Today, we'll discuss why it's crucial that Venus has moved into Taurus and Mars into Aries. This move signifies significant changes in dignity for these planets, which have influenced numerous major events recently. We'll also explore what these shifts might mean for the upcoming month now that Venus and Mars are positioned more favorably. So, that is our agenda for today.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we are going to talk about why it is so important that Venus has moved into Taurus and Mars into Aries. These changes of sign mean significant changes of dignity for two planets that have ruled a number of major events recently. And so we're going to talk about that today. And what we might expect to see rolling forward this month now that Venus and Mars are sitting in significantly better shape. So that is our agenda for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. Share your comments and reflections if you notice anything along the lines of what we're talking about today showing up in your own life. We'd love to hear those stories; use the hashtag #grabbed or email us your story grabbed@nightlight Just don't share anything that you don't mind us; you know that you don't want us to use in a storytelling episode.
You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on the website I want to take you over there for today's promotion because we are about ready for enrollment season in our upcoming classes.
So, if you head over to, here is the website. Go to the shop page. If you want to check out any of the recent webinars, we did a series on the outer planets, and love life talks are coming up on May 16. I'm doing a talk on Neptune in Aries called When the ocean turns red. And we're going to be looking at what the significations of Neptune in Aries are going to be like when Neptune changes signs in a year; it's a good time to look at it because Neptune is culminating in the 29th degree of Pisces right now it will turn retrograde so we've still got about a year. But this is going to be a really nice time to look forward to that outer planetary shift. We're gonna be doing that for Uranus in Gemini in July on the 18th. And then we're looking at the 12th house and the healing potential of that place in your birth chart on June 13.
So, some good talks are coming up. And then, I want to point you over to the Courses tab. First-year course, second-year course, and horror area astrology begin in June. I'm going to be doing a separate kind of promo for the horary course, in case you're not familiar with that, later this month. But if you go to the first year course page first year course in ancient Hellenistic astrology, we call the course ancient astrology for the modern mystic. It is a one-year immersion into ancient Hellenistic astrology with a synthesis that includes a lot of modern archetypal psychology and astrology. So you can learn more about it on the course page.
At the end of today's talk, after the contest is over, you'll also see that I've tagged a video where I go in-depth explaining what the course includes and what it's all about. At the bottom of this page, you can find the early bird payments available until May 15. That saves you significantly on the cost of the course, whether it's the installment plan, that 12-month tuition installment plan that's at an early bird rate, or the full course fee saves you a little bit extra. And then tuition assistance. If you are someone who would really like to take the course but you are working within a fixed budget, you're a single parent; you're only working part-time, you're in between jobs, whatever the case may be, we make tuition assistance available for people who really have a sincere desire to study astrology with us at nightlight, but need a little help to do so.
So please take advantage of that, which is available all the way up until the start. Of course, for people who are experiencing a little bit of financial constraint, we think that astrology should be available for all people who really want to study because it's a spiritual science. And that's something that ancient astrologers emphasize, too: don't let money be an impediment for people who have a desire to learn. So we try to honor that by offering some flexible pricing. So that is our promotional material for the day.
Now, we're going to turn our attention to this very important shift of Mars and Venus. Now, I'm going to be saying some big, general things today. And they will, you know, it's sort of like there's, there's not just one specific meaning that something like this has because we're really talking about our dignity changes. So here's what I want to emphasize if we back this up just a little bit. And if I can find my epic pen, we're gonna see my epic pen has been having attitude problems lately. All right, let's see. So here it is, though not today. Here's Mars, having just entered Aries. That's between yesterday. If we go back, see 2956 Yesterday morning, April 30, into May 1. Today, Mars has changed signs. If we back this up just a touch more, on Monday, April 29, Venus entered Taurus.
So between Monday of this week, April 29, and Wednesday of this week, May 1, we have both Venus and Mars moving out of signs in which they either have no major dignity or are debilitated in the case of Venus and Aries to bring in their own domiciles. That's a very significant change for Venus and Mars alone.
Anytime they change dignities, their dignity improves. You're going to see them able to deliver their significations in ways that are just smoother and easier. That means something different depending on your chart and where that whole sign house is located. But even just in a mundane sense, having them in their own powers means that they're able to just be themselves and they're less inhibited. And the way that planets get inhibited is when they have to be in the sign of someone else.
So, you know, if I'm at your house, I kind of have to act and behave according to the code and kind of kind of the code and mode of your space, your vibes. And for the sake of Venus or Mars, if Venus is in Aries, where it's, you know, the hot, like red sign of the ram fire sign of Mars. Well, Venus has to sort of take on those qualities, and because Venus is not naturally at home in place of Mars, those houses are opposite to one another. Venus's signs are opposite to Mars's signs, and vice versa.
Ancient astrologers said that Venus was in exile in that place; it just means it doesn't mean that it's bad. It doesn't mean that Venus in Aries is bad. It just means that Venus has to behave in a way that's a little bit more Mars-like, and that can compromise some of Venus's significations. Venus becomes a little bit more tempestuous or aggressive, or Venus is dealing with having to start things and initiate things, and the use of will or force or aggression or competition is more natural for Venus in Aries. But Venus is naturally more cooperative and harmonious. So, attention gets created. And that's natural for all of the planets; they all have signs, and if you place them in that sign, it is their opposite sign.
So take Saturn from Capricorn, put it into Cancer, you know, and so forth. And you get a sign off like withholding and a planet that's more stoic and Saturn, and you put it in Cancer, where it's more emotionally sort of abusive. And that's a tricky place for Saturn. None of these are bad; they just involve core archetypal tensions that we have to be really mindful of because those tensions will be present in the environment, in the psychic environment.
Now, when it comes to these two planets, that is, it's really important that we're paying attention to these dignity changes, why they are, why it's a big deal that they're changing signs and dignities has to do with everything that's happened over the course of the last month. So, let's take a look at that now.
Number one on the list of why Mars and Venus are changing signs is a big deal, as both planets are in their own domiciles after being in each other's powers. What do we mean by that? Okay, well, again, we just talked about Venus in Aries; Venus has been in the sign of Mars, and let's go back in time just a little bit here.
So Venus entered Aries if we go back, just a touch. Remember, Venus was in Pisces previously, and around April 5, right before the solar eclipse, Aries as a Mercury Retrograde got started in Aries with the North Node in Aries and an exalted sun in Aries. Venus left her exultation in the watery sign watery feminine sign of Pisces and entered Aries, where all of a sudden, she was beholden to Mars.
Okay, so the fact that Venus is in Taurus, now a fixed earth sign in which she naturally abides, is of great significance because, just in a general way, Venus doesn't have to carry that Marsy tension any longer. And you're going to see that that plays out in the environment where places in which you're trying to be both harmonious and maybe assertive, that that tension is just starting to dissolve a little bit, and you're starting to see more of a flow, more stabilization, more ease, easier time creating harmony, easier time implementing things, and so forth.
So just all things Venus get a little bit more stable and earthy. And there's, there's less of that kind of hot, intense Mars energy that Venus is having to compromise and work with. That's nice.
I mean, these are the places of Venus and Aries. They got some stuff done, you know, but there was tension there. So, sort of like, it can almost feel irritating to try to get things done and be harmonious while you're there's just an edginess. And that serves a purpose. But it's also, frankly, nice to have Venus back in Taurus. So that's reason number one. And also remember Mars. Let's go back now to Mars.
Ever since going all the way back to about March 23, it has been in the sign of Pisces. Now, in that sign. Mars only has a little bit of triplicity rulership, depending on it, but triplicity rulerships are really not as appropriate. You know, in mundane forecasting, they flit by night and day. So you have a little bit of triplicity rulership with Mars. There's a bound that Mars has toward the end of Pisces that it's had some rulership, but otherwise, the main thing that we should note is that Venus-Mars has been in the exultation of Venus, and Venus has been debilitated in Aries in the domicile of Mars.
So they've had a kind of mutual reception by debility. And that's not to say that Mars is not traditionally debilitated in Pisces. It's just a way of saying that when Mars is in a great power of Venus in Pisces and Venus is debilitated in a power of Mars. You know, I've heard this; this is like an analogy used before. It's like two drunk people walking each other home from the bar. But all of that is just to say that when you see Mars get back into Aries, it's the same thing for Mars. Mars has less sort of, at worst, like wishy-washy emotional territory to navigate in Pisces; it had to work its way through Saturn in a double-bodied water sign, a lot of complicated, confusing, kind of needier and messier, more chaotic emotional spaces.
Now, maybe there's been a great deal of maturity, emotional maturity, that we've gained by going through some of those waters of Pisces, you know, Mars going through them. But at the same time, it's nice to have Mars in a place now where Mars is like, I can be assertive, I can be strong, and I can act. I can move, and I'm not; there are no impediments, in terms of kind of like the romantic, emotional, changeable space of Pisces; Mars went through combination with Neptune in that sign, which means that also like our desires, and our yearnings and our longings and a lot of passion, but also, you know, the Neptunian space can make Mars a little, you know, like fanatical or unrealistic or ungrounded.
Or, you know, Mars might have been asking Mars to sacrifice on behalf of something that has been like someone else's need or something larger than itself and these are these. This is Mars having its own tension in the exultation of Venus and being co-present with Saturn and Neptune and all of this stuff.
So you can see the point is that you put Mars in Aries now, where it's co-present with the north node of the Moon, and you're off to the races. Mars has a clear lane; you know, it can accelerate. So it's nice that both planets are back in their own powers. Just broadly speaking.
Now, number two, let's get a little bit more specific. Mars also ruled that solar eclipse the solar eclipse was in Aries, the domicile of Mars. Mercury's recent retrograde from Eveningstar to Morningstar was in the power of Mars, and the full Moon during the eclipse season that came after the solar eclipse in Aries was in Scorpio, also the power of Mars.
A watery full Moon while Mars was in the watery place of Pisces, moving into a conjunction with Neptune and Mercury Retrograde while Mars was moving into a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces and a solar eclipse in Aries with the North Node, but Mars was moving through a conjunction with Saturn and Pisces. You've had this feeling of wanting to really accelerate your revolutionary energy.
Jupiter-Uranus is in the background of all this. There is a desire to move in a new direction, and there's been it's been slow or impeded or emotional or needy, or there have been conflicts and compromises and sacrifices that have to be made. All of this creates an aura of more chaos than Mars enjoys: Mars in Aries, Mercury Retrograde in Aries solar eclipse in Aries north node, and Aries is like I want to start something new, I want to go in this new direction.
It's a trailblazing pioneering exceptional energy that says 123 Go. And that has not been available up until now. Now we're starting to see that Mars has the power to really enact that forward movement. That's a big deal. And not only that, but the recent emotional catharsis the emotional needs and complications and the the bubbling and boiling over have deep complicated emotional themes.
That is also starting to resolve itself as Mars's dignity picks up and gets out of a water sign, as it also ruled a very watery Full Moon in Scorpio, right? So we're starting to see we can start to let go of some of the heavier and weighty themes and emotions and complications and sacrifices and compromises, and now it's just sort of clear sailing, you might say comparatively.
Now, the next thing to note is that Venus is in her own domicile in Taurus and is also helping things out tremendously because Venus, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction happened while Venus was in Aries.
That theme of revolution with Venus and Mars is power, and then Mars all wrapped up in Venus is exultation and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. It just made the activities of Jupiter-Uranus difficult. This sort of opening and the expansion, the excitement of that combination, which is the key word everyone is using right now, is a revolution, expansion, revolution, sudden breakthroughs. And sometimes, it's just the seeds of those things being planted. And it takes a longer time for those seeds to start really flourishing.
I mean, truly, sometimes it's a year we did that exercise going back in time with Jupiter Uranus, we saw like, oh, it can take a while for the seeds of revolution, especially in the conjunctions of Jupiter and Uranus, to really, you know, come to fruit. But the point is that, up until now, the ruler of that Jupiter-Uranus conjunction has been sort of compromised in a place where there's been more conflict and agitation.
Now Venus is in the same sign as Jupiter and Uranus, and there's going to be a new moon cycle and so on and so forth happening in Taurus. Venus is protected under the beams of the Sun by virtue of being in her own chariot, meaning being in her own sign, while combustion is taking place in close proximity to the Sun.
All of that points to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction having more support behind it to express itself now as opposed to when it initially happened. And there was there was a much more tangled web, with Venus and Mars having so much power over all these events and being a little bit compromised. So, we might start to see the Jupiter-Uranus dynamic picking up and gaining momentum in terms of what it really wants to express. That doesn't happen all at once. That's why I'm saying these are kind of like broad themes to consider. But let's go on.
Number four is that Mars and the North Node together now are also going to greatly amplify the power of what the solar eclipse wanted to accomplish the solar eclipse and Aries has this feeling of going in my own direction; the south node and Libra have to leave behind certain relationships, or certain diplomatic or harmonious maneuvers that I've made in the past compromises and, you know, like, you know, Libra south node is about saying, okay, you know, I've tried to keep the peace and maintain certain kinds of relationships, but they're ready to go, they're ready to be released.
And as they're released, I also have this surging dynamic of individuality and moving in a strong, personally intended direction, like I'm going to do this and even if I have to walk alone or go apart, new direction, so that strong intention forming at Mars and the North Node now come together, is also fueling the eclipse. So, just like Jupiter and Uranus are now gaining support in their expression from Venus being in Taurus.
We also have the solar eclipse and the Mercury Retrograde in Aries gaining power for what it has wanted to express because Mars is now in that sign, and you're going to see that taking off over the entire month of May as Mars works its way through Aries and we'll be doing a talk when Mars gets to the North Node in Aries for the same reason we're going to be reiterating oh look, Mars is coming through the Eclipse space. Isn't that wonderful?
Mars is going to go through its conjunction with Chiron, which was configured for everything, so this Mars north node co-presents now in Aries and greatly empowers the ability of the eclipse to do what it wanted to do. So, I hope you're all able to follow Venus-Jupiter, and Uranus's new moon cycle. It also empowers Jupiter in your innocence revolution. So on May 7, coming up here, we'll be looking at this thinking it's early next week.
We will be looking at this. This is more of the same for Venus. Venus being in Taurus and now a new exalted moon cycle in Taurus with Jupiter and Uranus still just separating and Taurus-Venus protected from combustion and our own chariot. It's this month that we start to see the more powerful, easy, and expansive expression of all of last month's major cycles and dynamics. Sometimes there's like this: these themes of new cycles beginning, and initially, they're just surrounded by chaos and work that has to be done, sort of like the space has to be cleared for the seeds to start growing and expressing themselves. And that's what we've been through.
So these dignity changes are not nothing; they're pretty significant. They're pretty significant events that we ought to be paying attention to for all of these reasons. For this new moon cycle coming up, Venus as the ruler and exalted Moon, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, still parting ways. Jupiter is also being reborn through a cazimi, and then it's going to change signs and so forth.
So we have some really like, it's just, gosh, it just feels like the way I would like to put it is that you know, like, sometimes it's almost like these astrological events happen, and we place so much hope on them because, on the surface, they look really good, but we forget to pay attention to all that surrounding it immediately. And sometimes, if you look to the next moon cycle or two moon cycles out, you're gonna see that actually, the initial space of these exciting events unfolding is rather chaotic.
A cycle or two forward and you start to see The space clearing and then we can start to really notice the promise of some of these cool events like an Aries Eclipse and a Jupiter Uranus conjunction. Otherwise, if you don't pay attention to things like that, you'll always feel like the events are underwhelming or more stressful than you thought they would be. And that's frequently because we don't study the context enough, you know.
So, anyway, I hope this has been useful, hopeful, and exciting. Stick around after I sign off because I'm going to tell you more about the year one program that starts on June 16. We do have need-based tuition available if you're someone who really wants to come and study astrology, build some community and friendships, and maybe develop a professional practice, but you need help to make it happen. We try to make sure that no one's priced out.
We also have early bird sale and early bird rates on our tuition plans available, so you can check all of that out when you apply for need based on the website; by the way, it automates now so that when you tell us what you can afford within a range and we'll set you up with the appropriate plan. It's pretty cool. We did a lot of work to improve that process this year. So, anyhow, that's it for today. I hope you guys are enjoying your week so far, and we will see you again tomorrow. Bye.
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