that this week, but I'll talk about it briefly today. The, maybe the, arguably the biggest transit of the week, aside from the Sun opposite Mars, is Venus conjoined Saturn.
I don't know, you've got Venus squaring Jupiter, too. It's a big week. Venus conjoining Saturn in Pisces is very interesting, especially considering that Venus is exalted in Pisces. Then on the 19th, we'll have two little brief sextiles from Mercury hitting Saturn and Venus.
Again, I don't tend to spend a lot of time with sextiles just because they're brief and often a little subtler, but I will make mention of it today for sure. One of the things that I want to highlight today is that within this grouping, we have two things that are really apparent.
One is that the Full Moon in Cancer and the Sun opposite Mars are taking place in the cardinal signs of Cancer and Capricorn. That means all of our cardinal rising signs, or cardinal Sun signs for horoscopes, have a big week. So I'm going to be working into these weekly overview segments just a few very quick reminders of where those things are landing when they hit certain signs.
So the cardinal signs, if you're a cardinal sign horoscope, you've got a big week. And I'm going to mention something very briefly about that today. And then the other thing is, I'm going to talk just briefly about the fact that the mutable signs are also getting lit up this week, with Venus conjoining Saturn and Venus also squaring Jupiter around the mutable signs.
So we're going to just—if you're a mutable sign or a cardinal sign, you have a pretty busy week. Fixed signs, it's not that nothing's happening, but you don't have anything landing in angular houses, and so really, this week is a little busier for cardinal and mutable signs. So I'm gonna mention something about that later.
Anyhow, so what we'll do is, as the week goes on, I will be breaking down some of these transits. If you're new to my channel, I'll be breaking some of these transits down in depth. I will probably do horoscopes for the Venus conjunction with Saturn in particular in Pisces.
So don't worry, because if you're a Fixed sign and you're like, "Hey, I'm not included in this overview," you'll get some horoscopes later in the week where we look at that conjunction in terms of where it lands in your chart as well.
So anyway, that's the overview. Now let's get into it. We have today, January 13, the Sun trining Uranus, at the same time that we have a Full Moon in Cancer. So I'm going to advance this real-time clock just a little touch. And here you'll notice the Full Moon is in the sign of Cancer.
This one lands on my Sun. I have my Sun at 23 Cancer—should be interesting. And you'll see that the Moon and Sun—or excuse me, the Moon is at 23 Cancer for the Full Moon. And you'll notice that the Sun at 23 Capricorn, exactly opposite, which is always the case at the time of a Full Moon, is perfectly trining Uranus in Taurus. So that's a really interesting signature that's present with us to start the week.
And I want to start off by talking about this one. So first of all, the Capricorn-Cancer axis is highlighted, and we also have an upcoming opposition between the Sun and Mars in Capricorn and Cancer. So that brings up an interesting series of tensions this week. We'll start there, and I'll talk more about the Sun and Uranus in a minute.
First of all, the concern of Cancer is always related to things like safety, bondedness, attachment, connection. The Moon in Cancer is very much like the mother—the devoted, nurturing, caregiving archetype, the Great Mother, the Goddesses as protectors and nurturers of home and hearth, of connectedness, of romance and emotional vulnerability and security.
These are some of the great signatures of the sign of Cancer and of the Moon. A Full Moon in Cancer will therefore highlight those qualities, and so it's an emotional Full Moon. It's a Full Moon that points toward the work that Mars Retrograde is also bringing up for us right now, which has to do with things like the kinds of tensions that we're exploring with respect to home and family, the kinds of tensions we're exploring with things like anger, frustration, competition.
How do we handle difficult or negative emotions? We can't suppress them, but we also can't let them take over. And so this Full Moon may really be highlighting the need to work more sensitively and deeply with things like anger, frustration, willpower. How do I express my needs? How do I get my needs met? How do I address the needs of other people while not violating my own?
These can become sensitive issues for a Full Moon in Cancer, which we're experiencing today.
Now, the full moon in Cancer opposite the Sun in Capricorn brings up an interesting tension. Capricorn has a lot to do with transcending attachments in the material world. If you want to get anywhere, you can't go around feeling sorry for yourself, says Capricorn. You have to, you know, work hard. You have to discipline yourself.
In many ways, Capricorn is the one saying there's something regressive about Cancer. And Cancer has some things to say about Capricorn too, right? But Capricorn sort of looks at Cancer and goes, this is regressive and needy and sort of pathetic and emotional. Put those things aside, you know, buckle up your belt tight, put your boots on, and let's go. Let's get work done.
If you want to feel safe in the world, you build it. If you want to feel good about your life, you accomplish something. So Capricorn, the ever-mountain climbing sea goat, is about moving out of the waters and up the mountain. Cancer, on the other hand, is, in many respects, about immersing ourselves in the water and finding this world as a place of comfort and connection.
Capricorn has to do with building things of great worth that, in a sense, transcend the world. We've said this many times on the channel—the Capricorns are called the gateway of the gods, while Cancer is the gateway of mankind. So there's also a tension between that sort of archetypal urge to climb a mountain and do hard, practical things, and then, on the opposite extreme, comes the Cancerian urge to tend to and care for and devote and connect and attach.
There's a concern with safety over a concern with things like maturity and discipline, a concern with vulnerability and sweetness, as opposed to a concern with perseverance, hard work, and practicality. So those kinds of tensions are very much in the air at the start of this week.
Now, as promised, I wanted to say something about the fact that if you are a cardinal sign rising, or if you listen to your sun sign for horoscopes, this is going to hit you in a particular way.
So, if you're an Aries rising, for example, this will hit you across the 10th and 4th houses—the public versus private domains of life. You'll want to watch for this Full Moon to be a little bit more active and dynamic. The same thing goes for Cancer rising. This is happening across your 1st and 7th houses, where these tensions will appear within yourself and your relationships.
And then again, if we look at Libra rising, we'll see it's the same—the public and the private. If we go to Capricorn rising, we'll see the same: self and other. So the cardinal signs are working with this Full Moon across the public-private world distinction in the chart, or the self-other world distinction that has to do more with relationships.
Keep that in mind, because this week, if you are someone who listens to your rising sign, and you listen for Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, this Full Moon is particularly dynamic, as is the Sun opposite Mars.
Now, the Sun opposite Mars is slightly different from the Full Moon, although some of the same archetypal tensions may come up. Mars and the Sun have a pretty good relationship with one another, as they are co-rulers of the sign of Aries, for example, the Sun being the exalted ruler of Aries, and Mars being the domicile ruler.
Those two planets often have to do with ideals, ambitions, desires, and action related to desires and ambition—things like authority, power, will, and strength, as well as heroism and following principles we believe in. These are both Sun-Mars kinds of themes. When the two oppose one another, it's as though we are presented with a clash of values, or a clash of visions.
This is the will, this is the way, this is the vision, this is how it should get done. Or, I think this is how it ought to be done, and I'm being presented with an alternative from someone else, where there can be a clash of will, strength, or authority.
It's as though challenges to our will, authority, and ideas about where we're going in life are somehow central right now. So again, that's for everybody, but if you are a cardinal sign rising, then you're seeing these two planets connect across the same exact house distinctions.
Let's review. Let's go back to putting Aries on the ascendant, excuse me, and you'll see the 10th and 4th highlighted for the Mars-Sun opposition on the 15th, middle of the week. That means the public-private distinction is very much at play for this clash of will, authority, vision, and strategy.
It's as though there are different pictures being presented for us with respect to what we ought to do, or what we want, or how to get there. This moment is like the Full Moon of the Mars Retrograde cycle. So, this tension of this clash is also, for all of us, extremely important as something we're meant to be looking at at the peak of the Mars Retrograde cycle.
Now again, if you are Cancer rising, it's across the 1st and 7th. If you're Capricorn rising, it's across the 1st and 7th, which brings up the tension between self and other. If you're Libra rising, then we have it back across the 10th and 4th, the private and public distinction.
So, excuse me.
So, we have some clashes here that are of real significance for the cardinal signs. Let me go back to today now. When we're looking at the start of this week, we are also considering that at the start of this week, the Sun is trine to Uranus. This is really interesting because it suggests that there is something of a breakthrough happening, an earthy breakthrough.
An earthy breakthrough typically means that a combination of momentum, practicality, resources, solid plans, organizational structures, and a kind of burst of energy—the kind of boost that you need to get something done or to approach or solve a problem. So, the beginning of the week, the Sun is accessing Uranus, the god of revolution, with a really nice trine that is preceding the full moon and the Sun opposite Mars.
This kind of clash that Mars and the Sun present us with is being fueled by the sort of Uranian energy at the start of the week. That's really interesting because what it's setting us up for is a very spirited week in which clashes between differing views, values, ideas, or the implementation of ideas, or even authority or power struggles on some level, are likely to occur. Part of that is coming from the fact that the Sun is picking up all this revolutionary energy from Uranus.
Oh, I'm so sorry, guys. Now, if we move along—okay, I just, once in a while, allergies hit me really bad, and I've got them this morning. So, here we are, moving on into the week a little bit. This is where things start speaking for the mutable signs. I'll say more about that in a second.
The Venus square to Jupiter occurs on the 14th. You can see it here. It's just separating. But Venus's square to Jupiter is happening for across the Pisces and Gemini signs. Excuse me.
So, the Venus square to Jupiter is occurring on Wednesday, and generally speaking, when the benefics get together, good things happen. Now, Venus is also heading into a conjunction with Saturn, which is happening just a few days later on the 18th. So, we really have to look at these two aspects together. Then we also have to say a few things for all of you mutable people out there, because this will be very loud in your charts.
First of all, the first thing that we can say is that Venus is in the superior position with reception to Jupiter. Venus is also in her exaltation, and so she is not completely dependent upon Jupiter. But she does have reception with Jupiter, which is very helpful.
We also know that Jupiter is getting pretty close to stationing direct and moving in direct motion because the Sun is preparing to enter Aquarius, where it will start the trine to Jupiter that effectively happens as Jupiter's changing directions. These are all very important little details.
When Venus is in the superior position to Jupiter, she really inflects her nature upon Jupiter's. So, the desires, the needs, the wishes, the hopes, the aspirations of Venus are being inflected onto Jupiter. This might look, for example, like romantic, emotional sentiments, desires, beliefs, high romantic ideals, or spiritual ideals, or emotional longings.
All of the wonderful, vivid energy that Venus in Pisces brings is inflecting itself onto Jupiter in Gemini and perhaps asking, how can something be built technologically? Or, how can something be communicated? Or, how can these desires, longings, or high romantic fantasies be fulfilled on the level of relationships, ideas, communication, learning, or technology?
So, there's a connection between Venus and Jupiter right now, where Venus is sort of inflecting these desires and high romantic or spiritual fantasies onto Jupiter in Mercury's air sign.
And so, we might see this kind of communication this week between the romantic, sensual dimensions of mystical Venus in Pisces and the airy, mental, communicative dimensions of Jupiter in Gemini. There's a strong emphasis on the Venusian part of it because of her being in the superior position.
If we take that into consideration, along with the fact that Venus is going to conjoin Saturn later in the week, we have something really interesting. Venus and Saturn will come together on January 18, that Saturday at the end of the week. Effectively, Saturn can act like a prohibition to what Venus is wanting to do and what Venus is trying to orchestrate with Jupiter.
It's as though Venus and Jupiter are trying to work something out that is playful, intellectual, curious, hopeful, romantic, spiritual, emotional, and intelligent. Then along comes Saturn, saying, "I'm going to provide a dream kill, or a buzz kill, or some kind of block at the very least that has to be overcome or taken into consideration." This might be a sacrifice that has to be made, or some kind of impediment that we have to flow around.
I think this is intimately tied to the fact that Jupiter is also about to turn direct. It's as though Jupiter turning direct is ready to author a new story for us. Coming off from the square to Venus, that story might be very beneficial, with some excitement about what Jupiter might bring from Venus. But remember, Jupiter also squares Saturn and has one more square to come. Jupiter is reworking things that can't just forget or neglect what Saturn has to say.
Saturn is going to be the reality principle, the limitations, the realistic expectations, and the various levels of disappointment or ungrounded fantasy that we have to somehow consider.
So, I would look at this week as one that's very hopeful and exciting, but it also brings up key clashes of authority or vision and direction. We can see this repeated through several layers of astrology: Sun trine Uranus, full moon in Cancer, and then immediately Sun opposes Mars. It's as though there's a burst of enthusiastic energy, like "Let's do something!" But then, an impediment or resistance arises—a clash of vision about what exactly should be done, how it should be done, what's getting in the way, or what sacrifices to the vision need to be made.
Mars is sort of right there, retrograde in its fall, opposing the Sun in its direction, picking up energy from Uranus. The same thing happens with Venus. Venus squares Jupiter, and they are having a conversation about building something. It feels romantic with big ideas and hopes involved, and then, just like Jupiter met Saturn, Venus meets Saturn right away.
One thing I really like about this week is that we have some sextiles that seem to smooth things over. If we go back a little bit, we were looking at Venus square Jupiter and then the Sun opposite Mars. As the week goes on, on the 17th, we'll see the Sun sextile Neptune, and then on the 19th, just after Venus conjoins Saturn and separates, Mercury in Saturn's sign will sextile Venus and Saturn.
These two little sextiles seem to weave things together. They say, "Look, all is not lost. The dream may be gone, but the vision is not." Maybe there's a difference between the dream and the vision, or between a calling and some initial fantasy about how that calling can be implemented. Then, some adjustment needs to be made.
I see this week as one that doesn't kill the joy or block everything from occurring, but it does provide frustrations and boiling points with respect to how things can be done, what can and can't be done, what we wish for or long for, and what's standing in the way. By the end of the week, I really do feel like we'll see that compromises and harmonization are available.
Not surprising, the transit coming at the start of next week is the Sun conjoining Pluto. What that represents, I'll just say briefly, is a complete transformation of vision, will, purpose, authority, etc. And, of course, that's coming off from the opposition to Mars. You can see how this week is kind of a pressure cooker.
What I want to say now, to close our video for the week (or for the day, I should say), is that the mutable signs are really experiencing the most here. Let me back this up. If you're a Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, you'll notice that these mutable energies are occurring across houses squared to one another.
I've mentioned this before, but philosophically, these squares bring up some really interesting tensions. With the cardinal signs, we looked at the flipped hemispheres—self vs. other, public vs. private. In this case, we're looking at the difference between Dharma and Artha.
If you're a Gemini rising, the tension is between the work in the world—calling, reputation, vocation, and visibility with respect to your core sense of who you are, what your calling or purpose is, your innate skills, gifts, talents, and character. There's a real tension for Geminis.
If you're a Virgo rising, the tension is between the 10th and 7th houses. The philosophical tension is between Artha and Kama—the desire body, especially with respect to things like marriage, love, sexuality, partnership, and Artha, which is work responsibilities in the world. The desire to make money, make a name for yourself, and do well in the world, versus your desires for pleasure and intimacy with others.
For Sagittarians, we'll see the same kinds of tension—a square between the 7th and 4th houses. Here, we're talking about Kama and Moksha. Moksha in the 4th house has to do with release, rest, and the private domestic sphere of life, where we release from the troubles and struggles of the world, trying to find a safe place to be free, and also the pursuit of freedom from entangling karma.
On the other hand, Kama refers to desires for pleasure with other human beings. So, this conversation between the house of marriage, love, and home and family is in dialogue for Sagittarians.
Finally, for Pisces, we return to the house of Dharma, but connect it with Moksha. Here, we have questions about your innate purpose—who you are, what makes you uniquely you, and what it means to be authentically yourself. In the 4th house, we find questions about home, family, rest, and freedom from entanglements. Pisceans are grappling with ancestral karmas that limit or bind them from being their true selves.
As you can see, this week, especially for the cardinal and mutable signs, is a big one with major tensions across important axes and house divisions. For the mutable signs, different philosophical dynamics are at play. With the cardinal signs, we see oppositions across the angular houses, dividing public/private and self/other, while the mutable signs are working through squares that bring philosophical contentions and synthesis.
Now, if you're a Fixed sign, don't feel left out. This week, I’ll be doing Venus conjoined Saturn horoscopes for all 12 signs, giving extra attention to the fixed signs. As a Fixed sign myself, I can tell you that, like, for example, if you're a Fixed sign… I want to just give you something. So, if you're a Fixed sign rising, the main thing to note is that the full moon and the Sun opposition to Mars, the dynamic across your mutable houses (or the cadent houses), the 3rd and 9th houses, will play a role.
For Tauruses and Scorpios, this brings up beliefs and the intersection between wisdom, learning, teachers, and education, as well as how you communicate and express yourself in the world, and how you learn and interact with the environment. For Scorpios and Tauruses, these are major tensions across the 3rd and 9th.
For Leos and Aquarians, the tension is across the 6th and 12th houses.
And in these houses, we have the opportunity to really burn off that karma that is prohibiting, limiting, or frustrating and deal with the kinds of tensions or conflicts that are either unconscious in the 12th house or that involve sacrifice and labor and hard work, sort of overcoming impediments, obstacles, or frustrations in the 6th house.
A lot of the work of the 6th house is the kind that we have to do if we want to get anywhere, and the work of the 12th house is often about unpacking things that are undermining us that we can't see. So for both Leos and Aquarians, some of the hard work of this week happening across your 6th and 12th houses will make you a lot happier when you've worked through this material.
Don't be surprised if it's a week that asks you to kind of dig down deep and find the strength to work through adversity or difficulties, or even just a patch of hard work, with as much dedication and love in your heart as you can muster.
So anyway, there I gave you guys. I felt bad. I was like, you know, what am I really going to do this? Am I not going to say anything for the fixed signs? So there you go, fixed signs. You got something anyway.
So let me know in this new format if you like me kind of expanding upon how some of the astrology of the week hits certain signs. I wouldn't have the time in my production schedule to do horoscopes at the beginning of the week for all 12 signs, but this feels to me like an important little wrinkle that I've been thinking about adding for a while.
And I thought, hey, it's a new year. Let's add in just a little flavor of how the astrology for the week ahead hits some of your signs by houses. So tell me if you like that. If you like that approach, we'll keep using it and refine it as we go.
So anyway, that's it for today. Remember to like and subscribe. We're seeing if we can get to 80,000 subscribers on the channel by the spring equinox here in the northern hemisphere. And don't forget to check out the talk that I'm giving this Thursday night. I hope to see some of you there.
All right. Bye.
Fantastic! Best analysis I have read that you have written. Thank you!